VRR Fujitsu GT300 Cup

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It's cold here
VRR Gen 2 Main Logo.png
Welcome to GT300 Cup, this series will be run as a support to VRR's Super GT championship acrosa the summer. This series features a single class of car but with Pro and Am sub-classes and some different machinery than is normally used. The schedule shares mostly the same venues as our Super GT championship but at reduced distances. This series is aimed to be another driver development initiative and encourages further competition between faster drivers and drivers learning more as they go and still finding more speed. To encourage competition there is a single points scale that both sub-classes will be competing for, however the championships are separate.

GT300 Cup Schedule.png
GT300 Cup BoP v1.1.png
GT300 Cup Entry List.png

1.1. All drivers competing in the series must inform the series director of those intentions, detailing the class they are wanting to race in, car and car number they wish to use, team they are driving for, and a primary sponsor that is not already taken.
1.2. Car numbers 2-999 are open to all entrants to use.
1.2.1. Car numbers cannot have a 0 preceding them. Numbers 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 are prohibited.
1.3. Every driver must be a part of a team in some capacity to be allowed to participate.
1.4. Teams may field up to two cars.
1.4.1. Teams are permitted to run different chassis for its two entries.
1.5. All teams and drivers must select a valid tire supplier based on what's available for their class.
1.5.1. GT300 teams have Bridgestone, Dunlop, Michelin, and Yokohama as tire supplier options.
1.5.2. Teams must run the same tire supplier between their cars.
1.6. Teams new to VRR must use names that are friendly with GTPlanet's Acceptable Use Policy, and must not be an existing real life team name.
1.6.1. Team names fitting within the GTPlanet Acceptable Usage Policy must not be derogatory or offensive.
1.7. GT300 Cup will have a designated Professional and Amateur sub classes
1.7.1. Professional drivers are rated Diamond and Gold
1.7.2. Amateur drivers are rated Silver and Bronze
1.7.3. Emerald rated drivers will be given the choice whether they would like to compete in Professional or Amateur class due to the range of speed this group of drivers creates. The series organiser reserves the right to override any class designation at any point in the season. In the event a competitor is moved classes, they will keep 75% of their points rounded up to the nearest whole number for a move to Pro class, and 100% of their points for a move to Am class.
1.8. A simple registration guide is provided below for all entrants to use once they've read the regulations.
-Team Name:
-Car Number:
-Car Choice:
-Tire Provider:
-Primary Sponsor:
2.1. Liveries featuring sponsorship from tobacco companies, or pornographic materials will be prohibited. Violations against this rule will result in an automatic suspension.
2.2. Liveries promoting a political stance or agenda will be prohibited. VRR remains a political neutral ground, and will remain open to everyone as such. Violators will be given one warning to refrain from using political advertising. Those that ignore the warning will receive a suspension.
2.3. Decals representing organizations or other racing championships unaffiliated with VRR are not permitted to be present on any liveries competing in the series. Entries found to be in violation of this rule will be ruled as unclassified and ineligible to score points without prior warning.
2.4. All cars must use the official GT300 Cup numberplates on their cars and use the official numbers. Pro numberplates can be found here. Am numberplates can be found here. Official Super GT numbers can be found here: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
2.4.1. All number plates must be located either directly behind the front tires or in front of the rear tires, as well as on the bonnet of the car.
2.4.2. Door panel number plates must be lower than the top of the wheel arches on the car.
2.5. All cars must have their car number inside of a pre-made box on the rear of the car to the right side of the license plate slot. Pro rear number box is located here. Am rear number box is located here.
2.6. Pro cars must have clear headlights, while Am cars must have yellow headlights.
2.7. Pro cars must utilize the white Gran Turismo windshield banner, while Am cars must utilize the black Gran Turismo windshield banner.
2.8. All cars are required to have logos representing their tire suppliers on the front of the car underneath both headlights, as well as on the rear of the car.
2.9. All drivers are limited to two liveries for the season. Exceptions may be granted for tribute or memorial purposes only.
2.9.1. Both liveries a driver runs must retain the same primary sponsorship.
2.10. Teams cannot use primary sponsors reserved by other teams.
3.1. VRR is a clean racing environment. Tough, but fair competition is expected. Accidents will be reviewed after each race and post race penalties may be assessed.
3.2. Drivers must be aware of their surroundings at all times in a multiclass environment. Drivers in Pro Class will be expected to drive clean and use patience with their overtakes with Am Class drivers.
3.3. Drivers attempting to lap other competitors may need to use flashing lights as well as patience in overtaking.
3.4. Drivers being lapped do not have to pull off of the racing line, but must maintain a constant line until after they have been cleared by the passing car.
3.4.1. Drivers in danger of being lapped by their class leader are permitted to defend to stay on the lead lap of their class. Drivers who have fallen further on track positions behind may fight toward gaining their lap back, but will be penalised if determined to be holding up other cars ahead of them in the race.
3.5. The racing surface is determined to be the asphalt/concrete which contains the racing line, as well as multicolored curbstones. Sausage curbing, and astroturf do not count as part of the racing surface.
3.6. Pit entry and exit lines are to be respected at all times. Drivers that are found to cross the solid lines entering or exiting pit lane will receive a post race time penalty.
3.7. Passing under safety car conditions is prohibited. Drivers that pass any car under safety car conditions will be penalized with a 30 second post race time penalty per overtake under those conditions.
