The PC2 World Classic SeriesPS4 

  • Thread starter Hun200kmh
So, the time has come to announce the second "Grande Épreuve" of our PROJECT CARS 2 WORLD CLASSIC SERIES

And this is the

(in 70 minutes)


That will take plave next
June 2nd 2024

Lobby opening for all players at
7 PM (UK/PT Time)

Cars racing this time will be GT1 class, but available to human entrants are only the


And the




  • Private Lobby - Invite only
  • Fill vacant slots with AI - Yes (16 cars on the grid regardless of how many human players)
  • Wait for race ready - On
  • Rules & Penalties - On
  • Track Limit Penalties - On
  • Allowable Time Penalty - 30
  • Drive Through Penalties - Off
  • Pit Exit Penalty - Off
  • Competitive Racing License - Off

  • Track is "Watkins Glen International"
  • Rolling Start
  • Allow Auto Start Engine -Yes
  • Force Interior view - No
  • Force Driving Line Off - No
  • Force Default Setups - No
  • Force Manual Gears - No
  • Force Realistic Driving Aids - No
  • Allow Anti Lock Brakes - Yes
  • Allow Traction Control - No
  • Allow Stability Control - No
  • Damage Type - Visual Only
  • Mechanical Failures - Yes
  • Allow Ghosted Vehicles - Yes
  • Force Manual Pit stops - Yes
  • Pit Stop Errors - No
  • Tire Wear - Accelerated
  • Fuel Depletion - On
  • Force cool down Lap - No

  • Free Practise - clear sky, night time (11:00 PM)
  • Qualifying - Overcast, daytime (11:00 AM)
  • Race - Starts at 3:00 PM, goes through a day/night/day cycle and ends at approximately the same hour. Weather will change during the race

  • It is June (in this series the date will always be "Current Date") so for this game it is a "summer" race.

  • Racers can pick either the Ferrari F50 or the Panoz Esperante, as pictured above, both from the GT1 class.

  • Will be set to "Same Class" meaning they can choose whatever GT1 car. The field will, regardless of how many human entrants, always have 16 cars, the AI filling all available slots.
  • The AI setting, always a contentious issue, has aggression level set to 100 (maximum) because I find that with this setting they are the mostly competent and predictable possible. The Skill level will be set with the aim of making the AI slower than us humans but not by much. They won't do impossible laptimes, but they won'te be pushovers, that I promise.
  • In any case don't treat them as if they arent there, because even a damage-less crash (remember damage is set to "Visual Only") remains a costly experience (in time lost if nothing else). Plus if you have a crash that leaves you without headlights during the night period that will mean either a mandatory pit visit or a huge gamble, with more crashes being very probable.
  • There are places where the AI is dangerous. The most dangerous is, by far, the approach/braking into the "bus stop" chicane. If you have an AI car close behind you there, you better either let him past or learn how to block successfuly, he will either attempt an overtake or outright punt you there. Everywhere else, they aren't much of an hassle, but they tend to not give an inch of track, especially under braking, so son't do risky overtakes or last minute lunges, you'll end up facing the wall or the wrong side of the track (and you'll only have yourself to blame)

  • Pits are fully manual. This means you will still be driving your car inside the pit lane, and you must be the one parking it in your pit stall. It is best if you don't have a "pit limiter" button set because then the game will activate the limiter for you (same happens with headlights, but people usually like to have full control over them.

  • Strategy - You'll need to think a LOT about strategy. there could be rain at the start ... or not. There could be rain in the last quarter of the race ... or not. Soft Tyres are a definite advantage, but they don't last much. Hard tyres make you slower, but they last a lot longer. If the race starts wet, you'll need to hava a "dry" pit strategy, if not it would be waise to have a "wet" strategy. You will also need to add fuel at some point, there's no way a full tank will last the 70 minutes. So, think it over. And - if you haven't already - learn to use the menu so you can fine tune/adapt your pit strategy while racing.

  • Setups - The cars change their behaviour a lot from "tank full" to tank empty", and from fresh to worn out tyres. A good setup is something personal, so I can only say that I didn't change much, just tried for a safe/predictable car to drive and this means I think "Stable" as baseline is better even if not faster. Added some downforce and that was it. During Free Practise I will share my setup with anyone wanting it.


  • LOBBY - will be open and invites will be sent a few minutes before 7 PM(UK and PT time, 8 PM in most of continental Europe).
  • PRACTISE AND QUALIFYING - You don't have to take part in either of these! Just make sure you enter the lobby well before the end of quali, or else you won't be able to enter the race.
    • Practise will last 15 minutes (night time, so you get an idea of it) track will be DRY
    • Qualifying will last 15 minutes. (day time) track will be DRY
    • RACE - This one you must enter! It will last 70 minutes but accelerated by a x20 factor, so it will simulate an aproximated 24h cycle (day/night/day).
  • WEATHER (in Race) - Will be set to 4 slots, with a x5 multiplication factor (means 5 per hour, therefore slots #1 and #2 will repeat as slots #5 and #6), so here's what the entire race looks like:
    • slot #1 - RANDOM
    • slot #2 - LIGHT CLOUD
    • slot #3 - CLEAR
    • slot #4 - HAZY
    • slot #5 - RANDOM
    • slot #6 - LIGHT CLOUD

I think I covered everything but if any doubt remains just ask.
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Anarchist! :D

EDIT - Watkins Glen Event details posted above.

A word to the mondays' crew, listed below or not, do consider joining up
@Don Mejillone

And of course, a warm invite to anyone out there that fancies a more "in depth" experience of the mix between strategy, consistency and speed that makes endurance racing the best kind of racing there is! ;)

If you want to take part just send me a Friends Request on PSN (PSN Id FLAT_TWELVE)
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Guys, it's race day! Lobby will open a litle over from 6 hours from now (7PM UK/PT, 8 PM in most of continental Europe).

From what I've been told we might have close to 10 human players for this race, possibly more.

I just re-read my previous post with the event's details and I think I covered everything, so I hope to meet at least some of you there.

After today's race we will discuss this but the idea is to promote Le Mans/LMP900 (supposed to be run as last event and end to the seires) to be the third/next event in this series, and have it run two weeks from now, coinciding with the real 24 Hours of Le Mans race.

If we go with this then we also have to pick the car for the human players. These are the options:


From memory, the Audi is the fastest and the Ferrari the slowest. I considered the Ferrari but found it to be not only slower than all the others (which wouldn't be a problem as long as we all used it) but also a car difficult to drive, which would require a lot of time spent in practising and setting it up, time we don't have. So, I'm leaning towards the only other car from the available list that never won (although they came very close to it in 1999). It is a fast and mostly easy to drive car (in PCars 2) and we all tried its GT1 version in a previous monday series.

I'm - obviously - suggesting this one:

The AI field will of course be free to pick any of the other LMP900 cars. And because it's Le Mans I will open it to another class. Sadly in PCars 2 we don't have litle GTs (Porsche 911 or "normal" Ferraris) that are from a compatible year. But we do have the GT1 class (the one we're using today at Watkins Glen), and historically they both raced in 1999 so I guess it's ok to mix them up in one grid.
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Although a slight complication has arrisen I'm still hoping to be there this evening. Zero practice and zero strategy. Although I must sort out some pitstop settings if I get time.
I'll try and let you know as early as possible if I can't make it.

I'd prefer the Audi if possible. Only because I like to use the interior view when possible on these longer races, adds to immersion, and the Audi being open topped gives a better view. Especially with the PS5's contrast problem. Which might be an issue today. Especially if there's rain at night!
However if you want to use the GT-One I can always switch to bonnet view if needed. Saying that, I might need to do so in the Panoz.
Hope you can make it Paul. I guess we may go with the Audi also, we never used it (at least I haven't)

The BMW is also open top, but we already made a small endurance race using that car so I'd go with something new.

