The B M W Championship - FinishedPS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr
My name is Simon, I think. I've heard someone mention it sometime somewhere anyway.

I'm thinking of running a BMW championship, anyone interested. 🤪
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Mario, It would have been more interesting to watch your POV if you started at the back, next time, think of us watchers.
Good idea. I think I might make that a rule for future series. Got to think about the TV audience. 😉

Actually it's a shame we can't have reversed grids. They'd be useful sometimes.

John - 👍
Silverstone was lots of fun, couldn't keep up with Mario but had a great battle with Zolon in the M3. I'm going to miss that car! I'll miss the M1 as well, which was my favourite at the start way back in Suzuka, but the M3 has grown on me more and more through the series.

Thanks to everyone for a great championship, especially Paul for organising it. Agree with others that it will be nice to have a full grid for the finale, it's always a shame when people can't make it.

Looking forward to seeing what this handicap system is... For reverse grid, I suppose there's the option of DIY method using a formation lap.
Oddly I went other way @Saltyjoe90. I started liking the M3 more but became to favour the M1.

Depending on the reply from Napalm, as mentioned I'm tending to think I might delay the last race for the 1 week. Being an hour long race it could be painful for Rich and Max with their back and hand injuries. They might benefit from the extra weeks rest. The test races I could run will be short and can be dropped out of.
Looking forward to seeing what this handicap system
It's tricky to do in PC2 so this is not too complex. Probably not really a full handicap system, just something to fit the summer fun races. Because we might be trying it earlier than intended I'm actually in the process of creating the thread that will (try to) explain it all.
Oddly I went other way @Saltyjoe90.

Depending on the reply from Napalm, as mentioned I'm tending to think I might delay the last race for the 1 week. Being an hour long race it could be painful for Rich and Max with their back and hand injuries. They might benefit from the extra weeks rest. The test races I could run will be short and can be dropped out of.

My PS4 havent been turned on since Nurburgring race (more than 3 weeks now). I miss racing and you guys. I cant confirm 100 %, but it is very close to it I will do Daytona. It isn't difference for me we will do it next MON or one week later. If many quys cant join next MON, probably it would be better postpone it.

I've decided to postpone the Final Daytona event for 1 week. It'll give those with an injury a chance to recover further and it may also allow those who were going to miss the race next week the chance of joining. And everyone will get 1 extra week to get some practice in with the V12 LMR - it can be a little tricky at first.

>BUT< there will be some racing next Monday. I'm planning on holding a test race for the next series. It's a bit of a departure from what we've done previously so it'd be good to know if the idea works before we start it properly.

Ahead of schedule I'm making a new thread that will (hopefully) explain everything. You should get an alert when I post it but I'll add a link
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Things have changed completely for me - hurt my back yesterday and every movement is very painfull for me. I can't take a seat, can't stand, walk and etc. It is not first time for me (and not a fifth) and ussualy it takes 2-3 weaks to return to more or less "normal" live. So it will be a big surprise for me if I can do V12 race (even it is delayed) :(.

And I have holiday all August, so my participation will we very limited for this period.
Sorry guys
When I mentioned handicapping I didn't mean you all had to incapacitate yourselves in various ways!

so my participation will we very limited for this period.
That's OK, as usual life gets in the way sometimes. I hope your back improves. A little rest and a little movement usually works when mine "goes". Although I know that's easier said than done! 😖
Track History Daytona, Maps Videos.

Just a reminder that we are back over here on this thread with the V12 LMR for the final race in the BMW series next Monday (19th).

I'll add the details from the front page. Please note the bit about pit entry.
The season finale will be an hour long event and have a 10 minute qualifying session. It will feature a rolling start followed by a simulated 15 hour race. There will not be a compulsory pitstop - but you will probably need one.
It will not have random weather - It will be dry throughout!

A word of caution: Daytona has a very open pit entrance which you can approach at a higher speed than normal. DO NOT rely on the pit lane limiter to cut in. If you approach too quickly you will be disqualified by the game. Be careful and practice!
See you there.
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My recovery is going much better than I expected and ATM I think I will join. Of course I will try at weekend if I can drive. I don't expect any good results since I haven't played for month but I expect a some good fun.:cheers:

My recovery is going much better than I expected and ATM I think I will join. Of course I will try at weekend if I can drive. I don't expect any good results since I haven't played for month but I expect a some good fun.:cheers:
Be great see back Napalm.
Hello Champs, I can confirm I will attend the Daytona race. See you Monday!
I'm still not entirely sure who is going to be racing on Monday, but I'm sure there will be at least 1 grid spot available. Space permitting I'll send you out an invite. 👍
A little late, sorry, but a Note to all.

After a bit of extra testing I've decided to add a formation lap to the beginning of the race at Daytona.

It's a rolling start there anyway and I think that, as well as providing a little extra tension, a formation lap might help prevent problems at the 1st corner

So the pole sitter will control the pace - 100kph/60mph - and if everyone could form up...
...In Single File... the rolling race start that would be great.​
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Gents, since I have been mostly absent from any practise this last couple of weeks I talked to raeggee today and we agreed on a bit of joint practise. After quick debate we came to a deliberation. I will be hosting a private lobby late night tonight with AIs to fill in all the human vacancies (AI set at 79 skill/ 25 aggression) and we will do a full race simulation test (that means 10 mins quali, 1 hour racing (time accelerated x15) dry weather .

