Yadda yadda, SPD's The Mythic Chronicles has an intermission (and another small note for the future)

On the move

We're now on Phase 2 decor. Let's see how many more phases can I get through before I call it quits..

Hello everyone!

If it isn't obvious, I'm commemorating 5 years on this site. And why not use it to bring back one thing I used to do around here: story writing!

Back for another round of me writing for my own pleasure, and hopefully for yours! But first, I need to address a few things in the form of a disclaimer.

- The content seen may contain unintentional offensive, vulgar, or disturbing material. Safe to say, you're warned for NSFW in the story. Swears will be censored, but reader discretion is advised.

- Content or methods from other sources are credited to the original user, not me.

- Since this is kind of a sequel, I have my older works to credit development, although you are NOT needed to have them read.. I will try my best to keep all relevance here, and you can always ask if a certain detail is required (will be spoiler covered, will not cover detail that has yet to be introduced).

- Any detail or object referencing real-life similarities are coincidental, unless stated.

- The writing project is not monetized, sponsored or paid for by GTPlanet or any known affiliates.

- While you are free to use a tablet or mobile, I encourage usage of a PC with a solid network plan, due to link, memory and flow related reasons.

- I have no intent on competition, nor do I ever need it. This is just a casual read, not an award winning novel of epic proportion.

- Pictures used are scaled down, full sized versions are available on request.

- Announced dates for part release is never final. So don't throw a fit knowing part X will be out on Y even if I say so.

- Even advertised as using GT Sport, I may use content outside of it. If so, expect Driveclub, The Crew 2, or NFS Heat.

- The GTPlanet AUP is regulated here like in every other thread you find on this website. Unless you need a refresher, rule of thumb on post etiquette is just don't be a git.

- Remember that this is my story, and anything unsatisfying that you might find can only change on my decision. I want to please and enjoy. If the author enjoys what they write, the writing will be the most enjoyable.

Crossovers is, what I've seen, a way to get some of your input into my little writing world. Now, this is optional, and there's no need to be qualified for something; everyone's welcome! But before you jump in, there's a few hurdles you need to be wary of.

First, I only accept one entry per person. This is pretty important because I've a lot on my plate.

Secondly, they're never to be main characters. But as side characters, they can play roles meant to take over the story. Feel free to experiment!

Thirdly, no abnormally powerful characters/deus ex machinas. Simply put: no Superman. That, and I'm looking at a realistic world here. So nothing in the line of aliens or superpowers. But certain weird sci-fi *BLEEP* can be excepted, though I can't promise you what until you tell me.

Then, if there comes a time I have to choose, I will prefer ones with unique, defined and deep characteristics. Make them stand out from my typical bunch.

Still following? Good.

Here's whaat I use to give a brief biography. Go ahead and fill it in, then PM me. Give me an idea what you want the character to be like, act like, and what role s/he could have. I aim to look for characters willing to make an impact somehow.

Theme Song: yeah, if you can't think of one, I won't force you
Gender: ale (this is a place holder, by the way, not sure why it's there)
Nationality: a good unknown is also okay here
Age: I'll assume it's going to be above 18 if you say unknown, just saying
Current occupation: Just a simple title, or a description
Distinct features: Just what makes this character stand out, like a stupid haircut, or a scar, or a clothing bias.
Car of choice: Also send me a link of the livery of the person's car. The only super expensive car (10 million credits and above) I can only accept is the Miura and the 250 GT SWB.

*brief description, add a brief outlook on the personality*

Also, first come first serve. I'm not sure how much spaces I can contain myself with, but it definitely isn't gonna be much.

Then it's my turn. Do you write a story? Need a bit of SPD touch?

Do I have something for you: I can gladly put someone over for a moment. But I have rules:

- Important: KEEP IN CONTACT WITH ME! I want direct input on this character.
- Don't kill, cripple, scar, hurt them so bad that it impacts their role in my story. This is obvious.
- They shouldn't be able to go through development there. That's my job, not yours.
- Feel free to make them do things that progress your story, but that applies the development rule in that it's your story, not theirs.

My preferred roster for this are the ones that has gone over the bounds before, who are:


- Jacob Ross - The main character: a serious, somber man who walks with the darkness but can't seem to grasp his slowly emerging heroic side. With him is his rookie FIA license, and his many years of street racing makes him a literal dark horse of the tracks. Will be represented with his signature black Ford GT, and for track racing: The Outlaw's Horror.

- Sonny Meng Xian Zhen - Badass proven American racing celebrity on the West Coast, who often thinks too much of himself and comparisons to other things. Looking to bolster his celebrity image, Sonny's quests away to learn respect, beat Nirvana, and most importantly: find a wife to wed. He takes form in different cars, but most prominently THE BEAST (his 2013 Viper, yeah, that's how its spelled), and maybe a certain racing car with a certain sport themed video game based livery.

- Ginoa Fantoccia - regarded one of the greatest assassins who ever lived. A self secure, easy to anger feminist who slowly gains a heart and maybe loses her fears. She now works with Sonny as his maid in disguise, both to quell rumors of her living existence and to protect the celebrity. She normally has no care what she drives, but recent exploits has her taking the wheel of a Ferrari F40, getting more and more adept each time she brings out the V12.

- Ayumi Tanaka - Art Major from Kyoto known as the Rotary Queen. While a JDM tuning talent in her own right, she tends to go overboard with the energy she works with, especially being the president of the brand new Jacob Ross fanclub. She's now travelling around parts of Europe and America to expand her business. With fame as the Rotary Queen, Ayumi is never seen without her homebrew FD RX-7, designed in mind to her style, and to bring down cars of higher caliber.

But you're welcome to ask if a certain character is requested.

So far it's not much, but there will be more details I may add.

Whew, that's out of the way. Now..

"A year has passed. From personal woes, to the slow approach of a highly lucrative Manufacturer's Cup, drivers under one banner work their way to glory, each other being just one of the many challenges."

Current status:



1) RESURGENCE - Released 25th February 2018, post #3


"A somber figure comes to his senses after unexpected meetings bring him back to his dark side."

2) A NEWER BETTER ME - Released 8th March 2018, post #5


"Making an escape, a quick journey into Los Angeles has him crossing fates with the wrong angels."

3) THE MAN'S TOO STRONG - Released 20th March 2018, post #7


"He's got plans, but has he planned ahead for the mishaps of meeting old friends?"

4) ALLIES - Released 4th April 2018, post #11


"With a new opportunity comes new allies, and other unexpected developments."

5) UNLEASHING TAMED RACING ANIMAL "THE GUTS" - Released 24th April 2018, post #13


"The animal, sought out to perfect his act, but has he found the perfect partner for it?"

6) DEVILS AND ANGELS - Released 11th May 2018, post #15


"No stranger to journey, he starts anew to do battle with the legends that'll shape his future."


7) BLACK LISTED - Released 10th March 2019, post #22


"Now back in the game, Jacob Ross reassures to his closest allies, that he's the only one to fear."

8) THE LEGEND OF KERN COUNTY - Coming soon, expected release: upon completion of Phase 2 draft


"A quick stroke of a mystery individual's ego brings a chance for everyone to prove their worth; a lure even a certain Jacob Ross reunited can't seem to ignore."

9) MAIDEN'S GAME - Coming soon, expected release: 2 weeks after 2-2


"Before she gets her chance to begin her world tour, Rin has only one job left to do.."



"The UK face of the FIA Manufacturer's Cup, Paul Henderson, gets a quick trip through memory lane from when the streets have no name."



"Having trouble fitting in, Lucia challenges her ideals to live up to everyone's hopes for her, with some help from a certain racing animal.."



"After a hiatus off the press, Nash, Clark and Alan are back for another breakdown at FIA racing."



"He may be the biggest badass in his racing world, but Sonny has some serious reservations he can't seem to hold any longer."



"Being the one to beat, Boniface has some challengers to his throne. But something sinister awaits him."



"Considering recent events, Sonny has big plans to bring his name to new heights, but there's a lot to beat, including Paul Henderson."









Last edited:

Oh yes, there's comic book panels. One of the many changes of my writing ways.

Hello everyone!

If it isn't obvious, I'm commemorating 5 years on this site. And why not use it to bring back one thing I used to do around here: story writing!

Back for another round of me writing for my own pleasure, and hopefully for yours! But first, I need to address a few things in the form of a disclaimer.

- The content seen may contain unintentional offensive, vulgar, or disturbing material. Safe to say, you're warned for NSFW in the story. Swears will be censored, but reader discretion is advised.

- Content or methods from other sources are credited to the original user, not me.

- Since this is kind of a sequel, I have my older works to credit development, although you are NOT needed to have them read.. I will try my best to keep all relevance here, and you can always ask if a certain detail is required (will be spoiler covered).

- Any detail or object referencing real-life similarities are coincidental, unless stated.

- The writing project is not monetized, sponsored or paid for by GTPlanet or any known affiliates.

- While you are free to use a tablet or mobile, I encourage usage of a PC with a solid network plan, due to link, memory and flow related reasons.

- I have no intent on competition, nor do I ever need it. This is just a casual read, not an award winning novel of epic proportion.

- Pictures used are scaled down, full sized versions are available on request.

- Announced dates for part release is never final. So don't throw a fit knowing part X will be out on Y even if I say so.

- Even advertised as using GT Sport, I may use content outside of it. If so, expect Driveclub or GTA V.

- The GTPlanet AUP is regulated here like in every other thread you find on this website. Unless you need a refresher, rule of thumb on post etiquette is just don't be a git.

- Remember that this is my story, and anything unsatisfying that you might find can only change on my decision. I want to please and enjoy. If the author enjoys what they write, the writing will be the most enjoyable.

Whew, that's out of the way. Now..

"A year has passed. From personal woes, to the slow approach of a highly lucrative Manufacturer's Cup, drivers under one banner work their way to glory, each other being just one of the many challenges."

Current status:





"A somber figure comes to his senses after unexpected meetings bring him back to his dark side."
Ayy! Sounds interesting, can’t wait to see how it evolves :)

Driver: "Where we headed?"

???: "Heard of this new Japanese restaurant on Redondo Beach? Step on it."


SomePlayaDude presents...yes it's an opening theme song, click on it.


Entry 1: Resurgence

Los Angeles, California.
8 PM

One quick look, and there's bound to be more than one's sight can see, being one of the most well known cities in the world.

There is much to see tonight in the city of Angels, due to a myriad of nightlife activities. From nightclubs, to underground street racing, there's no shortage of blood that circulates within the city's livelihood.

Entering the city limits is a blue BMW trekking along the city.


Nothing much can be said about the outside, but screens within easy reach of the driver defines the inside with the BMW's luxury. The driver and owner has a place to reach, courtesy of their passenger.

While in normal circumstances, the driver wouldn't merely start conversation. But circumstances these days beg to differ.

Driver: "So... uhhh.. what's going on? Friend's night out?"

Emotion holding him back, the driver glances back, desperate for his attention.

Driver: "S-sir? You there?"

This man behind, clad in black, oozes with an uneasy aura.

???: "Yes, I can hear you fine."

His tone is just as unpleasant.

Driver: "Wa-wh-what?"

The mystery man makes a sinister smile.

???: "So much hesitation. It's hurting your chances."

Driver: "Chances for what? God, what's going on?"

Flexing his muscles a bit, the man in black prepares a lighter tone.

???: "Nothing. I'm just toying with you, boy."

Driver: "Oh.. emm.. right.."

The idyllic night allows minutes to pass in seemingly seconds.

???: "What's the matter? Sounded tense?"

There's only silence.

???: "There's a reason you sounded your voice, boy. Sounded like you had a noise need hearin'.."

Driver: "Tell me about it."

???: "Playing coy? Sorry, but I'm not in the mood for games."

Driver: "You okay if I vent.."

???: "Hmm. You have my interests. Let's not lose it."

Driver: "Well, I had this girl for a while, then let's say.."

???: "Didn't go so well?"

Driver: "We broke up.. I'm fine, but it's the first time I felt this much emotional stress."

The passenger holds his chin, with an interested look.

???: "Hmm.. hmmm."

Driver: "That's sounded nothing like a laugh.."

???: "That's probably the last thing someone wants to hear from me. I'm just giving empathy, is all."

Driver: "So, you're agreeing with me?"

???: "Well, of course. Love is fickle as it is desired."

Driver: "You seem to know your share of love."

???: "And heartbreak."

Driver: "Heartbreak?"

???: "I'm telling this to you, but I had my spouse forcibly split from me, and I couldn't see for what seems an eternity."

Driver: "So, you found other fish in the sea?"

???: "..your questions are stupid, especially at this rate."

Driver: "Sorry.."


Upon reaching a stop, light exposes the car's rear.

This light allowed visibility of the passenger's few features: a tall, intimidating man wearing a dark coat, and curiously a lavish black cowboy hat.

That man looked straight in the eye of his driver, who turned his head momentarily.

The car's driver made a gasp, not unheard by his passenger.

???: "Didn't bother looking at the mirror, boy?"

Driver: "Dude, you're totally not the usual customer. Why would I turn a blind eye at it?"

???: "I ain't a subtle man, but I try to keep to myself."

Driver: "Oh.. *BLEEP* me. Sorry, man."

???: "Don't worry about it. By the way.. there's no end of you all over where I sit.."

Driver: "Part of my company's regulations.. Does it matter?"

???: "Heck it does. I know you, now you have to know me. Jacob Ross."

Theme song: Metallica - Better Than You
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 33
Current occupation: Rookie racer
Distinct features: Rough face. Medium brown hair, slowly balding. Black cowboy hat, dark clothing, often with a black jacket.
Car of choice: Ford GT 2006

A serious, somber man, mainly seen with unknown potential. With a rookie's FIA license in hand, he seeks to bring his rivals to their knees, using fear and his dark horse status as weapons, alongside the skills acquired from his secluded past as the undisputed king of East Coast street racing.

Driver: "Hold a second. Typical as that name sounds, but.. chances are, you're familiar.. Hmm.. Jacob.. Ross? Hmmm..."

Jacob: "So you've heard?"

Driver: "Not directly, but I have a feeling.."

Jacob: "You want a moment?"

The momentary silence got him the insight he needed.

Driver: "Oh! That's.. Wow! What are the chances?!"

Jacob: "Yes?"

Driver: "You're that YouTube sensation my friends used to talk about!"

Jacob: "YouTube sensation, that's what they call me? How long has that been.. What'd you reckon I am?"

Driver: "The security cameras, back in Japan years ago. That guy, driving that old Ford GT with finesse and stuff. You were the hot topic in street racing when that happened."


Jacob: "Hot topic, sure, but finesse? Don't really feel that's the word for me."

Driver: "Must've been a while since you do things like that, huh?"

Jacob: "You dare doubt my talents?"

Driver: "Not at all. Just a little pumped now that I'm driving a man who.. can do a lot more than just drive normal!"

Jacob: "You a fan? My number one fan got more than just an autograph, you know."

Driver: "Not really, no. Never had much interest in what you people do in fast cars.. but I like cars."

Jacob: "Coming from a guy who drives an electric car, sure.. but don't we all?"

Driver: "Haha, yes.. quite. By the way, we're headed to this super new Japanese restaurant at Redondo Beach.."

Jacob: "And I hoped you have no inquiries."

Driver: "No, it's not with why and all, it's more like how the place is packed these days. Reservations are just about impossible in advance for a week!"

Jacob: "Don't worry about my problems."

Driver: "You've been planning, haven't you? We're almost here, by the way."

The weather that night has been kind, and Jacob exits the car, ensuring nothing is left.


Cleaning the small indents on his clothing, he then takes a bill from his inside pocket.

Jacob: "Here."

On the moment money is given, the young driver sees an anomaly.

Driver: "Oh.. we don't have exac-"

Jacob: "Rest's for you."

Driver: "But why?"

Jacob: "Don't got a reason why. Maybe I'm giving my condolences. Maybe I'm just being nice. Or maybe I'm paying you to shut up. In me is conflict left and right; bet there be nobody on Earth that understands my heart."

His hands fluttering around his body, Jacob makes a quick check for his belongings. Then he quickly looks back.

Jacob: "And don't be a stranger, boy.. you're bound to find your true calling if you keep a high head. I believe in it."

His words buzz in the driver's head. Now full of positivity, he feels a lot better as he departs.


A quick inhale of the fresh air outside, the shadowy man opens the door, and heads in to his destination.

The moment he steps in, he is bowed by the few unoccupied workers they had, as is the custom of the restaurant's cultural strongpoint.

Directed to a nearby counter, he approaches toward the host; a man of importance in here.

Host: "Konbanwa, and welcome to our establishment. You made reservation here?"

Jacob: "Room for two at eight thirty. Jake Ross."

Host: "Ahh. Excuse me, sir."

The host picks up a nearby walkie talkie, and mutters swiftly a set of orders.

Host: "Your room will be ready. Less than five minutes, I promise."

Jacob: "Thank you."

Host: "It is our pleasure."

Not to waste any time, Jacob immediately takes out his smartphone and swiftly flicks his way to the messaging app.

Only slight movement in his face visible, Jacob's small moment of pleasure was intervened by the host.

Host: "Excuse me, mister Ross?"

Jacob: "Oh, it's just you. There's something wrong, I see."

Host: "It will take.. a little longer, I'm afraid. My apologies."

The host makes a bow. In response, Jacob takes his phone away and shifts his attention.

Jacob: "You are a gracious host, sir. I've had enough of the downers today."

Host: "Ohh, but I find it instinct to apologize in such a way."

Jacob: "Hmmhmm.. That is so particularly Japanese, it hurts."

Host: "You seem to know of our culture so."

Jacob: "It's not of just knowing.. it's that I'm more connected to Japan than you realize."

Host: "Connected, you say?"

Jacob: "Well, for starters, my wife is Japanese. Met up in university.. we apparently match pretty well.. I'm a down to earth kind of guy, but she's a wild fire."

Host: "Fascinating."

Something in his mind however triggered a negative emotion.

Jacob: "I'm.. sorry, but now I'm done telling you this love story."

Host: "No problem, sir. Forgive my prying, but is something the matter?"

Jacob: "Even though we've been bonded for years, our relationship is still a rickety bridge. Any more cross, and the consequences are unfathomable. I'm inviting her to dinner here, hoping to keep it strong."

Host: "Such sympathy. I wish for good fortune in your futures."

Jacob: "Understanding like that? You truly are a gracious host."

Host: "By the way.. I've wanted to ask.. how could you manage to gain a reservation in such short notice?"

Jacob: "Hmm? Oh.."

Leaning closer to the host, Jacob starts to converse discreetly.

Jacob: "You'll get your answer, but I only demand you keep it between us."

The host not only hears a deep spirited voice, but Jacob acting as a shadow standing high above him.

Host: "I-is.. this a threat?"

Jacob: "Shook you, did I? I wouldn't bet on it.. it's got something to do with the owner."

Host: "Our owner? How can he.."

Jacob: "Hold up. I meant his son."

Host: "Son, huh? That rascal."

Jacob: "Rascal?"

Host: "Just the only thing I can say.. he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Kids these days and their rich parents."

Jacob: "Your take on his age?"

Host: "Not even 20, I'd wager."

Jacob: "That age.. it makes sense. Wonder if you'd believe me if I said one night he cried like a baby?"

Host: "Cry? Dear me, do tell."

Jacob: "Well, you see, there's this small street racing scuffle not too far from here. Somehow blind of the mob's influence.. But anyway. Manager's boy so happens to be the fastest driver there. And he's not afraid to show it."

Host: "His sickening behaviour. Often I hear he sputters all sorts of nonsense these past few weeks."

Jacob: "And what about more recent times?"

Host: "Now I think it.. nothing. Strikes me as a bit of a shock. It was sudden, yet we're all so glad it came about."

Jacob: "Well, I'm to blame for such change of cognition."

Host: "From what I'm getting, you challenged him?"

Jacob: "It's the other way round, but yeah. It ain't pretty if you're on his side."

Host: "Ahh, so you raced a brand new Subaru?"

Jacob: "Drive a Ferrari, and he's not going to fare any better."

Host: "What about you?"

Jacob: "I don't think you know, but my family's been in the racing game since it first came onto this world.. my pa's the great Louie Ross Jr. That night, I was asked to test run his newest Corvette, but I didn't specify what the test run had to be."


Jacob: "When I'm in my zone, nothing stands a chance, and he's no exception."

Host: "If I were him, that's a loss I'm willing to take. Then again.."

Jacob: "There ain't much in stakes. That turned me off at first, but when we both agreed and re-enacted the age old rule of pink slips."

Host: "Pink slips?"

Jacob: "Where the loser's car is the prize."

Host: "Ohh.. Such devious schemes.. and you're confident with this?"

Jacob: "Let's say I've been chasing these sunsets times too many.."

Host: "Anywho, what about the manager?"

Jacob: "Little brat called his dad, and we had an agreement. He keeps his car, but I'm getting a good chunk of favors off him. Your manager owns a lot of Asian goodies in this city, and this shop is favor number 1."

Host: "I see.. a most interesting story for my staff to share."

His outgoing tone comes as questionable.

Jacob: "Buddy, I think YOUR devious is showing."

Host: "Anyways, your room is ready. Through there and there, door number 6."

The host paves the path with his arm.


Jacob took his time getting to his seating place, gazing around the far eastern atmosphere mimicking that of Japan.

Grasping at every bit of the many unfamiliar presences, he can't help but feel something has his sights on him. Shrugging it off, he presses on.

Upon his arrival, he instinctively pushed the wall, only to find out the door slides sideways.

The door opens to a miniature room, surrounded in polished wood. The table is awfully low to the ground, and cushions are in place for sitting. To the strangers like him, a small guide stuck on the table comes in handy.

Skimming through the details, Jake then takes off his shoes, hangs his hat and coat on the wall hangings, and places himself on one of the cushions.

With a menu provided nearby, it wouldn't take long for Jake to immediately snatch it and start browsing.

From the opening page came a small slip of paper, instructed to be written on and given to a waiter to receive and order.

Jacob: "I swear, this better not be some trend.."

As he finds himself going through selection after selection of Japanese cuisine, Jacob notices the freshly placed Japanese tea set, and pours one for himself.

The tea's unique aroma became a hot topic for his mind, fooling his senses of time. Not too long after, the sliding door opens up.

Jacob can't help but rise to the occasion

Jacob: "Not one step!!"

???: "Ot-to, I'm here!"

Her voice was enough to calm him.

Jacob: "Oh.. it's just you, Jess."

Theme Song: Muse - Guiding Light
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 29
Current occupation: Police officer
Distinct features: Medium burgundy hair, an always connected earpiece, tank top and denim skirt.
Car of choice: Lexus IS F

Jacob's wife. Born a tech savvy geek, Rin also carries an athlete's physique and a pretty face, balancing out her chaotic tendencies. Along with her hobbies in parkour, she occasionally takes part in high level races around the world, both for her job and her lifelong aspiration: to succeed her deceased father Shinzo.

Rin: "Wait a minute, 'it's just you, Jess'?! That's.. that's low!"

Jacob: "Is it? Where I stand, low kind of matches you.."

Rin: "Urgh, you're an ungrateful brute! What if little old me ended up in the crossfire in a gang fight and ended up dead or worse.."

Jacob: "I'd mourn s-hold up.. there's a 'worse' than dead?"

Rin: "AAUGH! I'll pretend that didn't just come out, ugh!"

Jacob: "In any case, darling, still glad you made it in one piece."

Identified with a branded tank top and some jeans, Rin, otherwise known as Jess by a select bunch, finally calms, thus settling into the area.

Rin: "Well, you got us here, the place that can never be reserved in short notice."

Jacob: "Let's say I just got lucky. You're no cook, and I know you're tired of my ma's things these days."

Rin: "Ouch, I'm so sorry that being a cop is a pain in the ass."

Jacob: "Does it please your heart, that job?"

Rin: "Yes, it does! Because, aside from personal virtues, I'm the one paying the bills right now."

Jacob: "Ouch."

Rin: "Ouch is right, Ot-to! You need something to do. And make it meaningful. I'm not going to like, say.. someone like Kuroiuma-san being the till holder of the nearest 24 hour store."

Jacob: "Heh. That really hurt. Still going tough as nails after all these years?"

Rin: "I'm going to have to be.. what? You going soft now, Jake-san?"

Jacob: "Got no excuse, do I?"

Rin: "These years without me made you super tough, I bet. And now is the best time to go soft?!"

Jacob: "What? You think our remarriage made me a pansy?"

Rin: "Has it?"

Jacob: "Oh hell no!!"

Rin: "Well then, tough guy, I dare you to make some puppy eyes, what are you going to do?"

Jacob: "Dare me anythi-whoa, what?! Hey! Puppy eyes? What's happened to tough?"

He faces the immediate turn of his wife's angry tone into a cheery one.

Rin: "Haha! I'm just playing with you!"

Jacob: "Pandora's box indeed.."

Sliding across the floor, Rin makes her way towards her spouse.

Rin: "Ohh I'm excited we're here, together alone.. what can we have here?"

Jacob: "See for yourself."

With the eatery made in mind for the regular Japanese consumer, Rin plows through page after page faster than Jacob deciphers with the pictures.

Rin: "Hmm, turn over."

Jacob: "To, emm.. ben-tow?"

Rin: "It's 'bhen-too'."

Jacob: "Right.."

Rin: "Hmm. hmmhmmhmmhmm.. hmmHMMHMM.."

The last set of humming recoiled even someone like Jacob.

Jacob: "Sonofa-! Don't hmm me like that.. it's.. ominous."

Rin: "Strange.. I thought you liked ominous."

Jacob: "Did I say that?"

Rin: "You REEK of ominous."

Jacob: "Heck, I doubt it."

Rin: "That's what you ominous people do. You think you're all the right in the world, when it's evident everyone else thinks not. And they're always right."

Jacob: "All this ramble means you tellin' me I'm a bad guy?"

Rin: "You're your own boss, right? Go figure it out."

Jacob: "Hmmm.. ominous.."

Jacob isn't a mentally fortuitous person, but he tends to lose himself when he thinks very hard, usually in the form of him in a white void.

Entering this mind realm often has encounters with horrid apparitions of those related to him, but these recent days the void remains still and undisturbed, like now.


Minutes has come and gone, and Rin, already busy with the provided utensils, started jotting the required fields with her dining desires.

Rin: "Ahaha! This is soo great! I've blazed through the entire catalog and went for what we both like. And.. maybe a lot more than just that.."

Turning her head to her beloved, Rin noticed her husband's current state.

Rin: "Ot-to.. are you.. he's in this again.."

She moves towards her husband, then quickly decides to swiftly jolt him.

Rin: "Jay-KUUHB!!"

Disturbed, Jacob regains his senses.

Jacob: "...oh! Sorry, Jess. Got in my head again."

Rin: "Did you? I must've entered my own world too. But what's in it this time? Any of me?"

Jacob: "Would've, but maybe if it ain't a bitter thought."

His white void always gives Jacob a reason to hang himself with his regrets, but Rin always has the plan to deal with it.

Rin: "Hey.. hey.. remember.. we let that go."

Jacob: "Yeah.. We're out of that hole, better than ever.."

Rin: "Let's think positive, okay. I'm still here, for starters."

Jacob: "Good, great. And it wasn't all my fault."

Rin: "Yeah, you know.. hot pursuit on a suspect while you're breaking road rules on the same road was really.. bad luck."

Jacob: "Luck, eh? We're probably lucky it didn't hurt us in the long term."

Rin: "By the way, I hope you're hungry. Like, really hungry."

Jacob: "Oh, I'm just famished.."

The sarcastic tone gave her a reason.

Rin: "You think there's something wrong, huh?"

Jacob: "This isn't some trick, where I eat something out of Fear Factor."

Rin: "*gasp* Oh no no no! Everything I've jotted down's edible! Things like tempura, for me, and there's gyudon for you.."

Jacob: "The heck's a gyudon?"

Rin: "Usual seasoned rice and beef, the meat you love so much.. What, did Kei-san not educate you when you were back in Nippon?"

Jacob: "Doubt it. And believe me, I REALLY don't have that sort of mood at the time. But now, maybe I can do something about it.."

Rin: "*gasp* Jake-san, you know what this means?"

Too flustered to respond, Jacob remained silent.

Rin: "That silence is right! How about I teach you some Japanese grammar, as seen on this menu. And you can't be excused."

Jacob: "Okay, sure, but before we begin this charade, let's go send our order, or I might just starve."

Rin: "Oh, yeah, ahaha!"

The excitement from his wife gave Jacob a bit of open heartedness in what's to happen.

Rin: "Let's start off with a physical exercise. How do you fare with these! Chopsticks!"

From Jacob's viewpoint, the chopsticks clacking exaggerate themselves sinisterly.

Each clash of the paired sticks sound menacing in his head.

Jacob: "Oh *BLEEP*.."


But malevolent chopsticks pale compared to what tonight has coming.


A hefty distance away are some police enforcement, vigorously on the move.


The lights focus themselves on a red McLaren 12C: the British racing marque's rebirth to the automobile world.

Whoever the driver is, his manners on the road attributes to his lunacy, his gusto, or his skill, likely all.


Rin: "Oh no, no no! That's absolutely wrong!"

Jacob: "Blast! Every new dialect ruins me."

Rin: "At this rate, you're going to say sushi like 'suss-hi'."

Jacob: "O..kay, I'm bad at this, but it ain't going to be that bad! Get me the next one!"

Rin: "Next one.."

Jacob: "Hmm.. a C and a H.. This is a kuh sound, I reckon.. emm.."

Looking confused, Jacob gets distracted by his wife, giving sounds of tears being held back.


The McLaren caused a lot of ruckus, still unusual it remains in good shape.


Seconds it remain at large taunted enforcement, prompting new tactics.


Rin: "In your world, Naht-to sounds akin to NATO. *giggles* ohh, another joke for the peers."

Jacob: "Cut it out."

Rin: "All these randomly picked words, and your only correct ends up on mochi. Although, I do think that one's quite easy."

In response, Jacob's emotional image raised slightly.

Jacob: "Mochi? Well.. that's personal."

Rin: "Personal? A simple word, but it's personal?"

Jacob: "Yeah.. t'was back in Japan, and rumor has this elderly lady selling the best of them. Came over to have a taste for myself, then she got hit by some, uhh.. 'you-know-what' personnel, and I made it my mission to make sure she ain't part of my problems."

Filled with awe, the story stirred her emotions toward her somber husband.

Jacob: "Thinking it need no mention, really."

Rin: "What are you thinking?! That's what I wanted! That's my Jake-san!"

Jacob: "Hah.. Now, if only.."

Rin: "Next!!"


The 12C rampage continues.


Even passing the sturdiest of stops, the police increase their security once again.


Folding spare receipts into paper animals, Rin's attention turned to a beeping in her pocket.

Jacob: "That your pager? Could be an emergency?"

Rin: "That's strange.."

Being a police officer, Rin put aside her playful face and turned away.

Rin: "Moshi-moshi."

All Jacob could hear was the phone's noise overpowering the room's silence.

It wasn't long, but he knew the call seemed meaningful enough.

Jacob: "You want to keep that to yourself?"

Rin: "Well, it's a crazy guy in a fast car. Who knew the police get so desparate to bring me into it."

Jacob: "Hot pursuit's your bread and butter, Jess."

Rin: "Right, but not when I'm off duty. Why so urgent?"

Jacob: "Got some details, like a name, and danger level?"

Rin: "No confirmation yet. Risk wise, we're looking at.. maybe more than your typical public nuisance, still a suspect either way."

Jacob considers all the info in mind, and has a conclusion to the problem.

Jacob: "Jess. Do as I say, and put it away."

Rin: "Huh?"

Jacob: "You heard me right. I hardly spend any time with you these days, it makes a cowboy wander off so lonesome like. Family time ain't what it used to be when you're so busy."

Rin: "I guess so, huh.."

Jacob: "Let being off duty, along with the other hundred excuses we both can come up with work it out. And wherever is it you keep our cars.."

Rin: "Yeah.. about that.. since the rise of car thieves in the area, I don't think I want any of our cars out by our home for a while. Sorry.."

Jacob: "Sure, take the Audi or the GT500, but why the Ford GT?"

Rin: "Hey there! You have to choose one lady, mister."

Jacob: "Okay, first, it's a he. Second, I'm darned sure the relationship with a car and a lady like yourself should be mutually exclusive."

Rin: "There are those weirdos that combine their love of both women and cars.."

Jacob: "Let's not stray too far."

Rin: "So.. are you ready to continue?"

Jacob: "No."

Rin: "Good!"


It was at a moment's notice that the sirens go down. Chatter overheard by bystanders confirm that the McLaren has escaped.


In reality, said McLaren ended up in just out of reach, inside a parking garage.



The car, while in need of garage work for small scratches and bumps, seems to show no sign of wear.

Behind the wheel of the ruckus is a man. Opening his mask, he looks foreign, is casually clothed, and dons a look only he can define.

He moves away from the car and passes a wad of cash to the security guard, who had his eyes on the moment it came in.

Exiting the parking garage, he heads down, watching nearby police mobilize a lost cause.


Only a brief stroll around the corner, and this man feels the wind that blew a small leaflet to his face.

Said leaflet brings light to an inconsistency, particularly in his stomach.

???: "Sushi tonight, me? Guessin' it a be a fine night, ay."


Meanwhile, back to the couple, Rin counts the results with her husband.

Jacob: "Just mochi? Terrible. I'm not priding on this failure at all, just so you know."

Rin: "Yeah, let's not do this again.. until we head back to Nippon."

Jacob: "We go, and I'm sticking with the Roman Alphabet."

Rin: "You're chicken *mimicks chicken*."

Jacob: "Well woe is me then."

Rin: "*mimicks Jacob* woe is me. Well, you're no Ciya-kun in terms of anger control, but.. you're not enraged or anything?"

Jacob: "In front of you, at least. That anger *BLEEP*'s a work in progress."

Rin: "My anger struggles are lesser too, but you're another level."

Jacob: "Jess, I may play the intimidation game, but it ain't easy to find me angry at all. Tell that to pa, ma, Keith.. and maybe Sonny, they'll vouch for me."

Rin: "If you ask me, I'm totally A-OK with you controlling whatever temper you have."

Jacob: "I believe you, but we'll let time reserve that judgement."

Another time, comes another buzzer noise from Rin's pocket.

Rin: "Oh.. round two? Must be some important call.."

Jacob: "Go for it."

The wife gone, Jacob takes out all the frustration out through breath.

Just as his eyes open, the sliding doors open, with a cart full of food.

One by one, plates occupy the table. While some choices are of a questionable style or source, his stomach causes his judgement to be horrendously one sided.

As the door still remains open, the busy area outside exposes itself. Jacob also sees a television broadcasting the live news of a nuisance causing trouble in a sports car. He listened keenly, hearing mention of a red McLaren.

After seeing enough, Jacob takes a good view of the front area, where he conversed with the host. He sees said host, but that peaceful thought turned away as he sees another person just by the front window, staring inside.

It took a small moment, but that someone else sees Jacob's gesture. The man afar barges in, makes his way flamboyantly around the busy surroundings and approaches the room in a wacky stride, bursting with adrenaline.

Jacob: "What ill wind brought you here?"

???: "Hallo hallo there, boss. Fancy seeing you here."

Jacob: "Fancy.. seeing you too, Murph. How are you holding up?"

Theme Song: Ash - Arcadia
Gender: Male
Nationality: Half British, half Irish
Age: 30
Current occupation: Car thief
Distinct features: Nearly bald, blonde hair. Badass face. Often appears with sports themed clothing, especially soccer
Car of choice: McLaren 12C

With a sixth sense for calling him insa- slightly insane, Murph lives as the crazy, eccentric, kleptomanic slippery snake for very long. Possesses high value in the underworld for his skills, mainly car thievery and street racing.

Murph: "Not too shabby, not too shabby, indeed. Nothing like making some night moves, ay?"

Oddly for Jacob, Murph's comforting posture on the Japanese tatami gives him a new impression.

Jacob: "Say, I don't see much that strikes you as eastern."

Murph: "I'm not much for Japanese like any ol' Irish goon, but.. a man can get a bit bored with pub food all day every day, ya hear?"

Jacob: "Well, I applaud your bravery in going for an unfamiliar cuisine."

Murph: "Probably a moment that just hits you in the head, eh boss?"

Jacob: "What hurts me in the head is.. you're somehow a bit more talkative than usual."

Murph: "What gave you that idea? Must be you and hungry. Hope you got pork.. mmm.. pork.."

Jacob: "There's a whole load of your porcine friend ready, but only if you're willing to cooperate."

Murph: "You stupid man, think that old trick's going to work on ye old Murph?"

Jacob: "Surprise me. You're really hooked on anything that's a pig. You should still be."

The only response Jacob saw was Murph scratching his head.

Murph: "Ehh.. why change at all? But you do have some, whatsitcalled, 'guy-oh-zer' somewhere in this here table, yeah?"

Jacob: "Gyoza, you mean?"

Murph: "Aye, that be it. Gyoza. Something like a dumpling, or what."

Jacob: "Look around.. *whispers* thank you, Jess.. you and your stupid game."

There's a lot of food, but amongst them, Murph locks on a target.

Murph: "Dumpling spotted. Permission to come aboard, boss?"

Jacob: "That'll be my wife's, actually. But if you.."

Murph: "Wife? The lovely Rin's here! Oh! Had this hunch that you're not solo.. Say no more, boss. Say no more. How's bout we make this on me tonight.. just slam that door shut, yeah?"

Shutting the sliding door gave Murph a bit more relief; one emotion Jacob wants to find out why.

