This game has been out for years, but I barely downloaded it last month. I've been hooked ever since, too! Anyone happen to play on the Xbox?
I'm about MR7 I believe, and have Oberon, Gara, Volt, Limbo, and Trinity Prime so far. Gara happens to be my favorite - the ultimate makes it particularly easy if I ever have to run harder missions solo, as it's basically an impenetrable glass wall. Least favorite right now has to be Limbo, he's good solo, but you seem to be more of a hindrance than not when working with a team. I actually shelved him for now, when I've usually used a Warframe until it's maxed.
So far I'm at Uranus and have just been farming and building things for the past couple of days. Does anyone have any recommendations on a Warframe I should aim towards next?
It’s been a few months since I’ve played regularly, but I should be able to help! It might be a little long, though.
Excalibur is probably the most well rounded Warframe in the game. He’s got pretty good survivability, and has good abilities too. His ‘Radial Blind’ ability is an easy way to get out of sticky situations (as well as opening up a lot of enemies to finishers, which may end up killing them straight away), and his ‘Exhalted Blade’ outputs pretty good damage depending on how many mods you’ve put into it. Just be careful of his energy - it drains over time while it’s active, and each slide attack executed a mini Radial Blind, which takes away additional energy. I believe his parts drop from the Mars boss, but I’m not too sure on it.
Rhino is super tanky. Good abilities, easy to bring him into high level missions without having to worry about survivability. I’d love to say more about him, but I don’t think I currently have his frame. His parts drop from the Venus boss.
Nova has some of the best abilities out of a lot of the frames in the game, though she’s a glass cannon. Survivability might be an issue at times - you’ll have to be wary of that. Her ‘Antimatter Drop’ ability can output ridiculous amounts of damage provided you have strong weapons (at MR7, try to get ahold of the Hek - it’s genuinely strong enough to take you to endgame content), and her ‘Molecular Prime’ has the ability to speed up or slow down enemies based upon her power strength. This also makes enemies explode in chains if you kill one near another - it’s pretty good for defence missions. Her parts drop from the Europa boss.
Valkyr, like Rhino, is insanely tanky. I believe she has the highest base Armor stat in the game, but that might’ve changed in the last few months. I’d say that she only really has 2 good abilities, but both are pretty strong. ‘Warcry’ boosts the armor and melee attack speed of both you and your allies, and there’s a mod out there which automatically increases the time Warcry is up each time you get a critical hit with your melee weapon - it’s possible to have Warcry up almost endlessly because of this. ‘Hysteria’, when modded well, outputs absurd amounts of damage. It also makes you completely invulnerable, and hit you deal, you regain health. Be wary, though - there’s an aura around Valkyr the second you activate Hysteria, which grows as long as the ability is active (don’t worry, the aura has a limit, and can be reduced with every kill). The game will keep check of how much damage you’ve “taken” during Hysteria, and if you deactivate, or are forcibly taken out of Hysteria while an enemy is within this aura, and in your line of sight, you’ll take a set percentage of the damage that you’ve taken during the ability. This isn’t a huge deal during lower level missions, but during endgame stuff, deactivating Hysteria at the wrong time will straight up kill you. The energy consumption is also pretty high, and ramps up over time. Make sure you keep track of that. Her parts drop from the Jupiter boss.
Loki is one of the best Warframes in the game, in my opinion. He doesn’t deal a lot of damage, but his utility is near unmatched. He’s one of the rare cases where all of his abilities are great. ‘Decoy’ creates a clone of Loki which draws enemy fire and allows you to get away safely. ‘Invisibility’ does what it says on the tin, and with a good mod, can last a pretty long time - it’s easy to say why a lot of people believe that Loki is the best frame for Spy missions. ‘Switch Teleport’ allows you to swap places with an enemy, or an ally. This may not seem as flashy as the rest of the abilities, but it has its pros. Imagine being in the middle of a Spy vault, and not being able to disable a few lasers to get to the console - place a Decoy in the same room as the console, and Switch Teleport with it. No need to disable the lasers. ‘Radial Disarm’...disarms all the enemies around you, making them near useless when it comes to them trying to attack you. Makes it easy to kill them when they’re not doing damage back. It’s an incredible ability to have when in endgame missions. His parts drop from the Neptune boss.
Mesa is probably my favourite Warframe in game, and is also incredibly powerful. Like Nova, she is a glass cannon, but she has ways of mitigating the damage dealt to her. Her ‘Shatter Shield’ ability significantly reduces the damage dealt by gunfire, and reflects it back to her enemies, and her ‘Shooting Gallery’ simply jams the guns of enemies around her and her allies. Her signature ability, ‘Peacemaker’, is what sets her apart. She stands still, focuses, and begins to shoot the hell out of anything around her. She’ll have a small line of sight ‘circle’ on the screen as soon as the ability is activated, which will decrease in size as time goes on - but as time goes on, so does the fire rate and damage. With the right mods, Peacemaker shreds through enemies (the ability completely ignores enemy armor and shields). I don’t think my Peacemaker is modded highly, but it still makes Level 100 enemies look like jokes. It’s important to note though, the energy consumption during the ability is incredibly high (even after using mods to bring it down), and as you are standing still during the ability (unless you purchase a mod that allows you to walk around during the ability being active), you are incredibly vulnerable unless you remember to pop Shatter Shield and Shooting Gallery right before you activate it. Her parts drop from a boss that’s locked behind the Patient Zero quest.
I’m not sure if it’s been changed in the last few months, but when I got her, Mesa was different in the way that access to the boss required keys, which would be used up upon starting up the mission. This leads to it taking a good while to actually get all of her parts, and even had a few people setting up “keyshares”, in which every member of a squad would use a key once, giving you 4 chances to get all 3 parts. It’s long, but it’s worth it.
I think that’s all I’ve got for now. If you need any more help, lemme know!