Speaking of ... remember this? :P

This Glen race was very tricky...

I used the F50, and was feeling quite confortable. In qualifying, I was in P6 and decided to put a new set of softs. Entered the final qualifying lap and was gaining loads of time, I think I put in a P3 time (1:37:9)... but the game invalidated the lap on the last corner 😞

So then we proceed to the race. I started in hard slicks, good jump out of the grid, but I got "sandwiched" on the 1st corner. Dead last... the first laps were a disaster, the fog was so tricky... and then an AI brake-tested me and I lost the headlights when the night came out... 😞

Had to go to the pits around lap 10, refueled to go to the end (good), repaired the headlights (good) but didn't change tires (Bad idea)...anyway, started to drive decently, although slow 1'41/1'42. I crawled back as the other cars pitted, and cruised to the end in P5! Not bad after such a tough start.

I like a lot these long races. Thank you Mario for organizing, count me in for Le Mans!

Today's race was very enjoyable! I only knew the track by name but I gotta say that it became a favourite. Started practicing Thursday with a 1:42 and ended with a 1:39 by race day. I never raced in this class but the car was very nice to drive after messing with the brake balance and aero.

I wasn't sure what strategy I would use but ended up making a quick splash and dash with a change to soft tyres with 20min left to race. Amazingly it worked and was able to battle for the rest of the race.

I gotta apologize to GTP_RPREGO for a back touch on the first corner of the first lap 😞. The pack was I tight my car got unbalanced and I didn't break enough in the first corner. My bad!

Other than that plus a couple of spins, the race was very fun! Thanks you so much for organizing these events!

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Today's race was very enjoyable! I only knew the track by name but I gotta say that it became a favourite. Started practicing Thursday with a 1:42 and ended with a 1:39 by race day. I never raced in this class but the car was very nice to drive after messing with the brake balance and aero.

I wasn't sure what strategy I would use but ended up making a quick splash and dash with a change to soft tyres with 20min left to race. Amazingly it worked and was able to battle for the rest of the race.

I gotta apologize to GTP_RPREGO for a back touch on the first corner of the first lap 😞. The pack was I tight my car got unbalanced and I didn't break enough in the first corner. My bad!

Other than that plus a couple of spins, the race was very fun!

No problem! I made so many mistakes on the first laps, that one didn't count much :)
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Great fun as always!

Things went smoothly on my side, which was unexpected for me. I tried doing a practice race the day before with a few others, but was constantly getting thrown off track by the gravitational pull of kerbs and a general lack of competence in overcoming other difficulties... I was so annoyed that I pretty much retired after 3 laps and went off to do something else to cool off! So, as you can imagine, I wasn't really in a good state heading into the race.

Anyway, on the day I got into gear it seems, and things went well!

The 15 minute practice was essential as I figured out a few no-no kerbs and how to avoid them and, in general, I got a better feeling of how to drive.

On to qualy, I was hoping to be on the front row, as these tight packed race starts are always messy if you’re in the middle, that was my objective. I managed to reach the objective, I got pole, but it was by a very thin margin! I was relieved because although I felt like my first or second lap was good, I knew that other 3 or 4 could probably do a quicker lap. I could maybe improve a few tenths here and there on my lap but I didn’t manage to put it together, and in the end Half got within a couple of tenths, but luck was on my side and my initial lap held!

The race was straight forward, the start was clean and I managed to build a gap in the first couple of laps, from then my head calmed and I got into the endurance rhythm! I did a few mistakes along the way but luckily I didn’t lose much time with those, and kept the lead throughout the whole race.

