VEXD does the Nurburgring....

  • Thread starter VEXD
Damnit, I wish I could've gone. Great writeup Dave, thank you for that! Good to see you finally made it to the Nurburgring 👍

Is the 'Ring easy to find?
In the end, once id gotten through a fair amount of pizza, i knew i wasnt going to eat it all, so i left the bits that i didnt really want to chew through, and indulged myself on the really gooey parts, which is how i like my pizza.

You're right though zoxxy, i should have thought of you when i was eating, and left a cleaner, more presentable pile of pizza remains to photograph, rather than the carefully laid out crust which i did capture.

Think about the children of Africa!1!!1
Thankyou. 👍

Roo.... I came at it from Holland, and i used google earth to familiarise myself with the area before i went too, so i knew exactly which road numbers i was taking etc.
There are a lot of different ways to go there, but the easiest thing to do, is go to and read the whole site. The trip reports in there are hilarious, and there are over 50 of them.

Id say, once you get within 20 miles of the place.... follow the GT3's.

No, seriously....
Just incase anyone on here was interested in the final battle video, featuring VEXD and Hugo Boss in a two lap showdown on the ring, with 4 other drivers doing fairly well to keep up, for about 2 mins.... here's the link:

Full credit goes to DustDriver for his excellent 1337 video catching skillz yo.

The lead changes in lap two when Hugo makes one tiny mistake with his braking point, coming into Metzgesfeld, but he then plays the fastest game of catch-up ever recorded, and the final straight is worth waiting 12 mins for.

Thanx Hugo, for the race and the adrenaline/excuse to sit at the bar afterwards.
And thanx Bert, for the effort and time required to produce this replay for all to see. 👍

Hope you all enjoy.

Great write-up, and thanks for talking so nice about us dutchies :). Great you had so much fun in Huizen. Way to go Jan and Sjaak 👍
Looks like you had a top time out there Dave. Was The Ring everything you expected it would be?

And he kissed me right here!
Sorry, he's not looking at the camera ... we actually placed a tiny mirror on the back of Sjaak's head and Andrew is just admiring his bloodshot eyes after sitting at the bar for a couple of hours :lol:

He can't half throw them shorts back y'know! .. for someone who doesn't really drink much .. he had to be helped upstairs to his bed every night by the Dutch crew by grabbing arms and legs each haha :P

Jeez! the things people get up to when they are away from their other half is crazy :ouch: At least you didn't have to witness it eh :sly:
Jeez! the things people get up to when they are away from their other half is crazy :ouch: At least you didn't have to witness it eh :sly:
I know, he has absolutely no clue what I was getting up to back in the UK....


And he kissed me right here!

You always make me laugh you sod.
Have a great nono. 👍

Looks like you had a top time out there Dave. Was The Ring everything you expected it would be?
Yes thanx Dan, and no also. I wasnt expecting the gradients and cambers, or the level of grip, as i never found the edge, apart from when i went down into Brunnchen, which was fun.

You lot are sick. I wish i had a "Mr Spam" to put in this post. :D

Bigracer, thankyou i had a fantastic time in Huizen, where were you?

well done David. Glad you finally got your wish and that the civic survived! I somehow doubt that its eased your 'nurbmania' though. Infact i'm sure its made it even stronger. The rest of the stay looked amazing too. I'm very envious of your whole trip, but you know that already!

Will keep an eye out for the nurbedupvexdcivic!
Everytime the Brits started to feel too comftable, we went back to speaking Dutch! :dopey:

Don't think that will work next time though, since David masters his languages very quickly... :scared:
Yes, i already know how to say fingeruntje.....

So look out souvenir shopkeeping men!! I speak your language!

dank u vell..

I am envious of your trip. You guys aren't going to be doing this next year in early summer are you? :lol:
Glad to see you had so much fun, awesome work with the photos and the double sticker application (looks great 👍 ). If I'm lucky I will have nearly as much fun on my trip.

Great job with the write-up. :cheers:
Thanx Kent, it means a lot to get congrats from you.

When are you going? and if you give me enough notice, do you want an accomplice? :D

If there's anything you're not sure about, ask me, i mean, ive only been once, but i did do a little bit of research before i went....

Thanx for the comments man....

May I point out Dave that its now 2/1 to Me :D


Wow GT5 really does look real :D

(pokes Vexd with a stick)
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This is one of those threads that makes, like, thousands of readers very jealous. Well done. :D:tup:

Awesome trip, awesome car, awesome pics. Very funny, too. You did have fun, right? Good, just checking!
Way to go on going to 'Ring twice Ren-Tec (Mike)! :D Now I wonder if VEXD (Dave) is going to make his own trip to even the score and when. 💡 👍 ;) --- Randy