Who know Honda S2000 GT1 Mid-Field Setting?

  • Thread starter Andresb
Costa Rica
San Jose/ Costa Rica
Please I need the best setting for the Honda S2000 GT1 because I lost the grip in Mid-Field Raceway!!! If always know about!! thanks!!!
Please I need the best setting for the Honda S2000 GT1 because I lost the grip in Mid-Field Raceway!!! If always know about!! thanks!!!

DId you lose grip from the front or the rear? Did you understeer or oversteer/spin? I'm guessing oversteer & spin. But tell me what happened and then i'll decide which settings might be better for you.
The Honda lose grip from the rear!!! I think that is the oversteer y spin the problem!!! This car is slow when go out of all curves!! When I accelerate to go out of the curve is unstable and lose grip!!! I try to do a lap of 1 Minute but I can´t and theNissan Skyline R30 Silhouette and Toyota Altezza LM Edition have more grip and extract many advantage
I think i know what you're talking about. It's especially that long corner after the tunnel...where it gets kind of bumpy. Lots of cars spin here if their settings are wacky or if you're pushing too hard throughout the curve. :nervous:

I would try raising the front all the way, and making the back 10 mm lower.

Now lower the springs. Not all the way, but enough so that the car isn't as affected by bumps as it was. YOu'll see what i mean. Keep the front springs about 2.0 kg/mm tighter than the rear. In other words, if the front springs are at 7.0, make the back 5.0.

Dampers and stabilizers should be somewhat soft...2, 3, 4-ish...no more (set these to your taste) to allow some variety between the movement of the chassis/suspension, and of the S2000's body.

Downforce....maximize it all. (that was easy)..

NO TOE> Toe has been scientifically proven to slow you down on straights. And it's questionably not effective for circuit racing, tho i do use toe for rallies...

Finally, try these settings for the LSD: 15/30/minimum. The stronger you set the limited-slip, the harder it is to turn, but your car will also be less prone to spin. So these are MY settings that i would use, or at least start with. I personally prefer flexibility over stability--i prefer my driving skill to save me from spins (rather than LSD settings). If you want things more solid, raise the initial and accel if you desire, but keep the decel low so that when you brake, you still have lots of turning ability as you enter corners.

Last...you can also try putting harder tires up front than you do in the back...so it looks like this: soft (front)/ super-soft (rear). Now with softer tires in the rear, the car will be more prone towards understeer, but this might be okay. But switch tires only as a last resort.

HTH :)
Parnalli thanks for the information but I beginning to change the setting of the car but I do not know if I'm putting badly because I lack the accurate measurement of Spring rate, Ride Height, Camber, Aerodynamics, and LSD because the car is doing now I Understeer!!! Can you put the exact measurements to use as you please!! Because I can´t!!!
Parnalli thanks for the information but I beginning to change the setting of the car but I do not know if I'm putting badly because I lack the accurate measurement of Spring rate, Ride Height, Camber, Aerodynamics, and LSD because the car is doing now I Understeer!!! Can you put the exact measurements to use as you please!! Because I can´t!!!

Very good. Understeer. We have at least accomplished something, right? Now it's time to fine-tune. This is what us tuners do all the time.

Actually, what i need from you are the settings and tires you are using. Let's start there.
Ok the car has 14.8 and 12.8 of Spring Rate, Ride Height is 100/100. Dampers and stabilizers in this 5, LSD 15/30 /???? I don´t kown the last measure, Downforce too and tires have Super Soft (Front) / Super Soft (rear)!! Can you put step by step because I have problems
Ok the car has 14.8 and 12.8 of Spring Rate, Ride Height is 100/100. Dampers and stabilizers in this 5, LSD 15/30 /???? I don´t kown the last measure, Downforce too and tires have Super Soft (Front) / Super Soft (rear)!! Can you put step by step because I have problems

I actually prefer to go step-by-step (rather than just give settings) that way you'll learn something, hopefully.

Wow, those springs are really tight! I would first loosen them up to 7.0 in the front and 5.5 rear.

The ride height should be okay. The S2000 is a fairly "neutral" handling car (understeer and oversteer are about equal with stock settings) so let's move on...

For the dampers and stabilizers go like this:

Bound: ````3/6
Rebound: 2/4
Stabilzers: 3/4

With the springs, dampers, and stabilizers set this way, the S2000 now has a more flexible suspension that won't transmit as many bumps to the body of the car. It won't bounce as much, basically, but it also won't be as affected by bumps. Those bumps in the dreaded turn #4 (after the first tunnel) shouldn't be as deadly to cause a spin, now.