Jacob: "Now that you're here, money becomes an issue."

Murph: "Don't worry about dosh. Guess who got his payday from his shady client? But it's not cheap. Had to get some distracting done around here. So, I, emm, decided to show some love to the local PD."

Jacob: "Saw the news. That ruckus tonight was all you? I'm hardly surprised, really."

Murph: "Guilty as charged, boss."

Jacob: "It got my wife up in alert. Bit of a ruckus when I had to shut her down."

Murph: "You didn't even know it was me."

Jacob: "Consider it coincidence, like why you wanted the most sought sushi in this side of the city."

Murph: "The plan was going to a shop and just get bacon, but it's like something wanted me to come here. It's a strange feeling, ay?"

Jacob: "Yeah.. come to think of it, I've got a hunch that someone's following me. Thinkin' was you when you're at the front there, but it sure can't be.."

Murph: "That so? Gots to keep an eye out, boss. By the way.."

Murph passes a slip of paper to Jacob, revealing a tall order.

Jacob: "If you weren't covering all of this, I'd say a heart attack's in order.."

Murph: "I gotta repeat myself twice now, ay."

With the new request submitted, Murph erratically jigs, thanks to the adrenaline. Understanding, Jacob's left him be.

Murph: "Gosh, Boss.. I can't seem to stop myself. Hooh haah heeh hohh. I'm barely holding myself.. the food.. and the Murph.. must come together, ay?"

Jacob: "Your funeral."

Minutes later, Rin makes her return.

Rin: "I'm ba-*gasps* What the heck?!"

Murph: "Hallo!"

Rin: "Murph?! What happened to our night together?!"

Jacob: "Tonight's plan was a romantic escape, but.. he kind of invited himself."

Murph: "Destiny has her ways tonight, ay."

Jacob: "Why would I say no to a real close friend, anyways?"

As Murph starts eating away, Rin calms and settles back in.

Rin: "Close friend? Thought you're just a friend, but close? This is news.."

Murph: "We kind of met when you was long missing."

Rin: "So, you had a buddy buddy on your solo days?"

Murph: "Buddy buddy? Hah! That's a good one. Actually, I kind of got hired to bring him down, courtesy of some anonymous piker, ay. It's easy with a gun.. kind of like.. never mind."

Jacob: "But things went wrong, I put his 'body' in my boot, and after deserting him.."

Murph: "In the blazing Colorado heat, to boot.. no pun intended."

Jacob: "..I came back, reformed him and we're, emm.. buddy buddy."

No detail left unchecked, Jacob sees his wife with a smile as sweet as the mochi on the table.

Jacob: "Something the matter?"

Rin: "It's part of you.. the heroics. No matter how everyone sees you, there's some sense of good in you."

Murph: "Ay, she's not wrong."

Jacob: "It's part of me, sure, but.."

Rin: "By the way, I have some bad news.. Turns out even if I helped, our suspect would've still evaded us. Whoever he is, he's really some driver. Slipped away like some rotten snake."

Jacob: "Some driver, huh?"

Murph: "Blasted rotten snakes."

Gazing at each other, the two men nod and wink at each other; a testament to their lasting partnership.

Jacob: "Honestly speaking, Murph would fit that bill quite nice, ain't cha?"

Murph: "Yep. Guilty mother:BLEEP:er, right at ya!"

Rin: "WHAT?!"

Murph: "Oi, hush, lady! It helps when I'm paying for dinner tonight, lovely."

Rin: "You're paying if they get you, you know?! Cost to state is-"

Murph: "Maybe.. bit shy above 39 thousand, I'd say."

Rin: "What?! That's so exact.."

Jacob: "Same old Murph, counting his cards."

Murph: "Hey hey hey, it's what puts the tick in Murph's tickle, ey."

The waiters compile everything, and deliver the last of the food without the three noticing.

Not long after realizing, Rin went on to provide another lesson.

Rin: "Before we begin, we have something we do first. Something of a greeting."

Jacob: "It's not a prayer, at least."

Murph: "We can't be firing Thanksgiving already, boss."

Jacob: "Well, let's get this over with.. feels like my stomach's eating me inside out."

Rin: "Right! So, we say 'itadakimasu!'. It's kind of like how the French say.. emm, what's that word?? Bomb something?"

Murph: "Bon appetit?"

Rin: "Yup, that one."

Murph: "Don't ask why I know, ay?"

Rin: "Are you ready, Ot-to?"

Jacob: "Less talk, more awkward Japanese."

Murph: "So, how's it go, again? 'It-had-a-kick-ass'?"

Rin: "No, silly man! It's itadakimasu!"

Jacob: "C'mon Murph, we gotta get all in a go."

Murph: "Right. Right.. err.."


The night darkens, and the trio exit the restaurant, satisfied.

Rin: "Well, what a night."

Jacob: "What a night indeed. Let's not forget the elephant in the room."

Murph: "Elephant?! Where?!"

Jacob: "Nowhere, of course, silly man."

Murph: "Well, of course not, or I'd notice, ay."

Jacob: "So where'd you put the car?"

Rin: "A few blocks thataway."

Jacob: "Get to it, my dear.. while I handle the elephant."

Rin: "Yup!"

Desparate for a time alone, Jacob turns to said elephant.

Jacob: "So, Murph? Did you really gather up a hunt for my hide?"

Murph: "Nah, it truly was luck. But it's been nice seeing you up and about again, boss."

Jacob: "What have you been up to these days? Back to insurance fraud?"

Murph: "That and more. Still got them skills. Might as well put them to use, ay?"

Jacob: "And you did good. Police are thrown into disarray by a red McLaren tonight, part of your handiwork."

Murph: "That's right, yeah."

Jacob: "Silly thing is, that's YOUR car. You're risking big tonight."

Murph: "Personally, anything the cops dare to touch of mine, I'm slip it away like smooth butter."

Jacob: "Usual confident Murph. They must've been waiting if they managed a chase of magnitudes requiring high speed pursuers."

Murph: "Your sweetheart's forte."

Jacob: "Exactly. I see it bugging her, and it bugs me. You're lucky she's not fitted for this level of action tonight."

Murph: "Well, consider tonight's main event of my apologies."

Jacob: "Coming from someone as insa-"

Murph: "SHH!"

Murph felt like a quick pause is in order.

Jacob: "Murph? Did I say something?"

Murph: "I hear.. music?"

Jacob: "Music?"

Murph: "Saxophone.."

Veering around the corner, the duo see a man, dressed sharply and playing music.

About to ignore and leave, Jacob felt something off that person.

Jacob: "This man.."

Murph: "Something the matter, boss?"

Jacob: "You know, I have this hunch I've been followed ever since I got here.. same hunch tells me this is where it's from."

Murph: "Well, one way to find out?"

Jacob: "Yeah, and I figure this I'll take myself. So, you staying in Los Angeles for?"

Murph: "Quite a while. Got me a few safe places to hunker down, yeah?."

Jacob: "Take me to one, maybe tomorrow."

Murph: "So.. Is this a sign?"

Jacob: "Damn straight. First thing tonight, my wife's been nagging me to get me working, and maybe we'll get something done.. for old time's sake."

Murph: "Oh snap, that's some good news.. for me that is. I'll come over to yours tomorrow."

Jacob: "Alright then. What time?"

Murph: "Whenever I wake up, that is. Morning time, perhaps?"

Sharing a friendly gesture between friends, Murphy makes a dash on the other way. However, Jacob has plans, approaching a man with a suit, and strangely, tear drop sunglasses under a fedora.

Not knowing what to expect, Jacob knows sunglasses at night mean something's up.

???: "Sir.. the music soothes the soul.. does it now?"

Jacob: "It sure as heck it does."

The saxophone case opens, revealing a hefty amount of cash. It however carries a foul smell.

???: "I'm no musician, but if it's a song that needs playing, I play a deadly game."

Jacob: "Unmistakably blood.. just what are you playing at?"

???: "This is the saxophone, good sir. Metal bent, forged and formed the right way. The end result is art."

Jacob: "Can it.. you're no musician. You have some never attracting me.. perhaps you and I, we're connected.."

???: "And if I'm not??"

Jacob: "You'd not want to know what I can do."

???: "Wouldn't it be the same the other way around?"

Normally patient, Jacob has none for a deceiver like the one he faces.

Jacob: "No more games! I demand more than what your lies lead. Let's see what you truly are under the mask!"

???: "If that's what you wish, then.. it's good to see you, Gunny."

Theme Song: Soundgarden - Hands All Over
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 37
Current occupation: Assassin
Distinct features: Black fedora with matching suit. Unkempt black hair. Small eyes hidden behind large teardrop sunglasses
Car of choice: Chevrolet Camaro SS 2017

An assassin of no parallel, Emile grew up his days a living, wealthy, life loving patriot. The bloody murder of his foster parents crushed all his positive spirit for life, and thus granted a strong sense of vengeance. He may have succeeded, but the blood of his enemies triggered a manhunt, then revoked when Emile places all involved in their graves.

The mystery man opens the sunglasses, face finally visible.

Jacob: "You.. aren't you.. Emile! The times pass.. it's been a long time coming, has it, Corporal Emile?"

Emile: "Yes, yes it has."

Jacob: "So unfamiliar, yet I'm looking at that Emile Orson that served with my squad in the Middle East.. we've both changed so much."

Emile: "We look at each other and there's black article all around. I'm not sure how we're going to explain it to the guys.. you recall.. Big Red and Mack."

Jacob: "Those two? They can't be soldiers if they can't handle this. But you've piqued me interested.. something when you said you've been serving a deadly game these days?"

Emile: "I'm hoping with all my past expertise in stealth and precision gave that answer to you."

Jacob: "But the Emile I know is anything but discrete."

Emile: "Like you said: we've changed. I look at you, and, well.. you're giving that totally demonic outlaw look. The Gunnery Sergeant Ross I know detest these demons."

Jacob: "My fables till today has been me embracing them hellish demons. And you?"

Emile: "A haunting specter."

Jacob: "We're both scaremongers, then."

Emile: "I'm afraid so.. but, these days I've been seeking a change of heart."

Jacob: "Change of heart? Come and intrigue me, corporal."

Initially tense, Jacob and Emile, reunited after a long period, relax toward each other.

Emile: "Well, my deadly game is assassination. It's not pleasant, but being a hitman for hire takes a toll to my morals. Money rules, as they say. Then *BLEEP* happens, and I want to be the one stand out."

Jacob: "Mmmhmm.. And how do you propose you stand out?"

Emile: "Stand out? I've made it my job to make the world thank me. Assassination is not all evil, Ross. Go on, take on that dark path you've got into. I've gone too deep, hoping maybe, there's this one bit of light I want to start following. The Emile today isn't the Emile from ten years back.. and I'm sorry.. that you probably lost the ally you once had."

As Emile slumped down in sorrow, he felt a weight on his shoulder, courtesy of Jacob's grip.

Jacob: "Enough sadness, corporal. I'd say I'm mighty impressed. Change has truly shaped you for the better, Emile. I remember, on those hills, you vow to take out every single evil with a high powered rifle. Tell me that you haven't forgotten?"

Emile: "That's one tenet I still live by.. and maybe one day I'll find out what truly is that evil."

Jacob: "Evil finds you, they say. You probably have a plan for that, no?"

Emile: "I'd say, but who'd want to hear me ramble about that?"

Jacob: "Enough about you, then, corporal."

Emile: "What about you, Ross? You look like your ray of light hasn't been kind."

Jacob: "Life has never been kind to me. When I said evil finds you.. I probably hope that the one that found me will be the last. That said, I hope Big Red has kept you in contact."

Emile: "He has until recent. I heard he's going to run for senate. Mack, on the other hand, has been keeping in touch. You'd like a visit, right?"

Jacob: "Maybe sometime. What's he like now?"

Emile: "Dying for some action, but the Alabaman family life holds him back."

Jacob: "How is he still looking forward to the call of duty, I don't know. But be sure to tell him I said hi."

Emile: "Absolutely."

Just as they were to continue, a small car came over, blaring the horn for a moment.


Jacob: "Just our luck.. That's my ride.."

Emile: "Hey, before you go.."

Jacob's turn away was interrupted by a grip to his shoulder.

Jacob: "Go on."

The mysterious Emile bring out a small salute to his former superior, along a pleasant smile.

Emile: "This has been an honor, really. I really meant to wonder.. I'm truly here to see what they've said, about the Jacob Ross making references in my business is the Jacob Ross whose six I've covered. Figures, but in what form or depth these name drops I've yet to discover."

Jacob: "I'm finding my legacy somewhere, but how far will I go? You'll see soon enough, Emile."

Emile: "Right. I will see you later, Gunny."

As he enters, the car leaves the scene, and just as it disappears, Emile notices the window high up on the building across the street alight.

He smirks, and packs away his saxophone, staring briefly at the gun he hid in the case.


Meanwhile, the tiny import takes a drive out of the city.

Rin: "Just who is that man, Jake-san?"

Jacob: "He.. well, was an old acquiantance. You can ask Red if you need details."

Rin: "Well, why not you?"

Jacob: "For starters, I 've been straying away from that life since I retired from the service. But he's just one I couldn't let go, along with Red and another."

Rin: "Oh cool! What's he up to these days?"

Jacob: "Hired hitman. Professional assassination. The man exactly made to kill the nightmares in anyone's sleep."

Rin: "*gasp* What a turn."

Jacob: "And I thought I had it darker.. such a spectrum of buddies I have."

Rin: "Well, you make all sorts of allies. From bright lights like Yumi-chan.."

Jacob: "To the dark depths similar that of Emile.."

Rin: "Hmm.. so how's the car?"


Jacob: "I've been meaning to ask, but what is this?"

Rin: "It's a Copen. Kei car with an attitude. Made for the Japanese market."

Jacob: "Which explains the right hand drive."

Rin: "Right. Plus, this is a little prototype model that I volunteered to test run for the company. I'm getting paid to rent a car, how cool is that?"

Jacob: "Thank God for borrowing, Jess. I really don't think another car is good for our credit. And if these car companies are fine with what you do?"

Rin: "Shows how special I am in what I do."

Jacob: "Special, sure."

Rin: "What?! Cut it out, Jake-san."

Jacob: "Oh, how can I now? The bullying in that restaurant with that God darned quiz leaves me no choice."

Rin: "Even though you only got one right of the.. well you failed miserably, I'd say we had fun, right?"

Jacob: "Right.. well, okay, it was fun and educational.. but I'm a thirty year old man, and I need more than just something out of a Japanese kids show."

Rin: "Like?"

Jacob: "Like when is it the time we go for it?"

He sees his wife's concentration in distress for that moment.

Rin: "It? What it? It's not what you mean, right? Ehehe.."

Jacob: "No more nerves, darling. I'm meaning to start a family. Dead serious here."

Rin: "Sure! But.. I-I'm still unsure if I'm willing."

Jacob: "Hmm.. and I heard people already getting their third kid by my age.."

Rin: "Don't let other people's goals force yours."

Jacob: "It undermines my own however.."

Rin: "Why not challenge me with something else, then? This baby thing really is not what I need if I still need to be working.. and racing!"

Jacob: "Fine. I'm trying to see if Murph can get me back into the fray again."

Rin: "That? While I'm still stationed here? You know I can't let you."

Jacob: "Hey, you're doubting me again."

Rin: "Well, tonight's chase with Murph-san brought a lot of mess in my department. If you're really going back into it.."

Jacob: "Hey, don't worry about me. I've been doing my homework."

Rin: "The street meets, you mean? How are they?"

Jacob: "Mostly posers. I borrowed my pa's Corvette, and wiped the floor clean."

Rin: "Doesn't he get mad you're doing that to his car?"

Jacob: "Nah, he's square with any street racing I do. Besides, the car don't got a license, and hasn't gotten a need to go in the public."


Rin: "As your life partner, you have my support, but if they catch you.."

Jacob: "I know what I'm going up against."

Rin: "Good."

Jacob: "By the way, you said it's okay if it's my turn to give something of a challenge?"

Rin: "I did? Oh. You thought of something?"

Jacob: "You're not busy sometime soon, right?"

Rin: "I'm off duty for the rest of the week, if that's what you're asking.. Next week is a big week for me, after all!"

Jacob: "Hah. That's absolutely just the ticket then. Well then.."


Jacob: "Think you can show me some other motherly trait you're destined to get?"

Rin: "Like.."

Jacob: "Cooking."

Rin: "Cooking? Are you sure?"

Jacob: "What?"

Rin: "It's a piece of cake. I mean, I do have an alias that's a chef.."

Jacob: "That's fine and dandy, but you shouldn't really interrupt."

Rin: "Don't keep me waiting, Ot-to! I'm ready!"

Jacob: "Sushi dinner. Do it like how it's done out east. Clean, Japanese, served with hot tea. That's our weekend dinner plan. Plus.. maybe we'll have the family come over.. Ma', pa', Monnie and Keith."

Rin: "A tall order. And yet, you dare doubt me?"

Jacob: "Oh, you *BLEEP*!"

His catchphrase misused, Jacob playfully attacks.

Rin: "Heehee! I'm sorry, Jake-san.. there's some satisfaction playing with those words! IYAA! Wait! Don't touch me!"


Jacob: "You've bit more than you can chew, Missy!"



Ross homestead
Ventura Bay, California
7 AM

The bright and sunny day is no stranger to those in this side of the world.

Fresh out of the shower, Jacob sees himself in the mirror, only wearing a towel. About to refine his look further, his phone receives a call from an unknown number.

Hesitant, he makes his way to it and answers.

Jacob: "Who's this?"

Murph: "Morning, sunshine."

Jacob: "That you Murph? How'd this number get to you?"

Murph: "An old sleuth trick of me own. Simple enough when it's what dictates my life."

Jacob's face explained itself as not impressed.

Jacob: "Bull*BLEEP*."

Murph: "Ol' Murph's bluff didn't pay off? Well, I'll come clean. You're using one of the old numbers. That's really there is to it."

Jacob: "Can't deny that. But, so far this entire morning, you've been trying to contact me with the amount of times I change my cell number?"

Murph: "Not sure I want to say anything about the other calls I made this morning, ay."

Jacob: "Well, I reckon you have enough sleep tonight, because you driving your 12C at a state that's not the best.."

Murph: "Hey, now. I'm full of pep. Nothing stops the Murph when he's full of pep, yeah? How's the wife?"

Jacob: "Up and alert, watching what I think is streamed Japanese drama from the internet. Keeps on beating me to the punch with that."

Murph: "Must be her nature."

Jacob: "I never thought she'd be the competitive sort, but with her history.. well, you never know."

Murph: "Quite."

Jacob: "You on the way?"

Murph: "Just left from Arcadia. If I'm lucky, it'll be half an hour till I get to ya."

Jacob: "Arcadia? What's the business with you staying at a place like that?"

Murph: "I'd say, but, well.."

Jacob: "That tone tells me enough."

Murph: "Yeah, this isn't territory you want to get into, boss. Thanks for understanding, ay?"

Jacob: "Sure.. so, in half an hour? That gives me time to maybe clean up a bit."

Murph: "Clean up? That's odd."

Jacob: "Odd how?"

Murph: "Clean doesn't appear in my dictionary on you, ay."

Jacob: "Well, I hoped you mean clean in the typical sense.. I'm still as guilty as you know it."

Murph: "Right on. I'll see you in a bit, yeah?"

Jacob: "Yeah."

Putting aside his smartphone, the man starts an analysis for the hairs on his face.

Drowning an ointment on his fingers, thus rubbing the ridges of his image.

Afterwards, he places on his buttoned shirt for the day, followed by chinos and his signature jacket, not forgetting the bespoke cowboy hat.

He heads down, stepping towards an increasingly loudening Japanese television show.

Arriving to scene, he sighs for his expectations weren't met.

The television show so happens to be casting a pre-recorded cooking show. Also, the only eager viewer isn't actually eager, but took a nap on the couch. One thing Jacob noticed is the air conditioning bringing down the chills, a cause to his wife's shivering.

Heading down, Jacob brings a throw placed nearby, and places it on the sleeping beauty. With the TV turned off, only the ambiance makes their sounds heard.

About to leave, Jacob sees his wife shake around.

Rin: "Hehe.. Jake.."

He towers his wife, observing in silence.

Rin: "Don't fool me; I know you're here.."

Jacob: "You didn't have to ask if you knew."

She then turned her body to see her husband.

Rin: "Thanks for all the cleanup.. ohh *yawns* why am I soo tired??"

Jacob: "Must've had a reason to keep awake."

Rin: "What? Oohhh.. Okaa-san called."

Jacob: "Nami? How's she doing? She fine?"

Rin: "Why not ask her?"

Jacob: "No thanks.. knowing how that's going to turn up."

Rin: "Ha ha ha.."

Jacob: "What's so funny?"

Rin: "I'm already failing.. our little cooking challenge."

Jacob: "Hey, you still have a few days. If you want, I'm sure Monnie wouldn't mind.."

Rin: "Nah.."

Jacob: "It's your funeral then, dear."

Rin: "He.. hehe.."

In a flash she slips away in slumber.

Jacob: "Nighty night then, Jess."

Walking out to the California sun, Jacob notices the driveway being a lot emptier than usual.

Along with the Copen, he only notices a black Mustang GT, hesitant to say it's even his.


He slowly remembers how it got to him..

"Happy Birthday!!"

Jacob: "At this rate, every birthday's going to be another car.."

Jacob passes by it, noting the mileage of the car being very low.

All seems natural, as Jacob cleans up the general outside of the home.

Clearing all that he could, Jacob's attention on home improvement shifts to an aggressive, sputtering sound. Where it came from ended up on the driveway seconds after.


Jacob: "That's no 12C.."


Arriving in due time, Murph keys out the ignition, and heads out.

Murph: "Hallo hallo."

Jacob: "Good God, Murph.. you have an F-Type?"

Murph: "Sure I do! Not being a typical F-Type, but an F-Type R Coupe. Be gentle, boss.. for even scenting the furs of this beast is bound to get you allergic."

Taking a walk aroud, Jacob notices the interior being out of place relating to Murph's cleanliness issues.

Jacob: "So, how well acquainted are you and this? Can't help but say how new it feels, actually. No plate.. bet there's the new car smell."

Murph: "Keen observation, boss. We're both new to this baby.. won her in some street races few days back. She's fresh from the forgers, car smell and papers, but I ain't got it through the DMV yet.."

Jacob: "I assume you had no hassle getting her?"

Murph: "All of them a bunch of slow showoffs. Street racing isn't what it was, ay. My 12C's honed and advanced, for starters. Then don't get me started on the losing side's ego, ay."

Jacob: "And what made her pop up?"

Murph: "You know how rich these Californians can be, boss?"

Jacob: "That I do, but.. well, surprised you haven't ran into any police on the way.. never mind that. Why don't we take her a spin? Got this itch in my back and probably this cat's got the claws to fix it."

Murph: "Now that you say it, you probably know a place without the coppers?"

Jacob: "It had to be no cops? You know I know a lot of such places. Hmm.. there's one road, but.."

Murph: "What's the matter?"

Jacob: "A nice road by the forests. It's where I bring cars like my GT for some heavy duty. But I carry a strict standard for that place. Anything I drive there better be worth my time."

Murph: "What, you're going soft for the Jag?"

Jacob: "You dare speak to me with that word?"

Murph: "Not insinuating or what, ay. But let's head there, and prove this baby's got mettle, yeah?"

Clenching his fist, Jacob shows a more intense phase.

Jacob: "Yeah. This is one hell of a car you brought me.."

Murph: "You showing that look in them eyes again, boss.. I'm excited!"


Moving out, Murph uses the time to tighten a few missing screws.


Murph: "So, what's on your plate, boss?"

Jacob: "Ain't got much these days, since I've been out of a job and whatever."

Murph: "Between you and me, I kinda think you're not the sort that's up and retired yet."

Jacob: "You think I didn't plan for that? I'm trying to get some traction back with an FIA license, but since I got nothing to work with, the Mustang was a wise first step."

Murph: "What, somebody knew you needed that car, yeah. But any clue to who might be the mastermind?"

Jacob: "No clue. My mind's nagging that it probably knows who, but.."

Murph: "Hey, no sweat."

Jacob: "Hmm.. remember that guy with the saxophone yesterday?"

Murph: "That bloke? Probably just someone who needs a bath, yeah?"

Jacob: "Agreed, but he so happens to be a real old friend. It made me wonder."


Murph: "Wonder?"

Jacob: "About other old friends. You, and I.. and our friends at The List."

Murph: "The List? That's an ancient time's legend."

Jacob: "Oh, it can't be that far back. What's with the denial?"

Murph: "We kind of unaffiliated ourselves with the name for cover's sake. Don't know about you, but for me, we're still in talks, ay."

Jacob: "Nothing's changed?"

Murph: "As I know, nah. Fred's still on that international racing campaign. Lee's got the expressways in Tokyo cleaned out, and Queenie's still up making rounds in Nurburg."

Jacob: "Still the same old, huh?"

Murph: "Who knows, there might be a change or two."

Jacob: "Change. That's the word, tempting me over and over again in the episode so far."

Murph: "Hey, if there's some irony ya want, I don't think I've been changing as much as probably you."

Jacob: "True. I'm not changed so much.. sure, the cowboy hat's a pretty unusual one, should anyone start growing curious."

Murph: "Oi! I'm no dummy, since I quite know that hat's pretty important to us back in The List."


Jacob: "Hmm.. a clear sign of the long undefeated anonymous leader."

Murph: "Why you still clinging on to it? Surely you know anyone be putting the pieces about it."

Jacob: "Funny you should ask, since you and I.. we're quite the duo, and we hardly ever hide anything from each other back then."

Murph: "Just teasing with ya, boss. I know it means a lot to you, but.. I'd see it something of a curse, but what's your flavour?"

Jacob: "Right now, it'd be my good luck charm of sorts. It's still as important as back in The List days. What I have here a symbol of pride... and fear."


Not too far away from the home, the two arrive to their destination.


A winding road in the middle of the evergreen forest, hardly any traffic makes its way around due to the ease highways have made.


Familiar, the driver allows an entrance.

Murph: "Yeahhyeahh!"

Jacob: "And here we are.. devoid of traffic, as per usual."

Murph: "Haven't gotten intense yet, but how's the car to your liking, boss?"

Jacob: "Barely any time, and I've longed for a run with it. It's hungry, looking for the meanest road to tear up."

Murph: "That statement's cheesy as all hell, boss."

Jacob: "You need to think of it someway else, Murph. I'm just getting warmed up, and ready to bring the fear I've longed to unleash."

Murph: "Ahh, nothing like the old school, boss."

Jacob: "I'm that sort of person."

Murph: "You play with fear this much, and it's bound to just feel like nothing. That's how Murph rolls, yeah."

Jacob: "My foes have every right to fear me. Come, let's reminisce."


Take Me
Grand Funk Railroad
Born To Die


























All the action allows time to come and go, evident with the midday sun in its apex.


Jacob: "So, how was it? I'm sure the wilderness wouldn't mind begging for mercy.. But above that, surely you're convinced I'm still in the game, Murph?"

Murph: "I'm being honest, ay. I don't like what you did, tearing the Jaguar inside out. But a cat's gotta grow up."

Jacob: "Answer the damn question."

Murph: "The performance today.. it pretty much confirms why you're the boss."

Jacob: "Now if the rest of The List would bear witness.."

Murph: "Hey, don't sweat too much about them. They'd be thrilled. Like that day."

Jacob: "That day?"

Murph: "Or rather.. those days.. tearing up the East Coast.. down in Manhattan, up in New York.."

Jacob: "And we pride on the clean record too. How we can achieve that, I've yet to truly figure out."

Murph: "For sure, boss. For sure."

Jacob: "Soon, I took to a nobler cause, and we're split up. It hurt, though.. they're like a second family. Just another ramble, but.. Murph, you feel me?"

Murph: "Sure, sure. Yeah. I'm just all ears and nods today, ay."

Jacob: "By the way, let's head back to the city and do the DMV. You got an alias or something?"

Murph: "Actually, how's about you keep it?"

Jacob: "Are you for real?"

Murph: "Real as how Trump is president. You deserve it."

Jacob: "You alright, buddy?"

Murph: "Hey, don't tell me you're saying no to an old friend's request."

There was this feeling Jacob had within.

It reminded him of Murph, and his valuable loyalty over the years.

That moment gave him the idea someone like Murph can't be taken for granted.

Jacob: "You know I can't. Just that.. giving a nice car away.. just sounds too easy to me.. You're sure, right?"

Murph: "Very much sure, ay! Cause hearing you sounded so sad, you had so much fun, and yet, you both don't belong to each other. Now Murph's word is law, yeah? Consider it for what you did for me."

Jacob: "You know, Murph, I've never considered a gift from you at all. The sight of you breathing, and the fact that you're a really reliable dude.. I guess this'll work out."

Murph: "Hey, it's what makes me tick, yeah?"

Jacob: "We go for a quick refuel, then I say we go do this DMV, and you alright if I crash at your place for the day? Got plans to contact The List, you're ready for a nice reunion, right?"

Murph: "Super."


Author's Note

Greetings, ya'll.

It's been a long time coming, but I'm happy to get back into making a fun little fictional world. One that only promises one thing: you're also having a good time. Don't know what happens if you're not, but I'm trying!

This little section is of my thoughts and breakdowns of what happens on the story so far. While there are a lot coming from past content, I aim to get this to be as accessible to newcomers as possible, while improving from past mistakes.

My new resolve: take it slow, and I plan to approach this in the same way GT Sport has been for the main series: simple, aimed at delivering quality, and probably some unintended things here and there..

But why am I back? I've been itching to write a fictional story again, and I've had doubts. Doubts cleared up when I saw this comic that summed up as: if you write and think nobody reads it, similarly think that if you don't write, nobody will definitely read it. Reverse engineer that, and I think it's a sound reason.

There isn't going to be much on track action due to the limited roster of tracks, but that may change. I've been watching cartoons with subtle but impactful arcs, and maybe I might make use of that to get some progression in.

There has been a change in how things work now. From the new comic book panels, to only using one song. Plans are to add new things that will add to the presentation. That, and I'm better at English than I was back then. Self five!

Characters so far: whoever goes back and read my old things should be well acquainted. Emile however? There's at least a new character/rebooted old character so far in phase 1. If that keeps everyone curious, that's what its for. I've been thinking of finding ways to visualize them, maybe if I can find my old DVD of The Sims 3, maybe..

My take on my characters will make the most of this section, so..

Anyone who's either read my older things or had seen my GTA album should be no stranger to Jacob Ross. I've promised a dark image for him, and maybe if he ever meets a stranger, you might yet see that dark side I've yearned to reveal. But his importance is signified by him being the main character of everything I've built up years back. Don't worry: I'll do my best to keep you guys up to speed.

Known as Jess by certain people, Rin's also quite important. I've decided, despite her crazy tendencies, to tone it down a bit. As one of the main characters, she's also pretty much Jacob's only harbor from evil. Not to mention an important plot point once. Again, you need not worry, I'll cover it as this goes on.

There are moments with the police on the GTA V album, and if not all the time it's Murph's fault. Of the unplanned side characters of my first generation, Murph was the favorite, and he was going to get his own chapter. Will that come up? Maybe.

How about the only new guy for now? I'm touching a new ground even for veteran readers. Emile may not play an important role for now, but he's going to be quite powerful in terms of being a force, just what are his intents? Emile, if you ask me, has the best theme song so far. It's not only stuck in my ear, but it's extremely fitting.

Also consider the amount of mentions of characters not yet coming on to be confirmed for a future appearance. Or not.

Next up:



A chop shop somewhere in Sacramento.

Worker 1: "This one's headed for the scrapper.."

Worker 2: "*panting* Dude! Got a minute?"

Worker 1: "Hey! What'd I tell you about interrupting?"

Worker 2: "I know, my bad, man, but.. one of our trucks came over and dropped this."


Worker 1: "If some kid want their Mustang souped up, we's got this waiting list, ya know?"

Worker 2: "No, man.. I mean.. here's the card. It's got this logo, maybe somehow impo-."

Worker 1: "Gimme that! Hmm.."


Worker 2: "Well?"

Worker 1: "*BLEEP*. That's the one alright.."

Worker 2: "What's going on?!"

Worker 1: "You won't understand, but... he's back.. *shouting* Move everything else away, I want all on this, double time!"

Prince Of Darkness

Last edited:
Hey fellas, the author here.

Now first thing you might wonder is when 1-2 will come out. Fear not, I have here the concoction containing the solution to the duration of my fiction. Since I have this all planned since last November, you're going to get content at least 10 days before each part. Planning is important for me, hearing things like "those who fail to plan are planning to fail". These things take time, but unlike PD on their updates (MLG BURN HERE), I'm always online on GTPlanet to hear, make a Spongebob joke or something.. quick side note this doesn't mean PD are lazy and unsocial.

1-2 will be around sometime near the 9th of March, which is my birthday (although there's nothing here to celebrate that). Note that this may change mainly because entries ahead of Resurgence has been more, for the most part, ambitious.

I will be doing these hijacking this thread to the front thing every now and then, mostly just to answer some thoughts nagging in my head, or your feedback. I love to hear what's right and wrong, but remember to stick to the relevant rules. This hijacking will be useful if I need to announce things related to the story or the development. Things that probably a profile status won't cover.

And maybe put some trivia or behind the scenes sort of thing. How about a few:

- I've been planning this out since November, and I sort of have this choice to either get cracking or wait for the Ford GT '06; the most important car in my fictional world. Deciding to just go for it, having that car in an update seemingly out of nowhere just.. well.. ruins the initial draft quite a bit. That F-Type I can't guarantee a prominent role anymore.. which is sad, since it's a car I genuinely like.

- Music! I've been doing this one song a part sort of thing. It's working, then came a certain character who's every appearance begs his second theme song to jingle.. Although another rule I have for this is that I will be using one song per band. This means no more Grand Funk Railroad, so if you're wanting to hear something like Some Kind of Wonderful, you're out of luck. Although I may make an exception to this latter rule.

- There's been a lot of trouble for me on my quest to acquire the perfect driving jingle on each entry, and I'm confident you'll like most of them. All this is just a jab to the lackluster "Ultimate driving music of GTPlanet".. I mean, seriously, that selection isn't the sort of music that keeps me pumped for a run. Also I've been trying to go for the obscure songs of hit bands. Or hit songs of obscure bands.

- I've this itching feeling on how PD somehow releases the right car in each update. November came the Shelby: signature car of the Creator's Pet. December brought the X-BOW R: signature car of a rival character who will be in Phase 1. January has.. well, the Ford GT for starters, along with the Diablo, for a certain enigma. What has February got? I want to do something with the new Alpine. Cars I want to use in the future? The XJ220, any Pagani and another Porsche would be super.

- So, yeah, I went for a Marvel Cinematic Universe with the post episode scenes. This isn't the first time I've done this, so don't go pointing at me. I wonder if that is the original inspiration for it, or there's somewhere else..

And that's it for my first sort of development diary. Be sure to check the thread title for an update, that I'm going to play with quite often.
Tom Bradley International Terminal
LAX, Los Angeles
2:20 PM

One of the busiest airports in America, anyone can fairly assume LAX never sleeps.

With works to keep the place functioning, people move here and there, never seeming to take a break.

From announcements, machinery noise to small talk, there's no peace for the ears.

The focus of this chapter heads toward a man with his smartphone out, walking towards the direction, inching closer to US soil.

On his way, he taps away towards a certain number.

Continuous beeping carries on until someone on the other side picks up, all the way in suburban Cricklewood, within London.

Carrie: "Hiya! Henderson residence, Carrie speaking."

Theme Song: U2 - Hawkmoon 269
Gender: Male
Nationality: Scottish
Age: 34
Current occupation: Race car driver
Distinct features: Short caramel hair, parting at the center. Red marks on visibly British face. Urban branded t-shirt with jeans.
Car of choice: Aston Martin One-77

Inspired by Sir Jackie Stewart, Paul led a racer's life from youth. But self issues regarding his temper and bad habits put all of that on hiatus. After a series of events, Paul is back, and for the first time, sees clearer than ever, steeling himself after discarding his addictions altogether. A strong motivator, with sheer willpower backing his altogether weak soul.

Theme Song: The Cars - Heartbeat City
Gender: Female
Nationality: English
Age: 34
Current occupation: Professor
Distinct features: Blonde, clipped long hair. Slender, low eyes behind glasses. Jacketed blouse with short skirt. Sandals.
Car of choice: Peugeot RCZ GT Line

Paul's nurturing wife, and sole heir of famed racing legend Alan Robinson. Initially treading the steps of her late mother, her relationship with her father kept going sour and sour, until Paul stepped in. Carrie went on to study until she couldn't, finally teaching philosophy in one of London's prestigious academies. A kind, mostly passive soul who thinks of family first.

Paul: "Carrie? Carrie, love! It's Paul."

Carrie: "Paul! Dear! Sounded like you just landed. And you got a phone number already, how nice."

Paul: "Aye, that I did.. But it's these 12 hour flights be killing me."

Carrie: "Ohh, you're not thinking straight again. Come on! Do I have to remind you to.."

Paul: "Nah. It'll be alright, love. I'm a new man, and this new man can handle it, not to worry. Where be me babies?"

Carrie: "Oh, this new man sure is the silly man. You know what time you think it is here?"

Paul: "Just wanna know how they being, not that I have a wee care what the sky's doin' back in London."

Carrie: "Well, they're both out. It's dark here, after all."

Paul: "Fair enough, love. Sunny days be here and all."

Hearing that, Carrie toyed with her spectacles a bit, signing confusion.

