The Big Real problem with lobbies (with proof in video, because some don't want to understand ! (Thanks PD))

  • Thread starter SYLVERIS


I was talking to a guy on Twitter, Iracing and GT7 racer, but he only uses the Sport Mode in GT7, and he didn't want to understand that the lobbies are almost unplayable in GT7, because of the lag. Most of the owners are not lobby players, so, for the majority it's not a problem, but you should ALL take this into consideration because we are playing the same game. And PD, this is for you !

Take a look at what is the BIG REAL 1ST problem in lobbies, apart all the lacks of options... :


Thank you for your attention, we, lobby players would like too, an update that will finally solve OUR problems... but ???!
Bye !
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Lag (or latency) isn't PDs problem, it's the end-users. If you play Rocket League, it shows your latency or ping on the score screen.

Average latency is 40-80ms. At this rate the game runs smooth, you'll hit the ball when you should.

At 100-150ms latency, at the lower end you'll notice occasional stutters, at the higher end you'll find your car teleports all over the place.

At 150ms+ you'll have a lot of "lag" - the game becomes unplayable.

None of that is Pysonix issue as the connection strength and latency is dependent on the end users internet connection quality and their proximity to the servers.

GT7's player lobbies have the same issues, except they're all P2P, meaning if you create or host a player lobby, all players in the lobby act as servers. If any of the racers have a poor connection with high latency, everyone else will see that player as lagging and teleporting all over the place, to that racer themselves, everyone else will have lag issues.
I was talking to a guy on Twitter, Iracing and GT7 racer, but he only uses the Sport Mode in GT7, and he didn't want to understand that the lobbies are almost unplayable in GT7, because of the lag. Most of the owners are not lobby players, so, for the majority it's not a problem, but you should ALL take this into consideration because we are playing the same game. And PD, this is for you !

Take a look at what is the BIG REAL 1ST problem in lobbies, apart all the lacks of options... :


Thank you for your attention, we, lobby players would like too, an update that will finally solve OUR problems... but ???!
Bye !

Go on to do a test & post results on here please.

Also are you using WiFi or is your PS hardwired to you're router?
I reckonigze this lag completely. Maybe not something for PD but frustrating a lot. I've wired my PS straight to the router. Got Port Forwarding installed as in the instructions of GT published after releasing the game; have a 500mbit up and down connection. In GT sport no problems always stable lobby's. Did speedtests wired and on wifi. Both have 450-500mbit and a ping of 2-4m/s. Dit multiple test. So quick connections.

Now in GT7 I have a lot of lag. Other players to.

My assumption is that this is because of players with a PS4 and PS5 joining the same lobby's. A PS5 has a quicker processor and can handle the game better than a PS4. This results in the lag i would guess.
Normally it can be assumed to be an individual internet problem BUT because 1) a LOT of people have this issue and 2) the fact its occuring more frequently than it was in GT Sport means that its likely a game issue and not merely an unfortunate coincidence. PD should be directing as many resources as they can into fixing the lobbies.
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No offense but this isnt just player related. Compared to GT Sport it's terrible, so either the PS4-5 issue can't handle the lobbies or something in the gamecode is just not working as it should. For me this will be a dealbreaker if they can't fix this. I am racing in a league so we are lobby dependent. I wouldnt even mind renting a server from PD is that would solve the issues.
Lag (or latency) isn't PDs problem, it's the end-users. If you play Rocket League, it shows your latency or ping on the score screen.

Average latency is 40-80ms. At this rate the game runs smooth, you'll hit the ball when you should.

At 100-150ms latency, at the lower end you'll notice occasional stutters, at the higher end you'll find your car teleports all over the place.

At 150ms+ you'll have a lot of "lag" - the game becomes unplayable.

None of that is Pysonix issue as the connection strength and latency is dependent on the end users internet connection quality and their proximity to the servers.

GT7's player lobbies have the same issues, except they're all P2P, meaning if you create or host a player lobby, all players in the lobby act as servers. If any of the racers have a poor connection with high latency, everyone else will see that player as lagging and teleporting all over the place, to that racer themselves, everyone else will have lag issues.
Not quite.

While the connections being used by all player is certainly a factor, it's not the only factor and to categorically state that it "isn't PD's problem" many not be accurate at all, as it ignores the part netcode has to play in lag/latency.

Hello guys,

I have to explain a little more, because when I seen some answers...
It's my fault, I forgot to give you some details :

  • I played GT Sport from its launch in 2017, EVERY DAY, an average of 4 hours PER DAY !
  • I have never seen this lag in GT Sport, and because of this lag in GT7, many of us decided to come back to GT Sport, and it's a PLEASURE !
  • I have optic fiber 500mb download and 65mb upload, my PS4pro is wired by RJ45, and it's fast with all the games, GT Sport..., but not with GT7. It's the same config for all games, only GT7 is like that !
  • I'm not a noob who will create here a post for a problem that is obviously mine and not a game problem !
  • The lag is different every day, in any lobby. Some times it's hard, other ones it's smoother, but there is always lag !

It's crazy to understand how the majority of humanity is seen by default as stupid, by others !

You can think it's my problem, but maybe it's because some have never study the lobbies problems, because they don't race in ?
I will be curious to see some streaming or videos of people who say that there is not any problem with lag, or it's MY problem !

Can you do a video or invite us to your live stream ?

Every lobby users have seen this problem, you can check our lobby host on Twitch, we can see lag on ALL HIS VIDEOS !
Search for S420_Racing on Twitch, or any other GT7 stream in lobbies, NOT IN SPORT MODE, IN LOBBIES !
And you will see the same lag !
You can too, check a lobby directly in GT7 as spectator, and you will see it ! If you don't see it, post your proof in video, we are interested !

Maybe you need videos as spectator ?

To all the lobby racers who have confirmed this, I thank you, unfortunately the others think we are crazy, because with a poor internet connection or something like that.

No doubt a racer with a bad internet may have problems, but here, it's not the case !
But, I knew that, this is because I said in title : "...because some don't want to understand" !
So, we are still waiting for an improvement/update, because we can't play it for 3 months now !

Just try something : enter in a lobby and try to type this word in the chat : update
And tell us here what you have seen !
Fortunately we still have GT Sport !
Bye !
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I have optic fiber 500mb download and 65mb upload
Not entirely relevant.

Once you get over single-digits Mb of bandwidth it's more about what else you can fit down the tube at the same time. All that 500Mbps means is you can play online racing games largely unaffected while three other people in the house watch different Netflix shows.

The lag is different every day, in any lobby.
That's because it primarily depends on the connections of those in the lobby. Different lobbies, different people, different connections.
No doubt a racer with a bad internet may have problems, but here, it's not the case !
Why not? A P2P mesh network is only as strong as its weakest link, and if you have someone with a jittery connection and/or high ping due to geographical distance or ISP-default internet settings, it will affect everyone. Although it'll affect the person who causes the issues the least, usually.

If you race with a regular group, ensure that they all optimise their connections. I agree that GT7 is a bit worse than GTS in terms of general network stability and connectivity, but if you have people connected to a Wifi router the other side of a microwave oven, to satellite internet, in Tonga you're going to have a bad time.

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Not entirely relevant.

Once you get over single-digits Mb of bandwidth it's more about what else you can fit down the tube at the same time. All that 500Mbps means is you can play online racing games largely unaffected while three other people in the house watch different Netflix shows.

That's because it primarily depends on the connections of those in the lobby. Different lobbies, different people, different connections.

Why not? A P2P mesh network is only as strong as its weakest link, and if you have someone with a jittery connection and/or high ping due to geographical distance or ISP-default internet settings, it will affect everyone. Although it'll affect the person who causes the issues the least, usually.

If you race with a regular group, ensure that they all optimise their connections. I agree that GT7 is a bit worse than GTS in terms of general network stability and connectivity, but if you have people connected to a Wifi router the other side of a microwave oven, to satellite internet, in Tonga you're going to have a bad time.

I thank you very much Famine to introduce doubt here, when I explained you that my friends and I, and all the lobby racers have ALL made this constat.

So, there's not any problem with the game, it's me, I'm sorry !

Bye !
I explained you that my friends and I, and all the lobby racers have ALL made this constat.
I don't know what this means and I can't see anything about your friends explained anywhere in the two previous posts you made.

Are you suggesting that everyone in every public lobby you go to has definitely fully optimised their connection? That seems unlikely, especially as you already stated that in your case:

It's the same config for all games
Which won't help unless it's the same as the optimised configuration I helpfully linked you to.
So, there's not any problem with the game, it's me, I'm sorry !
I'm not sure what this adds to the conversation, and it's certainly not relevant to anything I said in my post.
I don't know what this means and I can't see anything about your friends explained anywhere in the two previous posts you made.

Are you suggesting that everyone in every public lobby you go to has definitely fully optimised their connection? That seems unlikely, especially as you already stated that in your case:

Which won't help unless it's the same as the optimised configuration I helpfully linked you to.

I'm not sure what this adds to the conversation, and it's certainly not relevant to anything I said in my post.
In my and many other peoples opinion(just glance the other thread) there is a clear problem on PD's side. A lot of people (myself included) have a much worse experience lag wise on GT7 then GTS.

I am sorry to say but you are picking out the fragments you can bash and ignoring the parts which matter in his post imo. Having said that, I WILL take your tips for improving connection to heart.
A lot of people (myself included) have a much worse experience lag wise on GT7 then GTS.
I agree that GT7 is a bit worse than GTS in terms of general network stability and connectivity
I am sorry to say but you are picking out the fragments you can bash and ignoring the parts which matter in his post imo.
I'm not "bash"ing or "ignoring" anything.

