Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
I have about 2 tenths left base on optimals
Does anyone have any good braking reference for the blind corner near the WeatherTech billboard, I keep ruining my line which is affecting my speed. I will try to record some runs explaining better what I'm talking about. I've got to reach silver territory this weekend if I can.
Thank you as ever - your lap-guides save the likes of me a lot of time in figuring TTs out.

I'm sure the controller users appreciate the 'pad laps' you now include, but as a fellow bumper cam wheel user, I miss the Martin Brundle-style no pause sections you used to do. They were my go-to source most weeks, as I could run them on YouTube at 0.25x or 0.5x speed to figure out nuances. I realise I can just download your replay from the console to say my own YouTube account and do the same, and that you can't please everyone, but I also now you invite and appreciate feedback.
Ooo interesting, appreciate the feedback! I'll see about adding it again as I feel the pad lap and the brundle lap are similar although I realise I do talk about pad tips/tricks when I do it.
@Tidgney claims that when a car snaps it is easier to catch on controller than with a wheel. He said that, for example, last week with the X-Bow and the week before with the Toyota GT-One. And it seems to happen the same with the Jaguar.

Sadly I can't tell you the difference because I never used a wheel but I understand it is indeed no problem catching with a controller, the hard thing would be managing throttle right when is demanded.

Edit: congratz on your new PB 😎
Definitely far easier to catch a car with a pad than a wheel, just due to the quick lock to lock you can do. There's also some assist in the background for Pad users I believe, but don't know much about it.
Does anyone have any good braking reference for the blind corner near the WeatherTech billboard, I keep ruining my line which is affecting my speed. I will try to record some runs explaining better what I'm talking about. I've got to reach silver territory this weekend if I can.
To my mind it depends on how straight your entry is. If you are coming in following the curve (more to the left), you need to dab the brakes before the curb in order to straighten up your line, then braking as soon as the curb straightens out. If you are coming in parallel to the last part of the curb (more to the right) you can just brake at the start of the curb. My experience, because of how inconsistently I hit the first apex, was that I would come in either way and had to decide on the braking/entry point as I was going up the hill. I am aware that this is not optimum, but neither is my driving. The blind turn in spot is the same in either case. Obviously your speed will have a great deal to do with the exact spots.
Got up at 4am for the GP sprint race but it was incredibly boring so decided to TT instead.

Took 20-odd laps consistently losing two or three tenths through the first 3 corners but it suddenly clicked. Took 7 tenths off my time.


I can smell that gold now! Massively overachieving here, top 5k is nuts for me.

That was with a British Racing Green livery - maybe tasteful is the way to go after all.
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OMG no!! I'm gonna have to push one more time for a safe solid silver!

My time: 1'27.980
Silver Gap: 1'27.981

That is seriously close!! I know one thing, these TT's push me to the limit, sometimes I'll get so frustrated that I'll throw my controller on a big soft pillow! Lol, I'm awaiting the morning crowd. There's a lot but I'm only tagging a few id's.

@Gomario JSP , @Evilmuffin, @Pesselles, @smoothbore12, @ScottPuss20, @Gogga, @GlockPants, @P-Courty, @Jeje6410, @Barareklam, @half_sourly, @JasonMcDonald, @Dan_Tes, @krazislaw
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Good morning fellow time trialers. First semi-serious session with the Jaaag yesterday after coming home from a friend's birthday party. I had some red wine and quite a few Grappa, so considering this I am quite happy with should be a very solid gold :cheers:


It's fun, but I think between this and the X-Bow I choose the latter, because it's just more playful. The Jaguar feels like a big untrained dog (or, well, a big untrained cat I guess) that I am taking out for a walk and have to argue and wrestle with everytime I want to change direction. Especially in S2 we weren't really a team, but actually fighting against each other.

Well maybe she starts trusting me if I visit her more often, but I think first I will do one more push (or maybe two) with the KTM.
I saw the times has improved and i’d slipped out the top 1000 and 2% was now further away. I quickly got myself back in the top 1000 but then for two hours I didn’t improve.

I was about to give up for the night when I got myself a 1:34.2 something. Having found some magic I did a few more laps even though it was 2am. Then I found it! I got my sub 2% and a top 600 time. :)


Now I want to get into the 1:33s but I’m not sure I can push that far.
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Excellent time! Congratulations. Have you done your controller vs wheel mathematics on this one yet? I can do you a quick gtp scoreboard if you want.
Thanks. No I haven't, it just felt from comments that's kinda 50-50 or maybe even more for controller. I am at home and then using excel on phone. It works but sometimes it doesn't. But give me the data so far and I will check wheel vs controller ratio so far. I am interested to see.

View attachment 1348375

Now I want to get into the 1:33s but I’m not sure I can push that far.
I am sure you can! And if you need some advices, plenty of fast people here in 1:33 that can give you advice if you need.
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Thanks. No I haven't, it just felt from comments that's kinda 50-50 or maybe even more for controller. I am at home and then using excel on phone. It works but sometimes it doesn't. But give me the data so far and I will check wheel vs controller ratio so far. I am interested to see.
Here you go. Worth checking with @Nebuc72 if his was a controller or wheel time.



  • TT75-static.xlsx
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Been a mad month so only got started with the X-Bow yesterday... great to see everyone's replays viewable on the leaderboards, plenty of rapid GTP ghosts to chase!

Didn't quite get down to Half Sourly pace but sneaked into the top 100 this morning. Everyone concentrate on the Jag now pls...

(It's a fun one though so could probably be persuaded to do a session or two more)


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