Carrie: "Sure? These days, I've been hearing about tornados and storms.. weather sure is funny these days."

Paul: "Oi, that's be the same you can say about back home."

Carrie: "Sure, but.. don't take it from me! I'm no geologist, Paul."

Paul: "Speaking of which, something must be happening back there?"

Carrie: "Paul, dear, you haven't been away a day, and there you go, thinking you're out of the loop already?"

Paul: "Aye, but comes that feeling of me missing home so much already."

Carrie: "Missing home's part of what you agreed with Jacob. You boys agreed a small celebratory trip to California for getting you out of drinking 24/7, and getting back on track. Amelia's proud, I'm proud, and especially dad's never been prouder for you, you know? Look at Paul this, that.."

Slumping his shoulders, Paul calms fast, clearing his worries with a few deep breathes and a quick motivator etched in his mind.

Paul: "Alright. Alright. Achh.. I'm sorry, love. Knewin' you're super busy the morrow, and hoping you need a wee bit of husband support to cushion out the stress."

Carrie: "That's okay, Paul. Thanks for the gesture. Give the other Jacob our Henderson love. Here's hoping you still have his contact details?"

Paul: "First thing I had ticked off me list, dearie."

Carrie: "Good man. Well, I'm super worn out.. better get some Zs. Hugs and kisses."

Paul: "Good night, love."

SomePlayaDude presents...


Entry 2: A Newer, Better Me.

Disconnected, Paul put away his phone and begin wandering, in progress of getting back on track.

Large, stand-out signs point to his objective, appreciating the lack of a language barrier.

Dragging a small bag, he eventually reaches the checkpoint.

The line infront gave Paul a bit of distress, but he only can wait. Getting ahold of internet access, Paul keeps himself up to date for any occurences.

Minutes pass, and then it's his turn.

He hands over his documents and passport to the stern immigration officer. All goes fine, until Paul gets a distraction on his lower backside.

Paul: "Oh? Excuse me, lass?"

Officer: "Need something, sir?"

Paul: "It's normal for Rover over there to be this close?"

Officer: "Just a routine check. You never know with hand baggage."

Paul: "Aye, that so?"

Officer: "Security's what they are, or what are they, the layabouts?"

While the dog moves on, the handler receives a call on his pager.

Responding to it, Paul couldn't get much aside the familiar "all available units please respond".

Paul: "What's that supposed to be, then?"

Officer: "None of your business, Mr. Henderson. Now, please move on; you're holding a line. And welcome to America."


Now past the customs, with luggage in check, Paul heads out the arrivals and onto the pickup zone, on the look for a familiar sight.

As his vision expand, his target hasn't been made visible. Luckily, his current apparel doesn't strike him much as a tourist, and has him ignored by most taxi drivers.

Taking out his smartphone, he tried calling Jacob, but after two tries, he gasped.

Paul: "Argh.. this Jacob.. better you be finding that reason you ignite a Henderson's wrath."

Upon end of his vent, his phone vibrated, and Paul, hopeful, was quick to receive.

Instead of a message from his friend, he received a message from another number, currently unknown to him.

Paul: "Fina-What's this?"

He took a peek and sees an unknown number. Heading for the right phone application, a line of messages await:


In his mind, Paul only can go for this lone mysterious lead to get away from the airport. While reading it over and over, he moves to the mentioned front end.

After heading to the edge of the terminal, he saw the car as said by the message, a black and striped car, in the form of an SRT Viper GTS.


Baffled and amazed, Paul seemed to ignore the obvious clues on who the car belongs to.


Instructed by the strange random message, Paul opened the unlocked boot.

Then, he placed his bags and entered the car via the passenger door.

He didn't question why, but he had a gut feeling to trust these words as if he knew it's someone he knows.

The environment inside the Viper had Paul realize, from the smell of masculine perfume brands, to the bunches of skull themed ornaments and markings. The radio was left on, playing classical rock music.

Everything obviously points to one man.. Paul was too mentally exhausted to think, however.

Paul: "Aye.. what could this all mean?"

Taking a moment to think, Paul was interfered by a loudening noise.

Gazing through the mirrors, he sees a crowd running towards, and in front: a man, visibly Asian.

Without warning, the radio in the car skipped ahead to play another song.

Bohemian Like You
The Dandy Warhols
Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia

That Asian was the final clue Paul needed.

Paul: "Who cou-*moment of realization* SONNY!!"

Theme Song: Rush - Vapor Trails
Gender: Male
Nationality: Half Singaporean, half American
Age: 32
Current occupation: Mother*BLEEP*ing racing celebrity
Distinct features: Curled medium black hairdo. Glaring teeth. Asian face, with a tall, skinny American build. Biker themed clothing.
Car of choice: Dodge SRT Viper GTS

Born to be one step ahead, Sonny's way of thinking got him the fame and wealth everyone else dreamed of having. While one hell of an egoist, Sonny's been proven time and time again that he's the badass he claims to be, and if that's true, he's bound to lure in all sorts of trouble.

Sonny, a man of style, comes from the right, then fearlessly slides across the hood of his car.


He continues to occupy the driver's seat.


And the next page in his slideshow has him putting the foot down.


This sudden movement got Paul unable to adapt with the motion. Getting back to balance, he also notices the hoards of people behind all the smoke, particularly women.

His attention shifted to his driver's way of saying hello.

Sonny: "Paul! Sorry about the mess, but.. you can say that was a close one, right? *teeth glare*"

Paul: "Blast it all, Sonny! The message.. the ladies.. and the one step ahead! Figured it'd be your handiwork.. and I'm sorry, what was it being close, lad?"

Sonny: "Close as if in the wave of.. Never mind then.. Time to rumble!"

LAX always has problems with congestion, and this time's no different.

Scoffing at the traffic, the Asian is in control.


While mostly in a daze, Paul learned of his driver's ability: a side Sonny had that he only heard of.

Moments ahead, and the Viper finds itself a good distance away from the airport.


Sonny: "So, Paulie Shore. Welcome to America."

Paul: "This be the American welcome? Not sure I completely agree.. surely there's more to this malarkey.."

Sonny: "Well, the initial plan was just to make Jake disappointed, but recent developments say otherwise.. so, that's just phase uno."

Paul: "Hoo boy.."

Sonny makes a quick glance at the rear view mirror, confidently putting a smile.


A few cars make their way towards, starting to make chase.

Sonny: "Ahh, the fans.."

Paul: "Sorry, but how can you be sure it's bein that?"

Sonny: "Paul, you don't know what I do for a daily routine, do you? When yours truly posts this challenge on Facebook, you bet there's an attraction to this badass like me just bringing in all the *BLEEP*ing warm up."

Paul: "Jesus, you're a crazy lad, you know?! I'm getting an explanation why the police aren't in the way!"

Sonny: "No time! Buckle up, Paul! You need to be this badass to survive this ride."

Paul: "Ohh.. Tell Carrie I love her!!"



Moments pass, the Viper makes its way to a secluded area by the docks.


Paul: "So, lad.. from who exactly are we making this escape from? If there's a consideration, it's either you're slow, or your fans are pretty fast.."

Sonny: "Fast or slow, the fuzz got no chance."

Paul: "Being honest, totally doubt it be the police."

Sonny: "Nah. Me and the police, we go way back. How far back? Funny story.. sort of the reason how I can keep this sort of charade hanging around.."

Paul: "Okay, we're not going to go there. By fuzz, you mean a bunch of clowns want you to blow their balloons, or what?"

Sonny: "Sure. Let's go with that assessment. Although, clown isn't accurate.."

Exiting the car, Paul follows suit, but mainly because of the scape he witnesses. After taking a few pictures, he turns around.

He witnesses Sonny making an episode with a nearby vending machine. Judging by the look of frustration through body language, Paul can't help but make a quiet giggle.

As Sonny turned around, however, it looked as if said vending machine was fitted with bombs, exploding away as seen in an action flick. Sonny's smile suddenly glared as he began conversation.

Sonny: "Paul."

Paul: "What in the- you need something, lad?"

Sonny: "Yep. I believe we started on the wrong foot, back in London, I mean."

Paul: "Can't say you didn't, but you think so?"

Sonny: "Very much so. Let's make the air more friendly. You know me, Asian-American Badass that needs no introduction, so let's know a bit of you."

The sentence demands Paul respond with a bit of recoil.

Paul: "Oi, no fair."

Sonny: "Hey. I'm the one driving the car, right?"

Slowly realizing the situation, Paul has no choice but to give in.

Paul: "Right. Emm.. Blast, this be all yer doin!"

Before starting, Paul noticed the seemingly destroyed vending machine was untouched.

Paul: "Oh.. okay.. name's Paul Henderson. Just above thirty, and me wife's Carrie. Got me 2 little 'uns. Amelia and Jacob."

The last word had Sonny hold his chin.

Sonny: "So, this Jacob.."

Paul: "It wasn't me doing, lad, swear. Our mutual friend.."

Sonny: "Ohh, that Jake. That man.. never knew he'd do it.. I mean him, doing the me."

Paul: "Pardon? The 'me'?"

Sonny: "Yeah. You know.. trying to make these sort of corners to back onto."

Paul: "Hnggh.. but.. truth be told, is Jacob being man of that sort?"

Sonny: "Nah. It's not his style. He's a dark living, serious image type of character, but evil? Nah, can't seem to paint that portrait."

Paul: "Sure now I see him be a spooky fellow, but.. you're right, you know."

Sonny: "I'm always right!"

Paul: "Shame that be the wrong man's line of thinking. But how right do ye believe ye are?"

Sonny: "Well, don't think it's relevant, but I'd say it's the 'you're about to receive a call' level of right, meh."

Akin should Sonny be able to predict the future, Paul's smartphone buzzes.

Sonny: "Bad-ass."

Paul: "For Christ's sakes.."

Without looking, Paul quickly answered.

Paul: "Hello."

Jacob: "Paul."

Paul: "Jacob?!"

Jacob: "Just arrived at the terminal.. sorry to keep you waiting. Traffic in Los Angeles is a cruel temptress."


Paul: "No.. no worries."

Jacob: "I'm seeing crowds.. lot of girls.. and no sign of you.. where are you?"

Paul: "Yes, where I am.. I've run to a wee problem.."

Sonny: "*whispering* Psst.. Paul! Hey! I can bet entire fortunes to say Jake's on the other side.."

Paul: "Excuse me.."

Sonny's response places Paul's attention into chaos.

Paul: "You better have me something important?"

Sonny: "Important? I'll show you important. Get it on speaker."

With that done, Sonny starts blasting away.

Sonny: "Yo! What's cooking, my man?"

Jacob: "Is that.. Sonny??"

Sonny: "In the flesh!"

Jacob: "Oh *BLEEP*, now this is a revelation.. Let me get this straight, Son. You abducted Paul from me. That's what happened."

Sonny: "Tell em, Paul."

Paul: "Aye, it's what happened.. but not by me hand, if ye wondering."

Jacob: "Hey, there's no need for alarm, Paul. You just have to get used to Sonny being one step ahead like he always has been since.. I don't know, high school."

Sonny: "Good answer, Jake! I'd offer some points for the next game, but I think it's better if we get cordial. My schedule's loose for the next couple days, and I'm sure Paulie here has some time for us to go racing around."

Paul: "Oi, dunno about you, lad, but I'm always down for a good time. You be alright with it?"

Jacob: "That'd be swell."

Sonny: "Great! Let me do the reservations for a track day on Willow. We're going to have quite the time around the Horse Mile. Your Jag versus my Viper."

Jacob: "Don't doubt me, Son. It's only a few days, but I assure you, I can put up a nasty sting for you."

Sonny: "I don't care if you can master the Nurburgring in a day, but a few days is no match for a few years, sport."

Paul: "Jag? That's interesting car choice, if I'm to think about. Is it like something old Alan has?"

Jacob: "Tell me, Paul. Does Alan have a F-Type?"

Paul: "Don't think so. But it's a plenty sight especially in London."

Jacob: "Well, it seems you're able enough to picture mine then. Orange, and it's the R coupe."

Paul: "Firesand, eh? That's not the color I'd picture going with you."

Jacob: "Well, it came at that condition to me. Not going to bother repainting it right now."

Sonny: "Whatever's the case, dude, keep in touch. I'm going to have him go around the places less likely with traffic, then bring him to the hotel."

Jacob: "Right. I'm going to get a move on. The wife wants to be picked up."


Not a few seconds pass, the call discontinues. Putting his phone away, Paul sees the Asian aimed back at him in an unsettling sight.

Sonny: "Dude, say your mind, I know there's questions."

Paul: "Well, ya got me, for sure. It occurs to me.. how could ye get me number?"

Sonny: "It's a trade secret! Or rather I literally know the guy who offers the best numbers for tourists in the international terminal. Told him I was looking for a Scotsman, signs of a heavy drinker. And then the little details.."

Paul can only glance.

Paul: "I'm not sure if I'm afraid or impressed, probably both."

Sonny: "Not done yet?"

Paul: "Nah. How's about between you and Jacob? I'm afraid he might be some sorta loch monster, but you belittle him like.. like a monster hunter!"

Sonny: "Hah! Him and me. We go way back."

Paul: "So like the police?"

Sonny: "The police got nothing on Jake. He's kind of my first best friend."

Paul: "What, one best friend isn't enough?"

Sonny: "Who says you can't have a lot of best friends?"

Paul: "Now, I be thinking that's inexplicably rude."

Sonny: "Well.. let's say it's better to be surrounded by them than say your worst enemies."

Paul: "That's a sentence anyone would be agreeing at. So what makes you Jacob's number one guy to lean on?"

Making a smug smirk, Sonny's photogenic smile shows itself.

Sonny: "Easy! I know Jacob. I know why he's so mopey and dark. I know what motivates him. I know what creed he lives under. I know so much, I've been taking advantage of him. And he doesn't mind, which is because I know he wouldn't."

Paul: "Aye, that guy's got a good reason for it, surely."

Sonny: "Good reasons galore, Paul, galore.. but ever consider maybe there is just one big reason? Yep, I'm the very reason on how he met his darling girl Rin. Setup the wedding, and then their recent remarriage.. shame you couldn't come earlier, dude.."

Paul: "It's no biggie, lad. Had some rust that needs greasing back home."

Sonny: "Tell me about it sometime. Maybe it explains why you look crisper than usual. It's a good reboot."

Paul: "Achh, a newer better me surely works better for everyone."

Sonny: "The future's brighter for you when it's clearer than your era of double vision?"

Paul: "See it coming, like your catchphrase shouting back at ya."

Sonny: "He's only heard it, but you're restless on showing this reborn image of yours to Jake. And Rin. From what I've heard, she's been concerned."

Paul: "Ach, she shouldn't have! But what concern, I be wondering?"

Sonny: "Hey, I only heard she is. Tried for a quick hint, then she refuses to acknowledge it, bro. You should go see her yourself."

Paul: "True that she's kind of family to me, being me wife's sister-in-law somehow.. sort of.. Hmm.. how far out of the city they be?"

Sonny: "Traffic and what part of the city makes it.. ehh, can't be bothered to count, actually. From my place in Burbank, I'm lucky if I get there in half an hour."

Paul: "So a while it be? And how's this Burbank place to ya?"

Sonny: "Close to the center. Not far from the place where celebrities live. Yeah. And to top it all off, I'm living all style on top of a tower."

Paul: "Well, least I hear that bit of news for meself. You're the envy of us all, for sure."

Sonny: "All the envy comes with the attention. Security's tough, but thank me you're in the guest list."

Paul: "Well, I thank our connections. But I know you can't be in some roof at all times. What's your residence like before?"

Sonny: "Funny you mention that. Jake has it. Deed and all. All authorized by me."

Paul: "Jesus, that's a shock."

Sonny: "We're next door neighbors until the days Jake served military. Then, we studied in the same rickety old house in London.."

Paul: "Probably not a challenge for Jake, I bet."

Sonny: "And he keeps finding ways through all the hardship to make it to today. He's another level when it comes to being a badass, I'll admit."

Paul: "Let's not be under his shadow for long then."

Being about the same height, Sonny puts his slim arm around Paul's robust shoulders.

Sonny: "Funny you say that, and he's the one in the shadows. Me and you, we're some big shots in the FIA."

Paul: "Aye, and.. you should know I'm just getting warmed up again. Feels like me prime is just round the corner."

Sonny: "Hehey! You know when it comes, don't you worry.. but it strikes me as curious. Ever told the story of your rise to fame?"

Splitting momentarily, Paul gave thought of his past.

Paul: "Way to not bother there.. But well, if ye ask me, it'd be the usual.."

Sonny: "The 'usual'?"

Paul: "You know.. racing from when I be a wee laddie. Started go karting in me young days. Kept rising and rising. Eventually ended up on the BTCC."

Sonny: "Oh, that usual. Nothing's wrong with going the usual grind up and up."

Paul: "Says the guy who lives on the mile high club! Then again.. hmmm.."

While normally cool and patient, it wasn't so after passing moments of Paul's humming.

Sonny: "Hey, Paul. You want to say something, I say you better say it, lah."

Paul: "Know I would, lad, but talkative isn't accurate a description of me."

Sonny: "Same. Something's happening. A kind of magic.."

They paused, but knew they couldn't stay that way.

Paul: "We're.. just getting along, lad. Normally a conversation this long belongs to me wife.. or me kids."

Sonny: "Maybe a bit of time management would help."

Paul: "It's not that, it's that I'm a married man, Sonny."

The word married raised Sonny's interests.

Sonny: "Hmmmm.. tell me more. I'm all ears."

Paul: "So, I got into go-karting, eventually was under tutelage of one Alan Robinson. Big name's got a sweet pea named Carrie. Same Carrie became my wife."

Sonny: "Hey there, it sounded like you tried to get her to notice you by racing?"

Paul: "Aye. That racing soon became second nature. Alan came and picked me up, and thus, his blessings to get me be wed with his only child."

Sonny: "That's.. cool."

The sudden departure of his former cool, positive tone gave curiosity to Paul.

Paul: "Something the matter, lad?"

Sonny: "It's part of what I'm trying to get to, with no avail. Everyone I know sees me with so much, but I'm still single even after 30 years old."

Paul: "That so? I mean, how about family?"

Sonny: "You haven't read the tabloids, eh? I was born solo. My mom was recently taken by cancer, and it ended up being my biggest regret to not say goodbye."

Paul: "Lad, that's harsh."

Sonny: "Harsh, but it set my plans for times ahead. I'm looking for the girl to be my other. The smoke to my fire! The bicep to the tricep! The Yin to my Yang! The Juliet to Sonny Ro-meng."

Paul: "Okay, okay. Enough analogies, you're looking for the wife. I'm afraid I just got lucky in that.. have you tried dating apps?"

Sonny: "That's terrible advice. You of all people know I'm a *BLEEP*ing celebrity. Anyone pairs with me, and I won't be able to escape."

Paul: "Dodging the scanner, eh? But you had a go?"

Sonny: "Well, they say it doesn't hurt, but I knew pain isn't what's coming. The crowd back at the airport is part of the aftershock."

The realization of Paul's rushed escape from the airport was at Sonny's displeasure.

He couldn't help it.

Paul: "HAAAHH!"

Sonny: "Oh yeah I'm not laughing, because it's not funny, alright?"

Paul: "Pardon me.. that explains why.. all them lassies.."

Sonny: "Yeah.."

The calm allows Sonny to have a peek on his expensive watch.

Sonny: "Wow, time sure passes. Knowing the fuzz should be clear by now.. how about a sightsee around what can we reach?"

Paul: "Ready and able, Sonny."

Sonny: "Time to rumble!"


Hours later, the Viper stops by in front of a luxurious hotel in the vicinity of Beverly Hills.


Sonny: "Hoo-ey. This is the place?"

Paul: "What about it?"

Sonny: "You're going to have a blast. You have the whole shebang. Brands! Food! The creme de la creme! And for your shopping craves: the Beverly Centre's not too far off. But to me: typical stuff."

Paul: "Typical? That's encouraging."

Sonny: "Hey, when I mean typical, I mean something of the lines of really rich people having a week off in Los Angeles. I'll admit, you don't strike to me as that type."

Paul: "People change, y'know. These days, money's just coming in because of what I got in that Euro Supercar Festival.. and that new racing league I just signed up.."

Sonny: "Hold up a second there.. New league? Signed up?"

Paul: "Aye. It's widespread; shocked you didn't hear?"

Sonny: "Maybe I'm too busy sinking my own head in sand or something."

Paul: "You're better off finding out about this on the internet, lad. Haven't done me homework on it, just got some encouragement from older people."

Sonny: "Yeah? And who'd you sign up with?"

Paul: "Aston Martin, of course. Me brand I be representing these days."

Sonny: "So, it's a manufacturer's league? The news gets more interesting.. At least I know what I'm doing when I get home tonight.."

Paul: "It's called the Manufacturer's Cup, after all, lad.."

Opening the boot, Sonny heads out, and calls over the hotel staff, while Paul gets his bags out.

When all is clear, the cocky Asian readies to go, with the intense revving a sure sign.

Paul: "So, what's your plans this week, lad?"

Sonny: "None of your business."

Paul: "Oi.. is it just me, or do I recognize that tone?"

Sonny: "Yeah, I know. Her attitude must've been infecting me or something. Gotta bounce, Paul. I got a belly to feed."

Paul: "Yer own?"

Sonny: "Duh.."


The Viper takes off in style.

Paul: "Now I think it.. I'm starving.."


Checking in as a guest, Paul walks the private section, with his belongings. He holds a key card.

He passes by room after room until he arrived the number matching said card.

Using the key card, Paul, weary and exhausted, finally enters his place of stay.

A room with enough signs that screams 'you're rich', Paul's first thought would be the bed. General surroundings suggest how late it is, and he's desperate for some shut eye.

He however starts unpacking a few items, preparing for tomorrow's ventures.

With his favorite T-shirt and chinos hung in the closet, Paul, only wearing boxers, readies for a night's sleep. However, his charging phone has other plans when it rings.

Paul: "This be Paul.."

Amelia: "Daddy!"

Paul: "Amelia! My little princess, how ya been?"

Amelia: "Swell! Mommy misses you. Jacob misses you. I miss you too."

Paul: "That so? How's mommy? Make sure she puts up the smiles."

Amelia: "How about me?"

Paul: "Me apologies, sunshine. It's in the wee morning there, and you sound all fired up, aye?"

Amelia: "Of course! We're all super busy without you. Mommy and I go out, then Uncle Engie and that Gary guy's coming over to babysit."

Paul: "Well, it's important I keep me super expensive car safe and sound, ya know? And me family too."

Amelia: "Look! Mommy's coming.. I think she wants to talk."

Paul: "Hahaha! Don't keep her waiting, princess. And have a good day!"

Amelia: "Uh huh! Bye bye, daddy!"

The moment's pause follows with someone else handling the phone in Paul's London home.

Carrie: "Paul! Honey, how's your first day in Los Angeles?"

Paul: "Dearie, it's not what you be expecting."

Carrie: "Truly?"

Paul: "Ya sure this is what you wanna know? First thing is Jacob didn't pick me up. It'd be his best friend."

Carrie: "Which best friend?"

Paul: "Oh, right.. this Jacob and his contacts. The Sonny lad."

Carrie: "Sonny? Sonny the cookie monster, was it? From what I've heard, he's that handsome sexy American Asian racing celebrity everyone wants to be?"

Paul: "Darn it, love, was afraid you had a crush on him or what."

Carrie: "But to think he's related so directly out of nowhere. It gets a girl like me excited. Like how Fiona finds out about the baby.."

Paul: "Look.. just go ask dad if that's what ye be needing!"

Carrie: "Dad knows him?"

Paul: "What, that's news too?"

Carrie: "Yeah, that's news too! What's next?!"

Paul: "Wow, I'm really sorry, love."

Carrie: "What? You're apologizing?"

Paul: "For keeping things like this from you."

Carrie: "No worries, darling. I'm not in the need for these, really. You have a good time, yeah? I've no end to the woes of work today, you hear?"

Paul: "Aye. I'm going to get some shopping done in the morrow. So groggy.."

Carrie: "Working on that jet lag so fast?"

Paul: "Well, I blame Sonny. He's done me things to keep me alert.."

Carrie: "Must be living to his name, I see.. Don't be a stranger, darling. You got your family's support! *ambient sound* Oh dear.. didn't expect Engie to be here already! I'll be off then. Hugs and kisses."

Paul: "G'night, me dearie."



Beverly Center
Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
11 AM

Witnessing the grand sight, Paul approaches the large shopping centre, noting at the big brands that are no stranger to him.

Crossing another set of streets, he comes up the entrance, but takes out his smartphone instead of entering.

He leans on a nearby wall and starts going through his phone's gallery.

A multitude of pictures appear, most of them made earlier on his way here. Varying between famous faces and Los Angeles landmarks, Paul surely embeds them into his life story.

Thankful to social media, photos make their way to attributed albums. Nearby passers see him smiling, but one certain pedestrian unintentionally collided with his back.

His face twists from a joyful one, to a curious, yet angry one.

Paul: "Whoa! You mind be lookin' where you troddin'?"

He initially made a brief glance, but saw nobody. Wondering, a moan underneath prompted him to move his view downwards, seeing a woman dressed in yellow all over, flat on her face.

Paul: "What's this? A lassie?"

???: "Ohhh.. Owww~ just my luck.."

Shopping bags litter the area, but by the time the woman gets up to check for damages, Paul has them all in hand.

Paul: "There ya go, lass."

???: "Oh.. thanks so much, eh. Sorry for the fuss.."

Paul: "Not a problem, lass. Do be careful, ye?"

???: "Oh, sure! I'm such a klutz today.. hmm.."

From this woman Paul gets the staredown like a snake ready to strike.

Paul: "Something on yer mind?"

???: "Scottish guy? Maybe I'm just guessing, but I'm sure you're not from here ehh."

Paul: "What gave that away?"

???: "Oh, that accent is hard to hide. You're a dearie, you know."

Paul: "Lass, the people I live taught me to be charitable. It's not me style to hit and run a lovely lady like yourself, or let one hit me like so."

???: "Tell me your name, sweetie."

Paul: "Paul Henderson."

???: "Henderson?"

Paul: "It's a common name, lass, let's be honest."

???: "Common isn't why I'm bound to remember it, though.. Henderson.. Henderson.. where oh where.."

Paul: "If it helps, maybe I can share some pointers.. Scottish, race car driver."

???: "Race car driver? If that's something, everyone talks about Sonny Meng around here.."

Paul: "Oh, don't compare me to that man.."

???: "Right. Sorry, dear. Ohh, how rude of me.. a lady shouldn't pry in to these without her own credentials! I'm Miranda."

Theme Song: Nazareth - May The Sunshine
Gender: Female
Nationality: Canadian
Age: 29
Current occupation: Stunt actress
Distinct features: Medium, yellow (not blonde) hair. Reflective makeup. Yellow clothes for any occasion.
Car of choice: Toyota SF-R

From a struggling upbringing, Miranda's big break came in when she started acting as a child. After nearly 20 years of supporting her mother, she seeks out new pastures along with her day to day stunt acting. Don't push her gentle soul; she's a fighter, and won't be afraid to show it.

Paul: "Miranda? For my sake, I hope nobody calls you 'Mir'."

Miranda: "Naww. That's poppycock! I always go with Miranda, and so far, nothing else."

Paul: "So, what's your story being in LA, Miss Miranda?"

Miranda: "LA's like my home for nearly all my life, sugar. I'm part of the industry."

Paul: "Industry? So, a factory gal?"

Miranda: "Nice try, dearie. I meant the movie industry. Acting. I've been in the game from when I was just a little spark."

Paul: "That's like me and the racing industry. Started young, then just kind of went with a life's doing it."

Miranda: "Wow! We're, like, more alike than we know!"

Paul: "Really? Let's keep finding out, eh? How's about yer family? Mummy and daddy?"

As she hears that, her jovial face quickly made a shallow frown.

Miranda: "Paul.. sugar, I know we just met, but if there's something about me that needs addressing, I loathe talking about family.. but maybe for you I'll consider."

Paul: "No, really, lass, please don't hurt yerself."

Miranda: "Thanks for understanding, but I'm already about to tell you."

Paul: "Alright."

He saw Miranda take in a deep breath.

Miranda: "Dad.. oh dad.. My dad's gone since I was young, from leukemia."

Paul: "Ohh.. my condolences, sunshine."

Miranda: "Hey, don't keep me down forever. I still have my mom. She's old, and well, my job just barely gets her what she needs to keep breathing."

Paul: "She sick too?"

Miranda: "Mainly old, but medication to keep her breathing isn't cheap. She likes to nag and rant, but I can live with that."

Paul: "Ahh.. no comment, there."

Miranda: "How about you? Could you say you had a rough upbringing?"

Paul: "Maybe you can call it rough, eh? Daddy's a pro golfer, and me mum owns a small franchise of Scottish highland food in the UK. They're both old, but still at it. Can't say why, but for sure we Henderson folk be no pushovers, aye."

Miranda: "Oh, lucky you. I'd like a professional sportsman as a dad too."

Paul: "But all of yer bad luck and the strength that keeps you going automatically makes you much more superior, don't you know?"

Miranda: "Oh, hush."

Paul: "Although, now I think it, I've been itching a game of golf these days.. wondering why I didn't bring me clubs."

Miranda: "Hey, silly man. You're standing in brand central! Know that if you're itching for a round, go get yourself a new set."

Paul: "Hmm, solid consideration, but me Titleists are as bespoke as they are for me, as irreplaceable as me Aston Martins."

Miranda: "Aston Martin?"

The British car icon was enough for Miranda to unravel her foggy Paul knowledge.

Miranda: "Henderson was it?! OHH! You're that Paul Henderson! Sweetie, you're that guy from that supercar contest, the whatsitcalled.. oh, but it's you!"

Paul: "Not denying it all.. don't tell me you're like a huge fan needing me initials and what?"

Miranda: "Nah. Quite the contrary, sugar, we are more relatable than we know. But you will have to meet him."

Paul: "Him? What's this 'him' you babbling about?"

Miranda: "My steward. Guy's how I have this hunch about your name. He won't be ready for you.. Will he be in for a sucker punch, ehh?"


Moments later, Paul and Miranda sit by a designated wait area, more relaxed.

Miranda: "So, you just came over yesterday?"

Paul: "Aye.. but if there's something, I quite didn't receive the welcome I deserved.. I'll be fine."

Miranda: "You haven't even shopped yet; you sure you'll be fine?"

Paul: "Being that I'm in no rush, I'll manage."

Miranda: "We'll be back here again. I'm sure of it! I mean, a guy like you can afford a stay close by."

Paul: "That's no guess, I say."

Miranda: "Nah. I'd, like, explain how I know, sugar, but you might fall asleep."

Paul: "Hey, that's.. alright.."

Miranda: "You got any hobbies.. aside racing cars and golf."

Paul: "Hmm.. it's not an open bit of info, but maybe for ye, I'll man up."

Miranda: "What? Too embarrassing?"

Paul: "Nah, it's just that... do I look the sort of man that dances?"

Miranda: "Dance? That's hard to believe.. but I'll bite. What dance? Hip hop? Shuffling? Oh! I know! Some sort of Scottish heritage dance?!"

Paul: "Heritage dance, yeah, but I'm a tango sort of person."

Miranda: "That sounds like a fun thing, but how deep are you into this?"

Paul: "Hmm, much it being fun as it is leisure, not quite sure."

Miranda: "Sugar, dancing really is something out of what everyone looks at for you."

Paul: "It's something I got from me sister. She's.. sort of a bitter taste.. just get used to it."

Miranda: "I'll remember that."

Paul: "While we're still on me hobbies, ever hear me play the guitar?"

Miranda: "Like, really, you don't strike to me as a guitar guy."

Paul: "Could be.. hadn't a go at it for years now.."

The conversation was to follow if it weren't for the Volkswagen Golf that stopped.


Miranda: "Oh! That's Graham. Come, let's get you the proper American welcome."

Paul: "Forgive me, but who the bloody heck is Graham?"

Theme Song: Motorhead - I Got Mine
Gender: Male
Nationality: Half British, half American
Age: 28
Current occupation: Steward
Distinct features: Thick brown hairdo with mutton chops. Chopped denim jacket above a t-shirt. Denim pants, always different color than jacket.
Car of choice: Volkswagen Golf GTI Mk.7

Graham lived the life of a lone biker with his brother Jonathan. The years pass, and being penniless nomads have them satisfied, until Jonathan was involved in a fatal crash. Now alone, Graham moved on, but was suddenly granted a healthy fund from an unknown party. Keen, patient, and a healthy gambler, he yearns to go back into the wild once again.

Miranda: "My steward."

Paul: "Oh."

Miranda: "Since you said so, come follow. We can show you, like, what this side of America can be, dearie."

Putting her things at the boot, Miranda enters the car first, followed by Paul.

Miranda: "Graham! Shall we get started?"

Graham: "You betcha, Miss. But is there any reason why you folding back the chair?"

Miranda: "Oh, that? Look what I've snatched up from the shops: Paul Henderson!"

Paul: "Err.. hiya?"

His beard making up half his image, Graham scrubs the lower front of it while inspecting a nervous Paul.

Graham: "He-Henderson?! Wait, you sure this ain't some lookalike?"

Paul: "Y'know what, lad? I'd be pretty convincing for a lookalike."

Miranda: "Graham, relax. We're not in Las Vegas."

Paul: "I just hopped in, no questions asked. Don't think Miranda would trick me or somethin'."

Graham: "Well, an accent like that can't be fake.. Forgive my manners. I'm shaking in my boots as I can speak."

Moving on, Graham takes his Golf away from the congested central area.


Paul: "No pressure, lad. So, Graham, was it?"

Graham: "Yes, it's me-I mean.. yes.. oh.. for *BLEEP*s sake.."

Miranda: "Whoa, slow down there."

Graham: "I'm truly sorry, ma'am."

Miranda: "Hey, you haven't done a sin, sugar."

Graham: "Easy for you to say.. all this is a different level of nervous!"

Miranda: "Okay, deep breathes.."

Air in and out slowly, Graham regains composure.

Miranda: "There you go, Graham! Good as new. By the way, you've mentioned something about Willow Springs last night.."

Graham: "Yeah, the plan was, ma'am, is that I'm going for those time trials. What, you got some problem with it?"

Miranda: "Always the questions.. forgive the bickering, Paul, sweetie."

Paul: "I'm used to this crap."


Miranda: "By the way, Graham. You alright? I mean, we can let Paul drive around LA. It's just right lane compared to you British folk."

Graham: "You sure the man can handle LA traffic? It's chaotic as *BLEEP* at midday."

Miranda: "Pretty much. You too know Paul's a tough character.."

Paul: "Tough? Well, lass.. not too sure that's accurate."

Graham: "Tough isn't the attribute I'd consider for a driver of your caliber, mate."

Paul: "I'd say, I'm honestly not the fastest racer in any case, or even in my small circle of racing buddies at all. I'd be some underdog, finding his way to stardom."

Graham: "Would'ja look at that? So humble. Willingly accepting his shortcomings. You could learn a thing or two, ma'am."

Miranda: "Oh hush, darling."

Paul: "Although, now I think it, me past isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Makes me feel bad about meself looking at it."

Miranda: "Hey, that's all in the past."

Paul: "Aye, that be so. This renewed vision for me.. it's still quite a fresh era of me, but.. I'm glad it's here."

Miranda: "A+ for effort, sugar."

Paul: "So, what's your story, Graham? I mean, like how you kind of know me escapades and all.."

Graham: "Hmm? Oh. That's a tough one. I was going to cut ties with Miranda sometime soon and go be a racecar driver. Find a small team, start small and easy, but I know it's going to take a while before it pays off. Maybe I can get some pointers, or inspiration. I don't know."

Paul: "I learn too much, but.. what'd be the most important question? Lad, you ever go fast? I mean, like have the urge to go fast?"

Graham: "You don't know me, mate. I was once roaming the wide wilderness of this country, only a Harley Davidson and me. The nomad's life, one that punishes you for not taking the risks."

Miranda: "What he's saying is, sugar, is that he's willing to start from scratch."


Paul: "Start small, and it's bound to get big."

Graham: "Hey, I'm not a weakling or anything, guv. I'm going to make it up there, in your shoes, surely."

Paul: "Confident or ******re, it doesn't matter. You be fine material for racing, I'd say."

Graham: "Sounds like you say that to anyone you meet."

Paul: "If there's a consolation, lad, it'd be I have met kids in school. It kind of explains the positive aura off a me. But how about Miranda?"

Miranda: "Everyone's gotta move on, dearie. I'm looking to do a TV series than making B-list movies. Nothing's bit yet, though."

Graham: "We take gambles quite a lot. Dunno if they pay off, that's what time's for, mate."

Paul: "So, where we headed?"

Graham: "Well, if Miranda's WhatsApp tell no lies, you've been robbed a red carpet to LA. What say we head to Willow Springs for a proper racer's welcome to America, courtesy of a Canadian *BLEEP* and her servant the half-brit."

Paul: "Aye. That sounds great. I appreciate it."

Graham: "No worries."

All the talk may not seem much, but Paul finds it surprising to see the car out of city limits.


Paul: "Oh.. weird. So, what's with the stripe? It's pretty out of place on a car like this."

Graham: "Well, let's be honest, I know stripes are more aesthetic, but between us, Miranda's needs the stripe to not mistake other Golfs."

Miranda: "Oh, Graham, you meanie!"


Willow Springs - Streets of Willow
Kern County, California
1.30 PM

In the permitted days, the action never stops at the premier track. Today, being no exception, is open for track days. People come in in various pedigrees.



