The Funny GIF Thread

  • Thread starter Peter

Resurrect I say with sexiness!

By the way this really happened :)

Gah...this is me angry that this thread isn't as active as it should be!

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They should have kept going to the next try - he goes to throw it off the pier, and there is a momma duck swimming with her babies...

"Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb!"

Adam West Batman FTW.

I love how the nuns and the mom with the baby carriage just ignore him. They make absolutely no attempt whatsoever to get out of the way of the bomb. You'd think if they were walking up to a crazy man dressed in tights and a cape who was carrying a cartoon-style bomb with a lit fuse that their first instinct would be to run for cover.

"Sorry Batman, I'm taking my baby for a stroll here. Get outta my way."

Also, in both shots, people in the background are scrambling for safety.
This is a bit of a bump but this topic should be alive again. I also don't know if this gif has been posted yet.
Not a clue. I guess he was drunk because he tried to run back across the car instead of simply to the other side of the road. Well I hope he was drunk and not just a really big idiot, which may also be the case.