Time gaps

  • Thread starter cunny17
In general, I'd like to see these updated more frequently that at present.

And I'd like to see the inter-car distances (feet or meters) in real time (such as Forza does).
This would be a godsend for online racing. Offline it would be very nice(I miss the picture showing which car's time was displayed from earlier games too, since I turn off the list). But it is a must for online. So much exciting racing that no one knows is happening because they have no idea where anyone else is on track except the unassailable car 38 seconds ahead and gaining.
It surprised me how many pages I had to scroll before this suggestion showed up. For online racing it would bring so much to the entertainment.

I would like split times visible either in the opponents list along with each driver's name,


the way we have split time to the race leader now, but to the car directly in front and behind you instead (i.e. a red and a blue split time at each check point).
Thats a big point. It would be helpful for the employees of PD, if they would take a look to other racing sims like rfactor, GTR and so on. Then they would see how to make things right ! But nooooo, they try to invent the wheel themselfes - and they fail...!
But if you read the title: "the real driving simulator", not "the real racing simulator"... ;-)
Thats a big point. It would be helpful for the employees of PD, if they would take a look to other racing sims like rfactor, GTR and so on. Then they would see how to make things right ! But nooooo, they try to invent the wheel themselfes - and they fail...!
But if you read the title: "the real driving simulator", not "the real racing simulator"... ;-)

Yeah, yeah... In a sense I agree with you, but this should not be a difficult feature to add. I mean, the data already is available to us in the replays.
Yea, I noticed it in the replays and was surprised they did not give us this option for the live race. It would be a very great and welcomed feature.
A nice old fashion Pit board would be grand.
- Be smashing to have the option for "Realistically out of date news" Telling you the gaps from last time you passed the pit lane.
It should be switchable in race between time to place in front compared to leader. Alternatively just give both figures at the same time.
July 1st, 2012


Guitis77: "How come, while in a race, the time gaps (differences) don’t show up for the car in front of you and behind you?"

: "If the public demands it, it can be implemented. The problem we have is that in the same screen (the racing display, as we call it), we have to put in a lot of information, too much information. That’s why at the beginning, we only saw it necessary to insert the times of the leading car, but hey, it’s something we’re always giving a go."

We are claiming that feature years ago, and PD didnt implemented it yet. Its unbelievable...
In the single player game, the delta to the leader (or if you're the leader, to the car in 2nd) is much more important than the delta to other cars. If you want the other deltas displayed, you could get up to 5 lines of time information appearing every time you cross a sector line:

current lap time (always displayed)
sector time
leader delta
next car delta
previous car delta (appears when previous car crosses sector line)

Not everyone will like this much text appearing on screen at once, but I guess the data analysts wouldn't mind. Quite sure players are going to be complaining until GT gets a heavily customizable HUD.
In the single player game, the delta to the leader (or if you're the leader, to the car in 2nd) is much more important than the delta to other cars. If you want the other deltas displayed, you could get up to 5 lines of time information appearing every time you cross a sector line:

current lap time (always displayed)
sector time
leader delta
next car delta
previous car delta (appears when previous car crosses sector line)

Not everyone will like this much text appearing on screen at once, but I guess the data analysts wouldn't mind. Quite sure players are going to be complaining until GT gets a heavily customizable HUD.

You don't really need to know the next/previous car gaps at every segment, though it would be nice. Just having it once a lap at the start/finish line would be a great improvement. For one example, there is room on the "leaderboard" on the right side of the screen where you could put a little counter next to the position ahead/behind you and display the gap times there. And of course, this could all be made optional so people who prefer to race in an information blackout can continue to do so.

Also, as far as singleplayer goes it is hugely useful in endurance races because the field (quite naturally) gets so spread out over time.
July 1st, 2012


Guitis77: "How come, while in a race, the time gaps (differences) don’t show up for the car in front of you and behind you?"

