Un-Edited Competition - Week 119 - OPEN

  • Thread starter SVX


The White Comet
New Zealand

Week 119​

Chosen by week 117 winner jus1029

"Hongky Dongky"

Cars: Any.

Tracks: Hong Kong.

Photo Travel: Nope.

Poll Size: --

Explanation: In the words of week 119 winner, jus1029: "In line with my vacay in HK, drive or race around that track with your favorite car!"


February, 21st


  • Allowed photo editing tools: Resize. No other modifications allowed outside GT4 photomode.
  • You may submit one entry. It must be your own work and not previously entered in a competition.
  • You may only change your entry once. When changing it, indicate clearly (please, when doing this, edit your post with your new entry, do not submit a new post with a new entry)
  • Please mark your Final Entry clearly in RED.
  • Your entry may not exceed the poll character limit. (5 characters are enough to name your image). If your entry exceeds it, the link to the full size image, will be removed.
  • We recommend you use a free image hosting service such as or
  • You must post your entry either as a thumbnail, or as a preview linked to the full image - see here for instructions .
  • Previews should be no larger than 400 pixels along the longest side - be it vertical or horizontal - and should not have more or less effects than the full size image.
  • Photos must be taken from a normal version of GT4, do not use any cheats or Game Shark codes to modify the game content.
  • Please do not ask other members to choose your entry. Have confidence in your own skills and go with your favorite shot.

Happy Photomoding everyone! :cheers:
Finally! My theme is up after three months! :lol:
*finds GT4 on shelf - puts in PS2 - starts PS2 - hears Ticking Noise Of Death* :scared: *baby crying* NOOOOOOOOO!! How dare you do this to me GT4 :(

Might try on my bro's PS2 at my moms place tomorrow.. Pray for it to work :)
What's wrong with the HK track? :confused:
Beside, that theme was sent three months ago! :crazy:
HK is probably my worst track for driving on...But still, do I tidy my room, or do I switch on the PS2 and play GT4? I can't decide...

I'd give just about anything for the last. Darn you PS2 :(
True.. You don't really realize how good a game is until you can't play it.. Right now GT4 is equal with GT2 on my favorite GT game list.. Says quite a bit how much I actually appreciate it despite those minor physic issues it does have, the car selection (except the lack of Ferrari and Lamborghini) kicks GT5's butt 👍
True.. You don't really realize how good a game is until you can't play it.. Right now GT4 is equal with GT2 on my favorite GT game list.. Says quite a bit how much I actually appreciate it despite those minor physic issues it does have, the car selection (except the lack of Ferrari and Lamborghini) kicks GT5's butt 👍
As long as it's got 50+ Skylines I'm happy. Seriously thinking about maybe getting an Xbox 360 and getting the Forza games though...just to make my racing game collection a bit bigger
Same, just to try it, though let's not drift off-topic here, I'm gonna try and see if it can play in my brother PS2 and if it can you'll not only hear a scream of luck but also see an entry. Judging from the votes on the poll I have more success here than in GT5s (I've already gained 2x, 2 F-ING TIMES as many votes in 1, ONE SINGLE GT4 comp than in all GT5 comps!
Well I don't seem to have much success in the GT4 comp, and I don't have GT5...At the moment I'm trying to get a clean lap round HK
OK, I have good news and bad news. The good news are: GT4 F-ING WORKS on my brothers PS2! :D The bad news are, I don't know when he'll allow me to borrow it though I'm pretty sure a few MP (yes, he's value is multiplayer games) will do the trick :)
OK, I have good news and bad news. The good news are: GT4 F-ING WORKS on my brothers PS2! :D The bad news are, I don't know when he'll allow me to borrow it though I'm pretty sure a few MP (yes, he's value is multiplayer games) will do the trick :)
Nice... Keep them photos comin'...
I'll give it a shot, I forgot about these competitions.
My GT4 came in the post this morning, lost my other one whilst moving.
Yes, few people compete here...

It's not the quantity but there's quite a few which I'd be scared of if they had GT5.

Anyways I come just from a photo session. Darn, too many good pics to pick one.. Who wants to buy one :lol:
Turns out I have to play the game till day 151 to unlock hong kong, Great excuse to play GT4 for the night, no college tomorrow.
Bring It.

EDIT: Here we are.


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Final Entry

May change. Plenty to choose from :lol:

On a sidenote, GT4's photomode felt a bit strange in the start as I had to get used to it but once I did I almost forgot to play GT5
This has got to be edited. Gran Turismo 4 can not produce photos with that much saturation.

I would disagree. I've got a few images in my collection with similar levels of saturation.
This has got to be edited. Gran Turismo 4 can not produce photos with that much saturation.

Innocent 'till proven guilty, nuff said. It isn't edited at all. If you can prove I have edited it, I'll change it. If not, it'll remain my entry.

All that just because there's a new competitor :lol:
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I've seen GT4 photos in the competition before with quality as good as what rallymorten has in his picture. I'll be entering my photo later and you'll see:sly:
Innocent 'till proven guilty, nuff said. It isn't edited at all. If you can prove I have edited it, I'll change it. If not, it'll remain my entry.

All that just because there's a new competitor :lol:

He's just jealous 'cause its a great shot! :sly:
Final Entry

May change. Plenty to choose from :lol:
Looks like no changes will be made! :drool:
On a sidenote, GT4's photomode felt a bit strange in the start as I had to get used to it but once I did I almost forgot to play GT5
Yeah. Before GT5, I had no experiences with GT4 photomode, and when I got my hand on it, it was confusing! :odd:
Looks like no changes will be made! :drool:

Yeah. Before GT5, I had no experiences with GT4 photomode, and when I got my hand on it, it was confusing! :odd:

I've never tried the GT5 photomode, since I haven't got GT5, but is it that much different from GT4?