Strategy wise, I filled the tank, started on hards and figured I’d run the fuel out and figure out next steps then. Hards were tough while cold, but once they got warmed up, they weren't as grippy as the softs but were not murderous at all, so I was happy running them. When it got within 20 minutes of the end and I needed to refuel, I was tempted to take a set of softs, but from my qualifying experience it seemed like they would wear out pretty quickly how long they would last or how steep the drop off was as the wear progressed, so I figured I’d take another set of hards to be on the safe side. I had a decent gap by then and I didn’t really need to take the risk of exchanging tyre life for faster lap time. I had been happy with the hards, so, no reason to change! Not sure if it was the fastest choice, but it was a good choice anyway and it worked for me!

I crossed the line in 1st, sweating a lot and with a smile on my face, happy with how much fun the race was!

Also, shout out to David Kinnip (or something like that), the one AI who had human race pace and finished 3rd, a true dark horse considering the settings and the other AIs’ performance!

Thank you very much for organizing this, was great fun as usual!
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Thank you all, here's my quick recap of yesterday's race. I should've saved the replay because I really wanted to check the 1st corner mayhem where I went from 3rd to dead last, I feel this urge to hand out some random penalties! :banghead: (no, not really ... or maybe yes really! :sly: )

Soo, where to begin. Well, first I'd like to thank all participants. To have 10 players on the grid in a PCars2 race is not common nowadays. Could've been 12 though but for some reason 2 of the announced entries were a no-show. Maybe next time.

Free Practise went by with no big surprises, I made it so we started it at night and ended it at dawn, I wanted people to get used to the track in low visibility conditions and hope it helped during the race.

Quali (set in daylight with clear skies) was a bit frustrating for me because I never really got a clean, perfect lap. Either because of own mistakes, or because of traffic (human or AI) there was always something ... can't complain though, got a 3rd spot at the last minute, edging slightly Djagman71 but nowhere close to @Madbigdog and @half_sourly . Not fantastic but a decent result.

Race was basically a harder version of the exact same experience I had at Bannochbrae. At the start we got heavy fog weather and because I was on the outside coming into corner one I tried to follow a line as wide as possible because I suspected/knew some humans would brake too late, some AIs wouldn't move over for the human mistakes, etc ... and I was right, huge crash(es) ensued and I was ... it's my fate I know ... collected by them, ending all facing the wrong side. But that first lap would prove more aggravating, because before it ended I suffered two more crashes, when going by ... someone else's crashes. All very annoying, and I ended lap 1 dead last, with only one working headlight and almost 30 seconds behind the leader of the race. :grumpy:

After that things settled and again I had to do a climb up, back to front race. I noticed @half_sourly parked his car in the pits even before midrace, and jmpa did the same later, all others kept racing (although I remember passing @IfAndOr ' s car stopped in a runoff area at some point, but he got going again).

By mid race (30 to 40 minutes in) I had reached 4th, but still some distance away from the top 3, those being @Madbigdog (in 1st), Mr. Kinnip the AI (2nd) and Djagman71 (3rd). Then came a period where I had my front tyres basically toasted but I was holding out on pitting before it became clear what would we be getting in the second random weather slot. Did a lot of math exercises in my head to try to figure out when the 5th weather slot was supposed to kick in but couldn't reach a solid concluion :lol: so in the end it was the fuel red flashing light that made me pit. Unlike @Madbigdog I was still in "chase" mode so I went for soft tyres (was using hards from the start), and they weren't a problem for the 20 minutes I still had to race.

I didn't get to fight Djagman71 for 3rd position, I was very close behind him (couple of seconds) when he pitted, a few laps before I did, and later when I left my own pitstop I found my self ahead of him (wether he lost time in the pits or was unlucky with traffic, don't know).

As for Mr. Kinnip the AI, I really didn't have much trouble overtaking him, we both came up to a McLaren (AI also) and he hesitated so I passed them both there and then. :D

And that was that, @Madbigdog was fast and consistent up there in a 1st place that was never in question, so I settled for 2nd and quite happy to achieve that too.

Now, a few words about AI and Human behaviour. All well meaning, of course.