3.7.1. Drivers may pass cars under safety car conditions if they will not catch the safety car queue before pit in or still recovering from a crash.
3.7.2. Safety car conditions are determined as starting from the moment the race director types out "SCD" for safety car deployment, and ending after the race director has called for the safety car period to end and the overall leader has reached the restart point on the track.
3.8. Premature race exits, such as ragequitting races, are seen as a sign of disrespect for the series organizers, the other competitors, and the spirit of racing. Leaving races in such a fashion will be met with consequences, such as grid penalties or possible suspensions.
3.9. Drivers vying to defend a position on track are allowed one defensive move as a proactive measure. Making a defensive move as a reactive measure will earn a warning/penalty. This includes weaving back and forth across the racing surface.
3.10. In the instance that a defensive maneuver results in another driver receiving mechanical damage, or forces another driver off the racing surface, or otherwise endangers other drivers, the driver in question of blocking may receive penalties equal to avoidable contact or avoidable collision penalties for their defensive maneuvers.
3.11. Brake testing is illegal in any official VRR competitive session and is subject to strict penalization.
4.1. Events, issues, and violations that happen during an event weekend can be deemed as penalizable offenses under specific criteria.
4.1.1. Each violation of the regulations and guidelines will be penalized in accordance to the guidelines of this section.
4.1.2. Series officials will use a mixture of post race time penalties, grid penalties, and stop/go penalties when enforcing rule violations. Every 5 seconds of post race time penalties will be translated into a 1 place grid penalty if the competitor in question does not face any effects from the time penalty. If a competitor commits a critical infraction, and cannot be penalized through time, they will serve a stop/go penalty at the beginning of the next event they take part in. The time assigned in the stop/go penalty will be half of the original post race time penalty. (Ex: 30 second post race time penalty would be translated into a 15 second stop/go penalty)
4.2. The following penalties are in relation to on track incidents that occur during qualifying and race events itself.
4.2.1. Crossing the pit entry line (solid white or yellow line leading to pit lane) will result in a 10 second post race time penalty. Making contact with walls while entering the pit lane will count as a violation. This penalty only applies to when a competitor is entering pit lane. Competitors passing pit entry under racing conditions will not be penalized.
4.2.2. Crossing the pit exit line (solid white or yellow line merging drivers back onto the racing surface exiting pit lane) will result in a 10 second post race time penalty. Competitors exiting pit lane have priority to the lane of the track they are exiting on. If a competitor passing pit exit makes contact with the car exiting pit lane, they would be at fault for the collision.
4.2.3. Rejoining the racing surface in a dangerous manner after going off track will be subject to a 15 second post race time penalty. Track re-entries will be seen as dangerous if the action is taking place in front of other competitors, forcing those competitors to take sudden evasive measures, or if the driver is rejoining the track at a perpendicular angle compared to the direction of the racing surface. Competitors rejoining the race from a ghosted state will have to be sure they are rejoining in a clear section of track. Drivers that rejoin and cause either a collision or another competitor to go off track to avoid a collision will be subject to a 30 second post race time penalty.
4.2.4. Each substantial instance of track limits violations will be subject to a 5 second time penalty.
4.2.5. Tire warming after drivers have begun to line up double file for the start of a race is prohibited. Drivers that engage in tire warming after this portion of the race start protocol has begun will be subject to a 15 second post race time penalty.
4.2.6. Competitors found to have started accelerating beyond their class' formation speed limit prior to the class pole sitter reaching the starting point will be subject to a 30 second post race time penalty per offense. Jump starts on safety car restarts will be viewed in equal measure to this rule.
4.2.7. Overtaking other competitors outside of the defined track limits and not relinquishing the position within the next lap will result in a 20 second post race time penalty per overtake.
4.2.8. Passing undamaged cars under safety car conditions will result in a 30 second post race time penalty per overtake.
4.2.9. Brake testing is prohibited under all conditions. Competitors found in offense to this
rule will be subject to a 20 second post race time penalty.
4.2.10. Causing avoidable contact will be subject to a 10 second post race time penalty. Contact, defined by VRR, is an event between two cars that results in a competitor being unfairly hindered by either direct car-to-car contact or being forced off of the racing surface without receiving mechanical damage. Avoidable contact under safety car conditions, including the formation lap, will result in the time penalty being doubled.
4.2.11. Causing an avoidable collision will be subject to a 30 second post race time penalty. Collisions are defined differently to contact. Collisions are the instance where a competitor receives mechanical damage directly from another competitor's actions. Avoidable collisions under safety car conditions, including the formation lap, will result in the time penalty being doubled.
4.2.12. Engaging in an unsafe blocking maneuver (contact blocking) will be subject to a 10 second post race time penalty.
4.2.13. Engaging in a dangerous blocking maneuver (resulting in mechanical damage) will be subject to a 30 second post race time penalty.
4.2.14. Repeated reactive blocking maneuvers will be subject to a 15 second post race time penalty.
4.2.15. Competitors that clutter in race text communications with unimportant messages will be subjected to a 20 second post race time penalty.
4.2.16. Ignoring blue flags and impeding competitors attempting to get past in an effort to place the driver in question a lap down will result in a 15 second post race time penalty.
