[Tutorial] How to put dirt and snow tires on ANY car

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Have you ever got a car in GT5 you wanted to race on dirt or snow, but you couldn’t since the option was not available for that car? I know I have. Well if you’re not afraid to hack your save game, you’ve come to the right place! I used to love to do this back in the days. In this thread I will show how you can put dirt and snow tires on cars that don’t typically allow them. I’ll try to make this as easy as I can so even someone who has never hacked before can do it and I will also have a “tl;dr version” of the tutorial for those that do know the basics of save game hacking in GT5.

What you’ll need:

PS3 (duh)

GT5 2.00 - 2.11 (Anywhere between those will do. I think body swaps are possible on 2.12 and some beyond that, but I haven’t tested this nor do I have any desire to do so)

USB flash drive (one in FAT32 format is preferred since the PS3 supports it, most flash drives are FAT32. As long as the PS3 can read it, you should be fine)

GT5 save game (Not the backup save, but the other)

A garage editor for GT5 of your choice (it can be anything, but I'll be using GT5 Garage Editor v1.3.1 by slim355 & q-k)

Once you have these taken care of, let’s get started!

If you’re already familiar with save game hacking in GT5 and you already know the basics of it, read this one.

1. Copy your save game to your USB drive.

Hint: Make sure you’re not in the car you plan on modding. If you are, switch to another car before copying your save data.

2. Open it in the garage editor of your choice and change the body to one that comes from a car that allows dirt or snow tires.

Hint: Keep track of what your cars body code originally is before you change it, not all body codes are listed in this editor. (DLC cars being one of them)
Warning: Do not click the tune sheet at all!

3. Save and eject your USB drive.

4. Copy it back to your PS3, go into the game and buy dirt and snow tires for that car. Don’t press X on your car while in the garage, press triangle on your car and select “Settings”.

5. Copy your save back to your USB drive and load it into the garage editor again.

6. Change the body back to what it was before.

7. Save and eject again.

8. Copy it back to your PS3.

If you’re new to this and have never hacked before, read this. I’ll be using my signature Bugatti for this tutorial.

1. Plug your USB flash drive into your PS3, go to save data and copy your save game to it. Their are two save games, one is the regular save, the other is the back up. We only need the regular one, you can’t copy the back up anyways.
IMG_2799.JPG IMG_2800.JPG IMG_2801.JPG
Hint: Make sure you’re not in the car you plan on modding. If you are, switch to another car before copying your save data.

2. Plug your USB flash drive into your computer and load the save game in the garage editor of your choice. In my case, once open the editor, I would click “Open Garage”, find my usb drive, navigate to the “PS3” folder, then “SAVEDATA” and then click on my save game. Mine is in a folder labeled “BCUS98114-GAME”, but yours might be named differently if you live outside the US.
Open Garage.png

Open Save Game.png

Hint: I recommend copying and pasting your save game somewhere on your computer before opening it in the garage editor, that way if something goes wrong, you have a back up.

3. Find your car in the garage editor. In my case, I would click the “Garage” tab, then click the top drown arrow on the right for the cars manufacturer, then click the drop down arrow below it and find your car. (Your most recent one will be at the bottom)

4. Change the body code to one from a car that CAN buy dirt and snow tires. It can be anything as long as it’s from a car that allows dirt and snow tires. The drop down arrows on the left allow you view the codes for most cars in the game, use this to find the body code you want to change it to. (For example, I’ll be using the body from the Dodge Charger 440 R/T 70’)

^I already switched the body in this picture.
Hint: Keep track of what your cars body code originally is before you change it, not all body codes are listed in this editor. (DLC cars being one of them)

Warning: Do not click the tune sheet at all!

5. Save your changes and eject your USB drive. In my case I would click “Close Garage” and then it will save any changes I made to my save game.

6. Plug your USB drive into your PS3 again, go to save data, find your GT5 save game and copy it from your USB drive to the PS3.
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7. Load the game, find the car you modded in your garage, then go to “Tuning” for that car and buy dirt and snow tires for it. (The option to buy them should be there) Important: Don’t press X on the car while in the garage, press triangle and select “Tuning” instead. This is to avoid crashing the game because with some cars, it will crash the game if you try to view the car itself after swapping the body. (More on that in the FAQ’s section)

8. Save the game and copy it back to your USB drive like you did before.

9. Load it into the garage editor again. (just like #3) and like in #4, find your car again.

10. Change the body code back to what it was before. Again, the drop down arrows on the left contain the codes to most cars in the game, use this to find the body code.

Note: Like I said earlier, not all body codes are listed in the editor, so keep track of yours just in case. If you have it, just type it in where the body code is.

11. Save and eject your usb drive just like in #6. Again, clicking “Close Garage” will save it.

12. Just like #7, plug your USB drive into your PS3 again and copy it back to your PS3.

And if you done it right, once you go into the game and get in your car, you should be able to take it on dirt or snow now! Enjoy! :) Be sure to read the FAQ’s section and hopefully it will answer whatever questions you may have.

I followed this tutorial and my wheels are the wrong size now, how do I fix this?
Answer: This happens quite regularly. Switch to a different set of tires, it can be anything besides dirt or snow tires and that will fix this. Don’t worry, once you try to race on a dirt or snow track, your wheels won’t be messed up again.

I followed this tutorial and when I look at my cars settings, I don’t see dirt or snow tires listed anymore after switching the body to what it was before. Why is that?
Answer: It’s normal for a car that doesn’t allow them obviously, but don’t panic. As long as you bought the tires earlier when you swapped the body, you won’t lose them. You’ll still be able to race it on dirt or snow.

Why not use the “Enable All Tires” function on LucaTurilli's editor?
Answer: Because it sucks. Once you enable it, you won’t be able to race that car on dirt or snow regardless if it supported those tires originally or not. I HIGHLY discourage using this feature.

Why does my game crash after pressing X on the car I swapped the body to?
Answer: If it’s not a valid color code for the body you switched it to, it will crash. For example, if I have a Red Bull X2010 with the 20th color and I switch the body to a Subaru 360, it will crash upon viewing because the Subaru 360 doesn’t have a 20th color. This is why I recommend pressing triangle and going to settings from there. You could change the color code so it won’t crash, but it’s not necessary in this case.

If the color code is valid for the body you chose, it won’t crash the game, but it’s best to press triangle and go to settings anyways to be on the safe side. The Dodge Charger 440 R/T ‘70 has a massive color list so you probably won’t have this problem, which is why I used it’s body.

Why do I have to switch the body to buy dirt and snow tires?
Answer: Because switching the body changes the cars ID and tricks the game into thinking it’s the car you swapped the body from. Therefore, it allows you buy the parts it has available.

For example, switching the Red Bull X2010’s body with the Camaro SS will make the game think it is the Camaro instead and then you can buy the parts the Camaro has, dirt and snow tires being one of them.

Can I do this to multiple cars at once?

Answer: Yes. I may have only covered one car in this tutorial, but you can swap the bodies for multiple cars in one go while in the editor and install the tires for each of them in game. Just make sure you put all the bodies back on afterwards.

Why do I need to be on GT5 update 2.00-2.11?
Answer: Two things.
1. Because for GE 1.3.1, it only works on updates from 2.00 and up. Don’t know about the others, but I assume they’re the same way.

2. Updates 2.12 and up started taking measures against hacking to prevent things like body swaps from happening, making this much harder to do. Updates 2.11 and below doesn’t do this.

Can this be done on 2.12 and beyond?
Answer: I don’t have a good answer, but I think you can. Seems like people found ways around it in 2.12 - 2.14, but I am not sure body swaps was part of it though. I can be reasonably certain it’s impossible on update 2.15 and above though.

Again I haven’t tested this and I don’t plan to. However if you know how to do this on updates 2.12 and above, please share!

If I am on an update 2.12 or above, how can I go back?
Answer: Well if you’re on OFW, just delete the game data and redownload the updates until you’re somewhere in the recommended versions I mentioned earlier.

Warning: You will lose your DLC, photos, course maker tracks and replays for deleting the game data.

If you’re on CFW however, their are ways to revert back without losing any of that, but I don’t think I can say anything more than that however.

Will I lose my dirt and snow tires I installed, or worse my car, if I update to the latest version?
Answer: No. You won’t lose the tires if you update. I was on 2.17 and had no issues driving my cars on dirt or snow that I had previously installed them on via this method. The updates apparently don’t deal with these types of hacks. If you’ve done many other hacks to your car besides what this tutorial covers, you could lose your car, at least that’s what some have said, but I’ve never had this problem before.

