Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Really? :yuck:


Decided to try with a different ghost and got back into gold.


Would be really nice if we can now stop improving the top time.. I don't want to drive BH anymore 😅:rolleyes:
Hello everyone, been a while lol

Feel like i can't do much better in the sirocco so i started on the s14 at brands this morning.

I've so far managed to hit a 46.351 my replay is shared. I feel like i can probably hit a 45.9 or better and this combo feels really nice to me, so i will be doing many more laps
I am so annoyed. Got silver for Laguna Seca. I just checked and now I only have bronze. Why do they change the times once the events is launched? That is just lame.
I am so annoyed. Got silver for Laguna Seca. I just checked and now I only have bronze. Why do they change the times once the events is launched? That is just lame.
They don't. The prize tiers are dependent on the current world record time.

Gold: 103% of WR, silver 105%, and so on. Frankly I don't understand how people miss this detail, when it's literally mentioned right below the WR time.
They don't. The prize tiers are dependent on the current world record time.

Gold: 103% of WR, silver 105%, and so on. Frankly I don't understand how people miss this detail, when it's literally mentioned right below the WR time.

The time do not "change" you need to be at most 3% slower with world record to get gold. And world record evolves until the end of the event.
Didn’t notice but thanks for the info.
Really? :yuck:

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Decided to try with a different ghost and got back into gold.

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Would be really nice if we can now stop improving the top time.. I don't want to drive BH anymore 😅:rolleyes:
This is sick! To get gold you have to be among the top 5k or so! The fastest around take no prisoners this time. I like the combo but still need to find half of a second as some busy and unusual silent friends like @Pesselles and @MUC76 .
Day 2 at Brands Hatch with good improvement.

After watching @Tidgney's lap guide for reference, it was time to hit the track. It's still a course that I generally struggle with and some corners I'm still working out, but I managed to get an ok Gold time for now.


I can't say if this will be safe, I generally like to get under 2.5% for a safe Gold. But if I put in another stint or two, a few of these turns might start making more sense and get into the 1:45's.
This is sick! To get gold you have to be among the top 5k or so! The fastest around take no prisoners this time. I like the combo but still need to find half of a second as some busy and unusual silent friends like @Pesselles and @MUC76 .
Hi Gorefast, Dear friend,
I am just silent because I have to due to the lack of improvements 🙄
And you know, that being silent is not one of my core competencies 😅

I set a 1:46,495 on Friday and did another session yesterday night. I didn't want to talk about my great improvement. But you asked...
I did a 1:46,484 and improved by 0,011 seconds. Take this Jeddah! 😄

Different mistakes at different corners resulting in more or less the same lap time and not the patience to wait for the lucky moment 🙄

I am done with the Silvia. Slidy sister of beaches. 😆


The only thing this TT told me is that I would like to improve my drifting skills with the wheel.
But not with the Silvia or one of her slippy sisters but the only thing I can ever rely on...
My E30 Evo made in Bavaria 😅


But my improvement here is comparable small. Therefore I attached a picture, not a movie 🙄😄

Never forget: If the TT doesn't suit you, it's the problem of the TT, not yours 🤓

Yeah, i knew i was to fast and tried to lose some time at the last 3 corners, but wasn't enough. 🥲😂😂

No, nooo... i'm just lucky... sometimes. 😇
😂😂, epic time!

nice momentum on T6 aswell, I followed you and that caught me off guard completely mate 😂😂😂
I just can't understand how Ibrahim clocks a 43.6..... I would love to see that lap 🧐🧐
Speaking of orange liveries.

Had another go at the Scirocco TT couple of days ago. On 15 laps or so I could not get close to the 28.2 pace so I left it sit for a few more days.

Today I thought I would go for a final stint and was getting faster sectors in every lap. But couldn't string all of them together. 25 laps gone , following @Tidgney ghost and finally everything comes together . The fabled 27 (by the smallest possible margin) arrives at last. 210th in the world but should drop a few more places. Should be enough for PB .

Optimal was a 27.750 but wasn't feeling like it would come any time soon.

Trying to catch @Dolph Drago , which I failed again....😂 but I'm coming closer @ 6 thousands of a second 🙈 and if it wasn't for the very bad second split-time which was 2 tenths slower in this lap then my best of the morning 😡 I would have got it 🙈,
Absolute blast of a lap you did mate!