From lightly tuned track machines.



To racing teams making practice rounds.

Without sufficient permissions to run in Big Willow at the moment, the trio moved the Golf to the pit lane of the Streets of Willow, currently filled with domestic vehicles.

Graham: "Ahh the desert sun.. it never gets old."

Looking up at Graham and Miranda handling the heat, Paul occupies himself wiping away his sweat.

Paul: "Summer is one thing, but how is it you lot handle such heat?"

Miranda: "Sugar, you have to if you're going to stay in this part of the world. Probably comes with being a long time citizen."

Graham: "By the way, Paul."

Paul: "Aye?"

Graham: "I've talked to the lads in the camps.. seems like we get no chance on having Big Willow unless you're a certified racer of some league."

Paul: "Oh.. must be Manufacturer's Cup. Aye, I'm certified, alright, but.. just that I don't got a car to drive yet for it."

Graham: "You say so, but.. maybe you know a thing or two on it?"

Paul: "Sorry, lad. Not a clue. You know.. who ever reads contracts, I just bloody sign!"

Graham: "No worries. Just interested."

Miranda: "So, well, we're going for those time trials, eh?"

Graham: "Yes, yes we are. Paul! I've signed you to drive my Golf for these time trials. Best lap in set period wins some prize money."

Paul: "Sounds nice, but.. why don't you have a go?"

Miranda: "He has, but he's not much of a racer.."

Paul: "Judging by the many cars California's got, a Golf wouldn't stand a chance."

Graham: "Well, these time trials do regulate classes, gives everyone a chance to win."

Paul: "Achh, at least they thought that through."

Graham: "You're up for it, I wager?"

Paul: "Lad, don't you know? Compare the skills to drive a Golf compared to what I have driven, this is child's play!"


Paul: "I'm sure there are some here, but being an owner of a One-77 is a lot to boast about. Lucky enough, I'm not that type."

Graham: "Makes me wonder what got you that."

Paul: "Erghh.. really, it's complicated."

Graham: "Well, it's for another time. But now.."

Paul: "Let's go. But.. Miranda looks like she has a say."

One thing Paul noticed about Miranda's yellow getup is how well she often stands out when backed up by the sun.

But while she may control her general good looks, she was actually only daydreaming.

Miranda: "Hmm? Oh, sorry, sugar. Just me, like, dozing away. You ready to go?"

Graham: "Ma'am, he sure is. Oh, Paul: one thing.."

Paul: "Aye?"

Graham: "No contact. This isn't the BTCC, you hear?"


Don't Look Back
Don't Look Back

Graham: "Testing, 1, 2, 3.. come in, Henderson?"

Paul: "Aye, that be me."


Graham: "Alright, I'm sure 5 laps was enough to get familiar."

Paul: "It'll do."


Graham: "Alright. Best of luck, guv. Don't have to win, but.. that's more of a bonus."

Paul: "Y'know, Graham, lad.. Got this friend who always says something to not doubt him.. wish I be like him, but.. yeah.. let's hold back on doubting me."


Graham: "We'll see, we'll see."












Graham: "Come in, Paul."


Paul: "This is Paul."

Graham: "You're pacing well ahead of my best, keep it up. But I can't say you're in the top bunch yet, guv."

Paul: "Achh, the track's packed, lad. Not going to be easy."


Graham: "I see.. maybe.. take that Evo out, think you can handle that?"

Paul: "Ohh, he's a goner, don't you worry, lad."















Graham: "Paul? Come in."

Paul: "Argh.. I hear you, loud and clear, lad. How long I got?"

Graham: "Afraid time's up, mate. That was the last one. But.. want some good news? Big man came with the times, and I am.. wow. You're the real deal. My apologies man, let this be the last I doubt you, guv."

Paul: "So.. I won?! That's great!"

Graham: "Yep. But barely, no landslide here, I'm afraid. We've done ourselves a David and Goliath thanks to you. Come and pit in, let's get our winnings."

Paul: "Right. Paul out."


Entering a rickety little office, the air conditioning gives the room the much needed atmosphere for people to stay.

On one end of a desk is the current manager of the track, while Paul sits on the other.

He hands Paul a small stacked bill of cash.

Track Keeper: "And here's your prize money. Couple thousand, as advertised. Enjoy."

Paul: "Thanks. I will."

Track Keeper: "No problem. Sorry we ain't got much, but a domestic competition isn't much for value."

Paul: "Hey, I had a good time. That Golf was one surprising fun ride."

Track Keeper: "Fun? Tell that to your mechanic. Guy's tuned the German Shepherd from a couple years back."

Paul: "Ahh.. Graham.. You never mentioned this to me, lad."

Graham watches from the corner, silent for a while, but had to break it.

Graham: "Please, I'm more of a bike than a car a tuner, really. Just a few bits need cleaning and replacing is all."

Track Keeper: "Anyways, since you're pretty much a tourist, I was to offer you a coming race here in a few weeks. But let's put that aside; you're welcome anytime as long as you don't get us trouble."

Paul: "Trouble won't be an issue."

Track Keeper: "That's great to hear."

Paul: "So, about that race.."

Track Keeper: "Small hustle within the confides of one Manufacturer's Cup. A racer of your stature should find that competition more to your liking."

Paul: "Don't mind a bit of contest, but circumstances remain, I'm afraid."

Track Keeper: "Just asking, but you did sign with Aston Martin?"

Paul: "Aye, that's right."

Graham: "Not much of a surprise there, mate."

Paul: "I've been doing favors for 'em since that event.. the Euro Supercar Festival."

Graham: "Oh yes.. You've chunked a good amount of fans from that y'know, mate."

Track Keeper: "By the way, Graham."

Graham: "What's up?"

Track Keeper: "Keep in contact with Paul here. With his name on the rise, I'm seeing if we can promote something here.. let me think."

Paul: "Oi, we can sort something out. Just maybe it allows a reason for me to return to Califonia."

Track Keeper: "Yes.. you can offer us some great competition, in return, there'd be more Americans thinking twice about racing against Europeans. And maybe I'll convince the big wigs for a healthy fund coming in. How's that for you?"

Paul: "Jesus, can't be refusing offers like that, I say. I'll have to double check me timetables first."


With all that's said and done, Paul and Graham exit the room, seeing the Golf handled by Miranda.


Miranda: "Hey there, you two. Car's all fueled and cleaned. And that! That was some excellent driving!"

Paul: "Knowing the car's modified.. and me having quite the ride, I'm surprised we hadn't considered teaming up."

Graham: "Yeah.. if you're not.. emm.. him, I'm not much a team player, really."

Paul: "We'll find out when we get the chance, lad."

Graham: "Right.."

Miranda: "So.. we got it, right?"

Graham: "Put aside the complicated *BLEEP*, and we got us the two thousand dollars. Maybe we'd decide how to use it, but I'm okay if we let Paul get the full house."

Paul: "What? Lad, I don't deserve this all. The car and this whole driving on a desert track be your handiwork. I'd be splitting this up fairly."

Graham: "And we've reached an impasse.. Ma'am, what's your take?"

Miranda: "Mmmm... well.. How about Paul sugar take half, me and you take half of what's left."

Graham: "Miranda knows her *BLEEP*. I say that's a fair choice."

Miranda: "How's that?"

Paul: "I'm good with as long as I don't get nothing."

Miranda: "So, what was it? The best lap time."

Paul: "1:27.3."

Graham: "Mate, I could barely break 28. You're quite something."

Paul: "Honestly, I'm no stranger to something like a Golf, lad."

Graham: "Right. So, ready to head back to the city?"

Paul: "Out of here is better, I'm sure. But you lads have other plans?"

The one sound that somehow exhumes itself from all three comes from their stomachs.

Paul: "Jesus, what a noise! I'll be honest, can't believe we've skipped out on lunch."

Miranda: "Actually, let's go celebrate! I, like, know this great place by Bev Center! Graham knows what I'm talking about, right?"

Paul: "Anywhere's good.. let's get going, lest me stomach consumes me."


A small cafe just by Rodeo, California
5.30 PM


The three find themselves sitting outside an expensive restaurant.

Even though he's been with them all day, Paul initially finds himself a little uneasy in uncharted soil.

The Scotsman eventually finds comfort in most part thanks to Miranda's trust and Graham's adoration.

Graham: "So, Paul. What's your thoughts when you came over the Atlantic, mate?"

Paul: "Honestly, not too sure. You're never expecting anything, I say. Just gotta keep me mind open."

Graham: "Solid thinking."

Paul: "Cheers, mate. So what's the food here like?"

Miranda: "You're about to find out, sugar. This is Graham's fave. He's sure to get you something good."

Graham: "Wait. Ma'am. I thought this was yours?"

Miranda: "Is it? True, I kind of like the salmon here.."

Graham: "Ma'am, you can't be serious?!"

Miranda: "Oh, hush, Graham dear. I'm not as sharp as you gentlemen here."

Paul: "Think you two need to keep it down a bit, me opinion's saying."

Miranda: "It's not driving us crazy, sugar. Don't you worry."

Graham: "You're just seeing the usual.. emm.. usual, Paul."

A waiter approaches, placing down glasses of expensive wine. One by one they appear on each patron.

Paul: "Wine?"

Miranda: "Finest of the California vineyards."

Graham focused solely on Paul's worry.

Graham: "Something the matter?"

Paul: "Nah. It's of me new vow.. to stop letting the spirits get to me."

Graham: "Hey, Paul. I'm no Einstein, but my advice: while it's good to keep yourself in check, maybe take a load off. Moderate. Keep in mind the past builds you for the future. Keeps me sane, and satisfied."

Paul may be a man built under tenets, but he knows rules can be broken.

While so, he's hesitant often to break them, but he decides his freedom is more important than being suppressed.

Paul: "Right you are, lad, but me's just having a personal reason to hate wine."

Miranda: "Oh, sugar, let's put the worries away. Come on!"

Each one holding their glass, they raise it slightly.

Paul: "Aye. To new friends?"

Graham: "To new friends."

The raised glasses move to the center, eventually colliding softly.

Miranda: "Haha, yay! Live long and prosper!"


Author's Note

Well, I didn't announce it, but now you know that there's a specific lead for a specific part of the story. I'm sorry if you really like Jacob Ross. My promise: he will be the most frequent character of the many characters in this story, so there you go.

You might be thinking.. SPD.. that's a whole load of pictures. Am I sure it's not okay for me to use my phone on a data plan that's not unlimited? Well, that's a very good complaint. But fear not! Feel free to nab one of the photos from Resurgence.. yup, along with reducing the resolution, I've used an online image compressor.. something rabid photo shooters on GTPlanet should use. It's down from 120 ish to a meager 15 MB on that part alone, so don't worry about that. Again, disclaimer does remind you that if you do want a certain picture for desktop or something, don't be shy.

And music: Boston! I have so much songs I can use from them, but one of their best I must use. These lyrics are the most matching in all the parts of phase 1, so enjoy.

We're probably seeing a pattern of the layout I have in mind. This is not a permanent layout, by the way, just pretty prevalent in phase 1.

But you're probably a little lost right now with these newly introduced characters.

The second protagonist, Paul Henderson, makes his return. If there's someone I need to develop good, it's him. I guess throwing someone like him as the main character role was a bit too much. Sadly, I don't think I would enjoy continuing his chapter in my former work, so time skip! That time skip will come in handy for future happenings. I'd say what happens come out too obvious, but let Paul and co slip up the hints in coming times.

But what's Paul's role? As yet another main character, Paul plays the underdog: one to work his way to earn his allies' respect. I'm probably guilty for not letting him explain the reason why he's developed into a no alcohol zone. But one thing: new Paul is a lot more fun to write about.

His wife Carrie didn't change much. But I've added a few extra tastes for her to give a slight boost of impression. You know, GT Sport did wonders on certain cars, like the RCZ and the One-77 making returns makes some of these returning characters easy to adapt here. And what's this? She's made references to two characters that I've been dying to get returns. Maybe not in phase 1, so who knows when.. (phase 2, duh) [shut up SPD's other conscience]

Sonny on the other hand.. for me, it was a calling needed to be done. He has to be main character sometime soon, right? I've made a kind of a test run on what that scenario is. I liked it, and that's how it will play when he gets the spotlight, which is.. the next entry! If there's someone I advertise so much on GTPlanet, it's him. Mainly because he's me in overexaggerated badass form. But he's going to play the butt monkey too, so that balances out I hope.

Details on the brand new characters? Miranda and Graham.

Let's start with Graham. My tribute to the late Lemmy Kilmister, he's meant to be the new lead character in my original GT6 fiction's mystery chapter. Being a new protagonist, there's more to his past than what I offed. I was thinking of doing a heist like storyline in GTA 5 with him as the star. He's often seen in my GTA 5 album, so head there if you want, but come back here!

Not much I can say about Miranda. Since I have a hub of the story centered here in the West Coast, we need someone typical of that. A movie star sounds dandy, and we have Miranda. There's more she's going to bring to this world, but what, you'll find out soon.

Next up:



A few days ago..

Jump Jet
Alpine Stars
Midnight Club II Original Game Audio

















*doors opening*

*stepping sounds*

Paul: "Alan! How was that?!"

Theme Song: Queen - Who Wants To Live Forever
Gender: Male
Nationality: British
Age: 58
Current occupation: Retired
Distinct features: Combed back grey hair with smooth edges. Small chin beard. Small glasses. Fancy clothing, but always with his signature red sweater vest.
Car of choice: Jaguar XKR-S

Father of Carrie. An old retired famed race car driver, known in his days as the Bristol Harbinger. Supportive, disciplined, and a neat freak, Alan's pride rests on two proteges, but has aspirations for more than what he's done.

Alan: "Paul, my son.. I'd say.. that's a good shave off your best. This new you is a better one.. it's done me an impression, my boy."

Paul: "Nothing like the usual chore it be, teach."

Alan: "Yes, quite. You've been chosen to tame a One-77, and you've made excellent use to your gift. But on to important matters.. where's Carrie?"

Paul: "Well.."

*puking sounds*

Paul: "Ach, me dearie's not used to it. I knew it was a bad idea.."

Alan: "Here's hoping rain comes by soon, then.."
Last edited:
Hey, it's me again..

So with 1-2 comes another change in format, being different lead characters. Who they are, well, that's what the Author's Notes are for, right? There's 4 of them, and there's really nothing to hide when it comes to who they are, seeing that they already made their appearances.

Bad news: starting by April, it will be a very busy period for me in life, so if there's delays, then you know what to blame on, yeah? Given that I've no idea when I'll start on Phase 2 as well.. I do have the ideas worked out for how they will turn out and what impact it will have in the future. And let's get this out of the way: we will get out of California, not to worry..

I've had an idea to do some crossovers. With GT Sport's social platform being.. quite acceptable for this, I think I'll make use of what they have. Don't worry, I have plans for this. There are things like when the Manufacturer's Cup starts out, I will be needing racers. You'll be thinking that this is what I tell myself for a way to get my small crowd interacting. Details will be on the first post when this will come through.

Also: if you recall in the 1-1's Author's Notes, I mentioned there will be a NEW character each part? That won't carry over in phase 2. And when I mean new character, I mean someone who hasn't been written in. I had plans for a certain few that couldn't make the cut in my earlier work, and they may end up here, who knows.

Finally: the official Mythic Chronicles GTPlanet Media album. Large spoilers in the form of some cars of who may be returning. So head there at your own risk.

Still want some more? How about some more trivia:

- The post scenes (ones under the Author's Note) are what I've been craving to do with the OG Dawn of The Mythic. Return of The Outlaw in 80s metal, check! Paul drives behind that one Midnight Club II song, check again. If you do need a clue for 1-3's one.. well.. it's multiple entries on my GTA V album on Media, go find it.

- If you've noticed, Jacob Ross was part of this street racing crew known as The List. This used to be The New Blacklist, but I'm not crossing that line anymore and try to keep things in my world. Not too sure there's a change aside from some getting revised names. A certain silent giant, MMA fighter turned bodyguard is one of them.

- More music trivia. I've had an entire change of leitmotifs for some characters. For phase 1 so far, main waifu character Rin (Jess), the insa- not so insane Murph, and the highland underdog Paul got different theme songs. For phase 1, there will be 3 returning characters with different themes. Who? That link to my album can give you a few clues, or if you want, dig away at my YouTube Arena of... Stuff!
Benny's Premium Hairstylist
Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California
8.30 AM

The morning sun shines bright, but even brighter at the car out in front.


Moving inside this fancy establishment, beauty is the name of the game, as the workers make their skills of cosmetics to the test. Being a top end barber means work isn't petty and price isn't meager.

However, the shop remains quiet, since beauty isn't the priority for the most of Los Angeles at the time. But the shop's private room, made for those with appointments, isn't empty like the rest of the shop.

Within the room stands a feminine, tall man, cutting the hair of someone else.

That someone else is Sonny Meng Xian Zhen, self proclaimed Asian-American Badass, man of so many good, and probably more if he couldn't hijack the narration any more than he should.

Sonny: "So, what's new today, Benny my man? See any stars come by for a trim?"

Benny: "Stars? Hmm.. like I'd remember. Work these days is killing me, you know."

Sonny: "You know what I do when the load gets too much? Take a break. Don't force yourself, dude."

Benny: "Sonny, honey, you're a step ahead as always. Obviously I want to, but I need the dough, bad, yo."

Sonny: "Strange. You're not that type, bro. Let's put some rhythm in: You're a man of passion."

Benny: "*whispers* Passion."

Sonny: "And with this passion, you can shape beauty nobody else might've realized."

Benny: "*whispers* Beauty."

Sonny: "Within this city, your oyster, you're familiar with an all sought dream: cutting hairs and making us stars shine all day all night, bro."

Benny: "*whispers* Stars."

Sonny: "Hey, Benny, that's a good one. Log it in for poem night or something."

Benny: "We're men of arts, Sonny. I'll have it logged, for sure."

Sonny: "You know, Benny, don't take offense, but what's the business with you guys needing some cash anyways?"

Benny: "It's not the economic crisis, no, baby. It's that we're breaking out. Plans for a brand new Benny's in San Fran, baby. It's going to be a masterpiece!"

Sonny: "Man, you going to be there for some opening?"

Benny: "Opening? Sonny, no. We're just in the planning phase, but.. don't tell anyone I told you."

Sonny: "Hey hey! Don't get ants in your pants, dude. My mouth is shut, zipped tight."

Benny: "My man!"

SomePlayaDude presents...


Entry 3: The Man's Too Strong

The job finished, Sonny inspects his new look, with the help of Benny and the mirrors he holds in certain angles.

Sonny: "Hmm.."

Benny: "Probably wouldn't notice, honey, but you've lost excess. Surely got your soul intact, Sonny baby."

Sonny: "Yeah, uhh.. give me a minute."

Benny: "Absolutely."

Satisfied, Sonny, now on his feet, goes for a second investigation once again.

He locks in his satisfaction after landing a few poses and facial tests.

Business done, they both make their way to the front of the shop.

Sonny: "Hey, I go to no other place for reasons like that. My soul reflects to me more than my overall image."

Benny: "Soul trumps image any day, baby."

Sonny: "And Benny, my bro, no surprises here; you've done a splendid job. So, how much do I owe?"

Benny: "The usual, discounts applied."

Reaching out for his wallet, Sonny takes out a credit card with his face on it, and hands it to Benny.

Sonny: "Haha! That's my Benny! You'd be okay if this badass hands out a few recommendations here, right? You're the man to trust if the hair needs to sync with the man!"

Benny works with the till while Sonny takes a stare at his car outside.

Benny: "Thanks for the patronage, Sonny, honey."

Sonny: "Hey, it's my pleasure, Benny, my man."

A curious Benny notices his client's lack of eye contact.

Benny: "Something on your mind?"

Sonny: "Oh, nothing important. Just can't help but admire my Citroen."

Benny: "Citroen?"

Benny takes a quick peek, but saw the lean GT by Citroen as unfamiliar to the brand.

Benny: "Honey, ain't seen a Citroen look like that in my life."

Sonny: "It's pretty special, you oughta know."

Benny: "Well, a guy like you can afford all the special in the world."

Sonny: "Sure, money can get me all sorts of *BLEEP*, but nah.. not this one."

Benny: "Yeah, I think I'm going to pass the long descriptions today, Son."

Sonny: "You sure? Well, no story is no story then."

Benny: "Again, thanks for coming by."

Sonny: "No worries, dude! And tell me when you wanna hang or what. Stay classy, my bro!"


Passing through the glass door, Sonny makes his big strides to the golden goose.

Quick peeks left and right confirm the empty roads, to which Sonny puts his gears in motion. He envisions the car as if it were standing motionless on the center of a race track.

The time has come, and looking ahead in earnest, Sonny starts the modular V8, and prepares to make a mad dash.


But as his solo moment approaches, destiny has other plans.


Sonny: "D'awwh! You ruined my groove!"

Frustrated, he then notices the German plate on the car, and the presence of someone familiar exiting the passenger door.

Sonny: "Hold a minute.. why's Kirk in that car?"

Theme Song: ZZ Top - I Gotsta Get Paid
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 30
Current occupation: Racing mechanic
Distinct features: Ponytail. Visibly overweight. Black tank top with jeans.
Car of choice: 1973 Chevrolet Camaro

Life wasn't nice to Kirk. He told himself, under his extremely introverted shell, that he'd find something useful to do, and do it good. Taking up the skills of a mechanic, it left an impression to someone like Sonny, who would hire and adopt him as his running man, and as the vice president of his biker gang "The California Ghosts".

Kirk, significant mostly to his boss Sonny, heads toward the side of the Citroen. After a quick knock, a slightly annoyed Sonny answers his call

Kirk: "Hey, Son. Whoo ey.. sure glad I managed to catch up."

Sonny: "Slow like molasses today, tubby? You even chickened out and got this.. expensive grab to get here and go so far to ruin my groove? That's blasphemy!"

Kirk: "Being honest, yeah.. sleeping nightmares in recent days. One man can dream of a night's good sleep."

Sonny: "Well, even though you ruined my groove, I'll take anything. We'll handle your insomnia, no problem."

Kirk: "Oh cool. Then.. Benny's did you good, huh?"

Sonny: "Bro, there's no other barber I'd head for. But you must be steaming out there. Let's get some breakfast."

Kirk: "Oh.. okay. Sure. Breakfast. But.. well, my 'not exactly a grab driver' wants to see you? She emm.. 'insists'."

Sonny: "Insists? Now's not the time for a meet and greet for me. But you mentioned a she?"

Kirk: "German girl, the one you ran by when you opened that expressway that time."

Sonny: "You mean.. ahh pumpernickel, it's Luce, isn't it?"

Theme Song: Robbie Williams - Different
Gender: Female
Nationality: German
Age: 23
Current occupation: Racing mechanic
Distinct features: Combed down, mid-long blonde hair. Tall, slender figure. Sharp face. Always wears something chic and sexy.
Car of choice: BMW M4 Coupe

Lucia's family was in the racing world since the Nurburgring existed, and the shoes she had to fill were massive. But with the help of British legend Alan Robinson, her family, and a special race engineering course from Toyota, she's up for the challenges ahead, despite what her temper decides to say about it.

Kirk: "Yeah, her."

Sonny: "Why'd she insist? She ain't the boss of Sonny Meng, American-Asian Badass."

Kirk: "Yeah, say what you want, Son, she's coming right over."

Despite Lucia's small frame, cute face and tall body, to say going against her is borderline suicide.

The two stooges are, however, pretty immune to this violent intent she carries. Kirk makes a quick move to the side.

Sonny: "Little Luce! Yo! Caught me looking better than usual. But enough banter. What brings you here?"

Lucia: "Sonny, you're such a fool! You think I came to see you flirt me, you half baked schwein?!"

Sonny: "What? Hey, the day's just started, and we're already going ham on me being half baked. But if there's important things that needs MY attention, we should get comfortable. And I know you're thinking this: I'm going to bring you all for breakfast."

Kirk: "Oh, mmm.. I'm always good for food."

Sonny: "You heard the fat guy. What says you, Luce?"

Lucia: "Hah! No chance. I'm not in the mood for another American breakfast in me."

Sonny: "This dilemma eh? Well.. there's always an alternative. If it's not German or American.. it's Singaporean."

Despite Lucia's often less than favorable attitude for Sonny, her sharp angry eyes extend to an interested look.

Lucia: "Singaporean? You're kidding? No.. you can't be. But in America, ja?"

Sonny: "We're in Los Angeles, sister. There's bound to be a slice of almost anything here. And I just know the best place for a Singaporean breakfast in town. My taste, hopefully for your favor.."

Despite the foul aura, Lucia takes a moment to clear the air.

Lucia: "Alright, I hate to say it, but.. I'm interested.."

The words reach his ears, Kirk makes an unusual response.

Kirk: "WOO! YEAH!"

Sonny: "Whoa there, tubby. You know what this means?"

Lucia: "Oh look, there's a crisis from the dynamic duo? That's cute."

Sonny: "Well, it's that Kirk and loud don't mix like oil and water. Oh, no exaggerrate: he LOVES Singaporean breakfasts."

Lucia: "Hmm.."

Kirk somehow goes along the sidewalk and interacts with just about anything walking along.

Lucia: "What a mann.. I want what he's having."

Sonny: "And let's not waste time. To the traffic light!!"


The wedge shaped Citroen heads to the nearby traffic light.

People inside it: Sonny, along with Kirk on passenger's, stares away at the red.


The two, still mesmerized on the red, also forget they're on a conference call with Lucia.

Lucia: "Entshuldigung!"

Sonny: "WHAT?! Ohh.. Didn't meant to leave you in the sudden silence there, Luce."

Lucia: "Schwein! Filthy, American pigs! You of all people need to learn respect!"

Sonny: "Well, I'd apologize, but who was it that agreed we race to the place? It keeps me on my toes and away from social interaction, you know?"

Kirk: "*whistling*"

Lucia: "What th-Your overweight friend isn't helping!"

Sonny: "Baby, that's the Sonny way of life, I'm afraid."

Lucia: "Someday, there's a day you will beg for my mercy, you hear?!"

Sonny: "And today's not the day, baby. By the way, you've a knack for bringing over your own car to the States, eh Luce? My memory's telling me you ran that M4 on the Euro Supercar Festival?"

If Sonny has to have skills relating to Lucia, it's his wit and charm to suppress her anger.

Lucia: "Ja, this is the one, Sonny. You know my results there. It's evidence my work will always have heart to win and impress."

Sonny: "Mmhmmm. Good on you. But what's the input from you, superfat? You must've gotten some time in that thing, no?"

Quiet until needed, Kirk makes a quick statement.

Kirk: "If I were to say, I'm mighty impressed."

Sonny: "Coming from tubby supreme here, I know you're no fluke, Luce. But I'd like to see it myself. Instead of racing there, I want to see if you can keep up. I'll take the road less frequent to prevent traffic issues. What says you, Little Luce?"

Lucia: "You belittle me like that, and all it does is pump me."

Sonny: "Funny we all forget how you're just 6 foot 4, or was it 5.."

Lucia: "And you're barely six! Doesn't 'Little Sonny' run off the tongue fine?"

Sonny: "Well, that's not the first I've been trashed like that."

Kirk: "Hmm.. Son, you've been trashed? Like bullied or what?"

Lucia: "Oh, a schwein like you deserves a spectrum of insults, but I say your fat friend is right."

Sonny: "Heh, something Kirk doesn't know means I gotta sing this song, huh? Maybe when we get there."

The moment of triumph at long last arrives, with said traffic light ahead flashes the green.


Kirk: "Let's roll out. Keep up, girl."

Lucia: "Watch me!"

The Citroen's modular V8 provides a big blocky overture for bypassers to notice.


But Lucia's tuned M4 is no slouch in that department either, thanks to certain exhaust modifications that make the inline 6 a brutal orchestra.


Sound wasn't an issue for those inside these cars, allowing continued conversation through their devices.

Sonny: "So, Luce, remind me again why you're hanging out in the West coast?"

Lucia: "Aww.. It's not like you haven't figured it out."


Sonny: "To be fair, Luce, I didn't ask. At all."

Lucia: "Hmpf, if that's what you want, I'll bite. I'm with Mann Bernardo. He's stationed here for the moment, and his line of work is fairly compensated. He's been considering not leaving me for his next job one time, and here I am."

Sonny: "Ahh. Such luck.. makes me wonder why he hadn't hollered at me."

Kirk: "Say, who's this Bernardo fella?"

Lucia: "Ehemann. My husband."

Kirk: "What sorta guy is he?"

Sonny: "Trust me, though, tubby, you'll like the guy. But it's easier to describe him if he was around, Luce. Any idea what's he up to now?"

Lucia: "Not a clue. Only that he'll keep me posted when he's around. But if he ever lies to me, which he has often, I hope he remembers the importance of our vows."

Kirk: "Ugh, context."

Sonny: "Luce is.. emm.. she's.."


Lucia: "Aww, you're just a weenie, Sonny."

Sonny: "Me, a weenie? The insults coming from food really means you're hungry. But why me a weenie?"

Lucia: "With your island origins, it's more like a crab stick."

Sonny: "If there's some credit to crab sticks, Luce, is that they're de-licious. You didn't know how much of LA wants a bite off me."

Kirk: "Sure. Crab sticks. But what about Lucia?"

Lucia: "Ohh, es tut mir leid. Emm.. don't take it full face, but.. you can say I'm quite the demon when I'm pissed off."

Kirk: "Sure? It don't match you much."

Shortly after, Sonny mutes the speaker.


Sonny: "Kirk, my bro, are you sure?!"

Kirk: "What?"

Sonny: "Playful it may sound, but it's no laughing matter, Kirk. That sort of crap's what gets her fired up the wrong way, and you DON'T want to see her angry. Heck, you remember my good pal Jake?"

Kirk: "Uhh.. black, cowboy, gives off a mean streak? What gives?"

Sonny: "He admits that sometimes one of his biggest fears is seeing Luce angry, cause that man's seen it first hand."

Kirk: "Ain't convinced yet, but if you say so.. "

With the push of a button, their conference call resumed.

Lucia: "There you are! What's with the radio silence?!"

Sonny: "Sorry, little Luce. Man talk."

Lucia: "Impossible! To me you barely qualify as man!"

Sonny: "Ohh, you need to humble down a bit there, Luce."

Lucia: "What was this 'man talk' about anyways?! You weren't talking about me, were you?!"

Sonny: "What? Nah. Nope. Not at all. We're just talking about.. well, I'm sure you girls wouldn't give a hoot, isn't that right, Kirk, my.. tails to the Sonny heads?"

Kirk: "Uh.. uhhuh."

Sonny: "Yep. There's your answer."

While they bluff a lot, Kirk couldn't hold a chuckle this time.

Lucia initially suspected, but her instincts didn't convince her.

Lucia: "Psshh.. schweinhunds.."

Sonny: "Still behind us?"


Lucia: "Ja, you can't see?"

Sonny: "Well, you know why right? But no worries.. Kirk's got you on a GoPro."

Viewing a tablet, Kirk turns his head and shows a thumbs up to his boss, responding accordingly.

Lucia: "How far left?"

Sonny: "Looking at traffic and our pace, 10 minutes."

Lucia: "You good for fuel?"

Sonny: "I know when it's a concern, Luce. Why'd you ask?"

Lucia: "Nordschliefe habit. Idiots sometimes forget to refuel. Their expression when they see track services of a tow truck deserves a kind of schadenfreude."

Sonny: "Will must've run that in the family, I wager."

Lucia: "Ja. He's not stupid to keep his car empty."

Sonny: "Being a meister has his habits."

Kirk: "Meister?"

Lucia: "Sonny, your friend is one I pity. Being out of the loop really sucks."

Sonny: "Yeah, can't cram too much new *BLEEP* in that flabby head of his, I'm afraid."

Lucia: "You should try listening, Kirk. Might learn something new.."

Sonny: "Or not. You don't have to butt in between me and Luce, okay dude."

Kirk: "I-I'll keep that advice in check."


Lucia: "So when did you get a right hand man, Sonny? Found him at the gift shop?"

Sonny: "Actually, that's a good story too. Maybe some other time."

Kirk: "When I ain't around, you mean?"

Sonny: "Nah, I'm just not in the mood on telling these stories."

Lucia: "Kein problem."

Sonny: "So, Luce.. you.."


Kirk: "Not far back, Son."

Lucia: "Don't worry.."

Sonny: "Just don't go thinking we're racing. Luce.. which reminds me.."

Lucia: "Ja? You need something?"

Sonny: "Maybe I'll tell you when we're comfortable. Kirk! End the call."

Kirk: "Affirmative."

Lucia: "Hey! Wa-"

Thoughts fueled on Sonny's recent action, which got the two men in a slight panic.

Sonny: "Emm.. Kirk.."

Kirk: "Yeah?"

Sonny: "Ever think.. I just one stepped ahead the wrong road there?"

Kirk: "Yeah, that sounded about."


Sonny: "Okay, Kirk. First thing we do is get me something to cushion what fighting style she's going to bring. Second.. maybe if I can remember his phone number.."


The Kwan Family Kopitiam
North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California
9.15 AM

A small but often busy coffee shop finds itself within Los Angeles, bursting with a mostly Asian crowd.

The not-exactly-a-badass (that teaches you to hijack my narration) comes dashing over, with Kirk not far back.

Sonny: "*pant* And here we are! Surprised you.. *pant* kept up, fatty.."

Kirk: "Kwan's! Busy *pant*, yet still got tables bare."

Sonny: "Careful to not go for the tissue papered ones, tubbs.. whew.."

Kirk: "Yeah, I know, ain't my first time."

Sonny: "And *pant* pray for me."

Kirk: "*pant* Because?"

Sonny: "Luce can't *pant* be far."

Kirk: "Right.. so, table?"

Sonny: "Yeah.. table."

The moment Kirk leaves Sonny's side is the moment Lucia comes charging.

Even though fatigued, it was like Sonny was installed with energy the moment his friend came over.

Sonny: "Ahh! You made it!"

Lucia: "Sonny! Your treatment of women is borderline sexist!"

Sonny: "Is it? Sometimes, my cool and badass just.."

As he intended, she sees the charisma behind Sonny.

Multiple explosions, along with the flashes in his eyes, teeth and various buttons on his attire, make it hard to not idolize the man infront of her.

Lucia shakes her head and reaffirms.

Lucia: "Okay! Nein! Stop! You're too much!"

Sonny: "What? That fast?"

He let his guard down. This was the opening Lucia desired.

Lucia: "PSYCH!"

She snuck a swift jab to the jaw, turning all the visual effects off.

The blow landed, causing this man to rotate around a bit, holding where it hurt.

When he got back into balance, Lucia only prepares a second strike.

Sonny: "Oww oww oww, Luce, fine! You got me good. These are expensive teeth, baby. I'm sorry, alright?"

Lucia: "Grr... at least you said sorry.."

Sonny: "Thanks for understanding, oww.."

Lucia: "Lucky for you, we are friends for so long.. but that.. felt quite good."

Sonny: "Not so for me, but say.. that was a nice punch."

Lucia: "Hah! It takes ages to get something so simple right."

Sonny: "Ever chased off something scarier than yours truly?"

Lucia: "You wouldn't believe me, but back when I was in Japan, some Yakuza tried to capture me."

New information raised Sonny's interests, gladly away from the pain.

Sonny: "That so? Why would law upholding Yakuza want you?"

Lucia: "Something to do with Herr Ross, but.. I'm not kidding, okay?"

Sonny: "Well, I'm still listening. So, they tied you up or what?"

Lucia: "Hmm.. not very well. It's hard to believe they also used swords, and guns."

Sonny: "And you went all Arkham Asylum on them?"

Lucia: "Ja. With a spanner so large, maybe it probably was a sledgehammer."

Sonny: "Well, you're no Batman, but I'll take it."

Lucia: "HAH!"

The abrupt shout made Sonny move back a bit. Lucia playfully jabs two at him in response.

Lucia: "Two for flinching."

A whistle and wave from Kirk gives way at the distance, prompting the two to move towards him.

At his place: an oriental table with matching wooden stools.

Sonny: "Usual Kirk the lard-pocalypse. Bro, this is like the spot you always go for!"

Kirk: "Nothing wrong with that, right?"

Sonny: "Nah, it's not. Just making an expression. Let's sit down, Luce."

The only menu provided is at where food is being ordered at the back of the shop.

While sight isn't an issue for anyone, choice is for the German.

Lucia: "So.. ehh.. I'm not sure what to go for here."

Sonny: "Hey, first time for everyone. Kirk!"

Kirk: "Yeah?"

Sonny: "Bring the good lady to the counter. I want the usual: sesame rolls, fried yam, steamed buns, Hokkien noodles, and Michael Jackson."

Kirk: "Sure thing."

Lucia: "Hold up! Michael Jackson?"

Sonny: "I know right? ~Don't worry, the kid is not my son, hee hee~ It's a blend of soy milk and some black jelly. Fat man here's gonna educate you with what's what. You got my blessing, Kirk. So you up for it?"

Kirk: "My pleasure."

Lucia: "Oh.. lead on then."

Left alone, Sonny takes out his phone, looking through his social updates.

While full of people, the general crowd at Kwan's focus more on the food than attractions like Sonny: one reason he likes coming here.

The quiet ambiance eventually gets interrupted by a phone call.

Sonny answers the moment he sees who it is.

Sonny: "Hi baba."

