Violent but funny things you do in GTA3

  • Thread starter vat_man
I stalk people walking on the sidewalk, eventually shooting them in the back with a shotgun. :D
Originally posted by Delray Sandusk

This reminds me of another little game I like to play...

"CHANGING LANES" (after the movie of the same name)
If you want a real kick, try this with Linerunners and see what happens... 😈

Yeah, i like doing drive-bys on big vehicles (flatbeds, buses, etc) then following them as they plow thru traffic and mow down peds.

Also, the fire truck does great e-brake drifts. Peds and other cars barely slow it down at all...

I've blocked traffic at an intersection with a sideways car, waited for a bunch of cars to pile up behind it, then blown up my car. The flaming wreckage that ensues is heee-larious! 😈
Originally posted by -}PK{-WetWilly
If you wants to pick up lots of money without cheating just shoot all the pimps you see and take theit money :lol:

I've noticed that if you whack a pimp just after he beats up one of his hoes, he'll usually be loaded down with cash. Yardies that carry baseball bats and the guys in brown trenchcoats seem to have quite a bit of cash too, though getting it out of them without attracting attention is a lot tougher.
i dont just shoot the slow cars, i have proper street races (infernus vs infernus is the hardest) playing to the death. i never tried shooting the petrol pumps.... will do. im sure there was something else....
oh yeah that was it, i never realised that you could kick things (other than people). does it work the same way, pressing circle (im about to go and find out so i suppose theres no point in asking unless its different).
The thing that brings me fun is when i take a tank from the army surplus store, and turn the turret around backwards, firing it rapidly massively increasing my speed as i go down the highway. I run over and kill hundreds of cars, and then when the police get involved, for the first 4 stars its childs play, just like your running over ped cars. But then when the 5th star comes, and the FBI gets involved, thats when it gets fun :) Watching all those poor helpless FBI cars try to stop me for about 5 mins before the army gets involved, really makes my day. After doing that about 3 times, i have over 2700 kills all together and about 900 cars exploded. :)