Who is the worst human being alive?

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
So the Trump/Hitler chatter poked me in my curiousity circuits.

Trump is a pretty awful person, granted, but I'm not sure he's the most awful person alive. So who is?

Nuclear-sabre rattling Vladimir 'no homo' Putin is really rather awful. Tony Blair will occupy a spot in history for being one of the least wholesome Western leaders, ahead of even Bush The Younger on track record (and intent). Robert Mugabe? He's amazingly racist and even has a full Hitler 'tache...

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, current figurehead of Da'esh has to be a contender - along with his major in-arena opponent Bashar al-Assad. Other terrorist organisations and despots are also available.

Some think that Rupert Murdoch is intensely unpleasant - and Piers Morgan fits into the same unpleasant hat as people who exploit the awfulness that the above gentlemen dole out. I'm sure there are other journalists with the same exposure who misuse it in the same unpleasant manner.

But who IS the worst human being alive - and why? Discuss.

Let's be grown-ups and keep it above the belt please...
The worst person alive doesn't have to be in the spotlight or affect millions, the worst person is the one who does wicked stuff while knowing better.

There is a guy, I might be able to find his name, I used to work in the prison system and we all had to learn about him for safety reasons, I think he is still alive and indeed one of the worse.

Found it, Troy Kell is his name.

tagged for obvious reasons
Anjem Choudary and Kim Jong-un gain honorable mentions, but my pick is Robert Mugabe. Flushing a once great country straight down the toilet into extreme poverty and being a racist while doing it - that's hard to top. Bonus points for the fact that being 92 years old in a country with an incredibly low life expectancy, you can easily tell he's been sacrificing his citizens' well-being to prolong his own miserable existence instead.
Kim Jong-un
Not a bad shout at all.
There is a guy, I might be able to find his name, I used to work in the prison system and we all had to learn about him for safety reasons, I think he is still alive and indeed one of the worse.
We have someone similar called Charles Bronson.

Other awful people in the UK's prisons are Ian Huntley, Peter Sutcliffe, Rosemary West and Ian Brady.
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Peter Scully. And others like him.

And those smartphone toting individuals that shoot injured or dead people in accidents instead of helping them.

Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs.

People who are involved in Crush Videos. Or people who hurt animals for fun in general.
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It's an interesting topic. How do we measure damage, and is it in absolute terms or relative terms?

For example, how would a taxi driver responsible for the deaths of twenty people compare to a president responsible for the deaths of thirty people? Would the president be a worse human being, even though we can expect him to face more and tougher dilemmas than the taxi driver would?

How does death compare to suffering? Which is worse?

Does there have to be a cruel intention (for instance, suffering for the sake of suffering), or is damaged caused for a greater good (objectively or subjectively?) just as bad?

Does it matter what the person believe is the right thing to do? Does the person need to be aware of what they're doing and the consequences of it?
To me, for someone to be truly awful the person can't do these things out of an ideal world so that takes a lot of guys out of my list. Sure what they did is horrific and they deserve punishment but I like to look at the why and if they had any good intentions at the start before going mad and it doesn't really make them truly awful.

Though the people that rile me up the most are those who use the double standards to their advantage and abuse people who can't do anything without being effected Legally and Socially, especially with the abuser is a manipulator.
There are innumerable warlords committing unspeakable terror both physically and mentally across the world but I'd be lying if I said I could name some. I don't know who the leader(s) of ISIS or Boko Haram is (are). Mugabe is right up there for me, though. Along with Kim Jong-Un he lives in the most obscene luxury whilst his people starve under extreme persecution and obedience.

But then there is the question of whether there is a line to be drawn between political or state leaders, and infamous prisoners. It will depend on your region for whom you know about but someone like Rose West or Ian Brady would be amongst the worst people alive in the UK.
He's probably not the worst human, but Martin Shkreli is a good shout. Hiking the price of that AIDS/HIV drug from $13.50 to $750 was pretty bloody disgusting.
Pfft. You know there's people actually FORCING others to do horrible things, and/or doing horrible things to them right?

You're light years away.

Who are these people ?

Names and cases please, folks. The title is "Who is", not "Who are".

There will probably be a poll later...

I need to find the name behind all tobacco and drug in the world .... mmmm that's heavy :P Anyone got an idea of a name ?

Tobacco and drug was just one example, there are many bad people, the worst would be a difficult question.

I have imagined myself in a dream pressing the button that will nuke places that have been war zone in the past decades and other places ( including religious place ) that might cause future conflict so the world will see peace even at the cost of millions of people lives, I think I am the worst man on earth :( even if it's just a nightmare ... the other one was seeing a giant red ball crushing earth and everyone perished.

He looks so old and weak these days. Isn't it wonderful?

He looks so old and weak these days. Isn't it wonderful?
Indeed. Looks like that heart he got after jumping to the head of the line (in front of many people much more deserving) is slowly starting to give out. Looking forward to reading his obituary.
Monsanto staff lawyers.

FTFY. Monsanto is responsible for many impossibly good things and their GMO programs have fed millions of people.

He's probably not the worst human, but Martin Shkreli is a good shout. Hiking the price of that AIDS/HIV drug from $13.50 to $750 was pretty bloody disgusting.

Shkreli, while a total cock, isn't a bad person. There was nothing wrong with what he did. If anyone or anything is responsible for what he was able to do, it's the FDA.
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Hm, interesting nomination choosing the heads of tobacco companies. Here are some names of the big five:

Altria Group (Phillip Morris USA)
Martin Barrington, Chairman & CEO

British American Tobacco
Richard Burrows, Chairman; Nicandro Durante, Chief Executive

Imperial Tobacco
Mark Williamson, Chairman; Alison Cooper, Chief Executive

Japan Tobacco
Mitsuomi Koizumi, President & CEO; Hiroshi Kimura, Chairman; Thomas A. McCoy, CEO of Japan Tobacco International

Phillip Morris International
Louis Camilleri, Chairman; André Calantzopoulos, Chief Executive

Are they really as bad as people who actively and intentionally murder? You draw the lines differently or you could argue that they are the "worst human being alive" in different categories.
I wouldn't put tobacco makers up there tbh. It is a person's choice to smoke, and as long as there is enough support for those who want to stop and everyone knows the risks of smoking then I don't see a problem. It is like I don't tell people not to smoke around me, it is their choice to smoke and I won't stop them even though I never have and likely never will smoke.
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I wouldn't put tobacco makers up there tbh. It is a person's choice to smoke, and as long as there is enough support for those who want to stop and everyone knows the risks of smoking then I don't see a problem. It is like I don't tell people not to smoke around me, it is their choice to smoke and I won't stop them even though I never have and likely never will smoke.

But you come from a country where the dangers of smoking are well known and are an accepted hazard under cost/benefit analysis. It isn't the same in other countries and criticism of the tobacco industry often goes around that many (we're talking millions if not touching a billion or two) of their customers do not know about the health hazards associated with smoking and that the tobacco companies turn a blind eye to, and fail to correct, this ignorance. It's closer than you think too; I've lived in, and visited, a few countries in Europe where smoking is such a common activity and I am absolutely astonished at how prevalent it is.

Even then, that revolution didn't occur in many western countries until the 1970s and the criticism also falls on their past actions (or inactions) as well as their current ones. Tobacco firms are also notorious for their AstroTurfing and lobbying campaigns.

I'd be hard pressed to call these people the worst people alive but I certainly wouldn't be lauding them for their success.