Anyone interested please let me know here or on PSN so I can send out the invites. The more the merrier!

Our practise run will start at 11 PM (Portugal time, same as UK, it'll be midnight or 1 AM in other continental european countries)

Paul, just checking: tyre wear will be normal right? When this championship started we had accelerated tyre wear for the regular races. Later you changed this setting, but I'm not sure this change applies to this final event.

EDIT - About the formation lap, wholeheartedly agree, but please all keep in mind that a full lap at a slow pace will seriously diminish tyre temperature, so do try to keep them warm or else you're in for a nasty surprise at corner 1 and first hairpin.
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Paul, just checking: tyre wear will be normal right?
Correct, it will be set to normal. You could make a set last probably, but the fuel, probably not.
a full lap at a slow pace will seriously diminish tyre temperature
It is something to consider, a bit of weaving will help, but the race will begin in warm conditions which will help in that respect.

Edit. How's the practice go?
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Edit. How's the practice go?
Very curious results. I don't know what exactly you are planning for track conditions (date/weather ---> temperature), so I just went with a middle ground setting (spring and light cloud all the way through). Also, I know time is to be acelerated X15 but not at what time the race is supposed to start. So I went with what is more pleasing to me, and that means starting and ending in daylight with night in the middle (so I set the race to start at 6 PM which meant it would end at 9 AM the next day.

So, what did we find: Mainly that the way we race changes things. Raeggee complained all race he couldn't get the tyres to temperature, they were blue/blueish. Ricardo was with us also and he also complained but not too the same extent. And I had the tyres in perfect bright green conditions. I even had them check if for some reason their cars were fitted with hard slicks (I had soft) but no, all of us had soft tyres fitted. Very strange.

About tyres lasting the distance, again I don't know the events detailed setting and that can change things but I'd say it is doable, although risky. Again, maybe because they had trouble with tyre temperature, it seems their tyres were getting more degradation than my own. So they decided to change them during the pitstops for fuel, I kept them just to check what would happen. My last couple of laps were hairy but, as I said, it is doable AND risky, so it's anyone's call.

About fuel there's no way the tank will last to the end, pitting will be necessary, so factor that into your tyre-changing / not changing decision.

The car is very tricky, I guess engine braking must be set to 1 because lifting off the throttle can make you spin easily. You have to "get that" and drive accordingly. However, and this applied to the 3 of us, the early hours of the morning were very difficult, we all spun during the sunrise laps, I guess that's when the track is at its coolest condition. It really makes a great difference to a car with such demanding handling.

One thing I noticed is that the engine will be getting damage (I got mine to 2 before pitting for fuel so I adjusted my pit strategy to add mechanical damage repair. To my surprise it was a quick stop anyway (some 11 seconds stopped, considering fuel AND damage wasn't bad)

I guess that's all I learned last night.
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Time and weather - you weren't too far out with those settings you used. Although I might now consider making it a little warmer just because of the tyre heating.

Tyres - you do need to push the cars to keep the heat up in the tyres, especially during the night. Which is strange since they are softs as standard.
And the "Whether to change my tyres or not" is what I was after. So that's good. Accelerated tyre wear may have forced that decision for all.

Fuel - There is a way that you might make it last the race, I never tested it fully. However that would have an impact on your overall performance.
Edit: A quick think and actually with tuning disabled I don't think the method above - switching to a lean mixture - is available. So ignore that!

I got mine to 2 before pitting - engine damage
Yes that's about the same during my testing. I'm not sure if it has much impact at those low levels. But it's another thing to consider.
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I had a practise the other day, no idea of the settings lol, but the car was lively under heavy braking, even with all the toys turned on. Id be careful of a heavy brake foot.
I had a practise the other day, no idea of the settings lol, but the car was lively under heavy braking, even with all the toys turned on. Id be careful of a heavy brake foot.
Very true. And especially dangerous when following another car up close. Emergency braking (or even that slight extra strength because somehow the car in front braked earlier than you were expecting) will lock the rear wheels and suddenly your facing incoming traffic.

I think using ABS is a wise decision with this car
I found full ABS tricky since it's difficult to tell when the wheels are about to lock. Low ABS was quite good though. Traction control can help save the rear tyres (and spins).

Edit. Try turning on oversteer assist in the options. It's only a very subtle aid meant for controllers, but it can help out with a wheel also.

Ideally if tuning was enabled you would be able to lower the brake pressure. Maybe in the future it will be. But for the V12 move the brake bias forward (if you have it mapped) and only fully brake in a straight line, lifting off as you enter the corners. Keeping a bit of throttle applied can help to balance it as well.

I've had a tweak of the time and date so now it'll be a bit warmer for extra grip at night.. But that might affect tyre wear, so forewarned. And you're going to need a good dollop of fuel added during your pitstop to complete the race. Better too much than not enough.
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Things have changed completely for me - hurt my back yesterday and every movement is very painfull for me. I can't take a seat, can't stand, walk and etc. It is not first time for me (and not a fifth) and ussualy it takes 2-3 weaks to return to more or less "normal" live. So it will be a big surprise for me if I can do V12 race (even it is delayed) 🙁.

And I have holiday all August, so my participation will we very limited for this period.
Sorry guys
Sorry to hear about your back problem Napalm. I wish you well and a good recovery.

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