Un-Edited Competition - Week 101 - CLOSED

  • Thread starter SVX


The White Comet
New Zealand

Week 101​


Chosen by week 99 winner odnomre

"Group B"

Cars: Any Group B rally car.

Track: Any.

Photo Travel: Yes.

Poll Size: --

Explanation: In the words of week 98 winner, Lucas:
"... :P"


Febuary, 8th


  • Allowed photo editing tools: Resize. No other modifications allowed outside GT4 photomode.
  • You may submit one entry. It must be your own work and not previously entered in a competition.
  • You may only change your entry once. When changing it, indicate clearly (please, when doing this, edit your post with your new entry, do not submit a new post with a new entry)
  • Please mark your Final Entry clearly in RED.
  • Your entry may not exceed the poll character limit. (5 characters are enough to name your image). If your entry exceeds it, the link to the full size image, will be removed.
  • We recommend you use a free image hosting service such as or
  • You must post your entry either as a thumbnail, or as a preview linked to the full image - see here for instructions .
  • Previews should be no larger than 400 pixels along the longest side - be it vertical or horizontal - and should not have more or less effects than the full size image.
  • Photos must be taken from a normal version of GT4, do not use any cheats or Game Shark codes to modify the game content.
  • Please do not ask other members to choose your entry. Have confidence in your own skills and go with your favorite shot.

Happy Photomoding everyone!

Explanation: In the words of week 98 winner, Lucas:

This is week 98? The winner was Lucas? :sly:

BTW, are there any Group B cars in Arcade Mode? I am still in Beginners Events and I don't rank up that often.
If you're lucky the Peugeot 205 is in there (the one without the epic body kit). Though I'm not sure.
Don't see why I shouldn't enter this. I have a few Delta S4 pics lying around.

It won't go to just the image, it will go to an Imageshack page, couldn't get it working right. Might try again later, but I won't change the entry.
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The Photobucket URL throws some suspicion onto the field. It could be edited or un-edited when uploaded to photobucket is all that we know at this point.
I guess if we knew which track it was taken at it would help. It may just be looking through the fence netting thing... Or something.
The Photobucket URL throws some suspicion onto the field. It could be edited or un-edited when uploaded to photobucket is all that we know at this point.

I really don't see how uploading to photobucket as opposed to imageshack would be any more suspicious, but I realize that I am new to this corner of the interwebs, and that my mad skillz :rolleyes: :lol: would eventually be challenged. I would have rather set a lightning quick lap though.

I guess if we knew which track it was taken at it would help. It may just be looking through the fence netting thing... Or something.

Opera Paris seemed like a good place to send the cars around for a couple of laps, them being French and all...
It should be easy to replicate the shot knowing that the cars were on the straight after the S/F line on lap 2.
^ Nice entry Crooooooow! That's real purty! 👍
Seems there's a lot of love for the French cars this week.

And now for something completely different...

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Aaah, I love the RS200. Just it isn't so easy to take a good shot of. But still, nice entry, Smallhorses.
Pretty decent. For an amateur that is.

An amateur that's out-voted you in 2 out of 3 weeks I've competed! :P

Welcome to the Crooooooow Mockery club, Smallhorses. :sly:

I don't think I'll be able to get an entry in this week, I've been working all week and with school, I don't think I'll get a chance to use the good 'ol PS2.
A lot of great entries here! 👍 Sadly, I don't have time to be one of them. :(
Welcome to the Crooooooow Mockery club, Smallhorses. :sly:

I don't think I'll be able to get an entry in this week, I've been working all week and with school, I don't think I'll get a chance to use the good 'ol PS2.

I managed to get mine in, and I'm back at school. Why can't you? :odd:
oh my! totally forgot to start my PS2! and I was sick today, so I had all the time of the world! :banghead::banghead: