There are no races in this game...

  • Thread starter RikkiGT-R


GT: IamValhalla
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Not really. Not as I understand the definition anyway.

There are lots of missions in Novice class right up to Super, but the only genuinely races occur in the karting events, and those are more of a novelty than what I would buy a GT game for. Virtually every other event is nothing more than a chase-down of the car at the front who has been given a 10 to 20 second lead (depending on event).

I went back to GT4 recently because I wanted to do some proper license tests with my new racing sim set-up. I then decided to go through a few races and, I have to say, I dearly miss lining up on a grid with all the other cars and jostling for position in the first corner.
Sure, you could enter in a vastly over-powered car and waltz to victory every time if you were that way inclined, but whatever. I love starting a race and seeing, for example; "A Spec: 100 points race..." and knowing I was in for a decent challenge.

Sadly there is no such thing in GT6. It's the same old mundane and boring procession every damned event; rolling start, watch 1st place streak into the distance, drive like a lunatic in the brief few laps you have and catch him before it's over. Rinse, repeat.

I get the sneaking suspicion there are no grid starts any more (aside from the aforementioned karting) because PD can't create AI worth a damn, and so they have to fabricate a challenge in the most crass way possible: just give the other cars a head start every time. It's pathetic. There's also the issue of the AI cars being made of solid iron meaning any slight coming together between us and them means a spin-out of tedious inevitability, and an even bigger lead gained by those cars at the front - if I don't simply restart in frustration. Just another maddening way PD made the game "challenging"...

On the plus side, the driving itself is still absolutely sublime. I've said elsewhere here that no other game feels as good as GT does when it is doing what it does best: hurtling around Nurburgring or Spa (or any one of countless beautiful tracks) in a premium car, cockpit view, no HUD, the dead of night, stars twinkling... it's absolutely astounding.

If only they added some races. It would be an amazing game.
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I have taken to doing endurance style racing in GT6
Single Player Arcade Races, with car of your choice, but choose infinite laps.
This basically turns off any of the rubber-banding that may be present.
Yes you still have a chase the rabbit situation, but the racing against any opponent is much much better
And depending on the track you may find the pack bunched close together, or spread out a lot and it takes you 15 laps or more to get anywhere near the first car.

Also the only tuning I do is two things.
-add a semi-racing exhaust to make them sound better, but reduce the power limiter so that the PP remains the same as stock
-add FC suspension, but reset the ride-height, damper and swaybar values to what it was standard.
BUT you can adjust toe and camber as you like to correct the bad rear toe values
The Red Bull events are as close as GT6 gets to a proper race. I would be more than willing to go back to 6 cars on the grid to have that being in an actual race feel back.
Probably the closest to a legit racing feel is the Super GT and NASCAR events since they do double file rolling starts like they do in real life.

I really miss the option to qualify, I wouldn't mind the GT Style Single File rolling start if I could actually Qualify for poll position.
eran0004 - I'm well aware. I just don't understand why PD made the actual single player experience so bad. Every "race" (word used very loosely) feels basically the same, just with faster and faster cars as you go through the levels N to S.
With the standard of driving simulation Gran Turismo has - awesome, by the way - and with superb graphics, an incredible array of cars and tracks, the game could've been amazing. But it's hopeless.

The series peaked at GT4. That was the last time PD cared about the end-user experience. It beggars belief how much they managed to wring out of the old PS2 console. So many cars, so many races, so much potential. Months and months of non-stop fun.
I would personally rank GT5 above GT6 based purely on the offensive prices offered in GT6 for in-game credit purchasing. Even EA wouldn't have the balls to charge £120 for a single car. Says it all.
Luckily credits come rather easy using seasonal events.

I have been on a nostalgia break. Worked my way through GT2 rather quickly, now plugging away on GT3 again. Sadly even with a clean laser my PS2 just says nope to the GT4 disk.

Will get back to 6 eventually...
Luckily credits come rather easy using seasonal events

That they do, but even with the 200% reached and golding all season events you will struggle to win enough credits to purchase a single top-level car (which are all basically useless anyway - aside from historic races).

That said, I don't really care too much when it comes to my own enjoyment. I have 12m credits at the minute (all earned in races and events), and a great collection of cars so I don't really need to concern myself with it too much. It's just the fact that the whole £39.99 for 7m credits things exists that annoys me. It's unbelievably extortionate, and I will never be silent on things I see as unfair.
Hey, they can't even get camber correct. I think they meant for that sum to be in Yen...

Seriously, even if that amount paid made all the cars free it would be too much.
I once bought 500 million for Forza 4 from some guy online. Paid £15 with PayPal, I put a rubbish car onto the auction house and he bought it for that amount. THAT is a fair deal when I was able to buy basically every car I wanted.
I have taken to doing endurance style racing in GT6
Single Player Arcade Races, with car of your choice, but choose infinite laps.
This basically turns off any of the rubber-banding that may be present.
Yes you still have a chase the rabbit situation, but the racing against any opponent is much much better
And depending on the track you may find the pack bunched close together, or spread out a lot and it takes you 15 laps or more to get anywhere near the first car.

