Videos About Photography/Videography

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Beanbag Brain
United Kingdom
Horbury, West Yorkshire
I wanted to post up a couple of videos of things I've watched over the last few days as I find them interesting and I'm sure some people here might as well.

I didn't want to put them in the cool video thread as they will get pushed out of the way by videos of all sorts of cool things.

I though this thread could be about how to do's and tutorials, stories about photographers etc. If you have anything that you think we might like post it up.

I'll starts with a few.

Im not a big fan of Zack Arias, but I have to give the guy a nod for being so forward with his subjects and he always seems to make people ok with what he is doing.

America In Pictures The Story Of Life Magazine - Loved this documentary. (the video doesn't want to work I don't think so here is the link.

Vivian Maier - Such a sad story of a nanny street photographer

Almost forgot this I posted in the aforementioned thread of cool videos.

Platon Reveals Power Through His Portraits of Global Leaders

So lets get started and sharing great photography and videography videos.
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Wow I'm surprised I'm the only one watching videos about photography on here.

Anywhoo, this is a series of videos Epson have done about printing Black and White images. Hope you enjoy.

Thanks for posting these, I really enjoyed the Vivian Maier video as well as the ones put out by Epson. Can't wait until the 24th to watch the final episodes. I think it's important to realize the sheer quantity of photos some of the greats take as well as how much time they spend doing it, makes their level seem a bit more reachable. :)

A slightly different type of video on photography...

Be careful out there!
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Another cool photo project. Thanks for sharing guys.

Saw this today.

Another I've just watched.

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Ok new video about photography in Sydney.
Awesome, will be on the list of viewing tonight 👍

I have a lot of YT videos under the belt, I'll try find the more interesting ones to add to this thread 👍
For the past few days at lunch photography videos are just about the only thing I watch... anywhere from old DRTV to more info on astrophotography, B&H sessions, and Jared Polin stuff..
For the past few days at lunch photography videos are just about the only thing I watch... anywhere from old DRTV to more info on astrophotography, B&H sessions, and Jared Polin stuff..

I find it very therapeutic watching videos about photography. It also helps with ideas, seeing how people aproach photography problems and situations.
Trent Parke is an amazing photographer. ABC in Australia did a documentary about him on his latest project, The Black Rose, that's worth a watch too.
I've met Matt a few times around London before, great photographer and he's always encouraging others to keep shooting.
Some interesting new technology from Lytro with thier new "Cinema" range of cameras.

I've always liked the tech behind the Lytro still cameras but the images have always lacked any great quality.