The Stupidity of GT7 physics

  • Thread starter Tuono_GT
South Africa
South Africa
GT7 has been out for long enough now for PD to get their act together with regard to how cars react when leaving the circuit, especially when faced with a barrier.... and how penalties are dished out for supposedly 'forcing another car off track' (this one really is a joke).

Running off track and heading for the barrier just fills me with dread every time and to be frank, because it is so damned annoying and exceedingly frustrating that generally I just quit rather than waste time trying to get back on track, which in most cases is just a futile exercise. Approaching a barrier at an angle, in normal circumstances (and I have experience of this) will result in a deflection of certain degrees that will still enable one to travel forward in the racing direction, all be it slowly and with damage of sorts..

In GT7 however, PD seem to think that the striking corner of the car will grip the barrier... spin the rear of the car outward resulting in ones car facing the barrier at 90 degrees. Even trying to steer away from the approaching barrier has no effect and ends up with pretty much the same result. Turning the wheel and trying to drive the car away in a particular direction actually ends up with the car going in the opposite direction. Seriously?

And today, thanks to some nice Spanish gentleman, I ended up with a 3 sec penalty for forcing another off the track. Daily Race C, last left hander before the straight to the chicane and I have the inside line. This chap attempts to go around the outside, loses control, goes off the track, comes back on track all tied in knots, T bones me into the barrier before the chicane, I bounce off, hit him, he goes off track and I get the penalty - as I said earlier... what a bl@#dy joke!
That is super frustrating when there is like a square inch of bumper contact on the barrier but your car is glued to it somehow. The whole penalty system and sport mode in itself is a joke. They talk up sportsmanship and make a big deal out of sr/dr and you even sign an agreement..... give me a break.... none of that applies or is enforced. Let's wait 15 minutes for an 8 minute race and get taken out 1 minute in then you can exit and wait 20 minutes for the next sport mode race. Garbage.
you’re right, the physics of how a car reacts when hitting a barrier at a considerable angle (moreso than simple wall riding) is insanely unrealistic and almost always ends with the car perpendicular to the barrier, or facing backwards, counter to all known laws of physics. This is not how a real vehicle would react — it’s clearly hard-coded behavior, probably to prevent bouncing off of corners to gain an advantage, which was very possible in ancient iterations of the game.

On the one hand, if it were a real race, your car would be too damaged to continue the race (and in some cases totally obliterated), so no matter what the game does, it’s going to seem fake, since implementing a realistic damage model is apparently totally off the table.

Besides, ending the race there isn’t an outcome gamers would desire. So they’ve got to do something that punishes the driver, but still allows them to proceed. Someone somewhere decided a hard-coded “crash” that points your car the wrong way was a more immersive option than for example forcing you to drive 50mph for five seconds like in GT4. Terrible decision, in my opinion. The hard-coded crash is far more frustrating and unfair.

Related gripe: there should be a visual countdown on screen before the game resets your vehicle! Often I’m turning the wheel to try to get back on track, when the game suddenly and without warning plops me back on a straightaway at speed, which of course sends me crashing into the barrier since I had the wheel turned. Idiotic design.
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Related gripe: there should be a visual countdown on screen before the game resets your vehicle! Often I’m turning the wheel to try to get back on track, when the game suddenly and without warning plops me back on a straightaway at speed, which of course sends me crashing into the barrier since I had the wheel turned. Idiotic design.
That gets me more angry than a herd of Elephants who have been emailed to tell them the ivory ban has been lifted!!!
you’re right, the physics of how a car reacts when hitting a barrier at a considerable angle (moreso than simple wall riding) is insanely unrealistic and almost always ends with the car perpendicular to the barrier, or facing backwards, counter to all known laws of physics.
Can you name one such law and how the physics is in violation of it?
Newton’s first law of motion.

A body remains at rest, or in motion at a constant speed in a straight line, unless acted upon by a force.

I don’t see anything in there that is contradicted by the crash physics.
Have you ever side-swiped a barrier in your car? I hope not, it’s not a great experience, but was doesn’t happen is this: the front corner of the bumper sticks to the barrier like Velcro and stops the car cold.
Newton’s first law of motion.

A body remains at rest, or in motion at a constant speed in a straight line, unless acted upon by a force.

I don’t see anything in there that is contradicted by the crash physics.
There is no force acting to slow the car to a complete stop on a barrier glance and therefore the conservation of momentum is not enforced correctly.
Mostly the barrier thing isn't a problem unless you're on a course where it is, like Mount Panorama. If you so much as tickle the barrier with any part of your car, including the door, you will stop dead and probably start doing 360s. Yea, the penalty system is a joke, might as well not even exist IMO. The best way to deal with that is to get into DR A tier. Anything less than that and you're probably going to be put into a mixed DR lobby with a spread of 3 DRs, making your SR and DR completely useless.

This is obviously due to how few people play sport mode. 2% of players have done 50 sport mode races and only 14% have done a single sport mode race according to achievements. So there isn't much PD can do other than design a multiplayer people actually want to play. If we had more people playing sport mode your DR and SR would matter a lot more because it could put you into lobbies that are closer, it also wouldn't take 20 minutes to result in you getting into lobbies with a three DR spread.

