Where to get the Metallic Gold decal?

  • Thread starter daibon
United States
United States
I am seeing people use Decal that is pure gold with the metallic look... It has the shine of metal when applied to a car.

All the Gold decal I have downloaded are more yellowish dull. More like Gold Matte finish. Yes my decals are not set as matte or powder.

Is this some setting for a decal that I don't know about or are these special decals?
I'm assuming they painted the car metallic gold, and they covered the car with 'reverse decals.'

Hmm..... That is a possibility indeed... but that would have been very hard or labor intensive for some of their liveries.. Let me take a look again...


I think you are right. I checked these car liveries again, and thats the way to do it. Yup. It's not that hard.

Except, now I have to wait for a proper Gold paint to be available. I have some that comes close...with chips. but they are not proper gold paints.
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I think you are right. I checked these car liveries again, and thats the way to do it. Yup. It's not that hard.

Except, now I have to wait for a proper Gold paint to be available. I have some that comes close...with chips. but they are not proper gold paints.

Yeah that's one of my gripes with this game, takes way too long to collect paint chips. I haven't missed a single mileage exchange in a whole year, and there's still some paints im missing. Which is ridiculous to me.

At this point, if they put up every paint in a Microtransaction pack I would buy it.
This is what I have done.. Not the best Gold...but this is all I have as PAINT.

I painted the whole car in the Special Color "this chip paint" and then used regular black decal to cover up the parts. I also painted in the same black for the Hood and the Tail. Passenger side of the mirror I put black decal over the gold paint.

I am seeing people use Decal that is pure gold with the metallic look... It has the shine of metal when applied to a car.

All the Gold decal I have downloaded are more yellowish dull. More like Gold Matte finish. Yes my decals are not set as matte or powder.

Is this some setting for a decal that I don't know about or are these special decals?

For 'proper' metallics yes you have to use the masking technique over chrome paint.

But if you want excellent metallic look decals there are a lot out there. Try these awesome users to start:


