The Apple Thread

  • Thread starter Robin


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United Kingdom
So China Telecom has accidentally leaked a picture from promo material for the iPhone 6 and yes it's more of the same. Actually I would say the sharp edges of the 5 looked better and I preferred the 4's glass back.


It's way to samey as all that have come before it. Apple really need to up it's game because since the iPad they haven't really innovated at all. I've been with Android the whole time and the innovation being seen with those handsets is staggering... OLED screens, 8 core processors, water proofing, 3D screens etc.
Can't wait to upgrade my iPhone 5. I'm waiting to see what sizes are offered do decided if I'll get the iPhone and a new iPad or just the new iPhone phablet. I've been waiting for a while now to upgrade my iPad mini.
Everything points to a 4.7 inch screen though resolution is still unknown. A 5.5 inch phablet will probably be released at a later date.

I'll probably be getting the 4.7 in a few weeks when it's released. Since my phone will always be wrapped up in an Otterbox case I couldn't care what it looks like.
I'm not an iOS fan in the slightest, but I hope that Apple can piece this into a decent design. The iPhone 4/5 are considered gorgeous and they are, but this one seems off to me. A white iPhone 6 would look amazing if it's what I think it will look like.. I love metal phones :D
I've been holding off on upgrading my 4S to see what the 6 is like, I'm not a fan of the 5S (feels too light - As a cheeky Russian once said, "weight is a sign of reliability"...) so if I don't get a 6 I'll probably look elsewhere. I quite like the HTC One M8, though I've not held one yet.
I've been a fan of the iPhone since the iPhone 4 (my first one). It is the only apple product that I truly like!

I will most likely be getting the 6 as soon as it comes out. I'll let you know my thoughts once I have it.
I've been holding off on upgrading my 4S to see what the 6 is like, I'm not a fan of the 5S (feels too light - As a cheeky Russian once said, "weight is a sign of reliability"...) so if I don't get a 6 I'll probably look elsewhere. I quite like the HTC One M8, though I've not held one yet.

Boris the blade ?

Anyway I love the 4s I'm using now...just wish it had a bigger screen, hopefully the 6 feels good, I agree on your iPhone 5 statement doesn't have the quality feel of a 4 or 4s.
Are you guys talking about the 5s/5c or the original 5 that came out in 2012? Because that's what I have and I love it. Its very well made, the shell is in aluminum and its a beautiful piece of kit. Weighs the same as my mom's 4S for what its worth. Still runs like new after a year and a half of usage.

My contract runs until 2016 so I won't be upgrading for a while anyways, but I'm a bit wary of the decline in quality since Mr. Jobs' passing so I've no idea if I'll be staying with Apple afterwards.
I really couldn't give two cents for Apple anymore (whilst typing on an iPad)...

But I read on Bloomberg that the companies who produce the parts for the iPad, say that they are currently making the largest iPad ever...
I thought we already knew there would be three sizes, a phone, a big phone, and an HDTV for your ear?
Well Orange have been told to stop my 3 contracts!!! I've decided to buy a phone outright rather than as part of a new 24 month lock in.

As I've been an iPhone user since the 3G (now on 5) I'll probably buy the 6 and the wife can have the 5.

I'm not too fussed about the look, it's more functionality and stability I look for. Having an iPad, Apple TV and MacBook it makes sense.

The HTC M8 does look good but I'm not a fan of android or windows. We'll see what September 9th brings.
It's now official. 09.09.2014 is the Apple conference. I'm hoping the new batch of iPads are shown off too, as I'll donate my iPad Air to my dad (he has 1st Gen iPad) and get the newer one for my wife and I.
It's now official. 09.09.2014 is the Apple conference. I'm hoping the new batch of iPads are shown off too, as I'll donate my iPad Air to my dad (he has 1st Gen iPad) and get the newer one for my wife and I.

I find the extra large 12.9" iPad interesting, bet that would be a real hot seller. Apple need to make all the screen sizes larger really.

Press saying this will be the most significant Apple conference for many years as not much has happened since the iPad first came out. It would be great if they had a totally new product like a television or something.
It would be great if they had a totally new product like a television or something.

Why would that be good?

It will be like any other smart TV yet 2x more expensive than a samsung smart TV while using a samsung LCD panel.