Just think about this, if you even touch sport mode you are an extreme minority in the player base. Let that sink in.
Have you ever side-swiped a barrier in your car? I hope not, it’s not a great experience, but was doesn’t happen is this: the front corner of the bumper sticks to the barrier like Velcro and stops the car cold.
Oh I’ve hit plenty of barriers in GT7.
There is no force acting to slow the car to a complete stop on a barrier glance and therefore the conservation of momentum is not enforced correctly.
That’s not what I’m seeing, but maybe I’m doing something wrong? Do you have to crash in a specific way to reproduce that behaviour?

I think the point was that this is not how real life works, right? We’ve all hit barriers in GT7, the unrealism of which spawned this discussion. . .
In what way is real life different? In the video it looks like a pretty good representation of Newtonian physics. Which is weird for something that allegedly goes against all known laws of physics.
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I think the point was that this is not how real life works, right? We’ve all hit barriers in GT7, the unrealism of which spawned this discussion. . .
You're best to provide a comparison or at least a video of what you were describing earlier in the thread. No game simulates real life perfectly, so there will be some differences but I've not experienced my car sticking to a barrier in the manner described. If the car spins into the barrier that sometimes happens at speed, but I've seen that happen IRL too.

You only have to watch the first 15 seconds of this video to see it but the following crash shows this too as do many others:

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So there I was.., punted off track at the Glen (Race B) and sitting at probably 15-20deg from the wall. First gear, steering right away from the wall... apply throttle and the bloody car swings around to the left. Not forward and away from the wall. It goes in the complete opposite direction. SERIOUSLY!????????
GT7 has been out for long enough now for PD to get their act together with regard to how cars react when leaving the circuit, especially when faced with a barrier.... and how penalties are dished out for supposedly 'forcing another car off track' (this one really is a joke).

Running off track and heading for the barrier just fills me with dread every time and to be frank, because it is so damned annoying and exceedingly frustrating that generally I just quit rather than waste time trying to get back on track, which in most cases is just a futile exercise. Approaching a barrier at an angle, in normal circumstances (and I have experience of this) will result in a deflection of certain degrees that will still enable one to travel forward in the racing direction, all be it slowly and with damage of sorts..

In GT7 however, PD seem to think that the striking corner of the car will grip the barrier... spin the rear of the car outward resulting in ones car facing the barrier at 90 degrees. Even trying to steer away from the approaching barrier has no effect and ends up with pretty much the same result. Turning the wheel and trying to drive the car away in a particular direction actually ends up with the car going in the opposite direction. Seriously?

And today, thanks to some nice Spanish gentleman, I ended up with a 3 sec penalty for forcing another off the track. Daily Race C, last left hander before the straight to the chicane and I have the inside line. This chap attempts to go around the outside, loses control, goes off the track, comes back on track all tied in knots, T bones me into the barrier before the chicane, I bounce off, hit him, he goes off track and I get the penalty - as I said earlier... what a bl@#dy joke!
I’ve been convinced that the GAME makes sure you are facing backward after any off track excursion, forever. It’s not physics, it’s programming. Same for barrier impacts. It’s not meant to be real it’s meant to punish you for a mistake.
So there I was.., punted off track at the Glen (Race B) and sitting at probably 15-20deg from the wall. First gear, steering right away from the wall... apply throttle and the bloody car swings around to the left. Not forward and away from the wall. It goes in the complete opposite direction. SERIOUSLY!????????
Did you accelerate into the wall by any chance instead of, you know, reversing away from it first?

Try to replicate that and post a video and then people can give constructive fedback into what is off about it. And if you can't post a video yourself I imagine it can't be hard finding one demonstrating this behaviour in action.

Without a video all I can say is I have not experienced particualarly odd behaviour in this regard myself. It isn't 100% right, of course not, nor are the physics of any other video game. Remember a car is not a square/rectangle and wall isn't a smooth slick surface. The car is also not being pull towards the wall from a point in the mid-point of it's front most extremity. It's being pushed into the wall from 2 or more points.

There are plenty of videos online of cars clipping a barrier and spinning into it in real life rather than straightening up into the direction of travel. And there are a thousand or more reasons for that.
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Stop trying to be a superior smart arse Eran. It's not big and it's not clever.
Thanks for reminding me about the existence of this thread. I see that there’s still a lack of footage of the stupid crash physics, which is weird since they’re allegedly hard-wired to make sure you face the wrong way after a collision.
The law of ass hats. The one who questions the obvious/ don’t be a jerk
I assume that by “obvious” you actually mean “wildly exaggerated”. The crash physics seem perfectly fine by me, check the video for reference.
Still no change... Race C earlier, the back end starts sliding and quicker than you can shake a stick I'm into the barrier with the nose of the car and no hope of extracting any time soon. Quite ridiculous PD!
Still no change... Race C earlier, the back end starts sliding and quicker than you can shake a stick I'm into the barrier with the nose of the car and no hope of extracting any time soon. Quite ridiculous PD!

Do you have a video of this behaviour? It's not something I've noticed to be a problem.
Do you have a video of this behaviour? It's not something I've noticed to be a problem.
Next time it happens, I'll try to remember to save the race and post.


Now have a short clip from a screen recording but can't seem to upload the file. And can't find info on does/don'ts for uploading :confused:
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