4.2.17. Deliberately holding up another competitor during qualifying so as to ruin their lap will result in a grid place penalty with a maximum of 15 places at the discretion of the race director.
4.3. The following are penalties that are assigned for infractions that occur outside of the race distance itself.
4.3.1. Liveries in violation of any part of Section 2 will be subject to a 10 second post race time penalty for each infraction. Liveries in violation of rule 2.3. will be subject to an unappealable disqualification.
4.3.2. Impeding competitors during warm up or qualifying will result in a 10 second stop/go penalty which must be served within the first 3 laps after the green flag in the race.
4.3.3. Failing to adhere to series directives (ie: spamming text chat with auto messages or unimportant messages, creating spam during system checks) will result in a 10 second stop/go penalty which must be served within the first 3 laps after the green flag in the race.
4.3.4. Competitors switching cars after the season has started will automatically be starting the following race with an additional 5% success ballast for the next applicable event, in addition to their existing success ballast.
4.4. Other penalties awarded for off track issues will not result in a time penalty, but may be seen as more serious.
4.4.1. For the first offense of leaving a race session prematurely, a reprimand will be given to the competitor in question.
4.4.2. For the second offense of leaving a race session prematurely, a one race suspension will be awarded.
4.4.3. For the third offense of leaving a race session prematurely, a two race suspension will be awarded.
4.4.4. For the fourth offense of leaving a race session prematurely, a four race suspension will be awarded. Race suspensions apply to any VRR event. Appeals can be made with sound reason as to why the voluntary forfeit occured.
4.4.5. Causing a deliberate collision with another competitor for any reason and with any end result will result in an automatic 60 day suspension. The length of the suspension is left to the race steward to finalize on a per case basis, and may last longer than stated above.
4.4.6. Attacking a competitor through prejudice or unfounded malice will result in a one race suspension once evidence is brought forward. An appeal will not be granted.
5.1. Each event lobby will open at 5:50 p.m. Eastern U.S. time for all competitors to enter for qualifying. This session will be 20 minutes in length.
5.1.1. All competitors will be required to be in the lobby by 6:00 p.m. Eastern U.S. time for the start of qualifying. Competitors who are not present for the session will start from the rear of the field.
5.1.2. Qualifying will see Pro and Am competitors on track together.
5.2. Driver’s meetings will happen after qualifying and will only be for questions; start points, line up points, pole position sides, track limits, and pit lines can be found in section 9
5.3. The race session will start at 6:40 p.m. or at the race director’s discretion
5.3.1. The field will stay single file until they reach the line up point. At this point, drivers will line up double file.
5.3.2. Drivers will be allowed to enter racing conditions once the pole sitter reaches the start point.
5.4. Competitors are recommended to submit incidents of interest or concern to the race official immediately following the end of the race for review.
6.1. Safety car periods will be brought out for instances like mass disconnects and accidents that meet a certain criteria.
6.1.1. The criteria for accidents that bring out safety car periods for accidents is as follows: Two or more competitors sustain engine damage and type out "ED" for Engine Damage. At least three competitors sustain damage to three or more parts of their car, and type out "AD" for accident damage. Competitors involved in an accident are required to come to a stop to type out they have received the appropriate damage before beginning to move once again. Once the appropriate criteria have been met, the the race director will type either "SCD" or "Safety Car deployed".
6.1.2. In the case of a mass disconnection, the Safety Car driver, or the race leader, will type "SCD MD" and lead the field to a red flag stop on the pit straight. The race leader or Safety Car driver will record the order of the competitors remaining and then everyone will exit the race and wait for the disconnected competitors to return. Once those competitors have returned, the race will restart with the number of laps that remained in the race prior to when the mass disconnect occured. A manual safety car formation lap will allow everyone to get into their proper grid positions, and then racing will resume. Mass disconnections are viewed as three or more competitors dropping out of the event lobby in under 180 seconds.
6.2. When a safety car period is deployed, overtaking is immediately prohibited unless the car being overtaken is wounded by mechanical damage and off to the side of the racing surface or off track completely.
6.2.1. Cars that are wounded are to stay off of the racing line and yield to undamaged cars in tight sections with their hazard lights on.
6.2.2. All cars are to keep a reasonable pace until they pass the pit lane entrance to finish their current lap. As the pit lane is open at all times, drivers can elect to use the pit lane or proceed to catch the safety car queue.
6.2.3. The overall race leader will be the head of the safety car queue. The overall race leader will be required to maintain a speed limit of 62 miles per hour, or 100 kilometers per hour for the entire duration of the safety car period.
6.2.4. Once the field is deemed to be in its correct order, the overall race leader will be directed to lead the restart of the race at the end of the current lap.
6.3. In the instance that the event integrity may be compromised due to technical failures, the race director has the ability to call the race once the race leader has completed 75% race distance.
6.4. Under a Safety Car period, all competitors must be single file, with two car lengths minimum between each car for most of the period. Once the field enters the last sector of the track, competitors may bunch up closer to allow for a decent restart.
7.1. Points will be awarded in one overall race scale for both Pro and Am Classes.
GT300 Cup Driver points scale.png

