7th October 2014. Four years have flown by since it's patchy start. After many updates this turned in to one of my favourite ever racing games on any console.
Who still plays the brilliant DriveClub?
This is one game I have a soft spot for getting me back into photo modes and banter with the regulars who are still on here. I return at least once a month for a blast down a long road.
Original real road tracks
Still the quickest Loading times on PS4
Great solid handling on DS4
Pick up and play
Best rain and storms in any game
Car models were so far ahead of it's time
Interior cockpits
Great career
Realistic car engine audio
More than arcade (physics) 👍
+ Many more reasons I have forgotten
I wonder how many still log in to Drive Club?

Who still plays the brilliant DriveClub?
This is one game I have a soft spot for getting me back into photo modes and banter with the regulars who are still on here. I return at least once a month for a blast down a long road.

Original real road tracks
Still the quickest Loading times on PS4
Great solid handling on DS4
Pick up and play
Best rain and storms in any game
Car models were so far ahead of it's time
Interior cockpits
Great career
Realistic car engine audio

More than arcade (physics) 👍

+ Many more reasons I have forgotten

I wonder how many still log in to Drive Club?

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