Camber: set this at 3.0 degrees front and 1.5 degrees rear. Now as you go thru curves, the outside tires have a little more gripping force to keep the car on track.

Toe: don't use toe.

LSD: before you were complaining about too many spins. Now you're complaining about too much understeer, which is good in a way. I'll bet the limited-slip is the reason for this understeer.

Take the initial down to 11, and the accel down to 22. If you still have too much understeer, you can reduce these further (especially accel). I find that for most cars on pavement, you don't need alot of limited-slip action. It helps to have alot of LSD off-road, though.

The initial is basically a general setting that guides the way the limited-slip acts when you are neither braking nor accelerating. If you are coasting thru a turn (no brakes, no gas) your limited-slip is using its initial LSD force. If you have a maximum initial setting, for instance, the car will never spin, but it will also be harder to turn mid-corner (where you'll most likely be transitioning from brakes to gas).

The Accel setting acts only when you step on the gas, and the decel setting acts only when you step on the brake.

You can think of these 3 LSD settings like this:
If you have initial set to 11, but accel set to 22, then when you step on the gas:

11+22=33 total LSD force as you accelerate out of corners.

If you have 33 as the initial, but 25 as the decel, when you step on the brakes:

33+25=58 total LSD force under braking. DON'T DO THIS, by the way! This will make for a very STABLE car (which won't spin as you brake into corners)., but entry-corner understeer will also be very high. We don't want this! I was just using this as an example.

I prefer to have decel set to minimum, so that as i brake into corners, i still have alot of flexibility and am able to turn.

Finally, if you're still experiencing too much understeer, try keeping the super-soft tires up front, but putting softs in the rear. This will reduce understeer, but the downside is it also may increase your risk of spinning, but i doubt it will be as bad as before.

And finally-finally, the final step (i promise) will be downforce. I'm assuming you've got it maxed now. Notice how the rear downforce is a higher settiing than the front. You can keep the front at max, but reduce the rear to -.10 to -.20 less than the front. This way, airflow is acting to keep the front of the S2000 glued to the road slightly more than the rear, further reducing understeer up front, while allowing the rear to get slightly more "squirrely" (just slightly).

HTH (pheew!)
Parnelli I don´t know but this is really hard!!!! I set the car with all configuration and now I lose all the rear of the car and understeer is the problem!!! Do you drive the Skyline Silouette Formula? This car don´t lose anything!!! I have a question the LSD need to setting? What Are you taking about of that?

"33+25=58 total LSD force under braking. DON'T DO THIS, by the way! This will make for a very STABLE car (which won't spin as you brake into corners)., but entry-corner understeer will also be very high. We don't want this! I was just using this as an example"

Sorry for asking so much but with that traction I will not be able to beat the Altezza LM and the Skyline!!!
Parnelli I don´t know but this is really hard!!!! I set the car with all configuration and now I lose all the rear of the car and understeer is the problem!!! Do you drive the Skyline Silouette Formula? This car don´t lose anything!!!

Yeah, the S2000 is very flexible, very skittish at high speeds. I think (for now) you've done all you can so far as the settings go. Now you'll jsut need to practice alot. This car can win races, but you gotta tame it to drive it. Since power isn't very high in this car, your driving in corners will make all the difference...but it doesn't sound like you're quite there yet.

by the way, what do you use for gas & brakes? X and [] or the analog sticks?

I have a question the LSD need to setting? What Are you taking about of that?

"33+25=58 total LSD force under braking. DON'T DO THIS, by the way! This will make for a very STABLE car (which won't spin as you brake into corners)., but entry-corner understeer will also be very high. We don't want this! I was just using this as an example"

Sorry for asking so much but with that traction I will not be able to beat the Altezza LM and the Skyline!!!

I was just giving an example of how the LSD system works, or how you can think of it. Your initial setting is sort of like the limited-slip "default" setting, when you are neither braking or accelerating. The Accel setting only starts to work as you push the gas. The Decel setting only starts to work as you push the brakes.

So if a car has an initial setting of "11", and an accel setting of "12", when you accelerate, these 2 settings combine, making it look like this:


In other words, when you aren't accelerating, the limited-slip is not working as strongly as when you are accelerating. I dont know if this makes sense to you, it's the best way i can think of to explain things.