AI - I do my best with the settings available to me to make them predictable and not that much slower than us humans, but there's only so much I can do about this. You guys will probably be surprised, especially becaus of Mr. Kinnip's performance yesterday, but I had the AI at 35/100 (Skill/Aggression). I'd like a word with the PCars2 AI coders, because it seems to me they got it reversed. Aggression is in fact Skill, and they do drive better with it ranked up to maximum. Then what the hell is "Skill" ? Well it impacts the laptime slightly but it seems to me that the higher it goes the more maniac AI behaviour shows up. Then we also have these inconsistencies, I still waiting to check on the laptimes charter that @half_sourly will probably publish, but from memory I remember finishing Quali with all the AIs at the back of the grid (bar @IfAndOr that didn't set a time) and with very VERY poor laptimes. I was indeed worried that I had set Skill so low that the AIs would be roadblocks in the race and I think I even voiced that concern in-lobby. Regardless, I'd like to hear more about what you guys think on us having the AIs or not for the next races. If we could have a 16-strong human grid would be fantastic, but I do believe filling up the grid with AIs is beneficial for keeping the races interesting. Traffic, even if annoying, is just another variable to keep us busy.

HUMAN - All things considered I think both races went well, but I have to have some strong words about lapping /being lapped. Yesterday I had some problems lapping two other competitors that actively fought me as if we were fighting for position. One even caused me to spin and crash when I was closing in on 3rd place, setting me back another 10 seconds (not intentional obviously and he apologized in post-race debriefing, these things happen). The other thankfully I finally managed to get clear of, but it took me almost two entire laps to do so.

So ... please, let us all race our races, but avoid on-track fights that are useless because there's no position at stake. And this applies both for the lapping and for the being lapped. Yesterday I came close to two cars fighting for position and I waited until that fight was settled.

Now ... LE MANS! Probably another sunday race (June 16), after the REAL one has ended, but I'm open to suggestions, regarding the date, the start hour and, the race settings (length, AI, weather settings, whatever you feel should be revised or improved).

By the way I edited the first post with the revised calendar. Because I want to end this series at Le Mans, I moved the classic race to the end and moved Bathurst into its previous slot so we get it after the australian winter.
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Now, a few words about AI and Human behaviour. All well meaning, of course.

AI - Regardless, I'd like to hear more about what you guys think on us having the AIs or not for the next races.

HUMAN - I had some problems lapping two other competitors that actively fought me as if we were fighting for position.
I shared my view separately with you, but AI - a big no thank you and HUMAN - the same happened to me at Bannochbrae when I lapped someone. I believe the common practice, which maybe should be spelt out, is that the slower driver should 1) pay attention to blue flags and to who is behind them and 2) when they see they are being lapped, hold their line (the normal racing line) and leave it to the faster driver pass them. Ideally the slower driver should help the faster driver by braking slightly earlier for the next corner, to allow the faster driver to overtake on entry - that loses the least amount of time for the slower driver.
Half, thank you for the tables and your input, I will wait for more to voice their own but we will be back to this and I've got no dogmas, if we get a decent turn out for Le Mans I can very well make it a human-only race (in that case I'd probably give everyone the choice on cars, even if it can turn out to be a Audi R8 one-make race, lol)

I ask you one correction regarding the championship table. Djagman1971 is human (or should I say ... "humain" :sly: ), so he should get his well deserved 4 points for 3rd place yesterday. (sorry Paul ;) )
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Regarding blue flags, I understand we should have an etiquette but only for human players. No pity for AI's.

Yesterday I applied this principle, I kept Mr. Knipp behind for many laps, but when FLAT came I let him pass 😀
I should've saved the replay because I really wanted to check the 1st corner mayhem
It usually only saves around the last 40 minutes so (PS4) you'd have missed the first part of the race anyway.

