Who's corner is it, inside guy or outside guy?

  • Thread starter K3Tuning
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Ding ding winner winner chicken dinner

100% spot on.

While car 1 has track position, he compromised his line too much to get it 2nd car snuck past him on the inside

That's racing.... Car 1 & Car 2 never touched

This is Racing. Car 2 knows how to RACE car 3 is good at Time Trials. Car 1 well, must know how to race, he won despite car 2 later on bumping and rubbing a lot
100% spot on.
While car 1 has track position, he compromised his line too much to get it 2nd car snuck past him on the inside

So what was this all about then?
I thought this might be useful here as many do not seem to know who REALLY has the corner... Some think if you are not on the optimum or "common" line its not your corner even if you pull ahead and are in the lead before the corner, but they are wrong. Its not as simple as that.
So what was this all about then?

The inside pass


This is before all 3 cars turned in.

They went 2 wide on the straight and I saw a window of opportunity. Worried about getting turned into (despite having track position) I went far inside & I had to go as late as possible.

Niki Lauda on late brake pass (and other stuff great video)


And if this was all that happened it would of been nothing more than a failed attempt to get first but successful move to get 2nd :D

Unfortunately 4th comes in hard to the inside and has a colision with 3rd. Arguably Dive Bombing but 3rd really turned into 4th lane kinda same exact time its a tough call on that one

While I'm getting ovetaked on the inside


It wasn't the best executed, I had some room to go a touch wider and would of scrubbed off less speed but at that time eyes forward I GAVE SPACE lol

Its an example of a lead car making a legit move looked at like a dive bomber (without touching anybody) and a 4th place dive bombing while the actual dive bomb incident is a hard one to call possibly not entirely his fault could be a shared blame with 3rd place. Sure to get some split votes on it lol
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Out of control because my tail stepped out a sec?.
Looked to me like you powerslid from the inside track edge right across the whole track width into the outer 4th lane.

Its an example of a lead car making a legit move
Drifting over/through the racing lines of a pack of cars doing 100 mph? I think you'd be of to the tribunal for summary crucifixion.
Looked to me like you powerslid from the inside track edge right across the whole track width into the outer 4th lane.

No, didnt go into outside lane until exit, it was clear nobody to pinch

Drifting over/through the racing lines of a pack of cars doing 100 mph? I think you'd be of to the tribunal for summary crucifixion.

The lead car ((in this case me) has the track position, this is the driving line, the driving line IS not the fast optimum line although video games would lead you to believe this with fixed racing line assist lol the reality is Track Position has the driving line, its as simple as that, other cars behind Track Position must not hit him or its their fault not his

This type of move has been considered legal in V8 Supercars more than once. In other series, mainly with open wheel cars where the consequences can be far worse, I surely doubt it would be.

Check out this story and vision of an overtake: https://jalopnik.com/this-racing-pass-would-get-you-banned-for-a-million-yea-1788453665

When people tell me this never happens in real life I have to laugh (BTCC anybody lol), even in F1 has nobody here heard of Micheal Scheumacher

what about Ayrton Senna?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Lets see it in F1

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I disagree with you.
Also No would be conciderred a C answer to an A or B question .
No, a "C" answer would be another option besides A and B. "No" is neither option. Here's one to blow your mind... "Yes" would be both options.
You suggest there is another correct answer
Also no.
but won't give details on it so, not sure what you expect out of posting since you refuse to clairify but have no probles debaiting the crypticness of your post. Why go about it like this? Its a good way to invite the other guy to misunderstand you possibly get annoyed with your empty answers and step out of line so you can use some administrator clout on a missbehaving member. Very passive agressive behavior... Look at all these post and you've not said a thing yet.
That's rather a leap. And I have - I've answered your question. I'm not quite sure why you're refusing to accept it or think that there's some deeper meaning.
Not sure what that means to have a bit of a bee about GTP?
Well, you've posted four comments all denigrating GTPlanet and its members. I quoted them:
the GTP crowd disagrees
Im of the opinion that many here need educating...
people do not give space then come to GTP to cry foul
The problem is on this site people accuse others of being dirty drivers when really its them that are dirty and maybe dont even realize it.
Which suggests you have some sort of issue with the site or its members for some reason...
Its not about naming and shaming although I got shamed for how I took corner... Told I was wrong for this and that despite my explaining I had trac position and even though I wasn't on the fast line it was my corner to do so nothing I did was dirty.
Yes, you posted up a video inviting comments on who was at fault and didn't seem to like any suggestion that you were.
Good point GTP rules dont really apply to racing PD servers, but why not learn about the finer point of racing vs sweep it under the rug n point to a rules section people already know not everybody to say the least goes to read them.
We don't have any rules about racing, so I don't know why we'd point anyone at them, and I've no idea what's being swept under the rug. We've got some other rules, some of which are a requirement for members to read and agree to before they even become members, but some people still ignore them.
Yes this does stem from that thread as I said so.... Its a great opportunity to inadvertently get people more familiar with the real rules, give space is not applicable to racing where further definition is required lmfao this aint the Highway in a grocery getter.
Okay, but there's no single set of "real rules" (and certainly not one that says a corner always belongs to the inside guy or the outside guy). Each series will have its own sporting regulations, and they'll usually derive from the FIA's sporting regulations. However you'll note that a lot of it isn't set in stone - most of it is open to some sort of interpretation and a lot of wiggle room.

That aside, if you want to educate people about "the real rules", you'll want the real motorsport forum. This isn't the real motorsport forum, it's the GT Sport one. The rules that apply there are the Polyphony Digital rules, which you can get a rough idea of from the Racing Etiquette videos in the game, but essentially allow anything you don't get a penalty for.

This all rather seems like it's now becoming a duplicate of this thread, where you invite comment on a single incident and when anyone suggests you may have been in the wrong you object and post up examples of it happening in the real world and explain that you can slide a car around just fine. I don't think we need to have that discussion in two threads concurrently.

The answer to that question of who was in the wrong in that four-way incident is "whoever the game gave a penalty to".
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