Bottom line: maybe the S2000 GT1 is too much for you to handle at the moment. Come back to it when you have more experience & practice.
This is quite interesting. Last night I drove the S2000 GT1 again, and it's got more understeer than what I remembered. So much so, that I started craving for oversteer. The only place where the S2000 is oversteering by itself is in the corner after the tunnel. But even so a few flicks of countersteer corrects it. Main problem that I have is turn in; feels like the wheel just won't turn or something, the car just plows straight ahead. And I already had my LSDs (all 3 of them) at 1, no TCS or ASC.

Andresb: I don't think comparing the S2000 GT1 to the Skyline Silhouette is realistic. The Skyline, as we all know, is a fail-proof car. And it's got 4WD. The S2000 is FR, and it definitely need some skills to master. I'm not saying you don't have what it takes, it's just that if you keep wanting the S2000 to behave like a Skyline, it's not going to happen. Tuning can only do so much to make a car handle better, ultimately it will all boil down to the car's drivetrain layout. And I don't think a lap under 1 minute is realistic as well, closest I got last night is 1.01.xxx. Dunno though, there's always the possibility of the impossible happening.
This is quite interesting. Last night I drove the S2000 GT1 again, and it's got more understeer than what I remembered. So much so, that I started craving for oversteer. The only place where the S2000 is oversteering by itself is in the corner after the tunnel. But even so a few flicks of countersteer corrects it. Main problem that I have is turn in; feels like the wheel just won't turn or something, the car just plows straight ahead. And I already had my LSDs (all 3 of them) at 1, no TCS or ASC.

Andresb: I don't think comparing the S2000 GT1 to the Skyline Silhouette is realistic. The Skyline, as we all know, is a fail-proof car. And it's got 4WD. The S2000 is FR, and it definitely need some skills to master. I'm not saying you don't have what it takes, it's just that if you keep wanting the S2000 to behave like a Skyline, it's not going to happen. Tuning can only do so much to make a car handle better, ultimately it will all boil down to the car's drivetrain layout. And I don't think a lap under 1 minute is realistic as well, closest I got last night is 1.01.xxx. Dunno though, there's always the possibility of the impossible happening.

You got lots of understeer? Huh. I seem to remember that it cornered kind of vague (the S2000 GT1) but it wasnt' impossible. I reemmber doing the World Cup, All Stars races, and maybe an enduro or 2...i was very pleased with the S2000 GT1 overall except for the fact that it looks too professional. I wanted a red car or something, instead of silver, black & white.

But so far as the cornering went, i was very happy. :) Can't wait to try the Amuse gT1 in gT4.
Well yes, it was a great car. I also won lots of high end races with it. Handling-wise it's still much better than a lot of other cars. I was just saying that it got more understeer when I drove it last night compared to my previous memories of driving it. Maybe that's just because I was pushing too hard and braked extra late for the corners.
Well yes, it was a great car. I also won lots of high end races with it. Handling-wise it's still much better than a lot of other cars. I was just saying that it got more understeer when I drove it last night compared to my previous memories of driving it. Maybe that's just because I was pushing too hard and braked extra late for the corners.

Could be. 👍
Andresb: I don't think comparing the S2000 GT1 to the Skyline Silhouette is realistic. The Skyline, as we all know, is a fail-proof car. And it's got 4WD. The S2000 is FR, and it definitely need some skills to master. I'm not saying you don't have what it takes, it's just that if you keep wanting the S2000 to behave like a Skyline, it's not going to happen. Tuning can only do so much to make a car handle better, ultimately it will all boil down to the car's drivetrain layout. And I don't think a lap under 1 minute is realistic as well, closest I got last night is 1.01.xxx. Dunno though, there's always the possibility of the impossible happening.[/QUOTE]

Sorry Legend-1 but the Nissan Skyline Silhouette (Tomica) is FR! That's why I made the comparison! Besides another car that I miss is the Altezza!! my time with the Honda S2000 is 1.00.213 and with Nissan Tomica in 1.00.163!!!
:dunce: I'm sorry Andresb, the Skyline Silhouette is FR. I should've checked first. Still, it's easier to drive than other FRs, being a Skyline and all... Your times were impressive by the way. Which settings do you end up using?
:dunce: I'm sorry Andresb, the Skyline Silhouette is FR. I should've checked first. Still, it's easier to drive than other FRs, being a Skyline and all... Your times were impressive by the way. Which settings do you end up using?

Man!!! I use my favorite setting!!! I test the car for many laps and then I found the best setting for me because the setting of Parnelli was very dificult to drive!!!!!!!!