Theme Song: Dire Straits - On Every Street
Gender: Male
Nationality: Singaporean
Age: 60
Current occupation: Retired
Distinct features: Hair undecided if black or gray. Small thin mustache. Flexible clothes, often a t-shirt and shorts
Car of choice: Mazda Roadster ND

Sonny's father. A man who once served as a mercenary in private armed firms, eventually moving on to be a bodyguard for the president. While mostly an unrelenting man with high expectations, he taught himself to slow down after his wife's passing, while keeping an eye on his only son.

Jackie: "Sonny! How's my boy? Doing alright as always?"

Sonny: "Ya, yeah yeah. What's the hubbub, old man?"

Jackie: "Oh, nothing. It's night here at home, and, uhh, I just got a little lonely."

Sonny: "Lonely? Lucky for you I'm all ears. You sure you got credit this time for the call? No more abrupt bye-byes this time, I hope."

Jackie: "Of course, lah. Don't worry."

Sonny: "Good good. It's a fresh sunny morning here in the States, and you're wondering what's my plan, huh?"

Jackie: "Took the words out of my mouth.. that's your mother's handiwork."

All Jackie heard for the next few seconds was just slow breathing.

Jackie: "I miss her, Son."

Sonny: "You know I do too. Of all the times she had to kick the bucket.."

Jackie: "Let's not keep the conversation sad, Son. Fate has better plans for you, I'm sure.. I'll make sure to wait for you if I end up dying."

Sonny: "Baba!! Don't say such *BLEEP*, yo."

Jackie: "Hahahaha!"

Sonny: "Though, you promise to come back to LA soon?"

Jackie: "Sure, sure.. maybe not for seeing you, but I will. Spent a lifetime there. Back to the topic on hand: what's up?"

Sonny: "Breakfast at Kwan's. Bringing an old friend over, sweet German girl."

Jackie: "German?"

Sonny: "I have the charms, baba. Don't deny that."

Jackie: "Yeah? How come my charming son hasn't got himself wed yet?"

Sonny: "About that.. I have about a billion reasons, probably more."

Jackie: "However billions of excuses you have don't make me a happy man. I do want a grandchild before I go.. emm.. kick it, you know?"

Sonny: "If this is the latest grand design to persuade me to rush marriage, forget it, old man."

Jackie: "Of course.. I'm just saying you don't have forever."

Sonny: "Besides, I have other worries.. Marriage will come, and I want the perfect wife, baba. And preferably one in LA, SF or Sacramento."

Jackie: "Wait? What happens to all the other US states?"

Sonny: "Not bothered to go around America to find a babe. Home is where the heart is."

Jackie: "Indeed lor."

Sonny: "If there's a kopitiam like Kwan's in LA, there's bound to be some half Chinese babe for me or something here. Don't sweat."

Jackie: "So, how about that mess I've been seeing in the news about you.."

Sonny: "Yeah, that accounts for why everyone's on the hots for Sonny Meng, and also why just about every girl I see wanting to grab me by the balls."

Jackie: "Well, okay. That's your problem."

Sonny: "Yep.. you alright back home?"

Jackie: "The quiet in retirement is as quiet as quiet can be, Son."

Sonny: "Right. I'll keep you updated on the marital journey, okay?"

Jackie: "Okay."

Sonny: "That's it, lah?"

Jackie: "I guess so. Got to get some meds in and call it a day. Good night, Sonny."

Sonny: "Night."

He puts his phone away, using his alone time now to think about his current family affairs.

The time alone wasn't long with Kirk and Lucia returning shortly after.

Kirk: "And that's that."

Sonny: "Hey! Back and hopefully ready for something out of your usual breakfast, I hope."

Lucia: "The atmosphere is so foreign, but thanks to your friend, I'm sure I'll be satisfied."

Sonny: "I like a calm Luce like any guy. And I'm sure my big balloon friend here ordered something soupy for his taste, but I wonder what you come up with."

Lucia: "I'm embarrassed to say.. it's like rice with anchovies in something red."

Kirk: "Nasi lemak. (Nah-see Luh-muk)"

Sonny: "Hmm.. Tell me, Luce.. you by any way a person who likes to eat spicy?"

Lucia: "Ja, I've grown fond of spicy in recent years."

Sonny: "That's odd, since when I do think German, spicy doesn't come up often in your dictionary. You probably got it for binge eating some sort of curry, I bet. Maybe if we go find that North Indian place.."

Lucia: "Wherever you have to go for it, it's not from curry, but from ramen. Get Mann Bernardo to swap out the flavouring by mistake for his, and lucky for him I somehow like it."

Sonny: "That's like Bern, doing a switcheroo to even someone as volatile as you."

Lucia: "Probably didn't mean it, but if something matters about him, that mann is quite immune from getting scared."

Sonny: "Which is probably how he gets along with Jake swimmingly. But say the heat's too much, at least most beverages here dedicate themselves to match with the spice. What'd you get?"

Lucia: "Urkh.. how was it pronounced?"

Kirk: "Iced teh tarik. (tehh tah-rek)"

Lucia: "There you go, danke."

Sonny: "The more we come here, the more Kirk learns to speak it right from yours truly. Imagine the cringe when we first got here."

Kirk: "Real embarassing *BLEEP*."

Lucia: "Maybe I'll remember this place, which the food will judge for me."

Sonny: "So why not cherish it?"

Lucia: "I don't know, maybe thinking.. that one punch made it so."

Kirk: "That was a good punch too."

Lucia: "Oh! How cute for you to notice at all."

Kirk: "Heh."

Sonny: "Kirk is quite the find, if you ask me. Meet a friend, and they often hear how he got into my wacky world."

Lucia: "Earlier you told me you don't want to talk about how he met you?"

Sonny: "I don't, but.. maybe that fist bumping my beautiful molars rebooted my system. And guess what: Kirk here doesn't mind if I talk about him."

Kirk: "Yup."

Lucia: "Okay, okay, but how about we leave it to just a sentence.. knowing you more already boils me up, and you're pretty punchable."

Sonny: "Just a sentence? Hmm.. how about.. saved him from a terrible fate. That cool, Kirk?"

Kirk: "Cool."

Lucia: "Wa? But, it sounded like there's a lot more to it."

Sonny: "Sorry, Luce.. you said one sentence, there's your English vocabulary lesson there."

Lucia: "And I thought you'd make it nice, and not vague."

Sonny: "I'd actually have to think it out. You did ask out of the blue there. One step ahead encountered a fatal error and needs to be closed, etcetra."

Lucia: "Fine."

Sonny: "So, you asked me, and now I ask you.. how did YOU end up in our lives?"

Lucia: "Who is this our?"

Sonny: "Emm.. you know.. me, Jake, Bern and big Red. The London misfits! All I knew, one night we found you needing Jake's help, and the calls keep coming again, and again, and again."

Lucia: "Pssh.. I was a young girl. Kept running into trouble for some reason. How it started relying on Herr Ross was him fixing one such trouble in person."

Sonny: "Yeah, hmm.. That helped jog my memory a bit. Hmm.. that night was his long anticipated date night."

Lucia: "Ja, with Frau Nishimura."

Sonny: "With Rin, absolutely. It's coming back.. mainly because that night was a pretty important night for me as well."

Kirk: "Being a staring contest between you and some mirror?"

Sonny: "Ye-Hush now!"

Kirk: "Hehehe.."

While Kirk likes to poke with Sonny's ego, it always comes with a similarly fierce nudge.

Lucia: "After such trouble, he dragged me and I saw this magic, this fire.. of the moment they met."

Sonny: "So did I. I also saw you, our lone teenage prodigy meet quite the dude."

Left at a momentary standstill, Lucia gives it some thought and got her the image of this man in her head.

And even if the memory was as ancient as a decade, she definitely remembered his already graying hair.

Lucia: "Ohh.. Nash."

Sonny: "Probably if you had any idea who he was, your reaction wouldn't be so innocent."

Lucia: "Oh.. you schwein!"

Sonny: "Hey, it's the facts. No punchy, lady.. no punchy."

Lucia: "You're going to distract me better than I would.. now.. urgh.. I'm too hungry to even beat you now."

Sonny: "Seeing the workers aren't much, we've come in a bad time.. which is odd."

Lucia: "By the way.. you're paying right?"

Sonny: "Considering I pay his salary, Kirk's fine with that, ain't that right, blubber boy?"

Kirk: "Ayup."

Lucia: "But Kirk.. well.. to say we're going to have a feast is just exaggeration."

Sonny: "As per the plans, ain't that right, my tub o' lard?"

Kirk: "Ayup."

Lucia: "Wa?"

Sonny: "Well, my dear, I'm expecting two more. Ein, I took a quick call just after I abruptly hung you up on the way here. As for zwei.. well, Kwan's in particular is placed near where a good friend works."

On mention, Sonny turns his head to the street, staring at the tourist store opposite of the shop.

In front of this store is a woman, relaxing there, while on controls for a buzzing drone just in front.

Kirk: "Oh, isn't she bored?"

Sonny: "Well, let's get her out of her misery. Keep my chair warm, would you, Jabba the Hutt?"

Kirk: "Roger roger."

Leaving his chair, Sonny heads out.

He takes the nearby crossing and, upon reaching close enough to the gift shop, grabs the lady's attention with a sharp whistle.

The woman with the drone flies it toward the Asian, stopping in front of his face.

Sonny's smile reflects the chrome drone body. His image takes center stage on the drone, inherently playing Bohemian Like You in his head, which lasts until she comes over.

???: "Well, look who it is?!"

Sonny: "What's kicking, Monnie?"

Theme Song: Faith No More - The Morning After
Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Age: 28
Current occupation: Menial, but always changing
Distinct features: Low eyes. Dyed pigtails, colors vary. Often seen with a uniform of sorts for whatever she works as at the time.
Car of choice: Ford Focus ST

Grumpy, and notably bisexual cousin of Jacob Ross. After her only family passed away and their connections fade away, Monica was taken by her only family left. Raised poor in a tough neighborhood, Monica is tough with a capital T from start to finish.

Monica: "Kicking? You don't know me, you star studded ox."

Sonny: "Ox, huh? If that's where the insults are going, looks like nothing's changed."

Monica: "Nah. So, you're going to do something to me again? This is going to get me fired, y'know?"

Sonny: "Ehh, just hanging at Kwan's. You in for some breakfast?"

Even though descriptions mention her grumpiness, knowing Monica allows Sonny to attack from the various angles of her interest.

Monica: "Would I?! The days of me, you, and Kirk just going ham at that place just brings me tears of joy, y'know?"

Sonny: "Well, I hope more is fine, Monnie. Got a friend from Europe. German girl. An angry streak, but a prodigal youth. Your cousin's good friend."

Monica: "I take it that she's also married. Boo.. I haven't met a girl for a while."

Sonny: "Sorry, babe."

Monica: "Well, let's not keep them waiting."

Sonny moves back the way he came, but with Monica on tow this time.

Kirk: "And this is Monnie."

Lucia: "Monnie?"

Monica: "Hmph. If you need to know, it's Monica JUNE Ross, New Yorker, jiu jitsu Black Belt, and all around girl you don't wanna mess with, you uneducated bovine."

Sonny: "On this casino, Monnie's going all in, like I predicted she would."

Lucia decides not to go head first into this cat fight.

Lucia: "Hey, aren't you a grumpy one. Monica June's a cute name, no way as tough as mine.. Lucia Weiss, mechanic, prodigy, and iron fist."

Even with bumpy starts, Monica still goes for the handshake.

Monica: "Lucia, eh? Even if your name's Kickass, girlfriend, you got no chance against this New Yorker, you gotta learn you don't mess with 'em."

Sonny: "Man they're already getting along."

Kirk: "Son, I don't understand women, and maybe I'm not destined to.."

Monica: "Well, Kirk.. my advice says you need to lose some of that grease in you, fat *BLEEP*."

Sonny: "Ouch, she got you good."

Kirk: "Monnie always does."

Lucia: "You talk different from most of these people. You from somewhere else, ja?"

Monica: "Courtesy of being born in the Bronx, my dear."

Lucia: "And you mentioned Ross.. so you're Jake's?"

Monica: "That deadass' cousin."

Sonny: "And I think introductions are over."

Lucia: "Ja, I'm hungry."

Monica: "What she said."

Sonny: "We got what you want, Monnie.. which is?"

Kirk: "For you, I went with the usual beef noodles."

Surprising to most, Monica's grumpy face lightened up.

Monica: "Ohh goody! Always never lets me down, Kwan's beef noodle soup."

Lucia: "Pardon, but is you smiling unusual?"

Monica: "What's your problem, luscious lips?"

Lucia: "Luscious?!"

Sonny: "Hey, hey, Luce! Don't tempt her."

Monica: "Tempt me? Tempt me?! If you're the manliest woman around, you're still A-OK to tempt me, no problem!"

Making a quick deduction, Lucia staggers.

Lucia: "Ohh?! You're.. emm.. special, is it? Interesting.."

Monica: "And what's wrong with it?!"

Lucia: "Nothing! Just.. never thought I'd meet someone like you.. uhh.."

Monica: "What, you're saying you.. you want me?"

Lucia: "Nein. Not of that sort. Just.. really curious. I've made my vows, and I'm still 23 after all. The young and curious."

Monica: "So young.. Girl, there's nobody I know that's married that young."

Sonny: "The world's full of mystery and wonder."

Monica: "No *BLEEP*, Sherlock."

The boss now laid back, he watches over the women trying to prove one another more superior.

He's also noticed a person, watching the group from afar.

This suited man approaches slowly, the general atmosphere and noise concealing his arrival.

As he comes by the group's table with unknown intent, suspicion altogether gets thrown away as Sonny rockets away from his stool, anticipating his arrival.

Sonny: "Hey! Bern's here!"

Theme Song: Santana - Oye Como Va
Gender: Male
Nationality: Italian
Age: 34
Current occupation: Interpol agent
Distinct features: Gelled back long hair. Expensive suit with matching accessories and shoes. Strong Mediterranean vibe.
Car of choice: Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4 SV

Bernardo leads a life of your average secret agent, whatever average may be, but his family runs in the racing leagues of European hill climbing. His tricky nature overall makes it perfect for his job, if he wasn't also tricky as a person altogether.

Bern: "SONNY! Mi amico, how have you been?!"

Sonny: "Super duper as always! Hot dog!"

Bern: "Jumping frog!"

Sonny: "Alberquerque~"

From where everyone else sits, Monica makes a quick remark.

Monica: "That's a secret handshake, ohh when do they grow?"

Lucia: "That grown up is the very reason you'll never find love from me.."

Monica: "Oh, you don't mind if I.. well, you know.."

Done with greeting an old friend, Bernardo moves on to a more important person.

Bern: "Mia cara! Sonny says you'd be here."

Lucia: "Ja. How was work? No unusual injuries this time, I hope?"

Bern: "Ehh, no problema, mia cara. Boss gave me the cold stare, but, when wouldn't he anyways? And who might our guests be?"

Unlike Sonny, Bernardo has a charm that most people wouldn't fall for. But his glare stunned Kirk as it reaches him.

Kirk: "Emm.."

Sonny: "Oh damn it, Kirk, say something."

Lucia: "What's his deal?"

Monica: "It's like you failed to notice all this time how much of a shy guy Kirk is."

Lucia: "Huh, now you mention it.."

Monica: "I know him for years.. nearly tried to take him out of his shell a few times more I can count."

Bern: "Mi amico, that's alright. You be you."

He pats Kirk hard on his back, giving a most introverted reaction.

Sonny: "Come and relax with us. I bet you the food's almost here."

Lucia: "It better be."

Bern: "Absolutely."

The group now complete, the big man gets to the point.

Sonny: "So, Luce. Remember what I said earlier?"

Lucia: "Something about Little Sonny?"

Sonny: "No.. maybe move a few minutes ahead of that.."

Lucia: "Hmm.. you mentioned something that needs my attention, ja?"

Sonny: "Ja, indeed. But I needed Bern's approval for this. Just wondering if you two wanted to sightsee or whatever it is you have to do today."

Lucia: "Hmm.. Bernardo?"

Bern: "We're clear for the rest of the day, mi amico. You have my permission."

Sonny: "There's our clearance. Now, Luce.. I have a race today."

Lucia: "Not surprising from a race car driver of your pedigree."

Monica: "There's more to it, trust me."

Sonny: "Yes.. well, I have a race today, and with Lucia abruptly entering the picture, I want her on the team for the time being."

Lucia: "My answer is.. actually, was going to be a no, but maybe you can.."

Sonny: "Need some convincing? Don't worry, I've gone one step ahead on this. You're getting the full wage, my dear."

Kirk: "So, ehh.. how about me and the Ghosts?"

Sonny: "Stay ready. You guys I depend on for things like a flat."

While he sees her giving thought, Sonny looks around, eventually back to her seeing that food hasn't arrived.

Lucia: "Sonny, my answer depends on how much are you offering."

Bern: "Mia cara, I would be okay without the money. Friends help friends!"

Sonny: "Hey, let her choose, alright?"

Monica: "If usual Sonny bargaining chips are in play, payment is hefty, probably more since you guys know each other and what."

Sonny: "And I don't plan to change. Besides, do you know what I've gotten myself into?"

Bern: "Sounds like something large.. there's a race happening in this speedway, what's it called.. Blue Moon."

Sonny: "DING DING DING! Good answer!"

Lucia: "That race?! The Manufacturer's Cup has invited you to test cars?"

Kirk: "You knew?"

Lucia: "I keep posted on these. This one's quite big, since it sets the pace for oval tracks. Wouldn't want one team to be better than the other too blatantly."

Monica: "Track? Cup? Ohh.. I'm feeling way out of the loop on this.."

Kirk maybe an introvert, but his comfort with Monica allowed him to extend an arm to her shoulder.

Kirk: "There there.."

Monica: "HEY HEY HEY! What's the big idea, you.. crank-shaft pundit?!"

Kirk: "Pundit? That's.. you're giving me praise, ain't it so?"

Monica: "Ulp!"

Sonny: "So, Luce? You in?"

Lucia: "Of course I'm in."

Bern: "Mia cara, I'm coming too."

Sonny: "Do please. If there's something I've not done, it's race in front of my friends. And Monnie?"

Monica: "Hey, I'm down for anything now that I'm most likely fired, but if you want a bit of New Yorker support, I think.. I need a VIP ticket to the pits or something."

Kirk: "This'd be interesting. Gotta warn the drivers for dangerous curves ahead."

Monica: "Oh shut up!"

Bern: "Mia cara?"

Lucia: "Ya?"

Bern: "Something is up with that woman."

Lucia: "Claims to be Herr Ross' relative, and it's holding up very well so far. Feel free to confirm it with Keith. Observation says she's particularly trying to make love to just anyone she sees."


Blue Moon Bay Speedway, Los Angeles
12 noon

No action is present, but is soon to change as the next hour passes, proofed with the amount of people and cars occupying the pits area.

Sonny and company passes by the many teams prepping.

Lucia: "So, where are we headed to, Sonny?"

Sonny: "Whichever pit garage is mine. Got told I'll be riding a blue Viper."

Lucia: "Viper? Thought you'd be racing for Chevrolet."

Bern: "I'm with her, Sonny, mi amico."

Sonny: "Well, let's say SRT has been quite nice to me these days. I've been offered a most exclusive partnership with them since the day I made headlines in 'Sonny and The Beast'."

Bern: "What, you ever done anything special?"

Sonny: "Well, there's raiding in the RAM Rebel, some drag racing the Demon, and even helping out get performance for the Durango's police division."

Kirk: "We're thinking of nabbing a Durango SRT, now I remember it."

Bern: "What's the need of a big truck?"

Sonny: "Big truck with big numbers, that's all I can say. Useful for heavy duty."

Kirk: "And bringing the Ghosts around."

Sonny: "Yeah, that. Which reminds me.."

The gang walks through loud crowds, making talk a bit problematic.


But nothing in the groups of people are as loud as the sole muscle car roaring the track.

Sonny: "That's our Nova, right?"

Kirk: "Ayup."


Sonny: "Do they know that track stewards are going to take action?"

Kirk: "Would've seen them do that, but surely our boys paid them off."

Sonny: "Moments when yours truly taught them too well.. but maybe I think they had their fun. *whistles*"

Kirk: "C'mon, Monnie."

Monica: "Yeah yeah.."

Monica and Kirk now ahead, Sonny takes his attention to his European buddies.

Sonny: "Sorry about that.. running a tight ship is never meant to be simple."

Bern: "Mi amico, it's fine. Me and Lucia.. we've been dying to get back on track ourselves, what's stopping your gang?"

Sonny: "Nothing. Just when the smallest of bad image pops up, it stains like spilled paint. Celebrity things, you wouldn't understand."

Bern: "Si, it's a good theory. However, what about the race details?"

Sonny: "Just a short 30 minute rumble. This is after all, a test run for an entire racing series."

Bern: "As your assistants today, mi amico, maybe we can have the details of your automobile. Helps when we plan ahead for fuel usage and tire wear."

Sonny: "Maybe you don't know, but that's not going to be a problem since Group 4s aren't hungry machines."

Bern: "Oh.. but then again.. mia cara, you've been awfully quiet. Is something on your mind?"

The men notice Lucia going through the race roster on a large screen.

Lucia: "Ja.. Thanks to this, I've been observing your competition, Sonny."

Sonny: "And?"

Lucia: "Some interesting car and driver combinations, but it's nothing you can't handle."

Sonny: "There's little that can handle what I got."

Lucia: "You Americans aren't much, that's what I'm saying."

Sonny: "I'm not all American, baby. Remember: Asian-American Badass. It means something when I've made it worth something."

Lucia: "That is of no question."

Bern: "Not to be of any biasing, but us Euro racers are of another level, mi amico."

Sonny: "Given that you guys have prestigious names as champions of bigger, better leagues, I'm sure I can't counter that."

Bern: "Perdonami, mi amico. But fact is fact."

Sonny: "Hey, Bern! There's no need to apologize! Comparisons don't mean *BLEEP* without fact! Let's get some action in."

Bern: "Si."

Sonny: "With that giant screen, I think you guys know where to go. Looks like I'm the ninth car on the grid. Keep on comms, update me on what's what, and I think we're going to have a fine race."

Lucia: "Ja. Best of luck."

With Lucia and Bernardo heading one direction, Sonny heads another to prepare.


One Little Victory
Vapor Trails Remixed

With certain people focused and aside, only Sonny and Lucia remain on the radio.


Sonny: "*loud yawn*"

Lucia: "Hoi! Wakey wakey!"

Sonny: "Hey, Luce.. I know you're comfortable watching me go 10 minutes against some real competition, but let me tell you how I was born and raised not in the slow lane."


Lucia: "Schwein! There are always reasons for warm up laps!"

Sonny: "Well, you probably have been through how many times of this, but it sounds like it's not years of track racing. Get a grip, Little Luce."


Lucia: "The moment you get out of that car, you're getting a thorough thrashing!"

Sonny: "Bring it baby. I'm always ready to be your punching bag.. no offense to Bern."

Lucia: "Hah! Don't worry about him."

Sonny: "Speaking of worry.. you ever seen what sort of tango Group 4 has to offer?"

Lucia: "Not enough to wonder why there are front wheel drives. And definitely not in an oval track like this. So, you are guinea pigs, ja?"


Sonny: "We're guinea pigs alright, but since this is America, we kind of make it look like a race. Gets money running and the crowds roaring. A win-win."

Lucia: "Ugh, I can never understand these people."

Klaxons make their sound, putting Sonny's attention to the track.












Lucia: "First lap down and already on pole?"



Sonny: "Ehh, on ovals, slipstream is a boon. But, do me a solid and watch my back. Keeping pole while racing ovals ain't gonna be a cakewalk, Luce!"


Lucia: "Ja! I got your back. There's a Honda charging on your back left."



Lucia: "No kidding. Everyone's just using the air to get close!"

Sonny: "I hate to kid when I'm on the line."





Lucia: "Mein Gott.. this is more intense than how I would see it!"


Lucia: "Scirocco coming to take it."

Sonny: "Just as I predicted."



Sonny: "Fast in, fast out.. take notes, Luce."

Lucia: "Oh, Mann Bernardo already is."


Sonny: "Luce, you're a Toyota gal, any idea what makes it go like that?"

Lucia: "Key word: I WAS with Toyota."




Lucia: "I would be scared senseless if I was in that Toyota.. not that I would be, just.. saying."



Lucia: "Aston on your tail, coming fast."

Sonny: "I'll let him get comfortable. We got time."


Sonny: "You heard of Paul coming over for a holiday?"

Lucia: "Ja. We have plans to meet."




Lucia: "Go for it."

Sonny: "I got the pedal to the metal, Luce!"





Lucia: "Status update."

Sonny: "Bit of grip gone, but I'm A-OK."

Lucia: "Don't push on the turns. Try to go wide a bit."

Sonny: "Yep!"



Lucia: "Renault charging."

Sonny: "Right.."







Lucia: "Renault coming in."

Sonny: "It's all just a trap, Luce. I got this.."

Lucia: "Don't get comfy, we're nearing the finale."

Sonny: "You think I hadn't planned for it?"


LAP 10


Lucia: "Wow, is that an RCZ?!"

Sonny: "Umm, yeah, that is. That's just a beefed up one, not a RWD convert."

Lucia: "Those exist?"

Sonny: "I thought you'd be into that side of the tuner world?"



LAP 11

Lucia: "Nobody's going for a chance, what's up with that?"

Sonny: "*whistling*"

Lucia: "Hey! Answer me!"



LAP 12

Lucia: "Alright, Sonny. Timer's gone, and we're into the last lap."

Sonny: "This race is toast, Luce. Thanks for being my support."

Lucia: "Hah. Remember you're paying."

Sonny: "Yeah, I still remember. Let's say we head to my place after. Maybe get a nice dinner."

Lucia: "Hey! Focus! Last lap doesn't mean it's all over."



Lucia: "Aston is coming fast."

Sonny: "Too bad I'm already nearly there.."



Sonny: "And we're done, incident free. That's a miracle these days. Excellent effort everyone, especially you Luce."

Lucia: "Kein problem.."

Sonny: "By the way, think you can do me a favor and get Bern to spy up and be me for the podium celebration? It's an extra thousand if you do.."

Lucia: "Wait what? Mann Bernardo, that was the quickest I've seen you agree.."



While post race celebration occupies attention, Sonny sneaks away to the locker room.

Knowing his current dilemma with girls for recent events still active, his desire for attention is left a mess.

Slumped with heavy thoughts, at least his efforts getting pole position in the race lightened the air for him. Being an only child, Sonny's used to being alone.

Sonny: "Ahhh~ Baby this is such zen.."

Adept at being alone also means he knows when he's not.

Sonny: "Or maybe.. *sniffing* too much zen.."

The smell of tobacco.

The noise of interrupted wind.

And an overall aura of insecurity.

Sonny: "She's here, huh? Actually, come to think of it, wouldn't it be pretty obvious?"

It looked as if Sonny shouted at nothing until a shadow moved out of hiding.

Sonny: "There you are, Nirvana! Wouldn't be complete if there'd be a day without me sniffing you out."

Theme Song: Nirvana - All Apologies
Gender: Female
Nationality: Unknown
Age: 39
Current occupation: Information broker
Distinct features: Long, one-sided brown hair. Modern sunglasses. Never has a distinct clothing pattern, but often seen with a leather jacket, tight jeans, and high heeled boots.
Car of choice: Lamborghini Diablo

An information broker of no contest, Nirvana defines mystery. Her life ambitions, wealth, posessions, history, personality and any social information are a mystery. The only thing that's known: she loathes Sonny Meng, but even keeps that mysterious.

Sonny: "Hey now.. there's much to discuss. Come! Let's sit and get cordial."

Nirvana: "Even Nirvana knows you know that I, Nirvana, won't take that bait."

Sonny: "Bait or no bait, you predators are always hungry. Come stay and listen, my dear. Or do.. whatever is it you stalkers do."

Flicking away a burned out cigarette, Nirvana reluctantly sits, keeping her image intact.

Sonny: "There you go.. even if you hate my guts so, but I'm sure you're okay if I light the next smoke?"

Nirvana: "It means little, but Nirvana accepts."

Nirvana lowers the intensity, now sitting and using up the newly lighted cigarette.

Sonny: "See this? I keep a lighter on me for these meets, you know."

Nirvana: "As Nirvana's deductions say. Knowing is Nirvana's game, after all."

Sonny: "Tell me, babe. What's the trick that got you past security this time?"

Nirvana: "Dummy pass. The peons know not of Nirvana's schemes."

Sonny: "So.. let's cut the games. What's up?"

Nirvana: "Business.. *exhales* Nirvana has been employed by names. Names request a day by day update on Sonny. Names pay, very well."

Sonny: "That's names with an s, right? You're playing with more than one client? Usual Nirvana."

Nirvana: "Killing 2 birds with one stone, Nirvana approves much of it."

Sonny: "So, what's your game with these names? I'd wager you're going to have some fun with it."

Nirvana: "Blackmail is of not what Nirvana would want.. it would be preferred Nirvana remains a name of honor, and respect."

Sonny: "You know, I'm a little bored, and knowing you like bringing me down.. what's your take on respect like this?"

Nirvana: "In the line of Nirvana's environment, respect is a valuable currency in which Nirvana hopes to be thrifty of. What is that you have of respect?"

Sonny: "Respect? I'm honest as honest can be. Man like me often shows off, but there are secrets that stay secret. Kind of like the reason why you refuse to be in good terms with yours truly."

Nirvana: "For that is a secret Nirvana would bring to the end of her days. If there is something for you, it's that Nirvana would like to see your downfall, just that Nirvana has boundaries of honor."

Sonny: "I guess it's no secret that you're pretty good at these secrets."

Nirvana: "Nirvana enjoys the playing of secrets, so much that Nirvana knows how to keep Nirvana's own. Any trail you find will grow cold. Any clue you find will delude further. Any fact you know may not be true.."

Sonny: "I don't plan on finding you out. But what I do know is that you want something from me. Don't know why, but you, coming over to find me in person every now and then kind of gives off something."

Nirvana: "Nirvana has reasons. Reasons to be kept silent."

Sonny: "Give me a break, babe."

Nirvana: "You claim to have the respect. Keep it that way, or Nirvana won't hesitate to bring you to ruin."

Words from her mouth fired up a mostly chilled out Asian.

Sonny: "That a challenge? You know I love challenges."

Nirvana: "Nirvana enjoys seeing you work. Tell you what.. let's have a moment of leisure, with you and Nirvana, racing on the wild Angeles streets."

Sonny: "A moment of leisure like that means I get to be a mean mother*BLEEP*er."

Nirvana: "Hmpf."

Sonny: "Well.. bring it on, give it all you got, the showdown is coming! Or simply enough: let's do this thing!"

Nirvana: "Hmph.. are you alright? Nirvana has no doubts, for sure. I, Nirvana, will contact you about it soon enough."

Sonny: "Can't wait, babe."

Satisfied with the meeting, Nirvana exits the room.

Sonny cracks a large smile, while rubbing his facial hair in interest.

Sonny: "Still the mysterious *BLEEP*? That's a face that won't last forever, I'm sure of it! Now let's see if I still got that street cred.."


Author's Note

When I say ambitious, did you expect that amount of photography? I hope you didn't. Then again, don't worry about picture size. The entire entry here is only 11 MB, which is smaller than Resurgence and A Newer, Better Me. Although, I'm particularly worried that page one of this thread may contain the first two phases.. which, believe me, will require me to put the CONTENT HEAVY tag. Hoping that won't go through.

Sonny's world, chapter, and all around people around him have been planned in my head since 2014, so it's no surprise it brings a somewhat familiar but long lasting vibe. As much as I look forward to keep him around, we're going to mix it up. Next chapter's lead is a bit obvious.

Fancy a visit to a kopitiam? These South East Asian staples serve good delicious fusion foods, and yes, no joke, some places do serve a Michael Jackson, mainly because it don't matter if it's black or white. Don't ask me for opinions; can't cater the lot of you, really.

This part in particular is inspired mainly by my GT6 story Brothers In Arms. This supposedly would be the third entry, in which starts off like so, but would end up incurring the wrath of Jacob Ross, which won't move on here.

There are four planned entries in Brothers In Arms.. let's see..

There's Walk Of Life, in which Sonny opens a highway with his Red Devil, and is concept to me using the music slideshow thing. This part in particular is released.

Next would've been Your Latest Trick, featuring Bernardo, Monica and others, involves stealing a certain someone's Lexus to groove behind A Little Less Conversation.

After that is the concept version of The Man's Too Strong.

The last one should've been named, I think "Money For Nothing", in which I would set up a large plot thread for Sonny to lead in.

What's up with the music? Sonny is attributed to Rush, so when I have to pick one, I'm looking for a relatively action paced one. Insert NFS Hot Pursuit 2 classic song. A spirit breaking free, indeed!

And you get a look at a moment where Nirvana finally meets Sonny. I've been silently hyping this rivalry. Nirvana is, what I would put in planning "Woman whose Kryptonite is Sonny". She's another one of them mysterious ladies, so I'm afraid nothing much else I want to say.

Most characters this time around have been in before, but I'm getting a proper feel to make them any ways different than the rest. Our newcomer to my fictional world today is Monica June Ross, who you've probably got a touch of from part 1. Yes, Jake has a cousin from out East, but it's nothing special. Her only selling point is her sexuality, so I hope nobody's getting offended.

Sonny's dad Jackie only makes a small moment in the entirety of my story. I'll try not to focus on parents except a few. Jackie is pretty far away from most plot hubs, so if you do spot him in the future, at least he ain't forgotten.

A long needed return is for a Bernardo Bellini. He's the first funny man character, and I plan to amp up his serious sense. How far up? Well, not too far up, he still needs to be Bern, y'know. Prepare for more antics of his caliber!

His wife Lucia however.. typical hot headed girl. Most important trait of hers, aside her violent streak, is also her age, being younger than I am. There's more to her than you think, veteran readers would have that all figured out why.

Then, when I exaggerate myself in Sonny, I represent a more realistic form in Kirk. Well, except I'm not tragic, alone, etc. There's a lot that's different. The introvert bit is real, though.

Yes, it's about time we get proper racing. Like it? Too bad. Like lead characters, I plan to mix it up. Although like when we get mention of the Manufacturer's Cup, I do plan to put the Sport aspect of GT Sport in this. I'm figuring this out as we go on, but I've been teasing livery after livery regarding this. Also: I will settle these short races in one part, the only exception being if it's an endurance that requires multiple parts.

Next up:











Sonny: "Hey babe.. told you I'd make it."

Nirvana: "Don't flatter Nirvana.."

Sonny: "And may I say.. *whistles* nice car.. Diablo GT? Can't help but ask which of the 80 is this?"

Nirvana: "The origins are unimportant. What is.. is if you can handle it?"

Sonny: "Handle? Well, suppose you have a Diablo for ages, maybe longer than THE BEAST here.."


Nirvana: "Enough chit chat. You have the path?"

Sonny: "Don't wet your panties over it! If I forget, consider it a loss for me. You'd like that, don't you?"

Nirvana: "Hmmpf. Very well. Nirvana prays you listen to your comms."

Ratt & Roll: 81-91

Nirvana: "I'll begin the countdown.. 3.. 2.. 1.."





Mini author's note: Oh I must be so blessed I get to write Nirvana VS Sonny in the universe that deserves it.. here's the GTA version.
Last edited:
Wow, it's been a while since I came back, but here's entry #3!

With the release of The Man's Too Strong, it also marks about 50 percent of phase 1 done. Phase 1 is mainly reintroducing main characters, a select few side ones, and a bunch of new ones. We have Emile, Miranda, Graham, and Monica June so far. While their roles remain to be seen, they're mainly there to ensure old readers will be expecting new, keeping a fresh outlook at where the plot heads to.

That said, the next newbie won't be much of a stand out as the rest, but we'll see how he turns out.

Then comes the plans with Phase 2. Phase 2 is mostly made to establish future plot, and setting up the Manufacturer's Cup, as well as to introduce returning characters in "Dawn Of The Mythic". It may say this phase is in writing, but I haven't done any of that yet! But don't worry, it's bound to come by summer.

Also: the March update. Congratulations, PD, you got yourself 50 cars this year. Have a cookie.

Not only that, but from the March update, there are a couple cars I'll be mainly using. The most important one would be the GT40 for Jacob Ross (will be explained in story). That, and the R33 demands an appearance. I'm guilty, for writing using Gran Turismo and not use any of the Skylines majorly.. it really feels like eating a burger without the patty. The M3 E30 also gets in on the action too!

Thanks for coming by! Expect Allies by the next weekend. It's a milestone for me, in some sense.
Hey everyone!

Now for some bad news. While I have 1-4 all readied up, two things came up that forces a delay to the 3rd of April.

1st: I'm going back to study, and this entire week I've put this aside to get adapted to college.

And 2nd: Update 1.15 came out, and served well as a distraction thanks to the new cars, especially the Ford GT40. Combine that with yet an update for Everybody's Golf that got me back into it as well.. it's not a good time to not be playing these games.

But what's done on 1-4? The draft. I haven't done taking pictures, editing, and revising. In terms of picture weight, 1-4 isn't heavy. The music part will mostly be text, so that's that. Plans so far says it's an all Scapes part.

Los Angeles, California.
7.50 AM

The busy morning blues colors the city. Traffic occupies just about every section ventured by man.


While the crawl continues, one car takes itself a few steps too far into recklessness.


Sirens are heard nearby, with a car responding.


Their vigilance on catching the criminal loses them their sense of surrounding.



Soon they follow the car all the way to a free parking garage, unsuspectingly familiar to them.


A bit confused, the officers exit and sound their usual threats, only to stand silent when they see who comes out of the car.