What happens if I click the tune sheet on GE 1.3.1. and why do you say not to click it?
Answer: It does the same thing the "Enable All Tires" function on Luca's editor does. It gives you all the tires in the game, even the unused ones, and even says you have the dirt or snow tires purchased already, but no matter what, it will NOT let you race on dirt or snow, even if your car originally supported them. If you want to use the tune sheet, make sure you install dirt and snow tires BEFORE using it.

So I accidentally clicked "Tune Sheet" in GE 1.3.1., what do I do?
Answer: Pretty much, start over. Go back to your PS3 and copy your save from your console to your USB device. Then pick up where you left off, but this time, avoid opening the tune sheet. Again, If you want to use the tune sheet, make sure you install dirt and snow tires BEFORE using it.

I installed dirt and snow tires on my go-kart, but it's still not letting me race it on dirt or snow when I go to practice in GT Mode. Why is it doing this and how can I race it on dirt or snow?
Answer: Simply put, the game has a limitation that prevents you from racing karts on tracks with weather change that for some reason extends to dirt and snow tracks in practice mode. Oddly it only seems to apply to dirt and snow tracks in practice mode and not the rest of the game. If you want to race your kart on dirt or snow, just take it to arcade mode and granted you followed the guide properly, you should have no problems there.

I followed this tutorial and my car looks like a standard car now and it won't let me into Photo Travel anymore. Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
Answer: You put a body to a standard version of the car on it. Some cars in GT5 have standard versions of cars that are already available in premium in the game, like the Enzo Ferrari, and GE 1.3.1. unfortunately doesn't have the premium body codes for some of them.

To fix this, you simply need to get the body code to the premium version of the car, which can be done simply by buying it or adding it to your garage via GE, and then copy the premium body code to the car.

Anyways, I hope this was helpful! If you have any questions, comments or criticisms, feel free to post them here!
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Have you ever got a car in GT5 you wanted to race on dirt or snow, but you couldn’t since the option was not available for that car? I know I have. Well if you’re not afraid to hack your save game, you’ve come to the right place! I used to love to do this back in the days. In this thread I will show how you can put dirt and snow tires on cars that don’t typically allow them. I’ll try to make this as easy as I can so even someone who has never hacked before can do it and I will also have a “tl;dr version” of the tutorial for those that do know the basics of save game hacking in GT5.

What you’ll need:

PS3 (duh)

GT5 2.00 - 2.11 (Anywhere between those will do. I think body swaps are possible on 2.12 and some beyond that, but I haven’t tested this nor do I have any desire to do so)

USB flash drive (one in FAT32 format is preferred since the PS3 supports it, most flash drives are FAT32. As long as the PS3 can read it, you should be fine)

GT5 save game (Not the backup save, but the other)

A garage editor for GT5 of your choice (it can be anything, but Ill be using GT5 Garage Editor v1.3.1 by slim355 & q-k)

Once you have these taken care of, let’s get started!

If you’re already familiar with save game hacking in GT5 and you already know the basics of it, read this one.

1. Copy your save game to your USB drive.

Hint: Make sure you’re not in the car you plan on modding. If you are, switch to another car before copying your save data.

2. Open it in the garage editor of your choice and change the body to one that comes from a car that allows dirt or snow tires.

Hint: Keep track of what your cars body code originally is before you change it, not all body codes are listed in this editor. (DLC cars being one of them)

3. Save and eject your USB drive.

4. Copy it back to your PS3, go into the game and buy dirt and snow tires for that car. Don’t press X on your car while in the garage, press triangle on your car and select “Settings”.

5. Copy your save back to your USB drive and load it into the garage editor again.

6. Change the body back to what it was before.

7. Save and eject again.

8. Copy it back to your PS3.

If you’re new to this and have never hacked before, read this. I’ll be using my signature Bugatti for this tutorial.

1. Plug your USB flash drive into your PS3, go to save data and copy your save game to it. Their are two save games, one is the regular save, the other is the back up. We only need the regular one, you can’t copy the back up anyways.
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Hint: Make sure you’re not in the car you plan on modding. If you are, switch to another car before copying your save data.

