Tyre Simulation.

  • Thread starter 0boz0
Thinking of getting the game.

But outside of the bugs, a few things I need to know from anyone whos got the game.

Do the tyres go off after a certain amount of laps?and what is the affect if they do?
Do the wheels lock up and flat spot?
Is there a difference in grip in the rain and dry on there respective tyres?
Dose running on wet tyres in the dry or dry tyres in the wet cause problems?

Any info appreciated:).
I've not noticed any flat spots yet, but I've been playing with ABS on so haven't locked up.

They do go off after a certain amount of laps, and I think it depends how you use them as well. The effects are lack of grip, so resulting in slower lap times.

There is a difference in wet and dry and their respective tyres. Inter's and wets will overheat as the track gets drier, so you need to look for puddles to keep them cool. There is a bug at the moment, it appears if it starts raining in a race, you can stay on slicks and lap at proper pace, it's only when you change tyres do you notice the difference.
correct me if im wrong anyone ,the tyres do go off about lap 7/8 but they dont take much warming up (half lap), on your tyre indicator they go green staight away and after so many laps they go yellow ,orange, then red but not quite as i like it to,the engine temp is the same but green to red.The tyres do lock up but they dont flat spot ,they do burst though which is the bollocks,trying to get back to the pits is hard work.Completley differant feeling in wet ,dry conditions ,easy to spin in any of them,driving on the wrong tyres in the wrong conditions causes dead tyres quickly,good good game.
Sounds a bit random. Can you actually see the tyres change under use?

and when slicks go off in F1 you usually see the drivers sliding round corners, How dose the lack of grip show up?
The lack of grip is very good, once the tyres start showing yellow on the damage indicator things start getting tough, it depends a bit on what settings you have. If you have a rear happy car anyway, it'll be tougher to control out of corners, etc. I think it's quite realistic.

Can't say I've particularly noticed visible wear on the tyres, but then I don't really look at them when racing.
I'm confused about this. I've only been playing GP mode. When the tires get "worn" I don't feel an obvious change in the grip levels - unlike F1CE where the grip immediately becomes very treacherous once the tires show wear. Is this because the tires need to get more wear before this effect shows up (I pit when I'm told!)?
I'm confused about this. I've only been playing GP mode. When the tires get "worn" I don't feel an obvious change in the grip levels - unlike F1CE where the grip immediately becomes very treacherous once the tires show wear. Is this because the tires need to get more wear before this effect shows up (I pit when I'm told!)?

Yeah usually they make you pit when they are yellow. IMO yellow is not too bad to run on, orange is not too bad but you have to be careful when throttling out of the corner and red you can usually feel the loss of grip everywhere (braking, turning, accelerating). This is in a Lotus btw.

I have not had any flat spots but I am very careful to not lock up much and I am pretty sure Codemasters said it is supposed to be implemented.

As for visible wear, well according to a tip on the loading screen the tires are supposed to show blisters when they are worn out but I have never noticed it because I look at the wear indicator and not my tires.

The tire model is pretty good in this game, they have implemented a lot of things. The only things you have to be careful are when you lock-up your brakes it is hard to notice because there is no noise, smoke or feel and when you spin your rear tires it is the same thing.
The eagle eyed of you will notice bits of rubber coming off the tyres in slow mo looking from the rear.

I find the tyre performance one of the best aspects of the game, it feels real and you do have to look after them differently between each tyre and adjust your driving if they are wearing too quickly. You canw ear the front much quicker if you lock up (learned that the hard way) and that causes lock ups more frequently so I guess it has the effect of flatspotting just not visibly.
I've noticed you can actually see the tires become more "bald", they get whiter. That's another way to notice.
But outside of the bugs, a few things I need to know from anyone whos got the game.

Do the tyres go off after a certain amount of laps?


and what is the affect if they do?
less grip

Do the wheels lock up

and flat spot?

Is there a difference in grip in the rain and dry on there respective tyres?

Dose running on wet tyres in the dry or dry tyres in the wet cause problems?

Any info appreciated

the game has some problems yes, frustrating sometimes, and its not a full sim. But the driving is fun, and its addictive. There are a lot of elements that makes the game realistic. but there is room for improvement.