Worst limitation ever..? Driving Revolution, only AT tranny..

Miami, FL, CUBA
I never thought just playing a mode with tons of challenges, this lone case of DR in Enthusia, forces automatic "shifts". It's the most hideous thing I've beared with but not for long. Anyone else agree that was a sloppy move on Konami's part ? I've barely touched the career..it's something else but it is still gorgeus, cool physics.
Pretty much yeah, I'm afraid. I passed all the challenges with a controller and enjoyed most of them.
I passed all the challenges with a controller as well. Which is especially notable because of just how bad I am at driving cars with the left analog stick.
So you guys are happy with that limitation ?

I can't believe it forces Automatic, absolutely loathe it. Great game regardless.
I cannot see how that was overlooked.

Very shadowed game, always enjoyable even today. Keep this forum alive !