Also the only tuning I do is two things.
-add a semi-racing exhaust to make them sound better, but reduce the power limiter so that the PP remains the same as stock
-add FC suspension, but reset the ride-height, damper and swaybar values to what it was standard.
BUT you can adjust toe and camber as you like to correct the bad rear toe values

Been running races using @Robbks suggestion,best offline racing I've experienced in the game,not perfect but the AI actually seem to be putting up some resistance and not just driving as if they are running on rails,a and zero rubber banding:tup:

Infinite laps? Then at what point does the race end? :D

It doesn't end until you quit,and there's no winner which is the beauty of racing this way-theres always another car ahead to race/practice slipstreaming/try a new line/overtake/get to know a track a bit better under race conditions etc...Wish I'd known you could do this earlier instead of wasting time re-running the career mode over and over...
I got PCars this week. I've only got about 12 hours into it, but the competition and AI behavior makes GT6 look so amateurish. In GT4 when I completed a challenging race it was like "Whew, I did it!" In GT6 its "Whew, glad THAT'S over"
@Robbks & @pogledrip Just tried your theory on infinite laps & I'm sorry to say the AI are still crap, got into 2nd at the end of lap 1 (stock GT500) with all aids off (abs 1).
Clean as a whistle aswell, they're just too slow in the corners to be of any challenge I'm afraid.
I managed to get GT4 working for now, I am totally smitten with it after GT6. The drive isn't perfect, but everything else more than makes up for it.

Can't really see myself doing seasonal chase 'em downs right now. It's a shame time trials only pay once. PSN kicks me too much to even attempt online PvP racing right now.
@Robbks & @pogledrip Just tried your theory on infinite laps & I'm sorry to say the AI are still crap, got into 2nd at the end of lap 1 (stock GT500) with all aids off (abs 1).
Clean as a whistle aswell, they're just too slow in the corners to be of any challenge I'm afraid.

I think you may have misunderstood what running infinite laps actually does-the AI are awful and always will be and nothing is going to change that.Running infinite laps removes the rubber banding,dive bombing corners and some other dodgy driving,not turn them into super competitive racers.
Sometimes winning a race isn't everything,running laps and playing about with the AI,tailgating,running alongside and
reacting to their less than stellar driving skills can be great fun,rather than just tanking past and racing off into the distance and first place.
Yeah, I understand. Though it's difficult to achieve.
Track Days like this is the ultimate goal.

You pass cars, and cars pass you. No rush, no fuss. Just free flow driving at your pleasure.
Although it's hard to obtain because the AI isn't exactly good. Plus, when I host a track day online. Everyone who joins has to, I don't know why, yet they always have to bring out the fastest car allowed to run like a raped ape.
Like for example, I'll be driving a 420 something pp car and the limit in the room is 550. Well, everyone who joins automatically thinks they have to drive 550 pp and fling their car as hard and as fast as possible around the track. NO FUN WHAT SO EVER. Especially when they don't even know how to pass you properly and ram you into corners with no remorse.
Unless I want to be in a 550 pp race, then its a whole new story. Yet for the sake of a NORMAL track day. It's hard to obtain unless you know people with the same goal that'll race at there own pace.
I've had some interesting results as I'm getting used to using L3 and R3 for gas/brake. It's easier for me to keep to the bumper of the car leading me with the better throttle control, and being on part throttle when he takes off out of the corners I can keep up with him. While the AI isn't acting much differently, I am driving differently and it helps a lot. I have actually had some decent races with infinite laps, but I find it's pretty much up to which car is the rabbit. I got a McLaren that was stretching me 3 seconds a lap, while a BMW M3 or 4 let me catch up to him in 4 laps, then we kept swapping the lead until I got tired.
One thing that I think they reduced drastically the grid starts too is because GT5 struggle to run with all the particle effects caused by grid starts, especially on races with many cars. I rather they reduce this effect to accomodate this, but they kept this untouched.
I have taken to doing endurance style racing in GT6
Single Player Arcade Races, with car of your choice, but choose infinite laps.
This basically turns off any of the rubber-banding that may be present.
Yes you still have a chase the rabbit situation, but the racing against any opponent is much much better
And depending on the track you may find the pack bunched close together, or spread out a lot and it takes you 15 laps or more to get anywhere near the first car.

Also the only tuning I do is two things.
-add a semi-racing exhaust to make them sound better, but reduce the power limiter so that the PP remains the same as stock
-add FC suspension, but reset the ride-height, damper and swaybar values to what it was standard.
BUT you can adjust toe and camber as you like to correct the bad rear toe values

This is the best suggestion l have seen on GTP bar none!
it is now a whole new game, fun level increased 10X