Those summer nights have ended!PS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr


Still here.
(A car series that runs on Grease)
Main Pic.jpeg

"Tell me more, tell me more. Like do we have a car?"
Well-a well-a well I will then

On Mondays @ 8pm (UK) for a few weeks over the summer period I'm going to be running a short series that won't be anything too serious so it doesn't matter if summer holidays get in the way. Hopefully it will be fun though.

And it's going to involve all the Group B cars in PC2. Might as well get to use some of the cars from the fun pack now everyone has it.

So that's the Ford RS200

The Renault 5 Maxi Turbo
R5 Turbo.jpeg

And the Audi S1 Quattro
Audi Quatro.jpeg

They each have their quirks due to their various drivetrains and may suit some tracks more than others.
(It's probably best to select the circuit/tarmac default settings for all)

The Ford is probably the fastest overall.
The Renault is not too much slower but is slightly harder to control.
The Audi is the slowest* but is probably easiest to control.

*That's mainly down to its longer gears, so on some tracks it holds its own.
One thing to note. They all start the races on cold tires.
So be wary of this during the early laps.

There will be an initial 5 minute practice period before race 1 to allow for late comers to join and those with internet problems the chance to rejoin.
Then each week there will be five races. 4 of 10 minutes duration with the middle race of the evening (race 3) being 15 minutes
All will have random grids (no qualification).

(Here's the slight handicap system I've mentioned previously)
For each race you can choose any of the cars.
But if you finish on the podium (1st, 2nd or 3rd)
you can not use that same car again during the meeting.
The exception to this is if you finish on the podium in each of the cars it is reset and you can choose from all again.

And those summer nights?
Every race will be set in fine summer weather, but at differing times during the night.
Don't worry though, just look at all those lights fitted to the beasts. They really work a treat.
(Damage will be off so that you don't loose the benefit of those headlights!)
Some of the track and time choices won't be that dark anyway.

Since we'll be swapping and changing don't worry about colour choices and numbers.
For variety just try to pick a different livery to everyone else in each race - although you'll find that's tricky in the Audi.
As usual a "thumbs up" ready to race will let me know when everyone is happy to start.

Track List.
Azure Circuit (Monaco)
Indianapolis Motor Speedway - road coarse
Rouen Les Essarts - Short
Sonoma Raceway - National
C.O.T.A - National
Long Beach

Basic Settings
Default setup (tuning prohibited)
Private - Invite only
Grid 16 slots
Standing Start
Wait for race ready - On

Rules & Penalties - On
Track Limit Penalties - Off
Drive Through Penalties - Off
Pit Exit Penalty - Off
Competitive Racing License - Off

During summer at night in the dry.

Realism Settings
Allow Auto Start Engine -Yes
Force Interior view - No
Force Driving Line Off - No
Force Default Setups - Yes
Force Manual Gears - No
Force Realistic Driving Aids - No
Allow Anti Lock Brakes - Yes
Allow Traction Control - Yes
Allow Stability Control - No
Damage Type - Off
Mechanical Failures - No
Allow Ghosted Vehicles - Yes
Force Manual Pit stops - No
Pit Stop Errors - No
Tire Wear - Off
Fuel Depletion - Off
Force cool down Lap - No

I'll add the usual suspects below. On a good day there are 16 of us but there's often a spot or two so new drivers are always welcome when there is space.

@Don Mejillone
@John Wells


@Adrian_38 ?
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Such a pity I can't race this one ...
The MG Metro 6R4 would be interesting too. There were some crazy cars in that class.
I'll make sure to pick a favorite car then conveniently finish 4th every time
I'll be watching. 😉
I'm not entirely sure that would work anyway, it would depend on everyone else's positions. And I'm sure your competitive nature would kick in. 😊

It's all a bit of an experiment so we'll see how it all goes.
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The MG Metro 6R4 would be interesting too. There were some crazy cars in that class.

I'll be watching. 😉
I'm not entirely sure that would work anyway, it would depend on everyone else's positions. And I'm sure your competitive nature would kick in. 😊

It's all a bit of an experiment so we'll see how it all goes.
Just kidding of course, I'm excited to try all the cars. I've driven a few group b cars on dirt rally, love the Metro. Only driven the Renault 5 thus far in pc2 on one of your dice roll evenings, if I recall correctly it had glowing reviews from all participants...

@richroo you can do Grease themed jingles before the events to set the scene 🎸
Just kidding of course, I'm excited to try all the cars. I've driven a few group b cars on dirt rally, love the Metro. Only driven the Renault 5 thus far in pc2 on one of your dice roll evenings, if I recall correctly it had glowing reviews from all participants...
There in Dirt 2 as well Joe.
😊 Just kidding of course, I'm excited to try all the cars.
I guessed that, but it did get me thinking about what you mentioned though. Could someone continuously finish 4th? Hmm, maybe, maybe not. It could be a strategy to try though.
@richroo you can do Grease themed jingles before the events to set the scene 🎸
Rich Travolta? We don't really want him working with Grease. He might slip over and hurt his back again.

