Worst game in your opinion?

  • Thread starter Stephan


Still progressing........
Well since there's no thread about any bad game so what game do you think was really bad?

In my opinion, Big Rigs Over The Road Racing is the worst but it became a training ground for modders to try fix the game.

Why was it bad?
- You can unrealistically go to hills by not slowing down.
- You can get out of the game.
- You can reverse in infinity.
- YOU'RE WINNER(obvious mispronounced sentence)
No fanboyism.
No flamewars.
Shift 2

Cars feel very loosely making driving in high speeds very dangerous as you are likely to overshoot the corner or spin entirely.
Progression feels very odd.
You crew chief is annoying and they got a DRIFTER to coach you through RACING!
When you hit a car sides their sides turn to glue and they drag you off the track.
It was published by EA.
Until something inevitably knocks it off the throwne:


Music is forgettable at best
GUI is atrocious
average at best customization
Ugly, even in it's day
arbitrary rating system thinly veiled as "rep"
some of the worst voice acting I've ever had the displeasure of hearing
cars handle like....actually the don't handle.
bland tracks
THREE rubberband AIs, and all are 🤬
the only redeeming factor is the rage and pain you get from playing it.
It's not broken. It's DESIGNED LIKE THIS!

I've considered treating copies of this to methodical destruction on a level with Shaq-Fu.
Well, the worst game I ever played was "25 to Life" on the PlayStation 2. Here I was thinking this game was going to be an entertaining game the likes of the Grand Theft Auto Series... only to be incredibly disappointed. It was absolutely boring and weak. Thank goodness I RENTED that game instead of bought it. It was pathetic. Thankfully, the game is fairly short, so you can easily get back to your life once you subject yourself to this horrid title.
As much as I'm a fan of the Assassin's Creed series, I absolutely hated Assassin's Creed III. I simply couldn't engage with the setting - it felt like I was exploring a period of history that I should have been familiar with from school, but not being American, it meant nothing to me. And I kept expecting that there would be a test at the end of each mission.

It didn't help that Connor has to be one of the weakest video game characters of all time. He had virtually no motivation, and made no attempt to counter the arguments made by the Templars, with the net effect being that the Templars were more sympathetic and more relatable.

Call of Duty games beyond the original Modern Warfare.
Yeah, I can't stand COD. The entire game is geared towards multiplayer, with the single-player being little more than an extended tutorial mode. I suppose my dislike of that stems from the way I like to lose myself in a game world, and for that I need a story and something to suggest that the world exists beyond the corridor I'm currently in.

I've also found that the fanbase tends to take the game way too seriously and take too much pride in their skills. If I'm going to play online, it's for fun.
Even Bad Company?

Yes. I played both Bad Company 1 and 2 a ton, but they marked the beginning of what Battlefield has become today. Sure the sound and destructible enviroments were great, but the multiplayer was horrible compared to Battlefield 2 and 2142.
The Bad Company games are still miles better than BF3 and 4 though...
I know I said Shift 2 is the worst but I forgot about the game that I also find overrated.

Mario Kart 64

Almost everything is available at the start which means going through single player is almost pointless.
Multiplayer is fun except when the cheap 🤬 bombs attack.
Introduced Blue Shells
Worst Rubber-Banding A.I EVER!!!
While some tracks are fun (the entire Mushroom Cup, Toads Turnpike and Royal Raceway) most are just bland, nothing screams excitement and most are WAY TOO LONG!!!
Peach is annoying.

The only time I would play this game is to play Battle mode but it was done better on the DS.
Iron Man 2 (Xbox 360).

I played about 5 minutes, took the disc out, put in in the case and frisbeed the case into the wall.

It looks, sounds and plays worse than a F2P mobile game.

As said before, Ride to Hell: Retribution. That game isn't bad as in it has got bad gameplay or GUI. That game is unplayable and atrocious. And not funny atrocious like game such as Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, it's simply just outright bad.
I'm very picky about the games so don't really remember a bad game (I did play Juiced so maybe that), maybe Watchdogs because of the story.
Until something inevitably knocks it off the throwne:


Music is forgettable at best
GUI is atrocious
average at best customization
Ugly, even in it's day
arbitrary rating system thinly veiled as "rep"
some of the worst voice acting I've ever had the displeasure of hearing
cars handle like....actually the don't handle.
bland tracks
THREE rubberband AIs, and all are 🤬
the only redeeming factor is the rage and pain you get from playing it.
It's not broken. It's DESIGNED LIKE THIS!