: "If the public demands it, it can be implemented. The problem we have is that in the same screen (the racing display, as we call it), we have to put in a lot of information, too much information. That’s why at the beginning, we only saw it necessary to insert the times of the leading car, but hey, it’s something we’re always giving a go."

We are claiming that feature years ago, and PD didnt implemented it yet. Its unbelievable...

Good find! Why isn't at least everyone who races online asking for this to get it done?

In the single player game, the delta to the leader (or if you're the leader, to the car in 2nd) is much more important than the delta to other cars. If you want the other deltas displayed, you could get up to 5 lines of time information appearing every time you cross a sector line:

current lap time (always displayed)
sector time
leader delta
next car delta
previous car delta (appears when previous car crosses sector line)

Not everyone will like this much text appearing on screen at once, but I guess the data analysts wouldn't mind. Quite sure players are going to be complaining until GT gets a heavily customizable HUD.

Why do you need both race leader and next car differences, isn't that information superfluous?
Also, see my reply to raven214 below.

Link this:
Current lap time (always displayed)
Sector time (when passing the sector)
To next car (when passing the sector)
To car behind (when it passes the sector)​

This would mean at most four lines of text that you even can shift about, like this:
                        [Centre of the screen, like now]

                                  CURRENT LAP                  
                              (always displayed)        
      + TO CAR AHEAD            +/- SECTOR TIME                - TO CAR BEHIND
 (when passing the sector)     (when passing the sector)   (when it passes the sector)
I hope that makes sense. (Lining up the text was a pain.)

You don't really need to know the next/previous car gaps at every segment, though it would be nice. Just having it once a lap at the start/finish line would be a great improvement. For one example, there is room on the "leaderboard" on the right side of the screen where you could put a little counter next to the position ahead/behind you and display the gap times there. And of course, this could all be made optional so people who prefer to race in an information blackout can continue to do so.

Also, as far as singleplayer goes it is hugely useful in endurance races because the field (quite naturally) gets so spread out over time.

Yes, agreed! If the drivers list had a column for split times that updated once a lap, I think it would be enough (for me :P). Like so:
  1. DigitalSTIG
  2. NumberTwo (+4 s)
  3. Player1 (+9 s)
  4. MrT-Bone (+28 s)
  5. MyCarIsBlack (+1 m)
  6. 2Fast4U (+1 m)
  7. Etc (+1 m)
  8. 4evrLast (+1 lap)
  9. NothingToC (+1 lap)
...but with the split times aligned right.

My hope is this request will gain traction as it brings more to the game than even engine sounds would, and it doesn't seem like a very complex thing to add (unlike new engine sounds for 1200 cars). :D
@RewindTape - Or it could just display 1 line of text, & then we could toggle through all the available options with 1 button press to choose what we want displayed at any given time according to out current preference.
@VBR: Yes, indeed. Cluttering the game screen is a problem, but they've already made elements optional, so why not add them as such? Everybody wins! (Well, the first guy across the line wins a little more. :P)

I find it more important and care a lot more about that we get functional split times, rather than their implementation. Timing is sorely lacking at the moment. :(
Actually this feature is in the game, but only in watch race.

We need it when we are racing!!
As i mentioned before. This is such an "easy-to-solve" problem. The only thing PD has to do is take a quick look to 5 or 6 other racing-sims and voila ! Ok, ok. Probably my personally biggest problem is that i´m a european guy which do not understand the asian way of thinking.... ;-) But on the other side: If PD want to sell this game on the wohle planet. So they should make it right. And in terms of racing they have a lot work still to do...
Greets from the black forest,
thorfynn aka Heavy aka Michael
The first issue to solve is that, in on-line racing mode, the leader can only see the time difference between him and the second guy once per lap when the second guy crossess the finish line. So, the leader has no indication what happens from sector to sector. In career mode however the leader sees the differential every time the second guy crosses the sector, why not in on-line mode?

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