*I'd forgotten originally so I've added a note in the first post but I'll put it here as well.
All the cars start the races on cold tyres.
So be wary of this during the early laps.

I'm thinking of holding Monday's test race at Leipzig. It's got a good mix of fast and slow sections.
I guessed that, but it did get me thinking about what you mentioned though. Could someone continuously finish 4th?
I think that if you are good enough to finish in the top three and manufacture a fourth place finish you are probably good enough to finish in the top 3 in any car so why would you want to finish 4th in (probably your favourite) car all the time?
In case we have to (can) choose a car !!
You don't have to Don but if you want to pick some that's just fine.

And just a reminder that tonight's test races will be held at the Porsche Leipzig full track. It'll probably be in the daylight since both the cars and track are new to most (the circuit isn't that well lit). And just for this one I think I'll drop the time down to 10 minute races, just so everyone can get used to the format.
Since @Hun200kmh asked. 😊

The test session seemed to work quite well. There weren't enough of us to really give the handicap system a proper try but I think it'll work. Everyone gave all the cars a go, some liked certain cars while others liked different ones, so that was interesting.

We also had a little bit of night time running which no one complained about, so those headlights must be OK as well.

Pretty much the only thing I might change is to reduce the race length down from 15 minutes to 10 minutes, that seemed to work well during the testing. We'd get an extra race in that way. Or perhaps a mix of 10 and 15 minute races, hmm I'll think about it.

Any further comments or observations from those who took part?
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So sorry for missing last night fellas. Had to go to a meeting with my builder, who happens to be my son-in-law, wife wanted to come and spend time with daughter and kids, one led to another and before I knew it the evening was gone. Yes, I know my machine was on, but I find it so difficult to turn it off 🤪

Hope it went well, and if anyone is up for a session this week I'll tell the Mrs to watch some garbage on the box. (There's plenty to go at.)

Cheers, Zo.
Yes, I know my machine was on
Actually I think your internet connection was having a strop anyway. You/it kept disconnecting and reconnecting during the earlier part of the evening. It was a case of "Oh here's Zo. Oh, he's gone again". Seemed to settle down after that so hopefully it's sorted itself out.
...and if anyone is up for a session this week
Before I go through and reset all the various settings ready for the final BMW race I might just run a session or two with the Group B machines if anyone is about. Perhaps try a different track where the cars may behave differently.

The track list nearly finalised. A bit of a mix of short and long(er).
Any further comments or observations from those who took part?
Firstly, I had a bit of a crummy day yesterday and that session took my mind off it and cheered me right up, so thanks!

Really excited about the series. The performance differences and contrasting characters of the cars should make it very interesting. Throw that in the mix with the random grids and high-octane, toe to toe racing is inevitable. As will be lots of incidents...perhaps we need a "sorry" jar... Like a swear jar but for the other "S" word!
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Any further comments or observations from those who took part?
Personally i liked the mic on, makes it more entertaining listening when your out on your own, and a quick apology is easy, but i understand if that causes problems.
I think it would make a great series based on last night. I cant think of anything that would improve your suggestions.
Agree re mics on for this series; it is just a bit of fun and the banter adds to the experience. Only caveat would be to ask finishers to hold back on the post mortem discussion until everyone is over the line. I'm bound to be in a heated battle for 11th and the post mortems tend to be a longer and more continuous distraction than the occasional "sorry mate".

Really enjoyed last night and the format should make for a great mini-series.
Ah well then there seems to be positive feedback so hopefully it'll be a good series.

I have plans for it to run for 6 weeks although it could be extended if popular. And I think 10 minute races might work better to suit the format. There's usually extra time added on anyway.
So that would make it 5 races per evening. Perhaps the last race could be a 15 minute "endurance" :-)

Mics on? Yes why not. Again it will suit the format. It may be easier to control the car choices that way anyway. Bear in mind though that English isn't everyone's 1st language. And as @half_sourly says if everyone keeps their after race chat until after the race that would be helpful.
The only problem is that it gets a bit warm when wearing my headphones during the summer. I'll have to take them off occasionally, or upgrade to air conditioned ones.
Summer night in Italy.

If we have these Alfas (a model much loved by yours truly) in the game we could do an "Italian night" with them sometime this summer.

Mics on? Yes why not. Again it will suit the format. It may be easier to control the car choices that way anyway. Bear in mind though that English isn't everyone's 1st language.

I'm sure raeggee won't mind cursing in portuguese, you guys could even learn a few new words 😜
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