The Hagerty's price increases post-1.15 update - 10,662,900 Cr. with info for all 62 Hagery's cars (4.08% increase)

  • Thread starter Eggstor
I wouldn't call it well-done because payouts didn't exactly increase from the 1.05 era, and none of the payouts from the events added in 1.15 come close to those from the 6 events that can get you at least 1,000,000 credits per hour (5 involving dirt or weather).
One could argue though, that this nerf of the IG economy further reinforces the effects of global inflation.

Gran Turismo - The Real Life Simulator

In all seriousness though, hopefully the IG economy is improved soon. Or the MTX's go on discount. I work 100 hours a week minimum. My time spent playing this game and doing my other hobbies is at a premium. I don't want to be doing any eye-gouging grinding as much as anyone else :banghead:
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My post seems to have gone unnoticed, so I’ll reiterate… is there a reason why you have the DB3S listed as a 5,000,000 Credit increase when, judging by the original and new prices you’ve listed, it should be a 0 Credit increase/decrease?
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My post seems to have gone unnoticed, so I’ll reiterate… is there a reason why you have the DB3S listed as a 5,000,000 Credit increase when, judging by the original and new prices you’ve listed, it should be a 0 Credit increase/decrease?
Probably because I didn't get the ping. It was a typo on my part. Thanks for the catch.
Thankfully its been a while since I did the Sardena 800PP race, so I did it a couple of times with the NSX GT500 and didn't feel like a grind. Bought the Sauber C9 and now I am broke. Oh well, not interested in any more of the Legendary stuff so buying normal cars will feel easy.
An obvious oversight is whilst IRL prices do fluctuate and generally increase with inflation, so does income. I certainly don’t earn the same per hour as I did a year ago or more. It’s no good increasing the cost of the goods with inflation and real world factors if the players income isn’t also increasing with the same criteria.
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One could argue though, that this nerf of the IG economy further reinforces the effects of global inflation.

Gran Turismo - The Real Life Simulator

In all seriousness though, hopefully the IG economy is improved soon. Or the MTX's go on discount. I work 100 hours a week minimum. My time spent playing this game and doing my other hobbies is at a premium. I don't want to be doing any eye-gouging grinding as much as anyone else :banghead:
The MTX on discount would only make the economy situation worse. The only "good" thing about them right now is that they're so outrageously expensive that if anything they dissuade people from buying them. They need to improve the game's economy itself and leave the MTX as they are rn (or outright remove them if possible).
I don't see how this feature is in any way beneficial to the player.

When was the last time a classic/collector's car went down in price?

Is this really how PD plans to offer their live service? Instead of creating more content, they'll just stretch things out by inflating the cost of cars and neutering race payouts patch after patch.
An obvious oversight is whilst IRL prices do fluctuate and generally increase with inflation, so does income. I certainly don’t earn the same per hour as I did a year ago or more. It’s no good increasing the cost of the goods with inflation and real world factors if the players income isn’t also increasing with the same criteria.
Likewise. But this theory is only relevant if wages and costs appreciate at the same rate. As of right now, globally, they are not. Which is what inflation is
The MTX on discount would only make the economy situation worse. The only "good" thing about them right now is that they're so outrageously expensive that if anything they dissuade people from buying them. They need to improve the game's economy itself and leave the MTX as they are rn (or outright remove them if possible).
The most practical form of MTX’s I think would be how they did it in GTS. Where you could buy the cars for real money. Usually between 2 and 5 dollars I reckon.

If they went to a model like this, I would no joke probably have $100 into their piggy back. That would be acceptable, I feel.
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I know it's not Hagerty's fault PD are doing this ****, but what a terrible way to have their name dragged through the mud for what should have been a positive tie-in for car enthusiasts.
Likewise. But this theory is only relevant if wages and costs appreciate at the same rate. As of right now, globally, they are not. Which is what inflation is
It's hardly a theory, and I never said they would increase at the same rate. And I'm well aware of what inflation is, I do work in the finance industry after all. My point is, it's no good accounting for inflation for the goods, but not for the players income. And we're seeing already how one sided this approach is against the players. It's mind bogglingly pointless and poorly implemented from a players perspective. It makes sense when you're pushing MTX's.
I’m actually pretty curious to see what kind of revenue they’re pulling in from MTX’s. Logic would tell me that it’s probably more than we would think, but not enough to where it wouldn’t behoove them to either lower the price, or up the value. Make money cheap and watch your pockets start filling up. Science
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And I thought I can't be any more annoyed with this game and that I can't be any more baffled at how completely irrelevant PoDi's game design philosophy has become by now.

I can't believe how much of an overall disappointment GT7 is continuously turning out to be. Under the fantastic core gameplay it's genuinely one of the most frustratingly badly designed games I've ever played in my 26 years of being into video games.

Polyphony, what are you doing, mate?

It's also amazing how low the standards have fallen for what gamers feel is okay or normal to do for game developers/publishers in the last decade. Imagine defending $70 first-party PlayStation titles featuring microtransactions; their absence is something that shouldn't be negotiable.
I’m actually pretty curious to see what kind of revenue they’re pulling in from MTX’s. Logic would tell me that it’s probably more than me would think, but not enough to where it wouldn’t behoove them to either lower the price, or up the value. Make money cheap and watch your pockets start filling up. Science
They're sadly probably making far more than you or I would like to think they are. A lot more people would buy MTX's if they were cheaper, but that doesn't always equate to more profit. It's a mathematicians game.
They're sadly probably making far more than you or I would like to think they are. A lot more people would buy MTX's if they were cheaper, but that doesn't always equate to more profit. It's a mathematicians game.
And this is where @Scaff comes into the conversation exclaiming “these credits literally cost Sony nothing to make!!!!”

He’s not wrong 😂
If I may quote myself:

Between this and the removal of the Tomahawk glitch, all I can say is:

Cedric The Entertainer Reaction GIF by CBS
Yes I'm sure I noted likewise because it's in PD's interest to push people towards microtransactions by increasing prices as much as possible to make as much money as possible. It's also in Hagerty's interest to increase the value of cars they insure, so they can charge more to insure them. And one of the ways they increase the price is to utilise every outlet they can to put upward pressure on them. This includes digital outlets, such as...Gran Turismo.
You know, I'm reminded of the people who handwaved the microtransactions being added in after launch in GT Sport, long after the gaming press and the general populace stopped caring, saying that it was a necessary evil to keep the free updates coming. Not only was that proven false more or less right out the gate (yes, because a subsidiary of an OEM, and a profitable one at that, needs to justify adding free updates via microtransactions) but this is ultimately the end result: the developer (because believe me, like so many other aspects of this game, blaming Sony only goes so far when the history shows Polyphony gleefully adding them in in the previous two games) pushing even further to see where they can go, all while specific sections of the fanbase who place the figurehead on a pedestal huffs copium and does Olympic level mental gymnastics trying to justify it.

But don't worry guys, Forza is secretly the bad guy because they had a loot box that was nowhere near an actual loot box and who's impact was negligible at best in hindsight, and had micro-transactions (that were easily disabled in the menus, and ultimately worthless because of the structure of the in game economy) and even though they haven't drifted back to it since then, they secretly have microtransaction systems present in their games ready to turn it on in a flash like some sort of Dr. Evil plot.
You know, I'm reminded of the people who handwaved the microtransactions being added in after launch in GT Sport, long after the gaming press and the general populace stopped caring, saying that it was a necessary evil to keep the free updates coming. Not only was that proven false more or less right out the gate (yes, because a subsidiary of an OEM, and a profitable one at that, needs to justify adding free updates via microtransactions) but this is ultimately the end result: the developer (because believe me, like so many other aspects of this game, blaming Sony only goes so far when the history shows Polyphony gleefully adding them in in the previous two games) pushing even further to see where they can go, all while specific sections of the fanbase who place the figurehead on a pedestal huffs copium and does Olympic level mental gymnastics trying to justify it.

But don't worry guys, Forza is secretly the bad guy because they had a loot box that was nowhere near an actual loot box and who's impact was negligible at best in hindsight, and had micro-transactions (that were easily disabled in the menus, and ultimately worthless because of the structure of the in game economy) and even though they haven't drifted back to it since then, they secretly have microtransaction systems present in their games ready to turn it on in a flash like some sort of Dr. Evil plot.
I agree with what you're saying

Personally, I view MTX's much like a view a toll road. Do I have to take it? No. Will it get me where I need to be sooner? Sometimes. Is it ALWAYS worth it? No, not always.

But what I can logically do is put a monetary value on my free time and enjoyment of said time. That's where MTX's come in... or they don't. Right now, they don't. Personally I don't find them the least bit intrusive, because I'm guessing like most people, I'm just punching "x" as fast as I can through the menus to get onto the next thing. I honestly don't even notice them. Hell, I didn't even notice them in GTS till a few months after they were implemented, when people were crying about them on this forum.
I agree with what you're saying

Personally, I view MTX's much like a view a toll road. Do I have to take it? No. Will it get me where I need to be sooner? Sometimes. Is it ALWAYS worth it? No, not always.

But what I can logically do is put a monetary value on my free time and enjoyment of said time. That's where MTX's come in... or they don't. Right now, they don't. Personally I don't find them the least bit intrusive, because I'm guessing like most people, I'm just punching "x" as fast as I can through the menus to get onto the next thing. I honestly don't even notice them. Hell, I didn't even notice them in GTS till a few months after they were implemented, when people were crying about them on this forum.
As has been said countless times, even if you don't use them and ignore them where possible they are still passively affecting you. They're baked into the game design. Without them existing at all there would be no reason for the current economy and you could earn credits and cars faster.
As has been said countless times, even if you don't use them and ignore them where possible they are still passively affecting you.
Exactly. And considering how Polyphony already went mask off once with how they see microtransactions being used by the player base, and how that is hardwired into the very fabric of the game, why would anyone trust them to ever be honest except when it came to the full removal of them? Which, they have completely ignored and Kaz straight up lied to the player base as to why they needed to be in the game to begin with.
As has been said countless times, even if you don't use them and ignore them where possible they are still passively affecting you. They're baked into the game design. Without them existing at all there would be no reason for the current economy and you could earn credits and cars faster.

Exactly. And considering how Polyphony already went mask off once with how they see microtransactions being used by the player base, and how that is hardwired into the very fabric of the game, why would anyone trust them to ever be honest except when it came to the full removal of them? Which, they have completely ignored and Kaz straight up lied to the player base as to why they needed to be in the game to begin with.
Both you guys are right. I guess it doesn’t bother me too much
I've got a great idea to increase realism in this real driving simulator - they should partner with Shell to update gas prices and make you pay credits to refuel your cars.
I think this will provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment.
If you feel depressed playing the game as inflation hits everything, then you know its working!
Can't believe PD hasn't done more with their Hagerty partnership and make you pay insurance for each and every car in your garage.

Would make the Tokyo grind so much more thrilling when you can see your credits bleed away every time you graze the wall.
NFS World flashbacks intensify

Please, don't give PD ideas. They're genuinely crazy enough to try it, too. :crazy:

That's what it would cost for me to buy the Legends cars I want (not counting the 20 mil Alfa and the 13 mil Barker)

Guess I have to thank Tomahawk, though still spending that much seems too much.
Raising the cars' prices, be it from inflation or alleged market prices of classic cars, is actually making the problem worse. In principle, I sympathize with the notion of having car prices equivalent to real world prices/values. But this has to stop once the game is released.

The game is a closed environment. If you raise car prices (even if it's only in the Legendary dealership), you would also have to raise payouts to keep the game economy (that was lopsided to begin with) in check.
The game needs more content for people to enjoy and all the devs are doing is making the game worse by ramping up car prices and cutting back rewards?
If the new Forza is more realistic and has more game modes then that is gonna be a huge blow to SIM racers on Playstation.
Have PD not actually considered that? Or is that why they are rinsing the game for as much money as they can incase its dead when Forza gets released?
I mean Forza could be worse but it mite not be and if I was them I wouldn't take that gamble. I would be keeping as many players happy as I can.
Lets play a game to drive the cars I can't afford in real life. Oh I can't afford them in the game either 😂
Wow this game is the most realistic sim ive ever played!
Bought the Sauber yesterday,that completes my LCD wish list now.I had some `spare`credits so i also bought the F1 and the Porsche 917 this morning so im pretty skint for now,unless they add some new legendary cars i shant use the feature again.Setting the prices in line with real life has soured it a little for me,we should have the ability to sell cars and increase payouts in all races to a sensible level if PD wants to go down this route.