[Tutorial] How To Get The Car and Wheel Color Sample Cars (The Proper Way)

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Eiger Nordwand K Trail.jpg Road Course - Twin Ring Motegi.jpg
Remember those paint preview blobs from GT Auto? Well strange but true, they are drivable in GT5 and can be added to your garage via hacking. While a few tutorials already exist on the internet telling you to get a donor car and swap the body and other parts for what these cars use, they’re not very good and what you get is not the “real deal”. (More on that in the FAQ’s) Here I will show you a MUCH better way of getting them and the cars you get from this are the “real deal” and not just a series of part swaps, even better, it can be done on the latest update!

Update 1/26/2020 A new save editor has emerged and thus this whole tutorial has become MUCH easier than when I initially posted it and I now have updated it as a result.

What you’ll need:
(Anywhere above version 2.0)
USB flash drive (one in FAT32 format is preferred since the PS3 supports it, most flash drives are FAT32. As long as the PS3 can read it, you should be fine)
GT5 save game (Not the backup save, but the other)

Once you have these taken care of, let’s get started!

1. Plug your USB flash drive into your PS3, go to save data and copy your save game to it. There are two save games, one is the regular save, the other is the backup. We only need the regular one, you can’t copy the back up anyways.

2. Plug your USB flash drive into your computer.

3. Load the save game in the save editor. In my case, once I open the editor, I would click “Open”, find my usb drive, navigate to the “PS3” folder, then “SAVEDATA” and then click on my save game. Mine is in a folder labeled “BCUS98114-GAME”, but yours might be named differently if you live outside the US.

Hint: I recommend copying and pasting your save game somewhere on your computer before opening it in the garage editor, that way if something goes wrong, you have a backup.

4. Once your save is loaded, go over to the “Items” tab, and under "Tickets", click the top one and select “Polyphony”

5. On the 2nd tab, this is where you can pick what car you want to add. It can be one or the other, or both, it doesn’t matter. You can even add multiple if you want. The decision as to which you want to add is up to you! :)

Click “Car Color Sample”:

then "Insert New Ticket":

Click “Wheel Color Sample”:

then insert.
Insert 2.png
6. Click "File", "Save" and then "Save".
Save 1.png

14. Eject your USB drive.

15. Copy your save game back to your PS3.

And if you’ve done everything right, you should have the tickets for these cars waiting in your car delivery. Once you open them, you will have these cars! Enjoy!

I must note this tool is a work in progress, so let me know if you have any issues with the program and I'll tell the creator. Since it's a work in progress, I will probably have to update my screenshots over time, but the process will probably never change because it really doesn't get much easier than this.
How is this tutorial “The Proper Way” of doing it and why do you say the others do not give you the “real deal”?

Answer: These other tutorials tell you to swap the parts of another car with what the color sample cars use and while it may look and perform like it should, here is where I have a problem with it. If you change the view in your garage by pressing square and then put the cursor on it, it still displays the name of the donor car you used.

Yes I know GE has a name changer, but it only changes what you see here in the default garage view (it's in red):

Not here (When you change your garage view):

^This is what I mean by it NOT being the “real deal”, it’s just a bunch of swaps.
Some may tell you the name changer will change what the white text box says, but it’s not true.

I also am not sure these swap tutorials can be done on the latest update and even if you did do them prior to 2.12, you could potentially lose them if you update to 2.12 and beyond. My tutorial however involves changing the ticket ID’s and when you open them, it’ll be like you won them from a race or bought them in the dealership and you won’t have any of the problems I listed above.

Can this be done on the latest update?

Answer: Yes it can be done on the latest update.

When I look at my tickets it says "No Such Car", what do I do?

Answer: You did something wrong when renaming the ticket. I recommend starting over just to be safe. This is why I recommend making a backup before doing this tutorial in case this happens.
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Thanks for the easy to follow tutorial! I can't wait for my copy of GT5 XL to come in. Should be here on the 30th. 👍
I can't wait to get back into hybridding.
Update! So I said this when I originally posted this tutorial:
I should point out this tutorial may be subject to change later if GE or some other tool includes the ability to add the tickets to these cars. If it does happen, this whole process will become much easier and I will update my thread when that happens.
And surely enough, someone has made a new save editor for GT5 and unlike GE, it has the tickets for the 2 cars already in there! This means you don't have to use Bruteforce and HxD to get them anymore and they can be added much quicker and easier than before. As a result, I have updated the OP with a much simpler, much more streamlined tutorial than what I posted before and I have included a link to the current version of the tool. Go check it out!

Please note the tool is a work in progress, so it's not guaranteed it will be bug-free. If you experience any problems, let me know and I'll tell the creator.
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guys i need help, why i can't paint cars like escudo hks and other cars that normalyy cant get painted but with ge you can paint. I tried to put codes but the car doesnt change color