Academics will tell you he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I think that he took a few ideas that are good in principle and turned it all into overly complicated nonsense. There’s nothing wrong with, say, stream of consciousness – I love stream of consciousness, and think it can really add an interesting and deep aspect to writing (or comedy – Eddie Izzard anybody?) that you can’t achieve with more “traditional” techniques. But Joyce purposely obfuscated everything in such a way that comes across to me as condescension – like You have to be as smart as me to understand this. The whole point of using new techniques is to try to elucidate your point of view, but he did the opposite and used it to make his work inaccessible, which is gets academia off but just makes me angry. It just seems to me to be a bunch of drunk rambling with a veneer of self-importance.