t300 motor in a tmx/t150 ???

  • Thread starter Tadopemu
Do you think my tmx would survive if I put a t300 motor in it?
I can get the motors for around $15-20 and it would be a pretty impressive upgrade.

I can put some heatsinks and fans on the PCB, do you think that would be enough?
T150/TMX has brushed motor, the T300 motor is brushless. How will you make this work?
Also, you will need to put in a new power supply with more amps. The drive system of the T150/TMX will be overloaded and will break much sooner.
Do you think my tmx would survive if I put a t300 motor in it?
I can get the motors for around $15-20 and it would be a pretty impressive upgrade.

I can put some heatsinks and fans on the PCB, do you think that would be enough?
You can't put a brushless motor in a system designed for a brushed motor. They could not be more different in how they work and in how the controller circuitry controls them.
Got it, i'll give up on the idea.
The other option would be buying a brushed motor and swapping that in.
People do that successfully on the t500 with amazing results (more ffb strength than the csw ).
Do you think my tmx would survive if I put a t300 motor in it?
I can get the motors for around $15-20 and it would be a pretty impressive upgrade.

I can put some heatsinks and fans on the PCB, do you think that would be enough?
t150 uses a 12v 775 motor, you can uograde it very easily for a better motor, looking into doing it myself.
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