As it happens I was caught up in the usual first corner excitement having got a bit squashed on the inside. I did qualify 10th but ended up near the back, not to worry though. This was okay since I got to race against quite a few drivers and through pure skill (or perhaps them crashing 🙂) I made it back up to 6th eventually.
And it was going just fine at this point because my soft tyres and the amount of fuel I'd added were just about expiring at the same time. Perfect. I selected the softs and refuel strategy I'd created and pitted and watched in dismay as they refuled but didn't change the tyres!!
So during the next lap I had to stop (off track) and fiddle about with the in-car menu trying to select the options I needed. No you can't just hold down the button to reduce the fuel added, you have to click it 70 times!
Oh and the cat just arrived at that point so since I was stopped anyway I gave him some biscuits. He was pleased.

Anyway after a second visit to the pits for tyres I was 2 laps down from those up ahead so it was sort of race over. Spent about 25 mins lapping by myself - while letting the leaders past. 😉

So with zero preparation it was initially a good race but went downhill due to my pitcrew. I'm sure I saved the fit tyre option, must check. I'd have finished quite easily on 2 sets of softs. I didn't crash at all so could have been a contender. 😀

I didn't actually have too many problems with the AI. They seemed perhaps a little hesitant on corners but generally good for pace otherwise. I think, like you Mario, I'm very used to driving against them so know their foibles and adjust to them. I can see why some might dislike them though.
I do have some thoughts to share on this:
Now, a few words about AI and Human behaviour. All well meaning, of course.

AI - Regardless, I'd like to hear more about what you guys think on us having the AIs or not for the next races.

HUMAN - I had some problems lapping two other competitors that actively fought me as if we were fighting for position.

Now ... LE MANS! Probably another sunday race (June 16), after the REAL one has ended, but I'm open to suggestions, regarding the date, the start hour and, the race settings (length, AI, weather settings, whatever you feel should be revised or improved).
Regarding the AI, I agree with both @Hun200kmh and @half_sourly, in the sense that AI do make the race feel more alive, but I only enjoy that livelyhood when I am watching the gaps go back and forth on the relative. Whenever we meet on track though, it gets painful.

To be honest, I had it worse with the AI in the first race, as when they fight for position the are overly aggressive and manage those impossible moves that no one expects and most often than not cause crashes. This time around, I didn't really meet AIs until I had to lap them, and overall it wasn't too bad, they would try to get out of the way, and in corners they would just do their natural lines. If I dived down the inside (and by dive I mean a sensible dive, not a dive from 2 postcodes away) they would leave space and let me go about my business.

So, I think the best way would be to do something balanced, something like: (1) races with 10 or more participants, no AI is added; (2) races with 9 participants or under, get AI.

Alternatively, we could run with a severly dumbed down AI, so that we can treat them as a different class altogether. As such they still exist, they are still contributing somewhat to the races by keeping us on our tows, but they are so slow that they make no real contribution to any first laps' shenanigans (or so I hope).

Regarding the Human drivers, again, I had a better experience in this race than on the first one. The first one I think I came accross one or two drivers that were most likely not paying attention to what was behind them and probably took them a minute to figure out who was behind them before easing up their defense, but still didn't have any crashes or had to make desperate moves to pass as I had a decent gap and felt like risking it would harm me more than waiting for the right moments. In this race, however, I only ever actually lapped Djagman on track, the others were mostly due to pits, crashes or something else, and in both cases (I made a mistake after lapping the first time and he got by me again) he waited for me to get close and then, very generously, on one occasion simply eased off the throttle early, and on the second he actually went wide in a turn so I could have the inside and pass with no risk.

So I think I, overall, my experiences were OK, if there were rules enforced about this it probably would've been easier for all involved, but no harm was done ever. And regarding rule enforcement, I believe this should be implemented, as there's really no need for blue flags to even be a discussion at any stage.