Many people say dont pay for a name brand TV like samsung or sony, get the cheaper brand from china as they still use the same LCD panel.
Yet this sort of logic does not capply to apple lovers for some reason.
A larger iPad would be great. I'm guessing they need something a little more powerful for power users.

We'll see what the 9th brings and hopefully it be a good showing.


If someone told me to buy a third or second tier TV rather than a Sony, Samsung or Panasonic because they use the same panel I wouldn't listen.

Yes they use the same panels but it's not just that which makes the images (so to speak) it's the electronics which get the best from said panel. This is why proper calibration is needed and why they all differ in colour reproduction, motion tracking etc.

Then there is build quality, and my old man and I have (at the time of purchase) Sonys top tier TVs and I can say without hesitation the build quality is top notch. My friend has a cheap 55" TV and the plastic used to make it have warped near the processor and caused a big gap at one side due to poor heat management and industrial design.

It's like F1 teams who use another companies engine, unless the Aero package and drive aren't any good, then the whole is truly the sum of its parts and doesn't win world championships.

Yes Apple charge a small fortune for their tech. I agree you can buy a windows or Android kit for less money. But with Apple you get...

Great and quality industrial design
Great and well thought out software
A secure(ish) walled ecosystem. (Yes this is a good thing sometimes)
Software updates and new OS updates for a decent amount of time.

As for Apple making a TV I'm not a huge fan of this idea and wouldn't buy it unless it got great reviews in terms of image quality from independent review sites. I've got an Apple TV box and love it, so if they decided to make it better then I'm all for that.
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Why would that be good?

It will be like any other smart TV yet 2x more expensive than a samsung smart TV while using a samsung LCD panel.

Many people say dont pay for a name brand TV like samsung or sony, get the cheaper brand from china as they still use the same LCD panel.
Yet this sort of logic does not capply to apple lovers for some reason.

Sure it would use a Samsung panel and cost a fortune but the design would probably be stunning, it would have Apple TV built in, work with iCloud and it would likely be remoteless using Siri for everything. Apple's main pull is when you live in an Apple eco system your likely to stick with everything Apple.

I have bought stuff before because the innards are branded parts (like the panel) and have had a pretty good experience in all cases so I agree with that.
I find the extra large 12.9" iPad interesting, bet that would be a real hot seller. Apple need to make all the screen sizes larger really.

Press saying this will be the most significant Apple conference for many years as not much has happened since the iPad first came out. It would be great if they had a totally new product like a television or something.

I dunno how well it would sell considering how the Samsung NotePRO 12.2" hasn't exatcly sold well. The 10.1" tablets (Note, Tab S, Tab3/4 etc.) vastly outsell the 12.2".
They also have the software to back up a pro workflow (speaking as a photographer), but let's not have facts get in the way of an Apple bashfest now.

Unless they provide a pen with it, I don't know how pro you can be with just a touch interface and a mediocre app.

Some people use apple products for productive means-Fact
Some people just get apple products to look "cool"-Fact.

In 200+ hours and 285k brushstrokes you could probably do that in MS Paint as well. Doesn't make MS Paint a professional level tool.

It's a very impressive display of the artist's skill, but doesn't say much about the tool he's using.
That is where the Surface Pro shines, a proper Wacom style pen with pressure and hover sensors.
That is where the Surface Pro shines, a proper Wacom style pen with pressure and hover sensors.

And a proper x86 OS. Hm, if Apple released an 11" tablet with an x86 chip and a Windows 8-like OS (touch interface but also a normal desktop underneath)... They'd be accused of running out of ideas and copying Microsoft and their share price would take a hit. So maybe they won't do that, but it'd be nice. I still think it's kind of odd that they have the 11" MacBook Air with no touchscreen or 'tablet mode' like a lot of small Windows-based laptops do, and the 9" iPad which is, well, just an iPad. An iPad Pro with a larger screen, USB ports and a proper CPU would surely sell...
If apple is going to release the 12" ipad it has to have a pen to only to compete with the surface but take advantage of any kind of program people want to use on it.

But with the Samsung 12" pro costing around AUD$1200 and with no price on the 12" ipad it is hard to compare it, but the macbook pro starts at around AUD$1350.

For a little extra people can get a full mac OSX that can run pretty much any mac program.
Unless this 12" ipad will be like a surface and have a intel chip in it and be a tablet based OSX computer.