The Gentlemen's Virtual Racing Club (Closed for now)PC 

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
Server is up, first race will start around 10 till the hour. Remember, the doors are unlocked so Randoms might wander in. Let me know if you see any clowns.
The next event would be on October 8th but I'm going to a party for my good buddy's 40th bday so I won't be around, we'll do it the week after. We're going to do GT2's and the C7r so hopefully that will attract a few more Randoms, haven't decided on a track yet but leaning toward Mugello.
Ran some laps tonight and was fastest in the C7R with a 1:49.697

The others weren't too far behind though. I was actually slowest in the Ferrari, which has the best time on RSR. I like Mugello but I've always struggled with it for some reason.
Looks like I'll be able to attend this next race... looking forward to it. Who all is planning on racing? Let's fill that grid people!
Movie night with the misses so i'll probably have to bail. @BrandonW77 how would you like the idea of moving our regular starting time backwards an hour or 2? Probably will aid also with bringing more Muricans in, as now we race at 5:30PM over there?
Movie night with the misses so i'll probably have to bail. @BrandonW77 how would you like the idea of moving our regular starting time backwards an hour or 2? Probably will aid also with bringing more Muricans in, as now we race at 5:30PM over there?

That might work. I thought you couldn't race any earlier though?
No backwards = later! :lol:
So 7:30PM there?

Yeah, that might work. I think more people usually race later in the evening.

I just realized a mistake. My intention was to race at Mugello today but I see I forgot to change that in the OP. :dunce: Did anyone practice at Imola? Hope not. :(
So, only Wiz and I showed up Saturday for the GT2 race. As a result we're going to look at doing things differently. Wiz has rented a server that he'll use for Friday Night Fun and the rest of the week we're going to try running a 24/7 public MR server. Not sure of the details yet but the hope is we can create a server that becomes popular and always has racing going on so any of us can hop in whenever our schedules allow and get some racing on. I'm open to ideas on how best to approach this and I'll try to do some research into how other popular servers do their thing. We'll still have the thread (might change the name) so I can post details of the events and so we can organize meet ups, i.e. someone can post "Hey, I'm hopping on the server for a couple hours if anyone wants to race" and if others are available they can join up, and hopefully it will already be populated with some Randoms and good racing will be had by all.

Like I said, I'm open to ideas and suggestions, I have very limited experience with pub servers so I don't really know what the norms are. I'm thinking we'll still do one weekly combo, same car(s) and track for the week and then just let it run and keep cycling through races. Might get a bit stale but I don't want to be coming up with new combos every couple days. Another thought is to have shorter races during the week and then on the weekends crank the lap count up a bit, so the weekday races will kinda be like practice races for the bigger weekend races.

Anyway, stay tuned for further developments and please toss any ideas or suggestions my way. I might go ahead and get the server running tonight with the GT2/GTE + Mugello combo while I'm figuring out details.
So do any of you guys have much experience with pub servers? What's popular, what's the norm, what do you think would work best? I like the idea of sticking with one combo for the week, short races during the week (10-15 minutes) and then longer races on the weekends (15-20 minutes). That way everyone can have a chance to get some practice races in during the week and then hopefully be dialed in for the longer races come the weekend. Plus, if I'm going to stick to mostly stock content then sticking to one combo for the week will keep us from running through everything too quickly. But speaking of that, it seems to me that there are a lot of cars in the game that a lot of people aren't too interested in racing so it might be best to start with a handful of the more popular cars and rotate through them for a while so we can build a bit of a following before branching out to the more odd cars. Or we could just do GT cars all the time since those will (almost) always attract a crowd. We have a blank slate here, let's figure out something good. I'll try to remember to get the server going with the GT2s at Mugello tonight so we can start testing things out. 👍
For next week i would suggest something Porsche. Everyone and his mother will buy that pack anyhow :P

Yeah, the GT4 Clubsport will likely make a prompt appearance. Really hoping it pairs up nicely with the Mazza GT4 but rumors are they might be a bit off from each other. Maybe some ballast will be enough to bring them inline. I'm one of those weirdos who gets more excited about GT4 than GT3, I'd love love love for that wonky Xbow GT4 to come to the game!
Ok, after a small technical glitch the 24/7 server is up and running, GT2/GTE at Mugello. If you guys get a chance, jump in there and see how people are behaving. MR isn't working at the moment but we'll get that sorted. Server name is: Gentlemen's Virtual Racing Club.
Server is now running the Cayman Clubsport GT4 at Nurb GP (GT). 8 lap races with 15 minutes in between each race. The new anti-wrecker system is activated, 3 crashes in 1km will result in a kick until the server is restarted. Let me know if that causes any problems, hopefully it will help weed out the riff-raff.
Hi Brandon, I think the best way to get this group moving is to create a steam group, you can add me on steam if you like whatshisname_ I have a pic of a green Porsche going sideways:) I've joined quite a few groups now and can usually find a server running something I like. Once we have a steam group it will be easier for people in the group to see when others are online to race.

One problem with ac is it's hard to add people to your friends list when you just come across clean people in pub servers, in gt I used to add anyone that was clean, but it can be a real ball ache adding people on ac as you know. It's taken me almost 2 years to build up a friends list of good drivers on ac.
Hi Brandon, I think the best way to get this group moving is to create a steam group, you can add me on steam if you like whatshisname_ I have a pic of a green Porsche going sideways:) I've joined quite a few groups now and can usually find a server running something I like. Once we have a steam group it will be easier for people in the group to see when others are online to race.

One problem with ac is it's hard to add people to your friends list when you just come across clean people in pub servers, in gt I used to add anyone that was clean, but it can be a real ball ache adding people on ac as you know. It's taken me almost 2 years to build up a friends list of good drivers on ac.

Sorry, just saw this, didn't get an alert for some reason. That's a good idea, I'll look into it. 👍
Server is now running GT3s at Barcelona Moto, hopefully these cars will attract some attention. I'm going to try to jump in a few evenings this week and see if I can get a crowd going. I'll post here when I'm joining.
Y'all done for the evening I take it? I normally won't be able to get on during the week until around 7:00 or so.
Y'all done for the evening I take it? I normally won't be able to get on during the week until around 7:00 or so.

I managed to disable my speakers and headset somehow and didn't feel like trying to race without sound. :ouch: