The Official GTPlanet Weekly Mission: Week 1!

  • Thread starter Shannon
Time to test your real Photoshop skills boys and girls! We are going to do Weekly Photoshop Missions now.

Don't know what a mission is?
You click your mouse button here.

To kick off the Official GTPlanet Weekly Missions is a pretty simple concept. Take the image provided and 'brighten' it up. Add some colour, add more things into the picture, etc. The image dimensions must stay exactly as they are. Okay, go for gold!

Due this Saturday, before midnight!
Here's my 10-minute job. Sorry 'bout the low quality, I don't have a compression program.


  • frontdoor.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 146
It seems the first weekly competition hasn't been very popular, well... - Better luck next time.

One day to go!
That is so cool sn00p!

Now I see what Missions are! - You can add and delete stuff and totally screw everything over as long as there are some original elements!

I will do better next time!