7.2. Championships will be present in both classes for Drivers, Teams, and Manufacturers.
7.2.1. Team championship points will be the total points accumulated by drivers on the team.
7.2.2. Manufacturer points will be awarded according to the following scale.
GT300 Cup Manufacturer points scale.png
8.1. The room mode for VRR Fujitsu GT300 Cup events will be set to "Practice/Race".
8.2. Lobbies will be clearly coded for understanding. Each lobby will include the round number and which lobby it is. For example, lobby one for the first round would have the room title "VRR Fujitsu GT300 Cup Round 1 - Fuji 250km".
8.3. Laps will be specifically set to include the scheduled race distance publicly displayed as well as an additional lap for formation lap. An example of this would be the event at Dragon Trail having a scheduled distance of 48 laps, while the race lobby will be scheduled for 49 laps to include the formation lap.
8.4. The starting procedure for each event will be a standing start to start the formation lap.
8.5. Grid order will be initially set to "Set by Host".
8.6. Boost will not be utilized in any formal VRR championships.
8.7. Slipstream Strength will always be set to real for VRR championships.
8.8. Visible Damage will be turned on.
8.9. Mechanical Damage will always be set to "Heavy" for VRR championships.
8.10. Tire wear will be set to normal wear, or x1.
8.11. Fuel Consumption will be set to normal, or x2.
8.12. Initial Fuel will be set to 100 liters.
8.13. Grip on Wet Track/Track Edge will always be set to "Real" for VRR championships.
8.14. Race Finish Delay will be set to try matching the amount of time needed to complete a lap.
8.15. Category of cars allowed in the lobby will be preset to no limit.
8.16. In game automatic Balance of Performance will be turned off due to VRR having its own set Balance of Performance.
8.17. Maximum Tire Rating will be the medium racing compound.
8.18. Minimum Tire Rating will be set to the medium racing compound.
8.19. Ghosting During Race will be set to "None".
8.20. Shortcut Penalty will be set to "None".
8.21. Wall Collision Penalty will be set to "None".
8.22. Side Contact Penalty will be set to "None".
8.23. Correct Vehicle Course After Wall Collision will be turned off.
8.24. Replace Car at Course Out will be turned off.
8.25. Flag Rules will be turned off.
8.26. Countersteer Assist will not be allowed.
8.27. Active Stability Management will not be allowed.
8.28. Driving Line will not be allowed.
8.29. Traction Control will not be limited.
8.30. ABS will not be limited.
8.31. Auto Drive will not be allowed
Note: If you have not participated in VRR before you will be placed as an Emerald until there is proof you should be rated up or down from there.
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-PSN ID: Elusion_428
-Team Name: AXR x SSE Racing Team
-Class: Am
-Car Number: 2
-Car Choice: Hyundai Genesis
-Tire Provider: Yokohama
-Primary Sponsor: TBA