I've considered treating copies of this to methodical destruction on a level with Shaq-Fu.

I played the crap out of Juiced 2 :lol:
Fallout New Vegas for PS3 or PC

Why? Because if it wasn't for the glitches the game would be a freakin masterpiece. It just begs for you to play it, but unlike Fallout 3 which wasn't really glitchy or freeze-prone until the last bit of story line, New Vegas is so glitch riddled from the start that you can't really play it at all. Some folks experienced more glitches and freezing than others, some less. But Bethesda remained silent about it acting as though there was nothing wrong with it at all. Modders and coders finally revealed that no patch in the world could save the game and if you wanted to complete the game you'd better have a lot of time and patience. IMO a game that could otherwise be amazing, but is unplayable due to bugs is a far worse game than stuff like Juiced, because your expectations are much, much higher and the disappointment much greater.
Found the Need for Speed remake of Hot Pursuit to be one of the worst games I've played. I don't play many games, but the most displeasure came from that one. The graphics were kind of nice, just that the game play was atrocious at best.

I got bored of it after a couple of hours of gameplay. Not being able to customise your car (or even tune it) was another nail in its coffin.
Call of Duty games beyond the original Modern Warfare.

Battlefield beyond 2142.
I just want to reply to this. I agree to an extent with this statement. I do however believe that WAW and BO were good games. Everything else however wasn't good.

As for worst game, I was not a fan of NFS Undercover. I believe that the "help the FBI take down criminals" theme is overplayed.
As for worst game, I was not a fan of NFS Undercover. I believe that the "help the FBI take down criminals" theme is overplayed.
I have this, Shift, Shift 2, and The Run on Juiced's heels. IIRC, and yes spoiler but I can't really care about it, the story ends up, and BIG SHOCKER here, that the people who were giving you orders end up turning on you and then you have to take them down, now that's an idea no one in media has decided to use 20 million times.

As the name implies, all you do in this game is catch fish. That's it. Good way to kill countless hours you will never get back. It's a shame they had to come out with a sequel.
Well, the worst game I ever played was "25 to Life" on the PlayStation 2. Here I was thinking this game was going to be an entertaining game the likes of the Grand Theft Auto Series... only to be incredibly disappointed. It was absolutely boring and weak. Thank goodness I RENTED that game instead of bought it. It was pathetic. Thankfully, the game is fairly short, so you can easily get back to your life once you subject yourself to this horrid title.

I remember that game. Was an awful one. I think I still have it.
Fallout New Vegas for PS3 or PC

Why? Because if it wasn't for the glitches the game would be a freakin masterpiece. It just begs for you to play it, but unlike Fallout 3 which wasn't really glitchy or freeze-prone until the last bit of story line, New Vegas is so glitch riddled from the start that you can't really play it at all. Some folks experienced more glitches and freezing than others, some less. But Bethesda remained silent about it acting as though there was nothing wrong with it at all. Modders and coders finally revealed that no patch in the world could save the game and if you wanted to complete the game you'd better have a lot of time and patience. IMO a game that could otherwise be amazing, but is unplayable due to bugs is a far worse game than stuff like Juiced, because your expectations are much, much higher and the disappointment much greater.

............Heh, I own both Fallout 3 and New Vegas on PS3, and I can second this. Having said that, I sunk north of 200+ hours on each games so I also can nominate them for Best Games of Last Gen....

I did email Bethesda customer care because that dang New Vegas would freeze up on me whenever a save file size grew past 10mb. They did reply quickly, which was a nice surprise. All the quick fixes they recommended, some worked and some didn't work...

Currently I'm having an extended look at Dragon's Dogma - got it dirt cheap, btw - but so far it's Not Very Good. Technically, it has little to no faults - it runs smoothly, nearly no bugs, sounds okay, loads okay - but the biggest issue is the gameplay; it feels like it was made by a bunch of amateurs who saw other open-world RPGs and decided to copy what worked - only they didn't copy properly and made it unnecessarily cumbersome.
Only ONE save file allowed. Spectacularly idiotic inventory system. Magnifying glass-required for-ants text size, even on HD. Only ONE place in the ENTIRE map to learn and equip spells/skills/jobs. No "wait" system, with a game having a full-on day/night cycle. No fast travel, except to one location, as long as you have an item for it. No real way to give commands to your AI companions. And idiotic AI that loves to get in your way. Near-useless mini-map........

I can safely say this might be one of the worst game I played last gen, so far.