2. Plug your USB flash drive into your computer and load the save game in the garage editor of your choice. In my case, once open the editor, I would click “Open Garage”, find my usb drive, navigate to the “PS3” folder, then “SAVEDATA” and then click on my save game. Mine is in a folder labeled “BCUS98114-GAME”, but yours might be named differently if you live outside the US.
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View attachment 753159
Hint: I recommend copying and pasting your save game somewhere on your computer before opening it in the garage editor, that way if something goes wrong, you have a back up.

3. Find your car in the garage editor. In my case, I would click the “Garage” tab, then click the top drown arrow on the right for the cars manufacturer, then click the drop down arrow below it and find your car. (Your most recent one will be at the bottom)
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4. Change the body code to one from a car that CAN buy dirt and snow tires. It can be anything as long as it’s from a car that allows dirt and snow tires. The drop down arrows on the left allow you view the codes for most cars in the game, use this to find the body code you want to change it to. (For example, I’ll be using the body from the Dodge Charger 440 R/T 70’)
View attachment 753162
^I already switched the body in this picture.
Hint: Keep track of what your cars body code originally is before you change it, not all body codes are listed in this editor. (DLC cars being one of them)

5. Save your changes and eject your USB drive. In my case I would click “Close Garage” and then it will save any changes I made to my save game.
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6. Plug your USB drive into your PS3 again, go to save data, find your GT5 save game and copy it from your USB drive to the PS3.
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7. Load the game, find the car you modded in your garage, then go to “Tuning” for that car and buy dirt and snow tires for it. (The option to buy them should be there) Important: Don’t press X on the car while in the garage, press triangle and select “Tuning” instead. This is to avoid crashing the game because with some cars, it will crash the game if you try to view the car itself after swapping the body. (More on that in the FAQ’s section)
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8. Save the game and copy it back to your USB drive like you did before.

9. Load it into the garage editor again. (just like #3) and like in #4, find your car again.

10. Change the body code back to what it was before. Again, the drop down arrows on the left contain the codes to most cars in the game, use this to find the body code.
View attachment 753161
Note: Like I said earlier, not all body codes are listed in the editor, so keep track of yours just in case. If you have it, just type it in where the body code is.

11. Save and eject your usb drive just like in #6. Again, clicking “Close Garage” will save it.

12. Just like #7, plug your USB drive into your PS3 again and copy it back to your PS3.

And if you done it right, once you go into the game and get in your car, you should be able to take it on dirt or snow now! Enjoy! :) Be sure to read the FAQ’s section and hopefully it will answer whatever questions you may have.
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I followed this tutorial and my wheels are the wrong size now, how do I fix this?
Answer: This happens quite regularly. Switch to a different set of tires, it can be anything besides dirt or snow tires and that will fix this. Don’t worry, once you try to race on a dirt or snow track, your wheels won’t be messed up again.

I followed this tutorial and when I look at my cars settings, I don’t see dirt or snow tires listed anymore after switching the body to what it was before. Why is that?
Answer: It’s normal for a car that doesn’t allow them obviously, but don’t panic. As long as you bought the tires earlier when you swapped the body, you won’t lose them. You’ll still be able to race it on dirt or snow.

Why not use the “Enable All Tires” function on LucaTurilli's editor?
Answer: Because it sucks. Once you enable it, you won’t be able to race that car on dirt or snow regardless if it supported those tires originally or not. I HIGHLY discourage using this feature.

Why does my game crash after pressing X on the car I swapped the body to?
Answer: If it’s not a valid color code for the body you switched it to, it will crash. For example, if I have a Red Bull X2010 with the 20th color and I switch the body to a Subaru 360, it will crash upon viewing because the Subaru 360 doesn’t have a 20th color. This is why I recommend pressing triangle and going to settings from there. You could change the color code so it won’t crash, but it’s not necessary in this case.

If the color code is valid for the body you chose, it won’t crash the game, but it’s best to press triangle and go to settings anyways to be on the safe side. The Dodge Charger 440 R/T ‘70 has a massive color list so you probably won’t have this problem, which is why I used it’s body.

Why do I have to switch the body to buy dirt and snow tires?
Answer: Because switching the body changes the cars ID and tricks the game into thinking it’s the car you swapped the body from. Therefore, it allows you buy the parts it has available.

For example, switching the Red Bull X2010’s body with the Camaro SS will make the game think it is the Camaro instead and then you can buy the parts the Camaro has, dirt and snow tires being one of them.