But ......hi Kie....moehaha
( I know if these guys keep at it they would absolutely murder my time) but I'm damn proud of it! 😂😂

This is getting too close for comfort! :scared: If it makes you feel better, I couldn't come within half of a second of my best time in my session last night. I was just bad...everywhere, though my optimal was a .7. I will say that sector 2 is a mystery. I have laps where I get through there and feel great about it. That is until I look down and see my split in red as I'm bleeding time. Then I'll have what feels like a rough turn there, only to see my split is well up. Weird.

I was surprised when I found myself in front of Kie, as well. I then came to the same conclusion he would crush me if he actually tried for the whole TT! :lol:
Back from some motivational break ;)

Straight into one of my beloved circuits and very de-motivational FWD car...
Those cars abruptly expose the irrelevancy of my input method and there's just not very much I can do about it (other than change it)

First laps in and I struggle as always to steer this thing, many red laps, first very slim gold on lap 23. Took a break, did some rethinking (rewiring from the smoothly driveable 458 Italia) and a bit better gold lap on 47th circulation.

There is some room there for sure. Not a lot of time on my hands, but I will try to work on it a bit more.
Maybe watch a lap guide for some hints?

So, talking about lap guides, let me use this space to express gratitude to @Mistah_MCA who is taking a well deserved break from youtube, for his expertise and advice on time trials or GTWS races and huge amount of work he put into it for so many years!
He is a fellow chase cam driver, so I always went to his videos first to understand everything better!

Thank you! 🙏

I would like to think that it's only "for a short moment" as you use to say, but take as long as you need!

Second round in the S14 at Brands Hatch and found another 0.5 seconds from the previous time. New time of 1:45.096 places me 77th currently. Optimum still holds an extra 0.25 which is mainly from sector 3. Kind of surprised I lost that much time as the sector felt fast but somehow I ended up losing a large amount of time here. Took me all of 80km of driving to find this 0.5 second improvement, and even just matching my previous time took at least 20km. I may come back to this to see if I can put together a better lap, but if this is my final time then I am quite happy with it.

Second round in the S14 at Brands Hatch and found another 0.5 seconds from the previous time. New time of 1:45.096 places me 77th currently. Optimum still holds an extra 0.25 which is mainly from sector 3. Kind of surprised I lost that much time as the sector felt fast but somehow I ended up losing a large amount of time here. Took me all of 80km of driving to find this 0.5 second improvement, and even just matching my previous time took at least 20km. I may come back to this to see if I can put together a better lap, but if this is my final time then I am quite happy with it.

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Slick! And so close to sub 45. I will allow you 2 more tenths if you wish, but no more. :lol:
😂😂, epic time!

nice momentum on T6 aswell, I followed you and that caught me off guard completely mate 😂😂😂
I just can't understand how Ibrahim clocks a 43.6..... I would love to see that lap 🧐🧐
I will upload it later if it held, i was 2 tenths down in the main straight and half a tenth in last corner 😭 what saved my lap was a magical and absolute perfection sector 4 😆 i just went like **** it gonna risk it so hard,,, and it worked haha. Definitely there is 43.4 or high 3 in it but I wont bother until I get beat. I hate this track, too narrow 💔
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Hello @Gorefast , hello friends :)

I'm silent because I'm busy on many others things than the BH TT. For example, working on the CE to improve my skills :


Season 3 Laughing GIF by The Simpsons

I'm also busy because I'm leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks holidays in Lofoten:


Have fun, and enjoy every minute played on GT7, friends :)
See u in 2 weeks!

Party Hello GIF by agenturkoch
Hello @Gorefast , hello friends :)

I'm silent because I'm busy on many others things than the BH TT. For example, working on the CE to improve my skills :

View attachment 1357038

Season 3 Laughing GIF by The Simpsons

I'm also busy because I'm leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks holidays in Lofoten:

View attachment 1357039

Have fun, and enjoy every minute played on GT7, friends :)
See u in 2 weeks!

Party Hello GIF by agenturkoch
Have a good time and relax! After finishing this CE - did you see who is right in front of you?!? 😁 C ya!