He's posted a number of misconceptions (more bandwidth isn't better beyond a certain point, P2P experiences are not dependent on your connection quality alone) which I've explained, agreed that GT7 is worse than GTS, and posted something to help him and his friends mitigate it for their own regular lobbies.

His response is incredibly difficult to parse, and the sarcastic self-pitying is unhelpful.

Another example of the lag, myself and some friends of mine from our national league when we were doing a Daytona event a few days ago. All our connections are perfectly fine and we raced for several years together in GT Sport without any similar issues.

This lag is beyond a shadow of a doubt a GT7 issue. Honestly, I think it relates to the crossgen business. Sport Mode, while also subpar compared to the version in GT Sport at least works better than the lobbies and as we know, that mode is separated. IIRC GTWS is not separated and that has seen way more issues than the dailies, as has of course the lobbies.
Lag (or latency) isn't PDs problem, it's the end-users. If you play Rocket League, it shows your latency or ping on the score screen.

Average latency is 40-80ms. At this rate the game runs smooth, you'll hit the ball when you should.

At 100-150ms latency, at the lower end you'll notice occasional stutters, at the higher end you'll find your car teleports all over the place.

At 150ms+ you'll have a lot of "lag" - the game becomes unplayable.

None of that is Pysonix issue as the connection strength and latency is dependent on the end users internet connection quality and their proximity to the servers.

GT7's player lobbies have the same issues, except they're all P2P, meaning if you create or host a player lobby, all players in the lobby act as servers. If any of the racers have a poor connection with high latency, everyone else will see that player as lagging and teleporting all over the place, to that racer themselves, everyone else will have lag issues.
Dont agree I have fiber and 15/20 max latency and also lags in the game...
Dont agree I have fiber and 15/20 max latency and also lags in the game...

That's what YOU have, not what everyone else has.

Let's look at the problem another way! You have a car somewhere in the world and you have 8 computers that track this car. All of the computers are constantly exchanging information as to where the car is, which way it's facing, if it's accelerating or braking. If all 8 computers agree where it is, the system works perfectly and renders the car on a virtual map.

Now if 1 or 2 of those computers has a bad connection, the other computers might decide that the car is driving down the road doing 80kmph, 2 ft from the curb on the left, but the 2 computers experiencing lag or high latency may decide it's actually 10ft back and 3ft from the curb, because that's where it was when those 2 computers last got a stable update from the car, so those 2 computers move the car to where they think it is. The other computers get an update and teleport the car to where they think it is... You can see how this relates to in-game glitching and teleporting, right?

You having a pure fiber connection with low latency is great for you, but in P2P networks, that doesn't stop other people with poor connections throwing the information off.

I believe (I don't know this for sure) that with GT Sport, PD got around this by using a majority rule, so if 8 reports state the car is at X position and 2 conflict, they were just discounted and the majority information was pushed to the 2 bad computers as an updated location.

It's quite likely that they'll eventually work something similar into GT7. We can't predict when, as they obviously have a list of things to work on, and although we may think something is simple to do, when you're editing code on a huge online game, it's never that simple.
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I've been in Sylveris and his friends lobbies on GTS and most of them run their internet on a potato and always had issues. Soke of them run under the French flag but are not in France, they are in French speaking countries with trash internet. It's no wonder these problems persist on GT7, and GT7 is worse as standard anyway.
I don't really understand how you can blame people's network
Which nobody is doing.

I mean, the literal point here is that in peer-to-peer networks such as open lobbies it barely matters how good your connection is if just one of the other people in the lobby is sending their packets over Clacks. You could have a 1Tbps symmetrical connection, but you and everyone else in an open lobby will get lag if there's with someone 11,000 miles away using satellite internet, connecting to WiFi four concrete walls away from a router with default settings, because that's just how physics is.

Optimising your connection and making sure everyone else has also done this if you race in a regular group will mitigate the issues, not fix them.
They are the worst lobbies in the history of gran turismo. Famine personal connections have nothing to do with it. Lobby stability changes based on updates! They got better, then got worse again. I guarantee it because I almost only play in that mode. there is a problem i think because we make a lobby only with static host and between ps4 ps5. I hope that Gt Planet makes our voices heard too, we are few, but very active as a player. thank you. In gt sport no problem, no problem crossgen, nothing.
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Come on now... guys complain about the poor lobby performance and all you do is explain what they should do to mitigate the problems because it's p2p , etc...
So yes, you are trying to help, but you are also speaking as if there was nothing wrong with PD's code and everything to do with the very nature of p2P...

And why is it p2p in the first place? PD can't afford dedicated servers?
you are also speaking as if there was nothing wrong with PD's code
I agree that GT7 is a bit worse than GTS in terms of general network stability and connectivity,
Gran Turismo 7, it seems, follows in the fine traditions of GT Sport, GT6, GT5, and even GT5P in being a bit sensitive to network environments.
And why is it p2p in the first place? PD can't afford dedicated servers?
The GT World Series and Toyota GR GT Cup events use fixed servers. Open lobbies use P2P.
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