Can I do this to multiple cars at once?

Answer: Yes. I may have only covered one car in this tutorial, but you can swap the bodies for multiple cars in one go while in the editor and install the tires for each of them in game. Just make sure you put all the bodies back on afterwards.

Why do I need to be on GT5 update 2.00-2.11?
Answer: Two things.
1. Because for GE 1.3.1, it only works on updates from 2.00 and up. Don’t know about the others, but I assume they’re the same way.

2. Updates 2.12 and up started taking measures against hacking to prevent things like body swaps from happening, making this much harder to do. Updates 2.11 and below doesn’t do this.

Can this be done on 2.12 and beyond?
Answer: I don’t have a good answer, but I think you can. Seems like people found ways around it in 2.12 - 2.14, but I am not sure body swaps was part of it though. I can be reasonably certain it’s impossible on update 2.15 and above though.

Again I haven’t tested this and I don’t plan to. However if you know how to do this on updates 2.12 and above, please share!

If I am on an update 2.12 or above, how can I go back?
Answer: Well if you’re on OFW, just delete the game data and redownload the updates until you’re somewhere in the recommended versions I mentioned earlier.

Warning: You will lose your DLC, photos, course maker tracks and replays for deleting the game data.

If you’re on CFW however, their are ways to revert back without losing any of that, but I don’t think I can say anything more than that however.

Will I lose my dirt and snow tires I installed, or worse my car, if I update to the latest version?
Answer: No. You won’t lose the tires if you update. I was on 2.17 and had no issues driving my cars on dirt or snow that I had previously installed them on via this method. The updates apparently don’t deal with these types of hacks. If you’ve done many other hacks to your car besides what this tutorial covers, you could lose your car, at least that’s what some have said, but I’ve never had this problem before.

Anyways, I hope this was helpful! If you have any questions, comments or criticisms, feel free to post them here!
Can I use this in the second issue of my magazine. Issue 1 is already out if you want to take a look.
well if you figure out a method for v1.13 to use it with the Track Swaps... :)
Given the recent discoveries, I certainly would like to, but I have no idea how one would do it on updates below 2.00. All that would really need to be done is to figure out how to swap the body to something that can be equipped with dirt and snow times and from there it should be easy as long as we can switch it back.
Lol the moment the game recognizes the car is hybridded, the said car becomes available with all the tires for it. I mean purchasing each tire for it wouldn't be necessary anymore once this is done and even super soft tires will be shown, too.

Not sure if this is a standard setting of the GE itself but I didn't even need to do a body swap on certain race cars that cannot be equipped with dirt and snow tires just to make this happen.
Lol the moment the game recognizes the car is hybridded, the said car becomes available with all the tires for it. I mean purchasing each tire for it wouldn't be necessary anymore once this is done and even super soft tires will be shown, too.

Not sure if this is a standard setting of the GE itself but I didn't even need to do a body swap on certain race cars that cannot be equipped with dirt and snow tires just to make this happen.
I am not entirely sure I understand what you're getting at. Can you explain a little further? Like, what did you do exactly and what update are you on?
I am not entirely sure I understand what you're getting at. Can you explain a little further? Like, what did you do exactly and what update are you on?
Just simple.

Obviously, I have the game at 2.11 and the GE. I did the usual stuff like opening the program, loading the game save file then going to the garage and choosing any car I have there so that I could swap its parts. Notice that it displays some information about the car, like the Year, Drivetrain and Country. Do any parts swap, for example an engine swap and the Country that is shown based on the origin of the make of the car will be changed to 'HYBRID'.

Once it's done, close the GE and do copy the modified save to the PS3 so that the game loads it there the next time it's played. Once it does, then there it is. Find the hybridded car in the menu and take a look at its settings to see the tires equipped. You'll observe that the said car will now have all tires available in it, even super soft tires plus dirt and snow ones that can't be fitted on it under normal circumstances.
Unless they were equipped beforehand, I really am not sure how this is happening to you because to my knowledge, I never had this happen before with GE 1.3.1 and I'm also on 2.11.

My only other question is, can you actually take them on dirt or snow tracks after hybriding?

(I know you said you don't use Luca's editor, but I recall after using the "enable tires function", it won't let me on dirt or snow tracks regardless if it was meant to race on them or not)
Yes, I even remember taking a 330 P4 on a dirt track then but that was a very long time ago. I'll have to see and try on another race car if this one still works though.
Try buying a new car that doesn't normally allow dirt and snow tires and then toying with it. I just tried this with an Enzo Ferrari and it did not do it for me.

If it ain't the use of the "enable all tires" function from Luca's editor or having the tires already installed beforehand, I am honestly completely lost as to how this is happening to you.
If I recall correctly, and not entirely sure if I have this right, but you can change tires in GE like below...

1) Go to GE and open Garage
2) Select car desired
3) Double click tune sheet area
4) Change tire (Tyre) numbers which if I remember are numbered in tune shop order. The easiest way to obtain the correct number is to look at a car in your GE garage that already has dirt or snows then simple change the numbers as desired.

TEMP 1.jpg
TEMP 2.jpg

Here's another tip, cause not everyone that uses GE is familiar with the tune sheet area. Rather than using all kinds of various inputs for engine horsepower etc from other cars, simply use the multi areas above. Ever notice how some AI are like a rails and bump you off ? That's because of the grip multi. Increase that along with down force and your car will take corners like it is glued to the track and will pop willies no problem. Experiment and have fun if you have never used this area before...
Back when hybriding was new, I tried the technique you mentioned Fast and it wouldn't let me drive on dirt or snow. Only buying the tires myself would let me do so. Of course, I was on an early version of GE then since hybriding was new, but I doubt it makes it a difference.
Not sure myself Sony, but here's a maybe... many of the "normally" non paintable race cars can not be painted, however like in the case of the Ferrari 330 P4 I can paint it any color when using GE only. Maybe some cars with tires are like that where as some will work while others may not. I recall being able to use them on the Jag XJR-9 '88, but this ol' timer just can't remember for sure...

Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67 Special Nero Black.jpg
Hey 2fast, do you still remember what we've talked about before? That it is possible to paint these race cars but once they are seen far enough in the screen, either while racing or in replay, that the car would appear as if it's still painted in its own original color? It looks like only some unpaintable cars are really like that.
That's just the LODs right there. Those cannot be changed unless modding was available to do so.
Maybe we should make a list on which unpaintable cars act like that and which ones don't, just for reference, you know. ;)

The thing is, it'd take time to do it and would become tiresome, too. :lol:
Speaking of the Ferrari #21 in particular, I’ve always wondered why it is topless in GT when as far as I know #21 did not have a removable top. I could be totally wrong so does anyone know for sure ?

PS... JakeMR2... I don’t wanna sound my age, but what are LOD’s ?
Speaking of the Ferrari #21 in particular, I’ve always wondered why it is topless in GT when as far as I know #21 did not have a removable top. I could be totally wrong so does anyone know for sure ?

PS... JakeMR2... I don’t wanna sound my age, but what are LOD’s ?

All three of the P4s had a Spyder body at some point, and two of them apparently still do (one genuine and one aftermarket).

LOD stands for Level Of Detail - as objects get further away from the camera in games, it switches them out for a lower-detailed model ('lower LOD') as it's too small on the screen to show all of the detail and thus performance can be improved by omitting that amount of detail from the model. The lowest LODs used in games can be as low as dozens of polygons, used when the car is just a few pixels in the distance.
So GTV0819, I have been hybriding a lot lately in GT5 and me and JakeMR2 are experiencing the same thing you mentioned earlier. It seems one of the part swaps we're doing is giving us all the tires in the game for that car, even the unused ones, despite the fact we haven't even installed them ourselves. Like you, we're also using GE 1.3.1 as well.

Not entirely sure what swaps it is that does this, but we'll get to the bottom of it eventually. Maybe it will make this tutorial easier.

Any idea what swaps you did?
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Eh, just the usual ones like the engine swap, chassis swap, drivetrain swap, transmission swap and sometimes, a brake swap, too.

Now, at least you already know that those swaps give you access to all tires without buying them, heck, even super soft ones that can't be found in the game under normal circumstances, allowing certain fast cars to be raced and driven in dirt or snow tracks.
Well the swaps I have done lately are mainly the engine, drivetrain, and LSD, so I have a feeling it's one of those 3. Going to experiment some more and find out what's causing this.
So I assume you're done with your experiment already? What did you find out and what exactly was causing all tires to be available in hybridded cars?