Finally, regarding the Le Mans race, I have been made aware that that weekend might be tricky for me after all, so the weekend after, 22-23, would probably work best for me. In any case, if it remains on the 16th, I'll try and make do!
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I'm sure I saved the fit tyre option, must check.
I never trust those pre-race strategy and setup menus, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't because they don't load or the game loads the wrong one, it is a real mess, so I usually leave my pit strategy building for the race itself. In this race, once I had decided on my strategy plan, with some 5-6 laps to go before the fuel running out, I started taking care of it, selecting tyres and changing the fuel, and I'd do this bit by bit along the bigger straights.

The fuel really is a pain, but from the moment you have done tyres (and damage repair if needed), you don't really need to be looking at the menu to increase the fuel load, just keep pressing the button until the next corner, and then keep going the next straight! It helps if your menu buttons are conveniently placed so you don't have to look down to use them, which is my case, but yeah, I think this is the safest, most fool-proof way to deal with pits.
Generally I don't have too many problems with my preselected pit strategies @Madbigdog, so I don't know what happened this time. And when I needed to do it manually I'd only got one lap to do it in and it was dark so I was concentrating a bit more on the track. And then there was the cat (I think he'd rigged the pitcrew so I had to pull over). So it was a combination of problems. 😵‍💫 🙂

Voice control of your pit and race menu would be an excellent addition. Something for Ian Bell to think about on his new GTRevival.
Good question half. This week I barely had the chance to play and every time I did I tried different cars. Tried the Toyota some night during the week, yesterday did a quick race with raeggee with us using Bentleys, and just this morning had a quick run with the Audi, but couldnt compare really because the race started wet and didnt fully druly in 5 laps. In any case, heres what I think:
  • I did similar best laps with the Toyota and the Bentley, maybe slight advantage to the Toyota.
  • I dont have a relevant laptime with the Audi but it "felt" faster in potential and a lot easier to drive. With downforce at 0/0 (something that was dangerous with the other two cars) it still felt stable and "grippy".

I want to have a go again tonight, want to see how the BMW compares. The Ferrari is clearly not an option, I had tried it already last week. Very difficult car and not particularly fast.

if the BMW is close in performance to the Audi we could go with both open tops. If it is more level with the Toyota/Bentley duo, then we could open the choice to these three. Or ... we could go all Audi and make it a single-make race.

Please you all, share your findings if you managed to drive some or all of them, and share your oponion.

The event details will be posted monday.
I was going to run an open-topped handicap car series at one point that featured some of these cars, it never came to fruition though.

After a good number of laps trying them out at a couple of tracks I found the Audi to be the quickest, probably because it was the easiest to drive. The Ferrari a little slower and not too bad, quite manageable once you'd got used to it (perhaps more fun). The BMW sat between them but is quite oversteery so required more effort to get the times.

I kept the results. A longer, faster track will possibly change these.

Sugo. Very close!
Audi - 1.13
BMW - 1.14
Ferrari - 1.15
LMP2 Oreca - 1.19 (the other car I was going to use)

Audi - 1.25.8
BMW - 1.26.5
Ferrari - 1.27.5
Oreca - 1.29.0

Might help. Might not. 🙂

I might not be able to make the 14th. I'm pencilled in to help build a shed on the Friday and over the weekend. This is subject to change and is especially dependent on having good weather, so we'll see how it pans out.
Thanks for the info, Paul! 👍

Meanwhile, unrelated but not entirely, Duarte is doing the 24 hours of Le Mans (iracing) this weekend, in a team of 4.
You can watch his live stream here. They're currently sitting 5th in class (LMP2)


Yesterday I ran a practice session at Le Mans. I tried the Ferrari, bit it was too slow in the straights, it looked a shame like the 16 in Montreal... 😞

I then switched to the orange-themed BMW V12, and it was flying down the straights. I had do quite a few setup changes, lowering downforce and tire pressures, but could clock some low 3:40s with a best of 3:39. Looks promising!

You can sign me up with team BMW, I will use this same car which performed so well in Daytona 3 years ago. Back then I ran 1st before being DSQ by the marshalls! A moral victory, sort of 😀

Un fort salut!