-PSN ID: Fred_dude
-Team Name: AXR x SSE Racing Team
-Class: Pro
-Car Number: 11
-Car Choice: Hyundai Genesis
-Tire Provider: Yokohama
-Primary Sponsor: TBA
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-PSN ID: SDM_IronCobra
-Team Name: Speed Demon Motorsports
-Class: Am
-Car Number: 54
-Car Choice: Subaru WRX
-Tire Provider: Bridgestone
-Primary Sponsor: Whaley Steel Corporation

My schedule in regards to Saturdays is unknown, so I’ll be part-time, unless I end up getting race days off constantly.
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PSN ID: CWM_NoirAntares
Team Name: Clockwork Motorsport
Class: PRO
Car Number: 26
Car Choice: Toyota FT-1
Tire Provider: Dunlop
Primary Sponsor: Studio Gainax

Team Name: Clockwork Motorsport
Class: PRO
Car Number: 31
Car Choice: Toyota FT-1
Tire Provider: Dunlop
Primary Sponsor: Studio Gainax
-PSN ID: SDM_CarbonR
-Team Name: Speed Demon Motorsports
-Class: Am
-Car Number: 34
-Car Choice: Toyota FT-1
-Tire Provider: Bridgestone
-Primary Sponsor: Kerbhunters
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-PSN ID: Fred_dude
-Team Name: AXR x SSE (name to be announced soon)
-Class: PRO
-Car Number: 11
-Car Choice: Hyundai Genesis
-Tire Provider: Yokohama
-Primary Sponsor: TBA

EDIT: aaanndd ignore my post lmao
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PSN ID: Hoodca11
-Team Name:WheelSpin Racing
-Car Number:96
-Car Choice: Hyundai
-Tire Provider Dunlop
-Primary Sponsor: Nos Energy
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PSN ID: Hoodca11
-Team Name:WheelSpin Racing
-Car Number:96
-Car Choice: Toyota FT-1
-Tire Provider Dunlop
-Primary Sponsor: Nos Energy
You will need to pick another car unfortunately since 3 FT1s are already taken. Subaru is also not an option either.
-PSN ID: MRT_Cinnamon
-Team Name: Black Rose x Mictlan Racing
-Class: Am
-Car Number: 28
-Car Choice: Lancer GT300
-Tire Provider: Michelin
-Primary Sponsor: VR Custom Seats

-PSN ID: MRT_Juancho29
-Team Name: Black Rose x Mictlan Racing
-Class: Am
-Car Number: 29
-Car Choice: Lancer GT300
-Tire Provider: Michelin
-Primary Sponsor: VR Custom Seats
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-Team Name: Virtual Endurance Racing Team
-Class: PRO
-Car Number: 25
-Car Choice: Citroen GT
-Tire Provider: Michelin
-Primary Sponsor: Stoiximan

Full time.
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-PSN ID: kross_24
-Team Name: Scuderia Sottosterzo
-Class: Pro
-Car Number: 24
-Car Choice: Peugeot RCZ
-Tire Provider: Michelin
-Primary Sponsor: Petronas
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-PSN ID: GTP_GTRacer22
-Team Name: Absolution Autosport
-Class: Pro
-Car Number: 22
-Car Choice: Citroen GT GT300
-Tire Provider: Michelin
-Primary Sponsor: Abu Dhabi
-Team Name: Speed Demon Motorsports
-Class: Pro
-Car Number: 66
-Car Choice: Mitsubishi Lancer GT300
-Tire Provider: Bridgestone
-Primary Sponsor: MOMO Italy

Entry will be part-time.
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PSN ID: AXR_Groot-89
-Team Name: AequepaX Racing
-Class: Am
-Car Number: 14
-Car Choice: Peugeot RCZ
-Tire Provider: Bridgestone
-Primary Sponsor: Race Against Dementia
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