Rin: "Ohaiyo!"

Otherwise known as Jess by close friends, Rin walks away, giving away her great mood in the way she moves.

Now in an awkward spot, the officers chasing her find that they've found themselves just near the LAPD headquarters.

SomePlayaDude presents...


Entry 4: Allies

Los Angeles Police Department HQ
Downtown Los Angeles
8.00 AM

From social workers to hard working arms of the law, this remains a very important station for order.

While most occupants are local, two men in particular walk by, acting they know the place while they don't belong.

???: "Late into her first day, and chooses the not so wise route.. tsk tsk.. I'd say punish, but alas, I'm not in charge yet.."

Bern: "Mi amico, that I believe is a harsh mistress."

???: "It's this or someone might get hurt. If there's something to remember, we focus on the safety of people, Blaze. You know how much I know of you?"

Bern: "I know who I am, mi amico. But is there something you like to say about it?"

???: "It's in many ways in need of improvement. As your partner, maybe you need to be more.. emm.. how you say it.. productive."

Bern: "Productive?"

???: "Yes. Do things like waste less bullets. You're a sharp shooter, actually, best in our little squad, but if it's fine we lay down the trigger finger. Maybe I can show you some moves? Like the directors treating me: Lance Robinson, as sort of a teacher's pet."

Theme Song: Simple Minds - Sanctify Yourself
Gender: Male
Nationality: British
Age: 36
Current occupation: Interpol agent
Distinct features: Clean, kept blonde hair. Wears an armored suit vest, with khakis and boots, always concealed. Office wear underneath
Car of choice: Mercedes-AMG A 45 4Matic

A head Interpol agent, Lance, while committed to his job and to justice, isn't the best social image aroud. Very few really can contain his general personality, but if there's a police job that needs doing, he's your man, and he's eager to show who's boss.

Bern: "It's no wonder you are named Paladin, mi amico."

Lance: "Here to protect the weak. This creed I live by when I joined the force. Maybe someday you get another codename, probably one as striking as meself?"

Bern: "No no, mi amico, I'm good. Blaze is appropriate for me."

Lance: "Blaze? What, you must be.. an agent of chaos?!"

Bern: "Or is it that I'm irresistably an unstoppable flame! Huh? HUH?!"

Lance: "Honestly speaking, that's just childish!"

Bern: "Oh, amico mio, but it is very much a true!"

Lance: "Remind me to find the people that assigned that to you.."

Bern: "By the way, dragging me out of undercover to office today means something is up.. and with that report on hand.. it must mean we're introducing her?"

Lance: "Yes, absolutely. If there's something today, it's her. You.. emm.. forgive my prying but, you know her?"

Bern: "It's.. Rin Nishimura, right? Of course I do, signore."

Lance: "What's she like?"

Bern: "Hmmm.. a tech geek. Pretty, and a physical powerhouse. But she's a bit of a rebel. She's a mental wild card, mi amico."

Lance: "How bothersome."

Bern: "Say what you want, but she's proven herself in this profession. Especially with driving fast. Really fast."

Lance: "Hmm?"

Bern: "Rumor has it she's once gone undercover as some F1 racer, and her peers suspect nothing. It's a trick I surely can't pull off!"

Lance: "F1? I've no time for sports. I'll probably get to the reports itself."

Bern: "Assure to you, mi amico, we have these reports. Maybe we get some time off we can get through them."

Lance: "Ahh.. well, alright."

Bern: "So where is she now?"

Lance: "Meeting room 4. Apparently I've been tasked to formally introduce her to our business, and get her to meet her allies. Between us, I was just going to announce that we're now a 4 man international team. For what objective aside ourselves, I've yet to find out, however."

Bern: "Haven't been in a squad for a while now, mi amico. Allora, so me, you, Rin.."

Lance: "And.. perhaps you've heard about an Agent Maiden?"

While mostly a seasoned veteran of the trickster trade, Bernardo isn't easy to jump.

However, hearing those last few words made Bernardo skip in mild surprise.

Bern: "Maiden?! Didn't she-"

Lance: "I've no idea how, but yes, we're babysitting. Double agents on probation.. whose idea was that again?"

Bern: "Mi amico, it can't be that bad, no?"

Lance: "Good thing is, I hear you've worked with her before. How aren't you in cahoots with her?"

Bern: "Isn't it a double agent's game to keep their allegiances to themselves."

Lance: "Very true. My apologies, Bernardo."

Bern: "No problemo, mi amico."

Lance: "And one more thing.."

Bern: "Si?"

Lance: "For our little international squad, I'm given the liberty to bring it together. Let me remind you the strictness I plan to tackle this with until we're split. So no funny stuff."

Bern: "Mi amico, I understand."

Lance: "Bern, I've been vouching you for years should you mess up like you often do.. just my doubts lay about these women."


Bernardo opens the door to their destination.

Bern: "And here we.. we.. hmm.."

Lance: "You've suddenly paused, agent, is something wrong?"

Bern: "Mi amico, something is very much wrong.. the room is a empty! She's gone!"

Lance: "Oh, Bernardo, you *BLEEP*. That's nothing to panic about. Records have that our ladies have signed in the building and doubtly have left at all."

Bern: "Right. Perdonami."

Lance: "Our newbie Rin seem to have left her signature on the door's list.. Let's search the room. Maybe, knowing that you're coming, our new friend decided to make a prank."

Bern: "A fair assumption, mi amico."

The meeting room may be small, but it has enough furniture that double as a hiding spot.

Lance and Bernardo makes it their quest to uncover the hidden.

Just only mere minutes, and they've cleared what can be seen.

Bern: "Found anything?"

Lance: "Not a single trace.. anywhere we haven't touched?"

Bern: "There's that box on top of the cupboard.."

Lance: "I'd say, Bernardo.. if your little friend is up there, I'm mighty impressed."

Bern: "She's probably giggling up there.. ready to jump at us. That, is a move I approve of.."

Lance: "At any case, let's get the last laugh."

Using one of the stationed wheeled chairs, Bernardo leaped up and reached for the box.

Bern: "Gotch.. huh?"

The box was, as expected, empty.

Lance: "Aww, what a shame this is, Bernardo.. Maybe she's just.. not here at all."

Bern: "Si.. oh mio Dio!!"

Losing his balance, Bernardo falls down on an unprepared Lance.

The crash shields a sound coming from the only door in.

Lance: "Oooff.. are.. you alright?"

Bern: "This.. this is assuming.. you're alright too, mi amico?"

Lance: "Maybe.. Let's.. see if I can stand.."

Bernardo grabs a visible limb, moves up, and gets his friend back on his feet.

Bern: "Mi amico, do you require a visit to the infirmary?"

Lance: "Few aches here.. and there, but I think we're all clear. Let's not make such blunder again. By the way.. you got up pretty fast."

Bern: "Oh! Hmm.. Now I think it.. there was this hand, reaching out for me."

Lance: "Hmm.. it can't be a ghost, not that they exist.."

The two men turn to see a lady.

Rin: "Bern-san.."

Bern: "Ahh. Mi amica. Buon giorno."

Rin: "And this is?"

Lance: "Ahh.. excuse us while we come down the mountain."

Undusting and smoothing out the surface of their clothing, Lance observes what looks like a regular office woman, with small hints of her "geek" influence.

From her headphones, to her stand out accessories. The Englishman also mentioned to himself her long socks.

Lance: "Asian, redhead, clean, and looks like you were in some hurry.. you're this Rin person, correct?"

Rin: "Yep, that's me."

Lance: "Very well. It's odd to say this on the first encounter, but I'm your boss. My codename's Paladin. But let's get along. I'm Lance Robinson, perhaps you've heard of me from the Scotland Yard, in London."

Rin expected an all new fresh outlook as a police officer, which changed as she heard that name.

Rin: "Ro-Robinson! Of London?!"

Lance: "Jesus, is something the matter? Robinson isn't much a special name.."

Rin: "My cousin's name is Robinson."

Turning around and putting focus on his thought, Lance calmed and activated his brain power.

Lance: "Nonsense! Okay, let me think... there's uncle Alan, got himself an aged Japanese.. Miss Seno who has this one girl... it can't be possible!"

Rin: "Possible. Alan Robinson is my stepdad. Seno Nami, the woman who wed him is my mother."

Lance: "So.. that makes you ermm.. family. Balderdash!"

Rin: "Hahaha! Hello cousin!"

Rin makes a gentle bow, gentle enough to call it slightly playful.

Lance: "God damned *BLEEP* for brains.. hello there, my cousin."

Bern: "Mi amico, that took a turn of the unexpected."

Lance: "Leave none of this out of the reports, Bernardo. And with this aching leg, we're sitting, and that's an order!"

The round table in the center gets useful.

Rin: "So why am I called here?"

Lance: "Aside notifying and briefing you on what we agents do, I'm sure you'll figure out why?"

Rin: "Being in a meeting room.. means.. we're meeting?"

Bern: "Si."

Lance: "Good to see your common sense still works fine. Get comfortable, because we're actually waiting for one more. Seen her around?"

Rin: "Only 'her' is too unspecific. Anything else?"

Bern: "Chinese."

Rin: "Chinese.. agent.. don't tell me she likes to laugh?"

Bern: "Si, that is correct?!"

Lance: "It appears you know her too?"

Rin: "No.. not directly I mean."

Bern: "She knows her husband. That, mi amico, is just the gist."

Lance: "Hmm.. I'd want to know what he knows.."

Rin: "We'll see.. he's quite.. something."

Lance: "I'll take that in consideration. Tell me, has your husband show any sign of rejection these days?"

Rin: "Not long ago he's vowed for my sake, so that's a no."

Lance: "Excellent. One less problem to worry about is a win for me.. us, I mean."

Rin: "Odd question.. Anywho, about this Maiden.. as far as I know, she's kind of a double agent. How'd she get free?"

Bern: "Mi amico, I'm with her on this. This is confusing, but good news."

Lance: "I'd explain, but alas, I also only know. But.. you both know how she's like?"

Rin: "No.. not really. If I was Ot-to, maybe he'd enlighten me.. Bern-san?"

Bern: "She? We used to have a blast before I met you, Lance, mi amico."

Lance: "You idiot! How could you not mention this at all?"

Bern: "The need just came up, mi amico, surely you'd understand."

Lance: "It did? I mean.. of course.. I must apologize again, Bernardo, I need to keep in control."

Bern: "After what happened, mi amico, it's deserved, really."

Lance: "Hmm.."

Rin: "So, about Izumi-san.."

Theme Song: Nero - My Eyes
Gender: Female
Nationality: Half Japanese, half Chinese
Age: 29
Current occupation: Interpol agent
Distinct features: Black hair with hair buns. Unnerving eyes. Large curved mouth. Long qipao of various colors.
Car of choice: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X Final Edition Gr. B road car

A half Japanese, half Chinese secret agent. Embracing to a more criminally deep Japanese lifestyle, Izumi's criminal days are numbered until a second chance came its way, especially with her skills as a double agent. While mostly serious, her contagious habit of laughing at the slightest hint corrupts that image.

Bern: "Maiden? Oh yes, mi amica, she's quite serious at her job. One has to get used to the insufferable laughing."

Lance: "She.. laughs?"

Bern: "Mi amico, this is a dossier of who you didn't read?"

Lance: "Not that I have.."

About to continue on, the door gets knocked on.

Lance: "Come on in then."

The expected person has arrived: a clearly more rustic Asian person with a healthy mix of Chinese and Japanese.

She puts her foot in, entering slowly as the crowd watches in silence.

Her face shows a calm, casual face.

Lance: "Ahhh, and this must be Izumi? Welcome!"

Izumi, upon hearing her name, starts tearing up, holding her mouth.

The warnings Lance took has it confirmed for him, much to his dread.

Lance: "Oh bother.."

Izumi: "Ehh.. hehe.. HAHAHAHAAA!"

Lance: "I'm sorry, what's exactly so funny?"

Izumi: "OHH! Ohh.. ohh.. I wish I could tell you.. but.. IS THAT HOW YOU SAY MY NAME?!"

Lance: "God help me.."

Bern: "Calm down, Lance.. I will handle this. It's been a while, Izzy."

Still with the comedic look, Izumi responds calmly.

Izumi: "Bern? Hey there! I swear if that wasn't you, I might just... pfft... BURST!"

Lance: "My God, make it stop.. please!"

Bern: "I wish I knew how, mi amico. It's really chaotic."

Izumi: "EHAHA! HAHAHAHOHA! *clears throat* well.. shall we begin?"

Lance: "Oh? That's.. well.. convenient."

With everyone comfortably sat, Lance started the meeting.

Lance: "Alright. There's a few items of needing address. Firstly, we have Rin. She's been working top notch police work for a while and, with toil and trouble, earned her promotion to become one of us. I've been assigned as her leader. Say hi, Rin, my, erhh.. cousin."

Rin: "Hiya."

Izumi: "Wait.. do I know you? I have a feeling I know you. Rin.. Rin, Rin, Rin.. that sounds like a phone.. ehehehe.."

Lance: "Excuse me?"

Rin: "Hmm.. you don't say you were.. involved with Jake-san's mad search for love, Izumi-san?"

Bern: "Mi amica, that's a cryptic way of saying that."

Izumi: "Jake.. Jake.. Rin and.. JAKE! Ohh right! You're his target! And it looks like you never were lost.. just found by the wrong people until the time is right."

Lance: "I'm sorry, what the hell happened between you three?"

Rin: "Long story."

Bern: "I'll fill you in, mi amico, don't you worry."

Lance: "Always a pain, these new unexpected details.. Back to the matter at hand, Rin will need a code name."

Rin: "Ohh.. ehh.. Rin is fine, really!"

Lance: "My dear, these code names aren't for show. Hiding our identity is just one of the many things we have to do. And it probably would add if these code names mean something. Normally this decision would be done by some higher than myself.."

Izumi: "Maybe we can help.. if we.. pfft.. oh I don't know, know more of you?"

Lance: "Now there's a good idea. Let's hear some about you. Probably as brief as possible."

Rin: "Well, if there's something, Ot-to keeps mentioning to me akin to Pandora's box.. you're really not expecting what I can do."

The mention of Pandora gave Lance a fast and simple solution to the issue.

Lance: "Well said. I think agent Pandora rings quite nicely to you, you know?"

Bern: "Mi amico, this I agree with."

Izumi: "It's not funny, so.. hehe.. okay then!"

Lance: "Well, I guess I know what I'm going to suggest later. Congratulations, agent Pandora."

Rin: "Arigato."

Lance: "By the way, when we're not socializing, make use of our code names as well. Mine is Paladin, like the holy knights of legend. I thrust the lance of justice! Ha-hah!"

Rin: "Ha-hah! Your name's quite nice."

Lance: "You peasants haven't a chance to match, for sure."

Izumi: "Teehee.. we're not really in competing terms."

Lance: "I know.. I quite brag often.."

Rin: "So, what's yours, Bern-san?"

Bern: "Mine was given to me a long time ago, mi amica. It was Blaze. I'm not entirely sure with the reason, but it has to do with my undercover work in racing."

Izumi: "What, you going out in a blaze of glory? Pfft... that's.. that's.. that's totally not how racing works, AHAHAHAHAHAA!"

Lance: "So, why is it that they call you Maiden, anyways?"

Izumi: "Well, I guess I'm, hehehe.. HAHAHAAHAA!"

Lance: "Oh my God.."

Rin: "There there.. Me being Japanese helps cope with the laughing; how about you, Bern-san?"

Bern: "Being that I've had my run-ins with her, mi amica, I'm very used to the giggling."

Rin: "Lan-san, I feel the pity for you.."

Lance: "Pardon me.. her laughing is so contagious, and this resisting is very difficult, I assure."

Rin: "Huh? I thought it was irritating, but contagious?"

Lance: "You really don't know me.."

Rin: "Know you. As family, I'm sure we can find the time?"

Lance: "We'll find it surely."

Izumi: "Here's hoping the meeting won't take any.. LONGER! HAAAHAHAHAA!"

Lance: "How is it that counts as funny?"

Izumi: "Ohhoohohoho.. I'm so so sorry.. I'm just being.. me."

Lance: "I'll just have to, get used to it, I guess, haha."

Rin: "Hmm..."

Lance: "Back on track then. We all in agreement Rin's going to go with Pandora for a codename?"

Izumi: "No objections here."

Lance: "Good. Now we move on to phase two. Yes, it's not like we all want to stay here a while. Phase two demands that we are assigned a squadron, and eventually me getting tested on leadership."

Izumi: "Oh, lovely. That means expenses paid travel!"

Lance: "There's that, but remember to focus on the job."

Izumi: "I'm long in this business, Lance.. don't go.. ehehe.. CRYING ON ME NOW, HAHAHAA!"

Lance: "Alright then. Rin, that sort of means you have to travel solo when it comes.. Maybe you can take some marital advice from Bernardo."

Rin: "Don't worry about me.. I'm married longer than he is."

Bern: "Si, this is fact, mi amico."

Lance: "Most interesting. I don't think I've been impressed more with coincidence after coincidence.."

Rin: "Ot-to's kind of a free agent right now, so budget provided he will be by my side."

Lance: "Given that so far he's got connections with both Maiden and Blaze, I'd say there's no objections."

Izumi: "None."

Lance: "Knowing Bernardo, you have more for me on him?"

Bern: "Si. Knew him about ten years back."

Lance: "I guess a friend of Bernardo is acceptable to be made a friend of mine. Do tell, Rin, when we can meet up?"

Rin: "You betcha."

Lance: "Care that it doesn't clash on anything too. Now, directive orders suggest me being the leadership, so.. I'm the boss, ladies and Bernardo. I'll have the documentation ready."

Izumi: "Hahahaa! I'm so sorry for you, Lance."

Lance: "Don't be.. don't *BLEEP*ing be.."

Bern: "So, that will be all, mi amico?"

Lance: "I do have more, but they're on a personal basis. These I will cover when we meet one-on-one. I'll probably need details on where you may be in later on. With that, I guess this meeting is adjourned."

Lance and Izumi exit the room, but as it was Bernardo's turn, he was stopped.

Rin: "So, Bern-san.. this is what you do?"

Bern: "Mi amica, the meetings aren't all about what being an Interpol agent is about."

Rin: "Well, I'm still quite lost in this business. "

Bern: "I'd happily mentor for you, mi amica. You're lucky you got in a squad.. the recent days I see agents go rogue more often than you think."

Rin: "People actually go rogue? Like in the movies? Why's that?"

Bern: "Both a deficiency of honesty and information. And allure to use the power for self naught, mi amica. We had an oath, I'm sure you need no reminding of."

Rin: "No. Not at all.."

Bern: "I'll probably test you but I'm quite the slacker as well, mi amica. Don't tell Lance."

Rin: "Bern-san, what's Lan-san to you?"

Bern: "Him? He's a devil in a human form, mi amica. One mistake can cost you. Consider your career ruined if you dare cross him."

Rin: "Eep!"

Bern: "Ahah! It was all just jest. Lance, if anything, is just honorbound and a bit of a foul mouth. But he keeps those close to him in his heart. You being connected as family will help."

Rin: "He seems eager to keep an eye on me."

Bern: "It's not because of your feminine charm, mi amica!"

Rin: "You say I'm not charming? Rude!"

Bern: "I said no such thing, mi amica!"

Rin: "So, be honest, Bern-san.. am I in any way charming?"

Bern: "Hmm.. A pretty face, but I think Lucia will always be my sweetheart."

Rin: "Suppose it's only fair you don't prefer me.."

Bern: "I can't be the only judge, but if you can catch the heart of Jake, it really means you have something only he recognizes."

Rin: "*gasp* You're right!"

Bern: "Mi amica, I'm not the usual person. Now let's head to your office.."

The room's door suddenly shook.

Bern: "Mio Dio!"

Rin: "What's the matter, Bern-san?"

Bern: "The door.. It is a shaking!"

As Bernardo points his concerns, the door is just like a stationary door.

Rin: "Bern-san, this isn't one of your little tricks?"

Bern: "No no, mi amica. I swear.."

Bernardo's concerns are seemingly delusional, but the door was played with an eavesdropping duo.

Izumi: "*giggling*"

Lance: "*whispering* quiet now.."


Santa Monica Beach
11 AM

Engulfed by the sun, the beach has been a place attracting to many.

Very little comes in between people taking their space on the beach.

With high end rollerblades and a select upbeat song on her bluetooth headset, Rin weaves around the people, in a high yet comfortable speed.

Along the path, she sees ways to enthuse herself, in the form of doing some stunts.

For today, there wasn't any problems around. She heads to where her car is parked, viewing the Pacific's glory.

Rin: "And I'd say that's a wrap.."

However, something caught her attention.

Rin: "Hmm.."


A red McLaren, just by her Copen. Increasingly curious, Rin moved close. The owner of the car is visible.

But asleep on the driver's seat.

Rin: "That's the Red McLaren.. and Murph.. what's he up to?"

With the red 12C being the focus of an incident not too long ago, Rin thought of only Murph's safety.

Her first move is to wake him up by knocking on the car's windows.

Rin: "Knockity knock!"

Murph: "*snort*tis all a bloody *snort*"

Rin: "MURPH!"

Murph: "*snort* you hear the time that.. that.. *snort* Murph kissed that frog ay.."

Waking Murph up can be considered impossible when his sleep talk combines with the snoring akin to a construction power tool.

Rin: "Wow.. waking a guy like Murph-san probably would be an insane challenge."

Murph: "WHUZAT?!"

Now away from his ethereal scape of his dreams, Murph looks outside of his car.

Murph: "Ah! That you, Rin? Allo allo there, sexy."

Getting out, Murph stretches his limbs and clears any mess he can see.

Rin: "Murph, what are you doing here?"

Murph: "No reason, actually. Maybe I can make up how Jake's needing an eye on you like you got on him."

Rin: "Wait, how did you know I'm watching his every move?"

Murph: "Are you kidding, ay? I mean, tech geek that's a bit over her head, combined with.. actually this is all bull*BLEEP*, the boss told me."

Straight up with the facts, she realizes the error of her behaviour.

Rin: "Gosh, you're not wrong, you know. I'm just a little insecure.. kind of dumb of me, I know.."

Murph: "Dumb? Maybe a little crazy, but definitely not dumb or stupid. You did graduate university, right? That's something I can't really do, ay?"

Rin: "Ohh, that's just one thing.."

Murph: "But enough of the history lesson.. makes the head turn."

Rin: "So, is there anything Jake-san's probably not telling me about today?"

Murph: "Hmm.. he has something today, he claims. Needs Murph's help, but even he kept the what from me, ay."

Rin: "You know.. that's really typical of him. He's probably doing something super dangerous and wants us out of it."

Murph: "Nah.. that's not his style. If he still wants my help, it's probably insurance fraud or something. Or hunting pigs.. Mmmm... pigs.."

Rin: "If he still wants help, how about you help me?"

Murph: "Pardon, love?"

Rin: "Well, since you're going to be with him in.. I don't know, just keep me in contact when something goes dangerously bad."

Murph: "That's an affirmative. And with that, Murph's going out."

Rin: "Right. Take care! Arigato!"

Murph: "A rig in my toe?"

Rin: "No, silly. It's just a simple thank you.. but.. hmm.. here's an idea.. I can get started for Nihongo, that is Japanese, lessons.. you want in? You and our mutual friend cowboy?"

Murph: "Maybe. A good idea, ay, but let's see if I got the brain space for it."

Murph makes a quick move to the car, starts the V8, and makes his own path through the slow moving cars finding space.


Now alone, she commented.

Rin: "*mimicking* brain space.. Something is wrong with that man.."

Lance: "Tell me about it."

Rin: "GAAHA!"

Already striking a fighting pose, Rin prepares to strike even with her rollerblades still on.

Lance: "Stand down! Pandora, my dear, it's me, your cousin!"

The fist near the man's nose, Lance is visibly relieved.

Rin: "Oh.. hi, Lan-san!"

Lance: "Told you I'd make time."

Rin: "So, this is our one on one time?"

Lance: "Maybe, but I think I'd give some space for you to get acquainted with being an Interpol agent."

Rin: "If not for business, are you here for what reason then?"

Lance: "This is more quality family time. It's kind of a weakness for me.. To think I've been missing out on meeting important people. You, then there's my cousin Carrie's second kid."

Rin: "Sounds to me you're all work and no love. How bad can it be?"

Lance: "Maybe too dangerously bad. But I can't be judging myself for that."

Rin: "Maybe Bern-san could enlighten.. so.."

Lance: "Let's head out of the heat first."

Both Rin and Lance sit on a nearby bench under a walkway. The shade covers it entirely and a few more. The area is uncrowded, and the parking lot remains in close proximity.

Lance: "So, emm.. Rin. How are you?"

Rin: "If it doesn't fit the mood, they also call me Jess.."

Lance: "Hmm.. Rin is much more appropriate, I say. How's the California sun doing for you?"

Rin: "Not my type, this weather."

Lance: "Good.. good.. I hate the blasted sun, let me be honest.. More of a windy day guy, actually."

Rin: "Oh.. great. Me too actually, but with mild clouds. I need a bit of sun."

Lance: "Nice. What's your family?"

Rin: "Well.. I told you about my husband and only living parent. Then there's my foster brother Hayato."

Lance: "Foster brother?"

Rin: "My late father raised him as his disciple in the ways of racing. Now, he's doing Super Formula."

Lance: "Super what, now? Sorry, I don't follow."

Rin: "Kind of like Formula 1 but in Japan."

Lance: "Ahh.. he's a successor, then.. So, your brother and your father is where you got your racing skills, I presume?"

Rin: "Absolutely! My aim is to make otousan proud. He's watching me right now, I just know! I can't let him down!"

Lance: "Very good. Motivated. But what got you in the police business anyways?"

Rin: "Well, it's also kind of my father's fault. He was a.. how you say it.. the punk everyone wants to be, doing illegal things and racing flashy cars.."

Lance: "Hmm.."

Rin: "And there was this story about how he met my mother involving some really nasty people, and how the police was of no use.. It's a miracle they managed to get away."

Lance: "Dear me."

Rin: "What about you? Had a family member that pushes you ahead?"

Lance: "Yes. M'dad was a fine person serving the police. Died in duty stopping some mad men. My mother died not too long after because of age. Left me and two sisters."

Rin: "And where are they now?"

Lance: "One became a prestiged soldier in the SAS, the other.. who knows where she is. Heard she might be some entertainer in Las Vegas. Ohh how distant is me and my siblings."

Rin: "Have you found them?"

Lance: "That's probably the mission for me tonight. A wide array of intelligence at our disposal, but I suppose a few selfish gains won't hurt.."

Rin: "Intelligence. Maybe I can get something out of it.."

Lance: "But I think I have a question, Rin. About that man you were talking to."

Rin: "Shoot."

Lance: "We suspect he's the one that got away from the police that night."

Rin: "Can't deny it? The clues are rather obvious, aren't they?"

Lance: "Correct. He's quite the pesky fly, but he's.. really tough to grab ahold of."

Rin: "Well, I think we need to find ways to extend our grabbing range."

Lance: "Hmm.. maybe I have a few ideas, but.."

Rin: "So what is it that makes that man so hard to catch?"

Lance: "It's like he has outsider help. When a warrant comes up for him, it's gone the next day. And then, his car, obviously a red McLaren, becomes unsearchable on our lists of similar red McLarens.. maybe he scrambles his license plates. And let's not get started on surveillance malfunctions.."

Rin: "Aren't they a nuisance?"

Lance: "They're really a pain. Which is where Izumi comes in hoping she does her job this time."

Rin: "Izumi-san.."

Lance: "Somewhere I know she must be laughing that laugh.. *sigh*"

Lance looked at his phone and received an update he's been waiting for. While internally excited, he keeps it hidden from his cousin.

Rin: "Anything else for me?"

Lance: "Yes! I mean.. in fact, yes. You've placed a request for a new car to do your intense police chases undercover. And it seemed like a long time since the last time it's been referred in the database. To go so far, even to have it all paid for as well.."

Rin: "Mmmm.. I sold an older car to fund it. With all this time passed, I've actually kind of given up on it. I'll get my money back soon, hopefully.."

Lance: "Tell me, Rin.. my cousin.. how eagerly is it you desire this particular car?"

Rin: "Oh! Very much, sir! You have no idea how I've been waiting! Sort of like a pair of opposite magnets. Ohh, how it flees me so.."

Lance: "Erghh.. analogies aside, may I present you to some good news?"

Rin: "What could possibly lighten my mood, Lan-san.. *sigh*."

Lance: "Oh how quaint. Here we have Bernardo with the car right now!"


Rin: "WHAT?!"

Lance: "Surprise! Your cousin here's got a few deep strings I have to let go, but here it is!"

The car: a blue RC F, takes the parking spot nearby. Both Rin and Lance approach.

Bernardo exits the left door.

Lance: "Bernardo! Right on time, I'd say."

Bern: "Mi amico, believe it or not, we took some time to take it around. It's magnificent."

Lance: "Well, Bernardo, secrets and deceit are your forte. Welcoming her with this is actually a good idea.. for once.."

The car, still alive, gets a thorough Rin inspection.

With a custom plate and certain bespoke selections, the car was in many ways the perfect little thing.

Rin's energy and enthusiasm rival with those opening presents on Christmas. Going around the outer details with her rollerblades, her face is of both surprise and joy.

Lance: "Would you look at her?"

Bern: "Hahaha!"

Rin: "Wow.. wow wow wow..."

Lance: "Come on, Rin. You're still here, right? We're in the real world."

Rin: "I've been waiting for this! Arigato! Thank you, thank you so so much!!"

Still energized, Rin went on to open the driver's door, unveiling another surprise.

Paul: "Hiya."

Rin: "Eeek!"

Lance: "That's.. P-Paul?!"

Bern: "Ahh.. I forgot to mention his involvement, mi amico.."

Paul's first move out of the driver's seat was to approach Lance, staring at him as he stares back.

Paul: "Lance.."

Lance: "Paul.."

Paul: "Looking fine, lad."

Lance: "Of course.. how's my lovely cousin Carrie?"

Paul: "Stressed, but managing. Met our cousin Rin?"

Lance: "Just met today. She's one girl.."

Paul: "Aye? Don't lose her. We both can't afford it."

Lance: "I'll know if a bee stings."

Rin: "Okay, someone tell me why you two are just being so tense at each other."

Lance: "My cousin married a wretched drunk.."

Paul: "This be me cousin who's got family priorities all *BLEEP*ed up.."

Rin: "Okay, I don't really care what's wrong, but.. can we please get along. If not for yourselves, but maybe for me?"

The intensity in the air remains a while, but then changes.

Paul: "....hahahahahaha.."

Lance: "Ha.. hahaha.."

Bern: "Mi amico, I'm not sure what's happening, but it's all just a joke, right?"

Both Paul and Lance show a more comforting look. Eventually, they held each other's wrist.

Paul: "Lance.. it's been ages since, but.. we need to reconsider each other, lad."

Lance: "I agree. It's not fair for me, you.. Carrie.. and Rin. But answer me this, Paul: what's the business of you being in America?"

Paul: "Needing some of that rest after kicking off me career. Might not get another chance."

Lance: "I see.."

As talk continues, Bernardo receives a distress call.

Bern: "Hmm.. Mi amico, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but our friend Izumi is needing our help on something, insistently urgent if I may add."

Lance: "Oh God.. what timing.. do we have details?"

Bern: "While I've no clue of the severity, mi amico, it seems desperate. I'll have a destination by the time we get out."

Lance: "Right. Paul.. I'm so so sorry we can't make up now. I'll be in London in a few days time, so let's handle it there."

Paul: "No worries, lad."

Rin: "I'm coming!"

Lance: "Rin, I suggest you stay here for now. You're capable of so much, but we need to maintain coverage."

Rin: "Right.. but I'm coming next time, okay?!"

Paul: "Lass, I'll keep ya company."

Lance: "You do that, Paul."

Bern: "Mi amica, I need the keys to the Copen! Quickly!"

Lance: "Don't worry about the car, Rin.. I'll have it handled for you. Ta ta for now!"

The veteran agents got in Rin's borrowed car, cleared out her belongings, and took off.

Paul: "How do I tell Carrie about this, I could never say.."

Rin: "*clears throat*"

Paul: "Ahh! Rin.. or Jess, was it? At either rate, lass, it's good to se-Wha-HEY!"

Paul finds himself in a bind, with his arm wrapped around him.

Rin: "Okay, big man! I want 3 things before I let you go! First question is how did you get to drive an Interpol agent? Second, the car. And third.."

Paul: "Slow down, lass! Me mind can only keep up one by one."

Rin: "Urgh.. alright."

Paul: "Well, first one.. that was.. drive the agent? He's married with Lucia, me dad's other protege, who so happened to be with me when he got the car."

Rin: "That was more than I wanted.."

Paul: "You mentioned a third challenge for me lass? I'm game, but are ya?"

Rin: "Heh.. the third? That's.."

Paul: "Yes.."

Rin: "It's.."

Paul: "C'mon.."

Rin: "About.."

Paul: "Achh! Lass, don't have all bloody day! Hurry about it, will ya?"

Rin: "Hello."

Paul: "He-hello?!"

Forcibly making his way out, Paul makes wild swings until his binder broke forcefully.

His moment of relief goes brief as he gets grappled into the corner, face first.

Paul: "ARGH! Lass, I-I'm not Sonny! Please consider it!"

Rin: "I'm sorry, but you're not welcome to me unless you show me that you've changed. You're a bad role model!"

Paul: "Aye, I understand, but you don't! Changed I be, but in me mental sense, not that I've got me a six pack!"

Rin: "Don't make me test you!"

Knowing his weak side submitting to the aggression, Paul manned up, the first time in a while.

Paul: "GRAAH! Ohh lassie! Now you've done me mad!"

His restrained arms may hurt, but it didn't mean he had no strength.

Moving his arm, he slammed her to the wall, made easy with her rollerblades.

Raging, disarmed him and putting his binder in a daze, he's visibly in a familiar livid intent.

By the time she realized what's happening, Paul was already going for a mean tackle.



They both caused a collision with the concrete.

Paul's racing pedigree didn't stop him being a little heavier than the usual race car driver.

After the crash, Paul got up quickly after, watching over his friend, slumped down on the wall.

Paul: "Whew.. calm thoughts, Paul.. calm now.. How do I tell Jacob about this, I could never say.."

Shaking off some sand, Paul brings down a hand.

Paul: "Looks to me you need hand, lass."

Rin: "Ngggghhhh..."

Paul: "Take your time, will ya?! Push a Henderson, you be bound for a grim fate, aye. Promise me you get up, you don't go trying to hold me? Achh, bloody hell, me arm.. Got yourself a mean viper's grip."

Rin: "O.. OK.."

He took to a squatting position, bringing the lady up slowly.

Now her upper body straight up, they start getting the lower body away from the floor.

Paul: "So, how you've been, me cousin? Any happenings with me main outlaw Jacob these days?"

Rin: "Uhhhuhh.."

Paul: "Don't tell.. something isn't right?"

Rin: "Maybe.."

Paul: "Was it the grand slam, lass? Wasn't the first time, so you got a bit lucky it's not to break your wee spine."

She rotated away from Paul, visibly hurt somewhere inside.

Rin: "No, no, that was awesome.. It's about Jake-san."

Paul: "Jacob? Not me aggression she's weeping of, unusual.. He's in good spirits last I saw. Finding something to do for his family's sake.."

Rin: "Yes.. that's a given since I nagged about him being useless these days."

Paul: "Something up between you two?"

Rin: "Well, I can trust you?"

Paul: "As your cousin, and more, you have my trust, lass."

Rin: "Good.. now.. oww.. get me up.."

Paul: "Sure.."

A firm grip helps Rin get back on her rollerblades, and back to balance just after, thanks to experience.

Rin: "So.. emm, ready to hear my pain?"

Paul: "What pain?"

Rin: "Like THIS!"

Without any warning, Paul received a big slap.


Paul: "OOOOF!"

Taking it, he knew that was deserved.

Rin: "As awesome it might be, don't do that to friends, especially your cousin!"

Paul: "Alright, alright, okay! M'sorry!"

Rin: "So, back to pain? Straight to it: Jake-san wants a kid. From me."

Paul still recoils his deserved slap, but gets back to it similarly as quick.

Paul: "What? That's not a bad thing, me opinion's saying."

Rin: "True, but I've gone through the things that'll happen to me. I mean, I won't be able to do my work and worse, won't be able to race!"

Paul: "Hmmm.."

Rin: "Are you even listening?!"

Paul: "Aye, that I be."

Rin: "It's bad, right?"

Paul: "Considering you have a slim chance of not making it out, it's all fine and dandy."

Rin: "Oww, don't make it worse, Paul-san!"

Paul: "Right. Me apologies.. Is he pushing you?"

Rin: "A bit."

Paul: "Well, let's see if I can talk to him about it. Being a family man's a big step, and the way I think it, it gives me an extra fan to motivate in life."

Rin: "Urk, I hate that's a really good point."

Paul: "Sorry, lass. Giving birth to a wee child makes me excited. You've seen Amelia and my Jacob, right? They be my treasures, aye, and I've faced trial after trial to keep them out of harm's way."

Rin: "I guess.."

Paul: "Think of the long term, lass. That's me advice to ya. This just be me wife Carrie's first marital challenge, and she's up for the next one, I'm sure."

Rin: "Ugh.. well.. I won't get beat!"

Paul: "Also, consider this is what we're one step ahead of Sonny. That man's a lost cause. Though I give him credit that he's working on it."

Rin: "Son-son.. I haven't heard of that name in a while now.."

