- 10,188
- South
- HarskGaming96
Welcome to the 2nd race of Single Weekly Time Trial series! In this week, we are racing with one of the fastest 80's bikes in the game. I hope that you enjoy racing as much I do!
Week 2 : Kawasaki Z1000 S1 '82 @ High Speed Ring
Game mode :
TT Mode / Time Trial / World Courses / High Speed Ring / Free Run (In NTSC is written Practice)
Bike Specifications :
- All bike settings can be changed;
- Any racing tyres are allowed;
- Driving Mode: Driver's Choice;
- Failure Conditions must be off.
- 2 Wheels at the track must be kept at all times;
- Rumble Strips and all coloured areas of pavement/rumble strips are considered part of track;
- No contact with walls or objects; visible or invisible; Doing so will be considered an unfair vantage.
- If you are not sure if your lap is clean, please rewatch youryour lap again so you can see if it is dirty or not. Rewatch your lap as many times as neccessary.
- Hybrids are not alowed; Doing so will result automatically in disqualification;
- No cheating of any kind; Doing so will result automatically in exclusion of results;
- Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules;
- Save your replay ('Save best Lap' Icon)
The following info which cannot be discussed in this thread (however, they can be discussed by PM Conversation or by other means) are:
- The time of your lap;
- Any information can be used to infer lap time.
All submissions must be sent to me by PM (Harsk100).
- You can submit more than once per race, but only the best lap time will count.
- Please include in your submission PM your name, time, racing number and the time.
- The deadline is Tuesday, December 2nd, 12 PM GMT
Save your replay and send your time to me by pm (Harsk100)
- Videos are not mandatory but if anyone wish to send videos of replay, then doing so is allowed;
- At least the picture of screen of lap time is mandatory;
- .DAT Replays via USB are accepted and encouraged.
Note that these yellow lines are part of track.
Warning: Beware that High Speed Ring must be done in Normal, not in Reverse!
Good luck!
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