Turbo's Themed Car Shows | Next Meet July 5th - Motorcycles!

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51


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United States
Turbo's Themed Car Shows

Next Meet: Saturday, July 5th, 2014
Time: 9:00 AM PST (12:00 PM EST / 16:00 UTC)
Location: Vespucci Beach
Theme: Motorcycles! (see list below)



Standard car show rules apply, no killing, no goofing off, getting a wanted level on purpose would result in your banishment from attending future gatherings. No burnouts or donuts, and please bring only ONE vehicle from your garage. If we have issues with this I'll abandon it as quickly as I did the 4x4 stuff.

Below is the official list of cars that are allowed at the next meet. Anyone can drive to the meet in cars not on the list, but they will not be allowed in the "show area". Tasteful modifications only!

List of cars allowed at the June 28th meet:

Dinka Akuma
Dinka Double-T
Dinka Thrust

LCC Hexer

Nagasaki Carbon RS

Pegassi Bati 801
Pegassi Bati 801RR
Pegassi Ruffian

Principe Nemesis

****zu PCJ 600
****zu Vader

Western Bagger
Western Daemon
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'Supercars only' as in only cars in the Super class or does that include some of the cars in the Sports class? I'd love to go along, but unfortunately I don't have any supercars in my garage and I don't really want to replace anything.
Depending on when exactly it's going to be, I might be up for it too. 👍
Not sure on time yet, will finalize when the time comes.
'Supercars only' as in only cars in the Super class or does that include some of the cars in the Sports class? I'd love to go along, but unfortunately I don't have any supercars in my garage and I don't really want to replace anything.
I'll be sure to make a list of allowed cars when we get closer to the first meet.
I'd love to join in, but definitely can't this Saturday.

And in terms of cars, I'd say Muscles, Sports Classics, Sports (premium only, the Futo isn't really eligible for C&C) and Super.
Just a suggestion, but would this Bean Machine be better? There's a lot more space in the car park, and you can get to the roof for whole shots of the meet. :dopey:
There's always the car park for the Alta Street apartments. There's a Bean Machine attached to them.
I'd be interested in participating. Of course, I'd have to actually buy a supercar, but I'm waiting until the ability to buy an additional property after the high life update to accomplish that.
Dilettantes with cameras... EVERYWHERE.

I can see it now: A bright red one with a large camera box on top struggling to get up Mt. Chilliad. :lol:
If there were enough people to take pictures, it should actually be possible to make a street view map. :D

Oh and a question, the XF does fall in under the supercar category, right?
I would be interested in going if it lines up reasonably with my time zone (GMT +10).