Things that are better than the replacement refs

  • Thread starter Omnis
the song "Stupid Hoe" by Nicki Minaj, but just barely
nonstop coverage of a Presidential Race when both candidates are totally useless
TV shows that glorify the "redneck" culture to give the Southern USA a mostly undeserved bad reputation; rednecks are all over the world, but not according to the shows
not having a digital camera for awesome photo opportunities
premature "climax" during intercourse with a women you're deeply in love with
West Virginia's secondary.
Being the worst player on the Charlotte Bobcats.
Rosie O'Donnell's chances of becoming a supermodel.
Dish Network cutting The Walking Dead from their lineup.
Jerry Sandusky becoming a babysitter.
Playing a Nintendo system
Music by Lady Gaga
Teaching drunk people how to swim drunk
Trying to get on the TV show "COPS"
Drinking Toxic waste
Reading a dictionary
Living in North Korea
High School
Searching for the worst video on Youtube