TPC GT3 Monthly Endurance Events - Returning Autumn 2024

Hahah appreciate it, I will obey team orders as well I’m very well aware of who the number -1 driver is
I would like to be able to host more ‘official’ practice lobbies but I am sadly struggling for time lately. For those wanting to practice I have been using these settings.


The early forecast is showing a 0% chance of rain with a clear sky for the start of the race.
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TPC 2023 GT3 Endurance Events
10pm UK / 5pm Eastern

1 Hour to 2 Hour Endurance Races
Time of Day Transitions
Dynamic Weather
Tyre & Fuel Strategy
Custom BOP​

These races have been inspired by real life races past and present.

1. RedBull Ring 90 mins – 24th June
Race simulation -- 1pm to 4pm (time x2)
Race Multipliers – Fuel x3 / Tyres x2
Weather Forecast – Starting fully wet with declining rain showers.

2. Bathurst 90 mins – 22nd July
Race Simulation – 5am to Sunrise (time x1)
Race Multipliers – Fuel x4 / Tyres x4
Weather Forecast – Clear and Dry

3. Le Mans 2 Hours – 12th Aug – (No qualifying, grid to be reverse championship order)
Race Simulation – 2pm to 2pm (time x12)
Race Multipliers – Fuel x3 / Tyres x1 (tbc)
Weather Forecast – Overcast into rain into sunshine.

4. Nurb 24hr 60 mins – 23rd Sept – (Extended qualifying)
Race Simulation – Night time race stint (time x1)
Race Multipliers – Fuel x2 / Tyres x1 (tbc)
Weather Forecast – Dry

5. Atlanta 90 mins – 21st October
Race Simulation – Midday to Sunset (time x7)
Race Multipliers – Fuel x3 / Tyres x2 (tbc)
Weather Forecast – Sunshine and clouds
  • Friends only.
  • Grid Order: Fastest First.
  • Start: Rolling Start
  • Boost: Off
  • Slipstream Strength: Real
  • Visible Damage: On
  • Mechanical Damage: Heavy
  • Tyres: Racing Medium / Intermediate / Wet
  • Initial Fuel: 100%
  • Grip Reduction: Real
  • Race Finish Delay: 120 Seconds
  • Tuning: Prohibited
  • BOP: Custom BOP
  • Ghost: Off
  • Flag rules: ON
  • Penalties: Off
  • Side Contact Penalty: Off
  • Assists: CSA, ASM, and Auto-Drive prohibited
  • Refuelling rate: x2
  • Qualifying settings:
  • 5 minutes
  • Tyres: Same as Race Settings
  • Fuel: Same as Race Settings
  • Initail Fuel: As low as reasonably practical.
ECU Adjustment
AMG GT3 ‘20
2 of 2​
R8 Evo
1 of 2​
V12 Vantage
2 of 2​
M6 Endurance GT3
1 of 2​
Corvette C7
1 of 2​
Viper GT3-R
1 of 2​
458 GT3
2 of 2​
Ford GT LM ‘18
2 of 2​
Honda NSX GT3
1 of 2​
Huracan GT3
0 of 2​
1 of 2​
650s GT3
0 of 2​
Nissan GTR ‘18
1 of 2​
911 RSR
1 of 2​
Please note;
  • Power restrictor is not to be used.
  • Ballast must be left in the neutral position.
  • Brake Bias is allowed
  • Vehicle settings must be left standard.
For those sticking around and interested in some friendly competition;
25, 20, 17, 15, 13, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Drivers’ points will be scored for finishing position.
Constructors’ points will be scored for the finishing position of both cars.
Changing Cars will forfeit all Driver points up to that point.
Stock Liveries are Prohibited
Liveries must not break GT7/Sony terms of service.
Racing numbers must be clearly visible on both sides of the car.
TPC Number boards created by @Adam Barber if you wish to use them:

  • Everyone participating agrees to take part honestly and to self police themselves on the rules below
  • Heavy damage is on, clean racing is a must for everyone and please if a mistake is made, give the position or time gained back.
  • Lapped cars are not responsible for letting by faster cars. Please hold the racing line and allow faster cars to make a safe, clean pass.
  • When exiting pit lane, please do not cross the white line.
  • Please obey yellow flags, drive with added caution and no overtaking allowed.
  • Please keep 2 wheels on circuit at all times. Circuit Curbing is included as the track surface.
  • In the unlikely event you feel that a driver has not been driving honestly. After the race you may report that driver privately to myself for consistently breaking any of the above rules. The Penalty, if required, will be a drive through time penalty added to the race finish result.
Procedure to be confirmed.
The Race will start using the In Game Rolling Start.
1 warm up lap will be completed from this point.
The lead car will set the pace at approximately 120kph/75mph.
Into the final sector cars will line up in pairs behind the leader.
The lead car can start the race at any point between the final corner and the start/finish line.
Procedure to be confirmed.
In the event of heavy damage, drivers will be able to request a safety car using in game text chat. From this moment no overtaking is allowed and the lead car will slow down to approximately 120kph/75mph and drivers will que behind in order. This may take some time depending on how the race is progressing but the lead car will complete the lap it is on and then 1 more full lap only at those Safety Car speeds. Drivers must stay behind the car ahead, the race will restart in single file. The leader will then be able to restart the race upon completing the Safety Car lap and the race will continue as normal.
Please Note:
  • If someone makes an error during the Safety Car (ie, they don't follow the procedure), please complete the procedure as required. Hopefully they will realise their mistake and correct it or I will penalise the error post race as necessary.
  • Lapped cars may unlap themselves during the Safety Car, please do this cautiously and at a reduced pace.
  • Damaged cars are not allowed to skip ahead to pit for damage, you must maintain your position in the queue until you can access the pit entrance.
  • You may pit during the safety car procedure. If you do not pit and take the lead position, you are now acting as the safety car as described above.
  • Heavy vehicle damage is classified as suspension and engine damage. Bumper/bodywork damage does not require a safety car. Calling a Safety Car when it is not required will invoke a post race penalty.
  • If Heavy vehicle damage occurs during the safety car, you may call another safety car. The procedure will effectively restart and another full lap at the reduced pace will be required.

You can commit to as many or as few events as you like. From Event 2 onwards priority will be given based on participation of previous events.

If you'd like to enter, please comment
GTP Name: Kermit_2142
PSN Name: Kermit_2142
Race Number: 69
Car Choice: tbc
Events: 1-5

If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time.
Finally, this series is for fun, enjoy the racing!!​
I would like to join
After a few Bathurst test sessions I felt I have to ask this. Everybody knows I'm not a Tom Kristensen and Bathurst is a very-very difficult and very tight track. If anyone thinks I'm too "dangerous" on this track, please let me know and I skip this round. No hard feelings, I just don't want to cause collisions or problems when I try to let go the faster cars.
Thank you 🐢.
I think I’ll be able to race the September Nurburgring race. This one definitely not and the August one probably not.
No worries. I tag all reserve drivers as and when required to fill spots for each race.
After a few Bathurst test sessions I felt I have to ask this. Everybody knows I'm not a Tom Kristensen and Bathurst is a very-very difficult and very tight track. If anyone thinks I'm too "dangerous" on this track, please let me know and I skip this round. No hard feelings, I just don't want to cause collisions or problems when I try to let go the faster cars.
Thank you 🐢.
Kuraudo, I appreciate your courtesy but it is completely up to you. There is no minimum skill requirement for this series so your free to race if you wish too. Likewise don't feel pressured into racing if you don't feel confident to do so, you can maintain your place as a full time driver if you decide sit this one out, I would only ask you let me know as soon as you can so I can try and fill your spot and allow that driver to get some practice in. Thanks
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Race 2 - Bathurst - Entry List

Car Number
Aston Martin​
Aston Martin​
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My livery for tonight’s race. (Not created by me).


Race Day Notice

Hi everyone, the event ran really smoothly last time so as planned Qualifying will start at 10pm uk time (unless we are all ready earlier),which is just about 9 hours from now. I have nothing major to raise for this race, just a few small reminders:

  • Don’t forget to double check your bop settings and give your cars a fresh oil change.
  • Track limits aren't really an issue here, 2 wheels on track as usual. You can touch the walls and be ok, hitting them with force will likely give you suspension damage.
  • Please obey the pit entry exit lines, the exit line can be easy to drift over so be extra careful here.
  • Lapped traffic - please don't be altering your line to let people through, especially over the mountain. Leaders - Its on you to make safe overtakes, please be mindful lapped drivers are racing just as hard as you are, courtesy must be shown when lapping them, if that means you have to wait behind over the mountain then please do so, on the flipside if you can do it cleanly and safely then go ahead.
  • We are completing 1 formation lap for the race start, please pair up coming into the final sector and the leader can ‘go’ at any point out of the final corner. I would like to try and be more paired up compared to what we had at Redbull Ring. So I would ask the pole sitter to come nice and slowly (30-40mph) out of The Chase and hopefully that will allow the tail end of the grid to have time to pair up before the leader starts the race.
  • “Safety Cars tend to breed more Safety Cars” so for Safety Car restarts we will remain in single file and please be extra cautious around each other. Any lapped cars wanting to unlap themselves please try and make it as obvious as you can, hazards and keeping to one side of the track may be a good idea and please be patient over the mountain, if you have to wait until down the back straight to keep things safe then so be it. Remember if the sc is called it lasts for the remainder of that lap and then 1 more full lap.
  • Don’t be afraid to crank up the tc, it’s a much better system than it was in GTSport.
  • Qualifying will only be 5 minutes and we will go straight into the Race once completed.

Most of all have fun and enjoy the event :cheers:
How do we know when a safety car request is legit? You will confirm it in the chat ?
Safety car is always legit/live as soon as it is requested by in game text chat. (I will confirm in party chat too if you like)
Calling a safety car when not needed will invoke a post race penalty, you need suspension or engine damage to call a safety car.
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Safety car is legit/live as soon as it is requested by in game text chat. (I will confirm in party chat too if you like)
Calling a safety car when not needed will invoke a post race penalty, you need suspension or engine damage to call a safety car.
Does it matter where you are on track when they damage occurs?
Thanks for the race everyone. Pigems and Barber were obviously slow between the first 2 safety cars as I was holding about a second and a half from them.
Apologies to Fudsy during qualy. I assumed the timer had gone and did not pay attention until it was too late.
Also apologies to Kermit. You drifted through McPhillamy and I had nowhere to go except your rear quarter.

A fun race and I was into some decent positions at times. Good to race you all again as always.
A race to forget for me.

First of all I admit that I was very mad at the end of the race and I wanted to apologize for the rant on discord.

I didn't touched the game for more than two months and I took the McLaren thinking it would be a decent car. It felt good during early practice, easy to drive, not too snappy on the mountain. No spin out of corners. It's when I started to practice against @MaxAttack that I realized that something was off.

Because of it quali was crucial for me. Did a 2:01.2 (almost sub 2:01 optimum) before that I couldn't replicate when it mattered and ended up P4.

Very early in the race I realised that I couldn't save fuel while being in the traffic, @The359 was too quick on straights so I instantly lost him and the Mercs behind were gaining their time back out off the mountain.

Now you can realize why I was not a fan of the incredibly high number of safety cars. I could only rely on pace and long stints. The restarts at the end were really painful. The one at lap 29 litteraly ruined my strategy. I had to pit because I couldn't finish the race but the fact an other one occured two laps before and that I got jumped by car who were very far behind but lucky enough for having a bit more fuel was annoying. Add cold tyres, dirty air and power cars in front. My only mistake was when I got understeer and got passed by Phil and GMP.

At some point I really started doubting in my self and after the race I needed to have answers. So this morning I lauched the game and I took the AMG...

One second quicker than the McLaren with heavy fuel saving. Didn't completed 10 laps because I binned it at lap 8 like an idiot

Quali pace had a lot of potential too. Didn't tried a lot but optimum was a 2:00.2....

Morale of the story: as cool as it's looks the McLaren sucks
I had an as expected Quali, started 13th, was confident I could keep a solid pace, and with a few SC's stay on the lead lap. Holy **** I stayed on the lead lap!! I still have to watch the playback but I believe I had lap times in the 2:08's for something like 10-15 laps in a row. I don't even know what place I finished in, I was just too excited to finish on the lead lap with for me very, very consistent lap times. Small victories, one little thing at a time! Thanks you everyone for your patience with me, I'm sure I can be a frustrating slow ass to get around. I hope I didn't mess anyone up and I apologize if I was responsible for any damage or something. Thanks for putting this series together, such a great time with all of you!!!
Thanks for the race everyone. It ended up a bit of a lottery with the safety cars building up as the race went on. It was a little more chaotic than I had anticipated, I think that was because the order became very jumbled up so we had the entire grid together for the restarts with big differences in pace and strategy between drivers. This race was always going to be that chaotic race of the season and everyone managed the safety cars as best as I could have hoped so thanks for that.

My race was ok, I have a better result than I probably deserve as I didn't drive my best at all. I had some good racing in the middle of the race with @OJBrit and @Chevy Heavy :cheers:.

If anyone has any race incidents they'd like to report privately to myself, the deadline for those is Thursday 27th of July and then race results will be confirmed next weekend. Looking forward to Le Mans I will confirm the multipliers this week, I just want to double check them once more.

Cheers all.
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Thank you guys for the race and congratulations for everyone :) !
It was a very tough one and I hope I didn't cause any problems. I totally messed up the first SC period :( . I thought the chat didn't pop up for me, but after that I catch all the other SC messages so I'm sure it was 100% my fault :( .
@DarkCobra6114 Sorry for the last lap hit. I misjudged my braking point in your slipstream :( .
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