Weekly Race Series, Week 18 - RESULTS

  • Thread starter boombexus


Staff Emeritus
Looks like the Viper was a strong pick in this one.

Congrats to all our podium finishers! 👍

Mr. P takes top honors in the Pro division with the ODP close on his tail.

IDAFC21 edges out his arch nemesis CarbonFiber Man. :mischievous: Good show gents.

And cinjun8 takes the podium with ease. Showing times of amateur drivers already. 👍


1’01.276 Mr. P Viper
1’01.481 Oliver DePlace Viper
1’01.791 GoKents
1’01.800 lotus350 Viper
1’02.981 Max E. Lister Storm


1’01.218 IDAFC21
1’01.340 CarbonFiber Man Viper Oreca
1’02.207 Talentless C5R
1’02.228 noojra RX7
1’02.420 Luxy Viper Oreca
1’02.805 GTJugend Panoz Esperante


1’02.764 cinjun8
1’03.437 BEPM Viper
1’04.486 Flerbizky Panoz Esperante
1’04.735 AreaZeroOne

If you have a replay please post it up in this thread. Also, if you have not seen it already, please check out the Settings Depot that member kideng has created. It's located in the Weekly Race's Forum and input your settings used.
Damn, i totally forgot about that race. Stupid job...
:eek: :eek: :eek: I beat Mr. P!!! Such a glorious day this is! :D Tho I know P didnt put a whole lotta time in this week, and it took me all week just to get that time, but still! hehe..Im just glad to see my efforts wernt wasted....I wouldve had a 1'01.1XX except for 3 of my wheels dropped in the dirt for just a SPLIT second after coming out of the turn on the second tunnel, that really pissed me off, but i certainly didnt expect this. Im gonna enjoy it cuz it'll probably never happen again. hehe :P

anyways, heres my replay, enjoy.

oh yeah...I used the viper (obviously) forgot to specify when i pm'ed my time to boom


  • idafc21 - oreca viper.sps
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I just wish somebody would've told me the Panoz isn't a race car :grumpy: You knowing ppl keeping secrets from us n00bs.. It just ain't FAIR dammit...
Hey flerb....if youve got any of the other cars that are on this list, i'd suggest using one of em. haha. I tested the panoz out when i first started tryin cars out, and i couldnt really any great times w/ it. But that could be just me. I drive better in some cars than i do others. but like i said, if youve got any other options available to you, i'd try em out

I tried to tell ya man... I think anything except the Lister wouldve been better than the panoz
I know.. I was just looking for an excuse for my crappy result ;)
Man, I had no time this week-end to put in anytime for racing. . . Good times everyone, I was hoping to see some break into the 1'00.xxx, but maybe sometime later.
Originally posted by miata13B
Good times everyone, I was hoping to see some break into the 1'00.xxx, but maybe sometime later.

Me too...i think a 1'00.9 would've at LEAST been possibly if i had been able to put together some decent lines w/ my 19.7/36.3 times i had....but in the end i always screwed a turn up here and there...i cant believe my 20.0/36.4 took 1st place, i musta taken some turns pretty damn good
At least I'm not last in my division

I'm glad with my position seeing that "I HATE THIS TRACK" but just a little more effort I could of gotten a podium :(

Congrats IDAFC21 You Da Man 👍

see you all Next week

BTW did anyone else use the RX7?
Damn you IDAFC, I thought I had it wrapped up, but you must have really smoked the last corner. My splits were 20.135/36.316.
The only reason I did so well this week is because for some reason I could absolutely smoke the section from T1 to T2 over and over, it was the first and last sections where I was inconsistent.:irked: I knew my last section sucked because I ran a lap of 20.144/36.444/1.01.321 so I knew I lost time after T2 on my best lap. Good job man.

And Boom , my time was 1.01.304 not 1.01.340, not that it really matters.



  • carbonfiber man week 18 race.sps
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Originally posted by miata13B
Man, I had no time this week-end to put in anytime for racing. . . Good times everyone, I was hoping to see some break into the 1'00.xxx, but maybe sometime later.

someone did ;)
We know you did Max in that Kack wagon :lol: :P

BTW great times there everyone
Sorry i did'nt get a time up but i opted for a weekend of Booze and partying :D
Will run this week though :)
i commited to the storm cause i got tired of whuppin up on youze guys :)

but seriously, i just wanted to race it and see what it could do. i did not arrogantly think i would beat ron in the viper or any other pro for that matter. i'll upload the replay tonight so's you can see how much of a fun run it was though :tup
Cool another member in the i hate that DUNGBOX Lister storm club :lol: I tried it for 5 laps and gave up on it .. what a piece of dung :D :lol:
But i wouldn't mind a shot of a real Lister around knockhill for a day :mischievous:
it's actually a very fun car and a beautiful drifter. the ***** is just slow. about the only thing you can beat when you decide to run this car is your dick.

i had a better time in the lister than i would have in the viper anyway. viper's too smooth. that burly torque monster motor breaks those wheels out with a bit of the old ultra-violence.
been a bad week for me connection wise but i did get 2 good sessions to get my time , congrats to the guy up front 👍 nice win :cool:
Some drivers have no cars. Is there really a significant advantage for the Oreca over the C5R?
i cant answer that as i never tested the c5r , i only tried the viper and the rx7 ,, where the rx7 was faster but the viper killed it on handling , probably the same with the c5r i guess
:D 6th overall, not bad for an hours work :D :P will check my official final time soon when ps2 gets switched on 👍

Will post replay later too. Nice times everyone and some close racing yet again :cool:
Hi All,
I tried both the C5R,with a time of 1:03.003,and the Viper,@:1:02.764.Both very good ,but I seemed to do better in the Viper,overall,more consistent.I lost alot in the last turn,nearly .600 !I should thank Boris Said,as on Sunday At the Nascar race,he gave a detailed description of how to drive road circuits,get every thing done while still going straight,Then you dont have to focus on anything but your line and accelerating through the corner.It really helped me.
At CFM:I tried your C5R settings,and that was the beginning of everything starting to click.I also used them on the Viper,modified somewhat,but they helped greatly.Thanks!!
I was lucky enough to find a Sharkport @ EB.They didnt even know they had it.As it is now discont.,they only charged $9.00
for it.It is the old box,but has 2.03 software and clear plastic thingy.No problems with it at all.
I just learned the hard way to better manage my game files,thank God for MK's program:I used it to find the right file.

Great racing everyone!!


  • gt3bestlsave6240-293600.sps
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Ehrm, My goal this week was to not finish last in Am..

Anyway, keeping the Esperante for future adventures.. Mabye a race fully modded at 1018hp with sim tires? ;) - actually the guys at IGN did that, free run @ GV2...

haha i dont like the panoz at all its too big or wide feel to the car. i was really feelin the viper on this track even though i hated this track!!!!!
Originally posted by Max E.
it's actually a very fun car and a beautiful drifter. the ***** is just slow. about the only thing you can beat when you decide to run this car is your dick.

sounds like the Lister has small man's complex :lol: