Which Camera View...for online...Especially Considering SR/Penalties

  • Thread starter Alcuin
United States
United States
I prefer the ‘Bumper’ Cam. It seems that I’m more proactive getting into turns because the camera is at the very front of the car. In Forza I would use one of the ‘Behind the Car’ views as it helped me see traffic. But that view seems to ‘lag’ in turns as the camera is now behind the car so I feel the timing into turns is off.

Considering SR and Penalties, what camera do you use online?
Bumper. Use the radar feature and keep an eye on your rear view and you'll be fine. Also, if you aren't sure if someone is inside you in a given moment just commit to the high line and be safe. The high line carries more exit speed anyway if someone is there so it's win win.