Paul: "Last I saw him, we were taking rounds in that Willow Springs place with his Viper."

Rin: "Oh. Sounded like a great time! How was it?"

Paul: "Gotta say, lass.. like how he did in Goodwood that time, Sonny's a hell of a driver. He likes to show off, and I have to say, he's got every right to.."

Rin: "It's part of his charm, really. Don't go being offended, Paul-san."

Paul: "Also, I saw Jacob's F-Type. What a car, really love the sound, as always. Also impressive how he's gotten the hang of it. But the lad got coy when I asked of its origin.."

Rin: "Lucky you, I know! That car's from Murph, a result of his street racing."

Paul: "Murph?! Nash's lapdog?! What's he doing around here? Thought he'd be causing trouble in his place.. at Guildford?"

Rin: "You believe me when I say he apparently lives here too."

Paul: "The more I know.."

Rin: "What's your take on a guy like him?"

Paul: "If Nash trusts him, I'm thinking.. I be fine."

Rin: "I'm fine too, just that the department I work in isn't. They're looking to find a way to legally arrest him since his arrest warrant never could exist."

Paul: "That's something Jacob may enlighten you on. Just don't go messing with it, that be my advice."

Rin: "Especially when it wasn't long ago I found out they were buddy buddy for a long time. Back when I was AWOL.."

A loud, brief tone played from Rin's pocket.

Paul: "That's yours?"

Rin: "Yeah.."

The phone now on her hands, she reads the notification, then places it back.

Paul: "Your eyes only?"

Rin: "It's our cousin. He's getting me some things to do around the city. That means.."

Paul: "It's the moment you've been waiting for, I say."

Rin: "C'mon, Paul-san. Let's head out. It's my turn to drive!"

Paul: "Aye."


If She Knew What She Wants
The Bangles
Greatest Hits

Paul: "Hmm.. so that's what he's up to?"

Rin: "What?! No!"

Paul: "Relax, just had a storm about why Lance left ye with me.. it's for quality time with the car."

Rin: "*gasp* That's.. not a bad move!"

Paul: "He may be some guy who's all duty, but he's a man of heart, lass. Only that his bragging covers it up."






She wants everything (He can pretend to give her everything)

Or there's nothing she wants(She don't want to sort it out)

He's crazy for this girl (But she don't know what she's looking for)

If she knew what she wants, he'd be giving it to her
Giving it to her..

Rin: "Okay, Paul-san.. we're at the poor man's suburbs. Gang territory. Stay here, while I get what I need."

Paul: "Oi! Lass, please! I'm actually kind of looking forward to have me first hand on this culture.."

Rin: "Sorry, but like they say.. curiosity killed the cat."

Paul: "Comparing me to a pussy is just inexplicably rude.."


Big Man: "Back off, lady."

Rin: "Hey, uhh.. I'm looking for a boba tea.."

Big Man: "What you saying, sweet pea? We ain't got no boba tea!"

Rin: "What?!"

Big Man: "Back up, girl, or when I whistle my boys in place, it's bout to get ugly in here!"

Rin: "Erkh.. Not good.."

Paul: "Aye, what's hanging, Big Jack?"

Big Man: "Say wha? The white guy stepping up?"

Paul: "That I do, lad. While the little Asian girl fails to impress, I've been taking a gander, got hints this is LA Saints territory. Do me a favor, and cut the lassie a wee bit of slack, eh? She's a slice of interest, courtesy from our mate Gary-D."

Big Man: "That's my dog, Gary-D! Ain't heard that name for a long ass while! How he doing?"

Rin: "Huh? This is Gary's gang?"

Paul: "He's all fine and dandy, in London, keeping me wife and kids company."

Big Man: "Your family?! Heard he's hanging with some Scotsman in London, and it's you?! Good to hear my homeboy's still kicking."

Rin: "*clears throat*"

Paul: "Right. Sorry lass. She be looking for someone.. lemme have that.. ahh! A Bobby-T."

Big Man: "Hold up! Bobby-T?! I'm Bobby-T!"

Rin: "You are?!"

Bobby-T: "If this your first time, then.. say, you must be the new girl.. yeah? Grats on the promo, girl. Give back your higher ups the a-OK from Bobby-T, you hear?"

Rin: "Affirmative!"

Bobby-T: "And white guy! Do send my homie Gary-D some TLC. We Saints ain't a full package without him."

Paul: "Absolutely! Nice talking to you, big guy."

Bobby-T: "Any friend of the G-Dog is a friend of Bobby-T! Catch you later!"






If she knew what she wants
(He'd be giving it to her)

If she knew what she needs
(He could give her that too)

If she knew what she wants
(But he can't see through her)

If she knew what she wants
He'd be giving it to her
Giving it to her (giving it to her)

Paul: "What's this then?"

Rin: "Looks like the results of underworld thugs in a shootout.. Not pretty.. but should be much safer now that police has the area cleared and surrounded."

Paul: "Blood's an old friend, lass."

Rin: "Come on, Paul-san! And no phones."

Paul: "Pshhh.."

*crime scene*

Rin: "Is the witness ready to talk?"

Officer: "He's all yours, agent."

*saxophone sounds*

Rin: "So.. you've been doing what at the scene of the crime, Mister.."

Emile: "*stops playing* Orson. I've done no wrong, just playing the soothing music of my friend here the saxophone.."

Rin: "A musician? "

Emile: "Musician, businessman, soldier.. it matters not. Civic duty escapes no one. I just did my duty, officer."

Rin: "Hmm.. but you know.. I just have this feeling that.."

Emile: "A feeling of.."

Rin: "Do I know you?"

Emile: "Doubt it. And if there's suspicious to point out, it's your friend here.."

Paul: "Oops. My bad. I'll step away then..."

*steps away*

Emile: "And now we can talk."

Rin: "Talk away, I'm listening."

Emile: "I know plenty. As the soothing notes of my dearest saxophone harmonizes this neighborhood, men of many sides, all with the same intent, came for blood. There's a lot to say, actually.. if you have the time.."

Rin: "Hmm.. sorry Orson-san, but we're kind of in a hurry, and since you're a key witness, we have to take you in for questioning. Sorry again, but it's protocol. You okay with that?"

Emile: "Yes. I guess it'll have to do."







*play rest of song here*

Paul: "Lass, answer me this.. why do you want me to carry your skates?"

Rin: "Rollerblades. And they're no ordinary skates: they're special. From the carbon wheels to the super lightweight frame, Paul-san, your ignorance insults me!"

Paul: "Sure, I'm no skater lady or what, but you haven't answered me query, lass."

Rin: "That? Well, we're taking a quick look at a suspect's last known. Renowned pickpocket and burglar due a visit in detention. Saying he's fast on his feet is just the gist of what we might get."

Paul: "Insulting for me as well there lass! You know how Lucia got to me pride when she can run the 100 meter faster than I?!"

Rin: "Hahahaha, she can do what?!"


Paul: "Aye, that's him?!"

Rin: "Ikuze!"

*dash dash dash dash dash*

Rin: "Keep up, Paul!"

Paul: "Running *wheeze*.. isn't a weak point for *wheeze* a Henderson!"

Rin: "You know, I had you running into Oxford Circus from somewhere else in London once.."

Paul: "Lass, I'm knewing that was just you.. giving me *wheeze* a chance! And.. you're running backwards *wheeze* that fast?!"

Rin: "Faster faster!"

*dash dash dash SCREE*

Paul: "Christ, I doubt he's going to the station tonight with this here downhill slope.. these ska-rollerblades.. why do I still.."

Rin: "Gimme that!"

Paul: "Ach! Hey! What.."



Rin: "And here I come, bad guy.. WAHOO!!"

Paul: "So that's why she's got them rollerblades.."

*grinding sounds*

Rin: "And.. YOU'RE MINE!"


Paul: "Caught up.. at last.. phew.. wow.. we did it! Ach.."

Rin: "Nowhere left to run for yo-I mean.. anything you say here can be used in court.. yada yada.."


Rin: "Whew.. all this policework is exhausting. You've made my first day a lot more better, you know.."

Paul: "Hey, it's nothing, lass. This is turning out to be quite the holiday, with all the places we passed making for some great sights. So, where we headed?"

Rin: "Just one last check, then I think I'll be done for the day. There's multiple reports of street racing coming from the docks. Might as well see if we can arrest a guy."

Paul: "Oi, you said a guy? So.. just one guy?"

Rin: "I'm a pretty good 'bad cop', actually. He, or she, will talk."

Paul: "You know, I thought Interpol was more gentle, but.."

Rin: "Gentle.. that's not how I want to be heard about. What's your opinion on my new car?"

Paul: "It's not an Aston Martin, but it provided me share of good moments."

Rin: "Haha! Okay then.."

Paul: "What?"

Rin: "I just remembered about the Manufacturer's Cup. And that you're the star of the show."

Paul: "Aye, that I am, but I'd be not hiding anything about that. Though, it hasn't gotten much advertising.. How'd you hear of it, though?"

Rin: "Remember Moto-san? He's looking at it, and we talk.."

Paul: "Ach, should've got a clue you two are bonded.."

Rin: "Yup. He's my foster brother. His sensei for his racing career was mostly otousan Shinzo."

Paul: "Mostly? What's the other bit?"

Rin: "Nash-san, I bet. He was a family friend, actually."

Paul: "Whoa, this be the first I hear about this, lass."

Rin: "There's more, but we're almost here. Keep an eye out for some 'nice' cars."

Paul: "Aye."

Around the docks, the reports remain sketchy without any evidence remaining.


Minutes pass, and their efforts remain fruitless.

Rin: "Okay, one more round here, then we'll call it quits.. I'm exhausted.."

Paul: "Let's cut into it then, lass. Real sure there's nothi-hey!"

Rin: "What?!"

Paul: "That!"


Rin: "Hmm.. a Mustang. There are tons of these around looking ricer.. but that kit must be expensive."

Paul: "No, not that car. Focus on who's approaching the car."

The focus turns from the vastly customized Mustang, to a man walking towards it with a briefcase.

A man familiar to them, she immediately strikes vocally.

Rin: "JAKE!!"

Paul: "AARGH, Me ears!!"

Putting the car by the side of the road, Rin expresses herself.


Rin: "Ooooh!! That man.. I just can't believe it!"

Paul: "Forgive me for asking, lass, but isn't Jacob getting into street racing not being a sort of surprise?"

Rin: "Yes, but I'd think he'd come back to it not this soon."

Paul: "Lass, I really think you're just overreacting. Although.. that Mustang seemed like one hell of a ride."

Rin: "He lied! He lied about the Mustang!"

Paul: "Now you're just finding a way to bring him some blame.."

Rin: "What? No! I thought I found it suspicious when he said he had to send it to Ford."

Paul: "What's the problem, then?"

Rin: "Something about the suspension being dodgy, I think.."

Paul: "Seeing that wide kit probably means he's done something about it, but you're right about him not sending it to Ford, though."

Rin: "Hnngh.. I'm so angry, but I'm not sure how to put it.."

Paul: "Got any idea where he's heading later?"

Rin: "He's probably going to meet up with Murph-san and conceal his winnings. That's what he normally does."

Paul: "Being his maiden gets you such intel.. but any idea where he does that?"

Rin: "I'm guessing a bank. But there are tons of that in this city.. You know, I'm enough of arguing with him at home, I want to destroy him!"

This would be Paul's first experience of Rin's frustrations with Jacob.

He couldn't help but advise her.

Paul: "How about.. how about we follow the Mustang?"

Rin: "Follow?! My thoughts follow, but.. I don't have cover."

Paul: "Sure? He's got no idea you got yourself a shiny new Lexus. That's cover enough, but we hang not very close."

Rin: "Okay, sure. But why not tell him or anything?"

Paul: "We get a honest reaction. Give him no time to prepare. He'll spill it all on us."

Paul's honest exterior, for Rin, refuses to hold water with suggestions he's made all day.

This one in particular gave her angry side a reason to calm.

Rin: "You know, all day I'm with you, I realized you'd make a good partner. Look at how you just gave me all these good ideas.."

Paul: "Good ideas aside, lass, I'm not sure I aspire this line of work.."


The Lexus, with its stand out blue, grabbed no attention to the driver of the customized Mustang.


Rin's yet to be realized ability to keep her cover intact did its job amicably, thanks to quick wits and advice from her passenger.





Through the city and out to the seaside, a guilty man drove the Mustang to a dusty road, unaware of him being followed..


The blue Lexus followed suit, intentionally delaying.


Rin: "Dirt road, no problem!"

Paul: "Not so sure why you're going 50 here, lass! We're in no hurry, aye!"

Rin: "Paul-san, I'm tired, and time sure passes when I'm stalking my husband.. ehehe.. but.. any idea where we may be?"

Paul: "Oh? Let's see.. GPS says we be at, ehh.. Ventura Bay. Sound familiar?"

Rin: "Not far from home, and here's one road I've never heard of."

They see Jacob exit the Mustang, next to yet another familiar car.


Rin: "And Son-son's also here.. something is not right."

Paul: "That.. is a familiar machine."

Rin: "Not to me. What's it to you?"

Paul: "Lass, I don't dare talk about it. That event was so shady.. from me family being held away against me own will, to assassins skulking about, with rumors of manipulation.. all's be a bad memory."

Rin: "Okay. The trauma stuff I'm always not going to head to, whether it be ot-to or my cousin. Let's now think of what to say, you ready?"

Paul: "Wait, why do I have to say something?"

Rin and Paul head out, slowly following the boot marks Jacob left behind.


Their first problem came to them when there's no defined route for them to follow.


While they're busy, Jacob, holding a strong briefcase, heads down to a beautiful beach sight, with someone else sitting on the bench visible.

That someone else is Sonny Meng, whistling an all too familiar tune.


Sonny: "Yo. Jake! How's it going, neighbor?"

Jacob: "Good to see you, Son. Seems like you ain't tardy, this time."

Sonny: "Yeah, free time's a *BLEEP*, you know, celebrity me.. It's interview this, racing that. But enough of me. What's in the bag? Got yourself a fortune?"

Jacob: "Take a look."

A code inputted to the lock, the case opens.

Sonny: "*whistles* This isn't much, but *whistles*. What's the plan with it?"

Jacob: "You know I like to store it in the bank, but I'll keep it on me for now. Any bank account I have gets a sudden boost in cash is bound to be suspicious."

Sonny: "Good call. But now let's unleash the cool. Unwind and relax. Sit with me."

Sonny got to work, sweeping clear any dirty objects, on which the surface Jacob eventually sits on.

Sonny: "Remember this place, Jake? When we were kids, we used to just.. you know.. let loose in the sand and the ocean.. "

Jacob: "Ain't it something? My childhood ain't all nice and dandy, but you're kind of one reason I cherish it."

Sonny: "And you know what? A moment of you smiling before you met Rin was kind of a miracle. It still is today, I wager."

Jacob: "You dare doubt me?"

Sonny: "You sure you have a hearty smile to show me? You're no Fred, you know?"

Jacob: "No.. not yet. Maybe, well.. we can have another nostalgic view of this beach. Twenty years, and it's hardly changed.."

Sonny: "This is OUR spot, Jake. You remember that mossy rock over there, that's where Uncle Louie and my baba would chat for however long they would."

Jacob: "Silly thing is, as neighbors, they'd choose to just unload it here rather than with some of my ma's cooking on a table."

Sonny: "Oh, look at us.. 30 years of age, and to us, our dads are still enigmas. We probably suck at understanding them."

Jacob: "Can't argue with it."

Sonny: "And this bench.. didn't.."

Jacob: "Yeah, that's our handiwork. Brought a bunch of DIY tools in a Jeep, and got to work."

Sonny: "The marines taught you how to make? That's not what I had in mind with the army."

Jacob: "They taught us to be useful, if anything. But on why? Maybe I got tired of sitting in the sand or a mossy rock."

Sonny: "Nobody likes a dirty ass, right?"

Jacob: "Tell me, Son. You ever come back here when I was on duty, or when I was looking for Jess?"

Sonny: "Yep. And alone too. Not even Kirk knows of this place. Only my parents did. Especially my mom."

Jacob: "She liked the place?"

Sonny: "She kept making an excuse to unfold with being a biker. Truth is, I think she just.. you know.. wants to hang out with her only kiddo."

Jacob: "There, Son. I know you miss your ma' so much."

Sonny: "You know how whenever I talk about my mama it just hits me so.. undescribeable.. When was the last time you had that feeling.."

Jacob: "That feeling.. t'was when I lost Shinzo.. Jess's dad. I was there, standing, seeing him get into arrest with Keith and Gary."

Sonny: "Keith.. and Gary too?"

Jacob: "There are others, but not like you'd care."

Sonny: "Oh.. that's cool."

Jacob: "Just stood there, powerless and emotional. That's the me I decided to toss aside and rebuild."

Sonny: "For all my life, I see the same you, being kind of suppressed in these emotions. What was it? C'mon, you can't help but share it, right?"

Jacob: "That's another death altogether. Better for me to keep that to myself.."

Their conversation halted to a pause, with Jacob staring at the waves. Sonny has eyes on his phone.

Sonny: "Jake. Take a look."

Jacob: "What's this?"

Sonny: "My dashcam. My Citroen's one weakness is practical windows, so.. I took some liberty of fixing that and put cameras on each side."

Jacob: "Get to the point."

Sonny: "Right, well, here's the Mustang I got for your birthday.. nice to see your engravings."

Jacob: "Hmm.."

Sonny: "Still got that mask?"

Jacob: "For your sake I'm not saying."

Sonny: "Just looking out for you, bro. Don't want any cop on your shady ass."

Jacob: "I can handle myself. So, what about the dash cam?"

Sonny: "Yes.. it seems we have an intruder on our 2 man spot.."

Jacob: "That's a blue Lexus.. oh Jess.. that's you, isn't it?"

Sonny: "Couldn't figure it out? My opinion: a Lexus is kind of Rin's thing."

Jacob: "I had a feeling, but I didn't think she'd get her new car so soon. Blue's also more of you than her.."

Rin: "JAKE!!"

The shriek prompted the two to face at its predicted direction.

Her mood fouled even more with coming on the messy sand barefoot, it'd be a miracle to calm her now.

Sonny: "She's all yours, Einstein."

Ready for a thrashing, Rin took upon the sight of the ocean and the sun, somewhat suppressing her anger.

Rin: "WHY YOU.. whew.. ohh.. that.. what the.. what is this place?"

Sonny: "Yo, Rin! Welcome to Playa del Sonny.. that sounded nice, remind me to use that Playa word again."

Jacob: "May I remind you how this is OUR beach, Son.."

Rin: "OUR beach? Why wasn't I in this our again?! Jake-san, I'm going to gut you inside out!"

Paul makes his appearance from another angle.

Paul: "Oi! Lass, absolutely no gutting if I'm around! Just don't go jumping into that malarkey, aye?"

Sonny: "Paul?! Man, you're still in America?"

Paul: "Still am."

It was the Scotsman's turn to witness the sun's stare from where they remain.

Paul: "The sun's all shine today.. right when the gang's all here. Plus how we're all in such a nice place. Shame the highlands got nothing on this nature, surely."

Sonny: "Being honest, I didn't plan for this at all! But it's nice to see you all.. though I'm not really feeling it."

Jacob: "Son, you did desert us, so I guess that makes you a prime victim of that."

Sonny: "Desert? No way, dude. I'm still a member of the club right?"

Rin: "Son-son is always in, right?"

Jacob: "I guess it can't be helped."

Sonny: "By the way, I still got the tats! Here!"

Unsleeving his right arm, the gang sees nothing.

Jacob: "You know, Son, I'd think you're making yourself look bad on purpose. It only shows under UV."

Sonny: "Oh.. that's kind of odd.. No wonder I can't show it off.. But I did remember doing something to it.."

Paul: "Guessing that might be getting rid of the tracker the artist decided to keep."

Jacob: "*sigh* Nash was a young, ambitious man."

Rin: "He still is, ot-to."

Paul: "But, you all still got it? The tattoos, I mean?"

Sonny: "Yep."

Jacob: "Yeah."

Rin: "Just without the tracker, yes."

Paul: "So, even with no tracker, we still believe in Nash, right? Seeing you lot haven't got the tattoos gone, I still think so."

Jacob: "What you did back in that Supercar Festival convinced me of your convictions, Paul."

Rin: "Yes, haha! But if there's something I learned today.. it's that our little gang needs a leader."

Paul: "Really? Didn't think a leader is what we need.."

Sonny: "Sure we do! It's a secret team, t-e-a-m, after all. But since secret is another thing, being celebrity isn't going to get me leader."

Jacob: "And I prefer to be under the shadows."

Rin: "Me? Well, I just am terrible at keeping secrets."

All eyes lay on Paul.

Paul: "It's not like I was going to deny it. I'm up for it. Come on, gang."

The beach rumbles, setting the atmosphere for a meeting for the ages.

Paul: "Got to say it again, lads.. just that, this be such a pretty sight.. this is for the memories. Me, and my mates in the team I was the black sheep of."

Sonny: "Hey, we're still a team, bro. Don't feel left out."

Rin: "We're family, Paul-san! You're never left out!"

Paul: "Ohh.. me friends.. thank you.. and Jacob?"

Jacob: "As the godparent to your second child, I look forward to making this work, like it was supposed to."

Paul: "Right.. hope it be no shock, but it's that, guys.. I'm leaving America tomorrow. So, let's make the best of it today."

Jacob: "Best of it, you say? Maybe I have an idea on what to do tonight, don't we, Jess?"

Rin: "Oh! That would be nice. How about a picture. For good luck?"

Paul: "Good luck? Aye.. that's something I really need a lot of."

Alone, Paul decides a selfie setup would benefit the most.

With everyone in the picture, all with big smiles.


Sonny: "Hey, that's a nice hearty smile there, Jake."

Jacob: "Oh, shut up.."


Author's Note

I've never gotten a chance to write with Rin as the lead character, so here's a treat. It's got words, though, so I hope they're laid out correctly. Why this worry? Because I kind of knew I screwed up the photography being this blue Lexus RC F getting the spotlight and keeping stuck on it.

And the Mustang Gr.3 Road Car. That car's been the main selling point when I advertise The Mythic Chronicles on GT Sport's social platform. I've even shared its beta livery, now I own this final variant of it. Quick! I'll release it when this entry gets at least 10 likes #SPDFishingForLikes

The music this time doesn't include much in terms of action, but what I said last time: I do plan to mix it up, after all. And you're probably ready for old music being the Spotify of this story. Well, you'd be surprised on what's on the next part: it's a 2012 song that's NOT on my YouTube Arena of... stuff.

This little part also marks the end of our good little Daihatsu. Sad to see it go? Well, it's really only here before we get to the real car that is Rin's new Lexus. I'm really happy that the RC F managed its way to GT Sport, but I wouldn't mind seeing the return of the LFA, base or Nurburgring.

So new characters? Lance Robinson, cousin of Carrie Robinson. Yes, I've been unoriginal with new characters relating to main characters' family trees. But he has been planned for a long while now. He's a typical goody goody two shoes with a stiff moral of justice. Super typical cop stuff. His reaction with Paul, however? Maybe that's expected too.

And veteran readers will find themselves surprised with the return of Izumi Yamazaki. Why? Well, like if you had read my old stuff, she's a double agent caught red handed. That's pretty serious stuff. But, if you had read Lost My Way, you'll find a clue on how she got loose. Again, not mandatory stuff, so my suggestion is you stay here instead. Her intention? Like Lance to Bernardo, but for Rin. Her laughing will be what defines her, so you better adapt.

This episode's music tune seemed different.. not racing, but more a take me there with Rin getting grips with the RC F. A quick mention of my Creator's Pet Gary-D, and a small Emile moment? I will be promoting these two in Phase 2 more, especially the latter.

This would also set the layout of succeeding my original GT6 fiction "Dawn of The Mythic". Yep, all these lead characters have something in common, not that it should surprise anyone, really.

This was supposed to wrap up phase 1 of The Mythic Chronicles, but even before phase 2 got announced, I already made teases for a certain Tamed Racing Animal, and the duo of an Angel and an Oni. And well, I'd hate myself to leave them out.

Next up:



I Stay Away
Alice In Chains
Jar Of Flies


Rin: "WOOHOO!"


Jacob: "Coyote coming through!"


Rin: "Whooaaa~"


Jacob: "Hold on to your reins, Jess, he ain't taking no breaks tonight.."


Rin: "That was.. unnecessarily fast!"

Jacob: "Couldn't say that for any Mustang. But your Lexus piques me interested. Mind if I tear the forest road with it?"

Rin: "We can initiate that test run tomorrow.. but now.. as for not telling me.. ohh you DON'T want to know the levels I'm going with this!!"

Jacob: "Hey, don't go crazy now, Jess. I'll handle my duties, you do yours."

Rin: "Ahh, I see someone's eager for peace today."

Jacob: "Calm night's the agenda, my dear, especially when you're in kitchen duty."


*washing sounds*


Paul: "Oi! How's it going, cowboy?"

Jacob: "Hmm.. I'd like a bit of solitary tonight, Paul. But since you told us you'd scram at tomorrow's first notice, I'll make that exception."

Paul: "I'd be inside lounging, but our Asian celebrity brought his entire gang. My choice not to suffocate in American sweat so far works out."

Jacob: "*sigh* he knows me too much. But then.. leave a gaming console ready and it'll keep em clear of trouble."

Paul: "Oi, not gonna win anything standing around. Lemme have that sponge."

Jacob: "Sure."

*washing sounds*

Paul: "Back in the game so soon, lad?"

Jacob: "First day on the streets, and we're already getting people shout at me how I'm a fraud. Little do they know.."

Paul: "Looks like that's working out for you."

Jacob: "Any mention of The Outlaw in police is all a joke right now. Things working out.. is somewhat correct."

Paul: "You've prepared so much. Why not look at the bright side for once?"

Jacob: "Ain't gonna rely on that bull*BLEEP*, Paul. The risk and danger keeps me in."

Paul: "Hmm.. Wonder what's the clapping going on?"

*distant noises*

Jacob: "Sonny.. is an experienced sushi chef?!"

Paul: "What the bloody hell?!"
Last edited:
Hewwo evewyone! I'm hunting wabbits.. ehehehe eheheh..

Okay, enough of you, Elmer Fudd. It's developer diary #4

Your first thought may be how bad I pushed back the release of 1-5? It's not bad, just that I'm gone from home from the 12th till the 16th. It was slated for 15th, but things took a slight diversion. Speaking of diversions,1-5 is the black sheep, being in many ways different than the rest. I won't say what, but for sure you've figured something about it.

That and it will debut a certain someone whose name is on the title of said part. I've been hoping to get a The Stig expy somewhere in my story, and there comes in The Guts: a character in every way is a play on that tamed racing driver. Other than his car: the N 2025 VGT, I don't think I've offed anything of him aside of his affiliation towards Hyundai. But one thing new for you all: he's NOT Korean. I've no plans for a Korean, but that may change. Also: like Graham, he is spotted a few times in my GTA V album.

Although even though now that I'm in college, I'm doing a degree in software media. So I'm learning to code and learn interfaces. Relevant here, I will be getting skills in drawing, modeling, and probably be able to make animation! Sounds like an opportune moment for this to go super big, but that will have to wait.

Then by the end of Phase 1, I will open up crossovers. There will be specific rules, but I'll tell you when that comes in. And the best part is you can hand me a livery I can use to represent your character (I have all the cars in the game aside a certain 20 million dollar car). Sounds good? Unfortunately you have to, once again, wait. Wait sure is overused around here.

Aside being super busy with life, I'm squeezing some hours getting Phase 2 readied for a draft. 2-1 I have teased since January in this form. Older readers who can identify the madman in the truck and a really modified Japanese taxi are sure to get a kick somewhere, and a clue on what's happening.

Thanks for popping by. And maybe I haven't plugged it enough, but here's a snippet of the song used in 2-1: Blacklisted







SomePlayaDude presents...


Entry 5: Unleashing Tamed Racing Animal "The Guts"

Fisherman's Ranch
San Bernardino County, California
7.30 AM

Located on the southern end of California, Fisherman's Ranch is, despite the already worn dirt path laid out, officially recognized by most racing associations only mere months ago.


A lone Ford Focus plows through the roads and eventually into the mud.

The many Joshua trees provide the area its own ebb and flow. The track stays considerably longer than similarly recognized dirt circuits.

However, not many roads drive in to the track. Getting even closer requires permission to get dirty.


With the driver and her passengers inside, the car swims across the sand.

Monica: "Hang in there, Luce. We're almost there.."


In these situations, a Focus traveling these speeds require a more than just some aftermarket engine upgrades.

Monica's talent with the barely modified car somewhat surprises her co-pilot.

Lucia: "Monica, from observation alone, I think you'd make a good dirt racer."

Monica: "We've talked about how you need a proper dirt machine, you punky petal. I learn a lot from my uncle, and that's something I don't get in the Bronx."

Lucia: "Uhh.. You probably don't know this petal had a try with rallying once. It didn't work out, if you like to hear that."

Monica: "My guess that if that husband of yours is the one driving, I'm sure it couldn't."

Lucia: "Mann Bernardo has his ways with asphalt over dirt."

Monica: "A guy like him maybe got himself a boy toy for them. But I'm sure the M4's just too girly for him.."

Lucia: "That's my car. He drives anything he can get his tricksy little hands into, but he's grown into his Lamborghini. A Murcielago SV."

Monica's outlook of Bernardo drastically changed that moment.

Monica: "*BLEEP* that's a nice car.. has he secretly played an Arab or something?"

Lucia: "He hails from a wealthy Italian family, and one thing these families got is the impressive fleet of Italian sports cars."

Monica: "Cars aside, maybe consider me for something if you fellas are off rallying again? I'm sitting on nothing worth doing, and being that I live with a bunch of race car drivers, it can't be helped."

Lucia: "Your fortune with working had better not follow.. but if that's the case, I'll consider it."

As they drive close, they soon find out how a track within a barren wasteland remains a barren wasteland.

The driver immediately heads for a vacant spot by the start line, ignoring the warnings for it.


Monica: "And we're here.."

Lucia: "It's bare.. grr.. Mann Bernardo! Time to get up!"

The sneaky Bernardo, napping at the back of the Focus, experiences a rude awakening.

Bern: "*knock* Ahhh! Ufufu.. Mio Dio, that stings.."

Rubbing his head from a knock of the Focus' roof, he takes a quick look around.

Monica's figure facing the morning sun was the first shown figure.


Monica: "So, is the sun going to kill me, or will the waiting do that?"

Lucia: "There's supposedly a representative for a mysterious driver, and there's no one here."

Bern: "*yawn* Or as he's called: the Tamed Racing Animal, mia cara."

Lucia: "Grr.. mann has a name as ridiculous as his tardiness.."

Bern: "Knowing you and your relationship with my jokes, you wouldn't like to hear how even my Interpol intelligence has no clue what's with the guy. It's a not that they're hiding anything from us, it's that there's nothing to know about him! I know, such an odd specimen, indeed."

Monica: "So, we just playing with names? I mean, you should hear my name when I was a boss in the Bronx.."

Bern: "Mia cara, this person, you can say, is like something out of a story book."

Lucia: "But how far fetched can this Guts person be?"

Bern: "We'll see.. I, for one, find it curious he requests you of all the billions on this planet, mia cara."

Lucia: "And he has the nerve to disturb my holiday too. The man has the nerve to not call me for a Nurburgring run to work with instead. This place is just HOT."

Lucia and Bernardo, wearing appropriate clothing for the weather, finds themselves filtering the air around them and fanning about.

The couple moves to Monica. With an interesting dual tone hairdo and stripped bare with a bra and her shorts, she breathes the hot air fine.

Bern: "Si, I agree."

Monica: "What? You sweaty dogs, can't handle a bit of heat, huh?"

Lucia: "We concede, but when you find yourself dying in Alaska, do send a postcard."

Monica: "Luce, it can't be helped how cute you are when you try to trash talk, you know that?"

The desert wilderness makes itself clear that it's being invaded.

Chirps of birds and shouts of animals eventually follow with a car's sound.

Bern: "Mia cara, listen.. A car approaches."


Moments after roaring in, the car appears: a turquoise Alfa Romeo 4C.

Monica: "Well, is that this Guts person? Mysterious living legends these days sure have such odd color preferences."

Lucia: "You never know with these mysterious sort."


The 4C slows, moving on to park nearby.

Exiting the driver's seat is another woman, notable for her bright clothes.

Bern: "Well, this is a surprise! Mi amica!"

Lucia: "You know this person?"

Bern: "Mia cara, that I do. This would be a Sophia."

Theme Song: Velvet Revolver - Sucker Train Blues
Gender: Female
Nationality: Italian
Age: 30
Current occupation: Racing team manager
Distinct features: Expensive glasses. Bunned dark brown hair. Distinctively colored blouse with skirt and sandals
Car of choice: Alfa Romeo 4C Gr. 3 Road Car

Sophia grew up to be a financier, but all that changed when her family placed a stake in racing teams, including her driving. Sharp minded and a bit of an overachiever, Sophia recognizes talent, and enjoys placing it with opportunity for success. Currently is the ambassador, and translator for one Tamed Racing Animal.

Sophia: "Bellini! Surprised to see me?"

First approaching the lady is Bernardo, already going for a sensual Italian greeting in kissing her hand.

Bern: "Ohh, my sweet Sophia, it's really you. How long has it been?"

Sophia: "Far too long. Our last meeting was.. it was your wedding in Tokyo!"

Bern: "Why, mi amica, that is so long ago. Come meet my love Lucia, of needing no introduction."

Sophia's glasses glared the moment it saw Lucia.

Sophia: "Mamma mia! Ahahaha! Lucia Weiss, the prodigy!"

Lucia: "Guten morgen."

Sophia: "Ohh! She spoke! *clears throat* Ciao! I'm Sophia D'Antonio, and may I say it is a great pleasure to meet such youthful talent."

Lucia: "Sophia was it? Are you alright? You're.. foaming."

Sophia: "I'm so sorry, mi amica, I just.. get excited when I meet people like you. And your friend here?"

Monica: "Monica June. Unless you're looking for New York beef, I got no talent to be found here, move on!"

Sophia: "Ohh, nonsense. I can help you with that, no problemo! Mamma mia, where is my appointment book.."

Hurrily going around herself, Bernardo acts, because this is just one of many things he knows well of her.

Bern: "Sophia, please! Calm yourself, mi amica.. you overwork yourself without thinking."

Sophia: "Ohh.. *gasp* huh.. Scusami, Bernardo."

Lucia: "An overworker to the end? Remind me who that person was the last time this was read?"

Bern: "No, mia cara. Sophia just likes to bring out all the good in you, just that.. she's addicted to it."

Monica: "Wow. Weirdo alert."

Lucia: "And we made our way here expecting some weirdo in a racing outfit, not Bernardo's acquaintance."

Sophia: "Lucia, mio caro, there's ample reason why I'm here this day."

Rearranging her spectacles, Sophia, looking less rushed, gets started.

Sophia: "The Guts, how much is a your knowledge about him?"

Monica: "Well, he IS a mystery, so I'm going all in on no, you guys with me?"

Lucia: "Not fully. I'm sure we all agree he's a guy, right?"

Sophia: "It's often said that he's only called an animal because nobody knows for sure."

Lucia: "So, Bernardo, you said he's a total dark spot in your records?"

Bern: "No. Nothing at all."

Sophia: "Well, you've all answered my question as I would predict."

Monica: "Yeah? What can a 4 eyed dingbat like you gather about that thing?"

Sophia: "Dingbat?! Ermm.. Well.. I'm his 'ambassador'. I speak for him, and that's just the beginning."

Lucia: "It probably means something when you speak for a guy."

Thanks to his research, Bernardo had no similar thoughts.

Bern: "Mi amica, you're saying that the rumors of his silence.."

Sophia: "Si, Bernardo, he's a mute. Take off the helmet, that's not going to change anything."

Lucia: "My, I'm so sorry he's going through all this trouble. Really thought he'd be some race driver under some visage, like someone I know.."

Monica: "Okay, cool. He's a dumbo. But any other disabilities we should, I dunno, be on alert about?"

Sophia: "Hmm.. there's more to it, but when we do see him, you're free to find out~"


General chatter helps pass the time, and eventually the animal prowls along.

During then, a giant truck made its way to the cars. The cab is covered in black, with The Guts' initials all around.

Lucia: "What's in the cab?"

Sophia: "A very important resource.. you'll figure out what it is."

Bern: "Here's hoping for air conditioning, the heat is blazing me up!"

Sophia's attention turned to her superior's client.

Sophia: "So, I hear you're like a specialist in Toyota racing, correct?"

Lucia: "Correct."

Sophia: "And that you've made it through Toyota Gazoo's special at the age of 21?"

Lucia: "Urgh, I hope you have something nobody really knows about me?"

Sophia: "Not at all.. your achievement is impressive."

Lucia: "Hah! Prodigy is a given name, not a self promoted one."

Sophia: "By the way, listen to the wind.. a sound gives it away, mio caro."


A black Toyota arrives, but carries more than just black paint.

Monica: "Hey, that's a sweet 86. Why does it look like some sort of rally racer, though?"

Bern: "Ohh, so I think this sums up why only Lucia can do the job, mia amica."

Monica: "She told me you guys were into rally racing. And with her stature as a talented Toyota techie.."

Monica and Bernardo, facts adding up, turn to the young German in thought.

Bern: "Mia cara, you are ready, are you?"

Lucia: "This.. hmm.. Sophia, I hope that truck comes with an onboard garage?"

Sophia: "Why, yes! You seem to have it all figured out. All with the finest ways to adjust the car on the go."

Lucia: "And I guess we're helping this Guts."

Bern: "Here he comes!"

The black 86 makes a swift turn, slowly shifting along the path, enclosing towards the crowd.


Sophia: "Mamma mia! That was quite the entrance!"

Monica: "Ehh, too much dirt, still give it an 8 because it didn't hit us."

Bern: "What? Mi amica, this is an easy 10. He's really good."

Lucia: "No comment. Still quite impressive."


And with the stage all set, the doors open, and figure impressively leaps out.

As expected, a man donned in a black racing suit appears, standing a majestic, powerful pose...

..facing away from his intended crowd.

Theme Song: Finger Eleven - Gods of Speed
Gender: Male... hopefully
Nationality: Somewhere
Age: he's an adult at least
Current occupation: Racing animal
Distinct features: Black bespoke racing helmet. Black, thick racing outfit. Sometimes seen with proper clothing, but always with his helmet.
Car of choice: Hyundai N 2025 Vision GT

A mute, socially awkward man of unknown origin. The only thing he can do, and do well, is race, and though being a master of just about any racing discipline is commendable, he's often heralded a myth than a living legend due to his enigmatic nature. It is often said that Tamed Racing Animal "The Guts" belongs in a dimension away from here.

The weird pause gave Sophia reason to speak up.

Sophia: "Emmm.. yoohoo! Guts! We're over here!"

The Guts finally turns around, prompting everyone to make their first investigations.

Bern: "Hmm.. that's no Bell or Arai.. probably a bespoke helmet if I've ever seen none."

Lucia: "Oooh, what's with that badge of some pixelated Earth?"

Monica: "Awwhhh, baby. You must be in there for some time.. what's your safe word?"

Busy with the quick examining of The Guts, the group takes heed of Sophia's sharp whistle.

Sophia: "So.. Listen up everyone. If you want to talk to Guts, feel free to speak any language you know. I've yet to find exceptions."

Bern: "Okay. Hmm.. Ciao, mi amico."

Guts responded with a quick raise of his hand, and a wave.

Lucia: "Given he hangs with your Italian dream girl, let me have a go. *clears throat* Guts! Was denskt du uber mich?"

Expecting a proper response, Lucia saw Guts place a firm hand gesture on his heart.

Sophia: "Awww.. he likes you."

Her response to that response was a fast blush.

Lucia: "Wu-wha?!"

Monica: "Check it! Luce's got a chance for a brand new bee-eff!"

Lucia: "N-no! I'm very happily married! Mann Bernardo!"

All eyes end up on Bernardo somehow in thought.

Bern: "If Guts were to be famiglia.."

Lucia: "BERNARDO!!"

Sophia: "Here's hoping that's a sleight of tongue. A reason I find him a charming person."

Monica: "Hey, he was mine!"

Sophia: "Okay, okay, that's enough. Guts, you should get ready for your role in this. Lucia, come with me."

The Guts makes his way to where he came.

Unfortunately fueled with anger, Lucia's general senses are drowned.

Bern: "Okay, Luce, we can't betray Guts now. Calm down. You know a Bernardo joke when you see one."

Lucia: "You know a Lucia's fist when you do those!"

Sophia: "Scusami, but are you both alright?"

Bern: "Yes, mi amica, don't you worry about any of this. It balances out her talent, trust me."

Something was up for Lucia when Sophia's soft voice works her way in her head.

Whatever it was, it did manage to cool her enough.

Lucia: "Yeah.. I'm okay.. for now.."

Sophia: "Let's carry on before you blow up, mio caro."

With Sophia and Lucia out, Monica comes in.

Monica: "So, you really think that Guts guy loves Luce?"

Bern: "Even though I should've been the one offended, I suppose Sophia knows if he's in any way distrusting, mi amica. Besides, it could be some impulse emotion."

Monica: "Impulse or what, I'd want to see Guts' reaction to a New Yorker."


Inside the large cab, there are top of the line tools and machines made for race cars. Lucia's gaze wander, from familiar objects to unusual new items.

Sophia: "How familiar are you with this tech, mio caro?"

Lucia: "Familiar, sure, but maybe rusty. Last time I got in these was when I was still under Toyota. Just haven't bothered getting one of these myself."

Sophia: "I hear. These sort of trucks are niche at best, not to mention very costful."

Lucia: "In built air conditioning gave that away."

Sophia: "Yes.. I must say this is luxury in some sense. How do you mechanics handle working in poor conditions?"

Lucia: "You've never seen a garage in La Sarthe or the Nurburgring, haven't you?"

Sophia: "No.."

Lucia: "I find it pleasant to work in places like those. Just not when a car makes a quick stop during a race."

Sophia: "I've still got a long way before I can reach them.. maybe.. By the way, we uphold safety of the crew. Proper attire are at the lockers by the back."

Lucia: "Got it."

Sophia: "And Lucia.. I'm going to let the animal go. Should he want in, I'll let you know what he desires. Look to your left."

To Lucia's left are small screens

Lucia: "The screens here, are they cameras?"

Sophia: "For tracking lap times. This is an FIA sanctioned track, so from sector times, to live feeds on turns.. The wonders of technology!"

A small look around with experienced staff and modern equipment, Lucia nods.

Lucia: "So, 3 and a half minutes is the time to aim for? I guess we're all set."

Sophia: "Excellente! Good luck, everyone! The Guts plans to make history.. if that's what I think he meant."


Wish Upon A Blackstar


The car stands in place, with Bernardo and Sophia by the side.

Bern: "Piques me curious, but.. I never heard of an 86 made for the dirt, mi amica."

Sophia: "Bellini, you shouldn't just hear. Witness what a well bred animal can do."



Bern: "He's warming up.."

Sophia: "Of course he is, Bellini. You remember how this was what they did from our hill climbing days?"


Bern: "Amica, that was a good memory.."

Sophia: "But I didn't think the animal would daydream.."


Sophia: "*on radio* let's begin."












Bern: "Mio Dio, such a speed!"

Sophia: "He's way past your level, Bellini."

Bern: "Amica, you can never be too sure."









Bern: "How long has it been?!"

Sophia: "Just about 35 minutes, Bernardo."

Bern: "That speed and those bumps.. I'm surprised he hasn't gone queasy."

Sophia: "Haha.. Bellini, I am ready should you need my help developing an iron gut."




Bern: "Sophia! You look tired! Is something wrong?"

Sophia: "Ohhh, Bellini, it's just.. I'm not accustomed to such heat."

Bern: "Hmm.. fear not, Sophia, mi amica.. that American with us might help.."


Unshakeable (Celldweller VIP)
Space And Time

Now in the expensive garage truck, the 86 gets a quick first impression for Lucia.

Her young, genius self remains deep in thought until an engineer came by.

Bern: "Need a hand, mia cara?"

Lucia: "Mann Bernardo, I'm fine. You shouldn't even be here if it weren't for that disguise."

Bern: "You know the air conditioning alone keeps me here."

Lucia: "Ja, I know I'd understand. Question is, where is Monica?"

Bern: "Monica? Oh, she was being pestered by the lovely Sophia. She demands to know her talent to endure the heat."

Lucia: "I'm guessing New Yorker will be what comes out."

Bern: "Her coup de grace, mia cara. So, what are we looking at? Pikes Peak? WRC?"

Lucia: "Actually.. the numbers say something in between."

Bern: "So.. about 500 HP? Numbers like that on an 86 would be for drifting, not rally. In fact, why rally an 86? Maybe something buzzing in that head of yours, mia cara?"

Lucia: "Bernardo, I haven't worked with an 86 after Hideki's, and that was ages back."

Bern: "86 or not, this is your forte, and you have my support. What's on the bucket list?"

Lucia: "Guts demands I adjust the LSD for a more restrictive, but friendly approach. And some super specific adjustments to the spring rates and ride height. Not to mention a tighter gearbox."

Bern: "The animal, emm.. said all of that, mia cara?"

Lucia: "No, of course not. All that's what that Sophia gave me in pen and paper."

Bern: "A perfectionist she is.. I wonder what the sign language for adjusting anti-roll would be.."

Lucia: "You want it to look like a clenched fist, right?"

Bern: "I uhh doubt that is it."

Lucia: "Hmm.. let's hope Monica can distract Sophia so I can let you work in here. Bring the garage team to me."

Bern: "It shall be done. Bernardo, away!"


Wish Upon A Blackstar






Bern: "Wow, from here, I can see.. Guts is pulling all the stops."

Lucia: "He wasn't this confident last time.."

Bern: "Mia cara, something is between you two, even though you refuse to admit it."

Lucia: "I'm not admitting anything!"



Lucia: "Oh wow, that was really impressive."

Bern: "He's good, but I think after some practice I can land that with the Delta."

Lucia: "In your dreams, Mann Bernardo."





Bern: "The Guts sure knows how to show off."

Lucia: "Funny, because you, of all people, I know you like to show off."

Bern: "So, what is this he is a doing right now?"

Lucia: "Actually driving."

*crowd murmurs*

Bern: "Ufufu.. mia cara, that stings."

Lucia: "Your agent handle is Blaze, take that burn and go already."








Bern: "I like this truck.. how long til the animal gets here?"

Lucia: "Won't be long."

Bern: "Thinking.. should we get one if we ever get back into the mud?"

Lucia: "Even if Williem gives the okay, I'm still going with no."

Bern: "Well.. *grabbed* oww oww oww.."

Sophia: "So this is where you've been, Bellini?!"

Bern: "Si, put me down, it hurts when you pinch my ear like that."

Sophia: "Let's get out of here, Bernardo.. you know you're not permitted here."


Unshakeable (Celldweller VIP)
Space And Time

Coming in a second time for refuels and cleaning, Lucia goes through the blueprints.

She remains hooked in thanks from the validity and the noted drivetrain conversion.

Monica: "Yo, Luce."

Lucia: "Monica? How did you sneak in?"

Monica: "I'm no super spy like Bernardo, so I had to 'convince' someone."

Lucia: "Okay, let's stop."

Monica: "Listen, Luce.. I know we kind of met abruptly and all at Kwan's, but.. I haven't had a friend that actually stays for so long. Y'know, a girlfriend that's not.. y'know again."

Lucia: "Monica, I think we can have this conversation later. I'm at work, after all."

Monica: "Work, heh.. that's a good one.. no wait.. you are working."

Lucia: "Let me being a good friend of Jacob and Keith work for you in my social life. That enough for you?"

Monica: "Yeah, but I want you in me, one on one, baby."

Lucia: "Urgh, you need to tone down the innuendos."

Monica: "I can't help it. Something I don't get from the Bronx, for sure."

Lucia: "Hmm.. back to these blueprints though.. maybe Bernardo can help verify for me.. where is he?"

Monica: "Busy chatting away with Sophia. Who knew, they were classmates in high school."

Lucia: "It describes his open interest with her, at least. You have something else from that?"

Monica: "They were speaking in Italian, so I'm afraid that's what you get."

Lucia: "Well thank you for the info anyways."

Monica: "Hold up, Luce. That info wasn't cheap, babe. I want something back."

Lucia: "Ughh, and what would that be?"

Monica: "Where's The Guts?"

Lucia: "Doing yoga, last I hear. Where, who knows.. Probably flew all the way to your precious New York."

Monica: "He can fly all he wants, it's not gonna stop me! He's going to be mine! Don't worry, Luce.. I won't be too harsh."

Lucia: "Ughh.. mein Gott.."


Wish Upon A Blackstar





Lucia: "Wow, this might be the last time I'll be seeing the car."

Sophia: "Why's that?"

Lucia: "I used to do rally myself, and I don't think that 86 can go around that corner any quicker."

Sophia: "Familiar with the corner after watching him tackle it again and again. Yes.. that, and we did agree to just use up your morning. I've a seminar to head to later."






Lucia: "So, why are you letting Monica stay in the truck?"

Sophia: "I'd rather not say, mio caro.."

Lucia: "Wow.. what did she do?"








Sophia: "*on radio* wrap it up, Gutsie. We've paced 10 seconds under target. I want that car still able for the next rumble."

Lucia: "Ten?! I'm.. not sure what to say.. that's.. ohh.."

Sophia: "You and him.. are you sure you've never met before?"






Hours under the heat, time clocks in at 11 in the morning.

Visibly very worn out, Lucia has the unfortunate luck to be approached by Sophia and The Guts.

Lucia: "So, that Toyota is now more a rally machine. Considering Herr Guts now making pace by a big shot.. I did good, ja?"

Sophia: "Si, mio caro, you say right. His car now lands nice on a good 3 minute 20 lap time. Meaning, mia caro, your leadership and The Guts' ability would make an unbeatable team, I promise."

Lucia: "Team? To be honest, I'm really pissed you interfered with my American holiday, Sophia.. But I can't be angry to you, or Herr Guts. You're both.. something."

Sophia: "Something? Maybe this cheque will convince you how more professional you regard us."

The mystery man hands an envelope, quickly ripped open.

Inside the envelope is American dollars, but a sizable amount for what's done.

Lucia: "Mein Gott, this is.. too much!"

Sophia: "There's more where that comes from. Consider it a gift, for you and Bernardo's holiday."

Lucia: "I'm not hungry for money, but I did have a blast. Although.. you will get a no if there's no notice, Sophia!"

Sophia: "You'll get your notice.. maybe I'll learn to manage better first.. hmm.."

The Guts, holding the chin of his helmet, turns to Lucia.

Sophia: "Guts?"

The animal makes a nod, then moves his arm forward.

Lucia: "And what's this? A sign of appreciation?"

Sophia: "Mamma mia! Lucia! That's correct!"

Lucia: "Huh?!"

Sophia: "You two are bound for each other at this rate, I'm convinced!"

Like earlier today, her face glows red again.

Lucia: "B-but I.."

Sophia: "No hiding it, mio caro. This will not be the last of our partnership, I promise. The animal wants more of you."

Lucia: "..ohh."

Sophia: "But another time, perhaps? Arrivederci, Lucia Weiss."

As Sophia and her silent friend leaves, Monica drives the Focus towards Lucia, with Bernardo in tow.

Her not getting in prompts them out of the Ford.

Lucia: "Ohh.. I hate him! He's trying to toy my emotions! He thinks I care!"

Bern: "Really? I mean.. mia cara, you being red like a pepperoni says otherwise."

Lucia: "Bernardo, please!"

Monica: "Keep it cool, baby."

Lucia: "I'm no baby!"

Monica: "Haha.. no wonder Sonny calls you little. It's cute."

Bern: "At any rate, mia amica, I've been wondering.. do you ever get a boyfriend?"

Monica: "Me? I do. Just never long term. Don't worry, it's my fault, not theirs."

Bern: "And the frequency?"

Monica: "Not consistent, but expect one every fortnight."

Bern: "Mio Dio, please consider us not in that category, mia amica."

Monica: "Don't worry, I don't hound on the happily married, or even people I know."

Bern: "Right.. Mia cara, you've been awfully quiet."

Lucia: "....huh? Don't mind me, Mann Bernardo."

Bern: "Sophia.. what has she been up to.. never mind. Mia cara, I'm sure we can use those five thousand dollars for some shopping!"

Lucia: "That Sophia must've told you how much."

Monica: "Well, let's waste no time in this heat. The plan onwards was a nice lunch, but it appears my cuz has other plans. It seems you both know Jake Ross, right?"

Bern: "Jake?! That's a name I've been dying to hear."

Lucia: "Ja, I agree. What's he up to?"

Monica: "Spending time with Jess, no doubt. The message I got suggests he's at Long Beach. And he's brought some friends you also apparently know. My cuz Keith, and the fatass Rex."

Bern: "Keith and Rex! Luce?"

Lucia: "Ohh, Keith AND Rex.. What're we standing here for, let's get going!"


Long Beach
Los Angeles, California.
1 PM

As the name implies, a long stretch of beach bathes under the sun.

Monica parks her Focus next to a certain cat.


Bern: "Magnifico! Haven't seen an F-Type in while."

Lucia: "It's no SVR like in the Nurburgring, but haven't been up close to one, actually.."

Monica: "Ohh, you guys got no clue?"

Bern: "Clue?"

Lucia: "Uhh.."

Monica: "Well, I specifically chose this spot because, one: you're lucky to find who you're looking for in peak Long Beach times. And two: I know my cuz Jake's here.. because.. this'd be his newest toy. Ta-dahh"

Words hear the Euro couple, and they immediately go around the car in interest.

Bern: "Monica, mia amica, this is no joking around, no? Jake wouldn't mind if I get a test run."

Lucia: "Bernardo, I thought you know fact from fiction. Because Monica is no prank like you!"

Monica: "You think so? I mean.. you think I'm going to get to that, you.. little angel!"

Lucia: "Angel? That's a compliment, right?"

Monica: "I wish.. anyways, I'm hoping we run into Jake before he runs into us."

A small pause follows with everyone looking behind, then back in front.

Bern: "What, you think he's already here?"

Monica: "He's no Sonny, but someone as obvious as Jake snooping on us? I don't think I can live with it. He's bound to come up from behind, the snake."

Bern: "Agreed. But knowing me, I might actually run into him first. Bernardo, away!"

Late to the signal, Lucia sees her husband flee away.

Lucia: "Mann Bernardo! Ugh.. he's a fast one.."

Monica: "Well, it's the two of us all alone, now.. what say we.. get something done.."

Lucia took a few steps away her friend.

Lucia: "Monica, nein, please!"

Monica: "No, really. We ought to get something done. Standing in the sun's not our style, let alone a New Yorker like me."

With feelings reassured, Lucia stepped back.

Lucia: "Ermm.. right.."

Monica: "Deny me all you want, baby, but.. you can't say 'nein' to ice cream, right?"


Closer by the land, the ladies grab ahold of their choice of delectable ice cream flavour.

Monica: "That so? No to ice cream?"

Lucia: "That was what it seems, but at least there was sugar free options."

Monica: "So, you a diabetic or what?"

Lucia: "Nein. My family has a genetic curse for these, most recent being my brother Williem."

Monica: "Brother Williem? He's probably a racer too, right? Any chance he's single?"

Lucia: "He's dating, and even though he's cool I wouldn't get in the way."

Monica: "Well, *BLEEP*, alright.."

Lucia: "No more talking about him, okay?"

Putting her brother aside, Lucia's immediate attention heads towards Monica's half consumed dessert.

Lucia: "But.. okay.. coincidental to see orange is his color.. what flavor is it?"

Monica: "Sherbet orange. Yours?"

Lucia: "Raspberry."

Monica: "Mmmhmm.. raspberry's just swell. You mind if I can.. lick it?"

Lucia: "Nein. No freaking way!"

Monica: "Oh, forgive the tone, that's for girlfriends."

Lucia: "Girl.. oh yeah, you're you. You get girlfriends how often?"

Monica: "Not too common, but I may end up with the occasional trans instead."

Lucia: "Ergh.."

Monica: "It's a disturbing world, but to me, it's what fuels me... which reminds me.."

Monica shows a face that evidently shows distraction.

Lucia: "You have a problem?"

Monica: "Problem? Just as you saying no to ice cream was one, there's that 'lady' that's another. Come on, Luce."

The approach to a total stranger only gives the German a sense of disturbance.

But as Monica's quote unfurls, she then feels it as well.

Lucia: "Ehh..."

Monica: "So this is what you're playing, huh?"

???: "Hey, what's the big idea.."

Monica: "E-nough!! Enough is enough!"

The punk's hair reveals as a wig thanks to a disturbed Monica. The makeup gets loose as Monica leaps forward for a kiss at this person.

The change in tone, and the ruining of the woman's makeup reveals her true identity.

Rin: "Ewwww! HEY!"

Monica: "Jess, if there's something I can't tolerate, it's your alias game. It's getting too predictable when this is the fourth freaking time this freaking week!"

Rin: "Uuuugghh! Bleeeagh! Iyaaa! No more kissing! Ciya-kun, help!"

Lucia: " And Frau Nishimura was to jump on us? Oh what sort of day was this to be anyways.. Here."

The raspberry ice cream gets itself a savage smothering from Rin's tainted tongue.

Monica: "Jess, I'm not going soft over a bit of spy work, you shrine loving buffoon!"

Lucia: "Frau Nishimura? Nice to know you're okay.. any idea where Herr Ross might be?"

Not stopping, at least Rin still wins somehow when it comes to what's left of Lucia's dessert.

Lucia: "And it's all gone.."

Lucia may be fuming, but Rin is one person she really can't feel any resentment towards.

She hides her anger, and went back to happier thoughts.

Rin: "Jake? Well, of course I do, if I wasn't distracted.. there was massive discounts on this store, and.."

Monica: "That explains this poorly hidden punk getup."

Rin: "Well, I needed a similarly made alias for work soon.. the test run was an epic fail.."

Lucia: "How does Jake take to you bullying his girl?"

Monica: "Ahh, he doesn't give a hoot, Luce. As long it doesn't hurt her, that is.. That's an unpleasant form."

Lucia: "I've seen that form of Herr Ross more often that you think, trust me. Got a clue where he might be?"

Rin: "Well... hmm.. ot-to's particularly unpredictable in the beaches. For sure he's not street racing, or there will be reports, everywhere. Long Beach HATES street racers."

Lucia: "Wait, he's back into street racing already?!"

Rin: "I know, that fast, right? He said it's sort of my fault for giving him the talk."

Monica: "Jess, I know my cuz is a man of action, so he probably realizes that too."

Lucia: "Also, he does take it as some motivation, rather."

Rin: "I'd prefer if he would take the skill to the track, but I have to take what I get.. *sigh*"

Lucia: "Chin up. Mann Bernardo would be just as preferable as someone who doesn't travel often."

While conversation was to continue, a shadow approaches from under.

The ladies turn to a fat man with a sporty getup. His raising of legs and puffing gave away that he was jogging.

???: "Yo! *pant* Ladies! Howz joo all doin?"

Monica: "Only one person can speak *BLEEP* like that.. Rex, you fatass!"

Theme Song: Foreigner - Hot Blooded
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 27
Current occupation: Race car driver
Distinct features: Orange spiky hair. Distinctively overweight. Rotund image, but allows agile movement. Clothing varies, but will always carry video game imaging.
Car of choice: Nissan GT-R NISMO

Former Japan Super GT competitor. Hot headed, and especially overweight, but a very flexible athelete. Specializing in eating and speaking leetspeak. All jokes become null when you put Rex in the seat of a GT-R, being one that can tame and feed the mighty Godzilla of any form.

Rex: "Monnie! That's you, gurl?"

Lucia: "*clears throat*"

When Lucia gives a bit of tough to anyone she knows, everyone expects compliance.

Rex is definitely not excepted.

Rex: "And Lu-Lucia!! Ahh crap! You're here in all your finery?!"

Lucia: "You're still chicken, Rex. Aww.. poor meatball."

Rex: "Meatball?! Luce, I'm all protein, not fat! I'm the dude with superfluous levels of intellect, especially what's flab and what's muscle."

Lucia: "Still hasn't changed a bit from Japan. Where's your partner in crime?"

Rex: "Being a slow ass. And back to you, Luce! Where's your partner in crime?"

Lucia: "Looking for one Jacob Ross."

Rex: "L-O-L, that piece of meat. Tough stuff. Tough stuff.. Hey, almost forgot about you, Rin! Hi!"

Rin: "Rexi-san! Nearly got a good whacking, there.. where's Kei-san."

Rex: "Dunno bout him. We were jogging, and overclocked me was paces ahead. I'm better than that noob, no bull*BLEEP*, but can't say the same in our cars. He's no noob in the race track."

Rin: "Kei-san is.. unhealthy? Shameful display!!"

Lucia: "So, you doing the usual 30 miles jog?"

Rex: "Ya. My heart's like a rotary, and I'm perplexed that my bod's still full of, well.. weight."

Monica: "You guys met before or what?"

Lucia: "Ja, him and Bernardo go back when I was studying in Japan. Plus Keith."

Rex: "You know, now you mention it, I think I see that noob. Lemme pamper him before he gets a taste of the new you, Luce."

Lucia: "Like you, I've hardly changed, Rex. But go ahead."

Rex leaves his female posse, and approaches to a worn out man, dressed in silver, sweating like a melting popsicle.

In sight of the man taking a big gulp of a famous soft drink, Rex pounces.

Rex: "Keith! You noob!"

Theme Song: Airbourne - Ready To Rock (Black Dog Barking)
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 25
Current occupation: Race car driver
Distinct features: Gruff, combed back blonde hair. Rough face. Wears a t-shirt and jeans, along with a jacket of a racing team he has affiliated with.
Car of choice: Chevrolet Corvette (C7) Gr.3 Road Car

Jacob's younger brother. A big fan of Japanese media, but a bigger fan of the car his family represents: the Chevrolet Corvette. Now trying to find a new league after racing in the GT Endurance, his focus on fun and general positive attitude makes him a favorite of sorts on and off the track.

Keith: "Whew.. Rex! Hey.. you're.. you're not worn out at all?!"

Rex: "What? I just got the haxor skillz, dude. Up up, down left A X Start, BAM: Rex has infinite stamina!"

Keith: "Bull*BLEEP*, Rex. Phew.. reckon I rather live somewhere else if I'm going to stay fit! I mean, back in Fuji, now that's jogging weather."

Rex: "Oh Keith, you need to shape up your badass. Maybe later you can noob up, but show your high arse."

Keith: "What's that supposed to mean, dude?"

Rex: "Lucia's here."

Keith: "She is?! Though, when someone suspiciously looks a lot like Bern, this would be a given.."

Rex: "Bern? You found him?! How's that dood like?"

Keith: "When it looks like he's climbing a fixture, I'm sure he's still being a silly little lizard like the Bern I always know."

Rex: "Luce's says he's on the man hunt for Jake."

Keith: "That explains that. He was climbing a shade and.. well.."

Rex: "He was finding a vantage point.. L-O-L, that's typical Bern."

Keith: "Well, I did hear he was going to surprise me the last time we contacted.."

Lucia: "Surprise!"

Leaping high, Keith and Rex went for an immediate Shaggy/Scooby position.

Rex: "The *BLEEP*, Keith!!"

Keith: "Rex! Dude, I'm sorry, man!"

Rin: "Rexi-san's got the power."

Lucia: "Keith! You rotten schwein. I hoped you missed me, especially when you have the nerve to not answer any of my calls!"

Keith: "Ohmigosh, Luce, you know how busy I get helping my pa' and answering my fanmail!"

Lucia: "And you don't give time to say hi to friends. Even Sonny, the cocky pig dog, replies to me. Sonny!"

For some reason, everyone's okay when Keith makes conversation from atop Rex.

The obvious exception would be from Rex, trying his hardest to look his best in front of the ladies.

Rex: "Keith, dood, you weigh like a yo mama joke gone too far!"

Keith: "Don't go there.."

Lucia: "Either way, I would enjoy seeing you and the meatball get a nice slamdown, but this is fine, right, girls?"

Monica: "I'm already enjoying today, even if we're under the sun. Look at Rin."

A quick peek at Rin shows her overly joyful self.

Rin: "Haha! It looks worse than Moni-san kissing me."

Keith: "Jess, you're happy about that?!"

Rex: "Keith, you're getting.."

Rex immediately threw Keith aside, crashing him on the floor after gaining some air time.

Keith: "WHOAAA~"

Rex: "A whole serving.. of REX PWNAGE!"

Aching from the landing, Lucia comes and brings him back to his feet.

Lucia: "Either way, it's still good to see my old friend."

Keith: "Awhh, thanks Luce. You can have a jab if you want to. Give it your best shot!"

Lucia: "Nein, that was entertaining enough. Now, I think we better find your brother."

Keith: "What? That it? I mean, it's obvious I've toughened up, maybe to levels Jake has."

Lucia: "Say what you want, but your brother is leagues ahead in that category."

Rin: "Yeah!"

Instead of the usual aches, Rex shows off his newfound strength.

Rex: "Yo! Keith! Hahaah! See that *BLEEP*? Got the mad haxor skillz with my Ericcsson upper body regimen.. see where that gone?"

Monica: "The sight of you flexing gives the seagulls something to hate thinking about."

Rin: "At any rate, we're wondering if you saw Jake-san."

Keith: "Not a clue, Jess. Bern, I made suspicions, but my brother, still nada."

Rex: "At least we all know where to meet later."

Lucia: "That is?"

Rin: "Ciya-kun, I think there's a reason you lined up with Monnie-san on a particular dessert shop."

With all the misfortune, Keith cracks.

Keith: "Monnie! No fair! I'm sweating like a pig, I deserve first dibs on that place!!"

Monica: "Just a single scoop. Consider it a preview."

Lucia: "You guys have something on that dessert place?"

Rin: "Every visit to this beach, and I don't care if it's Kei-san or Jake-san going with me, they stop by that place."

Keith: "Well, I know you hate sugar, but you got to get some real dessert, and get like what I've been getting since I was tiny. If there's something that place can do, it's give Jake a smile on the moody days."

Rex: "R-O-F-L, that man, actually smile and all. Dood, that's like if the sun got cold or what."

Keith: "What, it's like you never see him in a good mood."

Lucia: "Knowing him, he likes to hide what good spirits he has. By the way, Frau.."

Rin: "Hmm?"

Lucia: "We should go our separate ways to find your husband. Better than standing here."

Monica: "Luce, that's my idea, right?"

Lucia: "It's not a bad one when it came to light.."

Rin: "Well, I agree. I'll make a change of clothes, too!"

Keith: "Girls! It's okay if me and Rex just.. well, take a chill pill."

Rex: "Lolz, Keith, you're hopeless.. Go ahead and wait, while I run to the other end of the beach and back."


Just minutes into the search, and Lucia, walking around small crowds of people, look out for her stand-out friend.

Fatigued from her activities earlier, she quickly took a seat on a nearby railing by some shops.

Lucia: "Ohh this country just sucks sometimes.."

Her tough image always gave her respect, but she shows her true, softer colors when alone.

Trying to loosen up, Lucia hears words left and right, languages and dialects of different people.

Her period for relaxation couldn't end satisfied.

Lucia: "*sigh* what can I do.."

She felt a touch on her side. Not bothering at first, she took a small peek, turning to her entire attention.

Lucia: "Hmm?"

The person that stands by her only looked on the German, keeping silent.

She thought it odd, but less when she noticed the man wearing a bespoke helmet and its logo.

Lucia: "Herr Guts? You were.. following me?"

Guts climbed the rail, and sat next to her.

Lucia: "Nein, my gut says otherwise.. maybe you're just taking our 86 for some sand riding."

Responding, Guts pointed to her at a nearby road, with a very strange car visible.

Lucia: "That car?"

They both got off, and head over for a closer look.


Lucia: "This is.. a Hyundai? But I never seen a Hyundai so.. so like this?"

Lucia closes in the car, but the racing animal insisted otherwise and moved her back to the shade.

Lucia: "Guts, you are such a mystery.. Sophia, does she know of this?"

The Guts shook his head slightly.

Lucia: "I see.. she's another subordinate of your enigmatic ways.. But why tell me?"

He only stood idly, remaining silent.

Lucia: "You hear me, right? We really need Sophia, Herr Guts."

Lucia sees from the man's body as emotion, and she predicts he emits sorrow.

Lucia: "Don't you appreciate what she does? If Bernardo tells me right, she probably undertook training to understand you.. she car-"

About to continue, The Guts interrupts her speech with a grab of her shoulder.

Lucia: "This warmness.. You trust me more? But.. so.. you weren't lying when you think.."

He gives back a quick, eager nod.

Lucia: "Guts.."

Grabbing ahold of his headgear, he slowly takes it off.

She can't help but remain stunned.

Her heart beats, faster and faster, maybe even to the brink that it might burst.

But as the face appears visible, Lucia gazed at more questions than an answer.

Lucia: "You reveal your face and I'm still have no clue why you'd take me interesting.."

He places his helmet back on.

A little sad, Lucia brought down the anger, while a sight of her phone on Guts' hands put that anger back to full.

Lucia: "My phone?! Guts!!"

A few quick swipes and The Guts gains access. He goes through the German, looking through the games and apps.

Lucia: "How the?? You mysterious freak! Give it back!!"

Lucia made a struggle, and eventually grabbed her phone back.

She saw a memo pad open, with a word.

Lucia: "U-ni-ty.. unity? As if in.."

The Guts stares eagerly at Lucia.

Lucia: "You really want to be teammates? For what? Hmm.."

With her phone being the only lead, Lucia read the memo Guts wrote.

She found it pinned on the in phone calendar, to a future date marked with a reminder.

Lucia: "That day.. that day is of the Manufacturer's Cup trial run. So.. you want us as a.. team?"

Lucia sees the Guts nod.

Lucia: "Guts.. I know we can make a killing, but if you haven't guessed with my plans, I've already signed up. And not a mechanic but as a driver."

The nods slowly turn to a small hint of depression.

Lucia: "Cheer up. Maybe there's some other league we can find in the future."

With her shoulder around the racing animal, The Guts hastily looked towards her.

Lucia: "You say nothing, but I know.. you must be in it, too?"

He nods, eagerly.

Lucia: "What a packed competition.. From Paul, to you.. *sigh* know there won't be any mercy, Guts. M-my name.. as prodigy is nothing of exaggerate. Everyone will know!"

The Guts makes a move, Lucia however couldn't care what it was.

Lucia: "And here I am, speaking to a mute.. wait till Williem gets a hold of this."

???: "Ahold of what, I reckon?"

The pair looked towards where the voice came from: a familiar cowboy.

What didn't anyone expect is Jacob wearing not his signature attire, but one reminiscent of the past.

Without his dark jacket or his bespoke hat, anyone he knows can be fooled easily.

Lucia: "From behind.. argh, didn't expect it.."

Jacob: "Looks like I found you.. and with you the tamed racing animal."

Lucia: "Seems you have a thing for guys like Jake, ehh, Herr Guts?"

The Guts moved aside, inching closer to the cowboy himself.

Jacob: "Of course we had.. just, I never thought he'd take an interest in someone like you."

Lucia: "Are you insinuating something?!"

Jacob: "Hell no. Offense ain't what I mean, really. But my business skulking around hidden is with you.. Guts."

Jacob turned his attention to said animal.

Lucia: "Herr Ross having a knowledge of Guts? That's.. weird.."

Jacob: "It's too long. Remember the days in the East Coast? The good, money grubbing days, running around as my doppelganger.."

Going through the memories, the racing animal clenched his fist.

Jacob: "We need to catch up, Guts. Nothing like a day at the track can't satisfy. The Guts I know would still have that weird Hyundai. My pa' would talk like a gossip room about it."

Lucia: "How did he??"

Jacob: "Good. I'll holler at you when it's time."

The Guts makes his exit.

Jacob lets a sigh out in good memory. But the memories fade after a quick fist to his chin.

Jacob: "Sonofa!"

Lucia: "JACOB!!"

Even as Jacob readied a defensive position, he still landed on the pavement hard.

Jacob: "Argh.. God, Luce! Calm down, there.. easy.. you have a reason to lunge that out?"

He received another punch to his chin.

The minimal recoil allowed him to grab the third punch.

Jacob: "*BLEEP*ing hell, Luce.. please calm down.. and tell me what's what."

Lucia: "It's because.. because.."

Whatever the reason, Lucia stopped, Jacob now relieved of punching bag duty.

As he gets up, the man witnesses tears and red eyes.

Lucia: "I.. I just needed to know.."

Jacob: "Know? About a guy who wants to be left out of the know."

Lucia: "That.. and well.. he.. has feelings. For me. Good ones, too."

Jacob: "Good feelings.. don't tell me he put out some hard rock symbol to you?"

Lucia: "Ja! That's the one. His translator insisted it's love or something."

Jacob: "You must've done a ton for the guy. What, you fixed a car or something. Because that Hyundai.."

Lucia: "It can't be.. only took him a stare, and.. there.

Jacob: "Hmm.."

Both deep in thought, Lucia also uses the calm moment to bring down her emotion.

Lucia: "Herr Ross, I meant to ask how you were acquainted with that animal. You must know a good deal.."

Jacob: "Luce, I hardly got anything off him, but luck was on my side about how he played a grand role with The Outlaw.. he's easy to trust."

Jacob's dark facade may be no mystery to Lucia, but with The Guts now in the equation, curiosity became the number one sense.

Lucia: "A direct link to your alter ego? This is news.."

Jacob: "Quiet, Luce.. That's a secret even The List ain't got *BLEEP* about."

Lucia: "Peh, you and your secrets.."

Jacob: "But it seems we just got reunited in the wrongest of ways, Luce. You look good, tall as ever.."

Lucia: "Ohh, Jake, tall as I may, I'm still Little Luce to you all.. despite the idiot inventing that owed the next fist.."

Jacob: "We revel in Sonny's misfortune. Heard he got a good whacking."

Lucia: "Mann Bernardo must've done his good share of gossip."

Jacob: "Maybe a bit more and you'd have to pay for his dental."

Lucia: "Or rather we can find out how costly is the shined teeth job.. with a second application!"

Jacob: "The pugilist in you makes a good persuasion tool, Luce."

Lucia: "It does, doesn't it?!"

Jacob: "Easy with the Muhammad Ali, there.."

Lucia: "Hmmph.. so, what's your newest plan of evil?"

Jacob: "Evil?"

Lucia: "From Frau Nishimura came to light, you're back in the game. Anything you want to add?"

Jacob: "Nah. You know as much as Rin does so far. The car's done, the identity hidden, and the gloves are on."

Lucia: "I know you're straightforward, but tricky?"

Jacob: "After the Guts detail, I reckon that's as far as I go, though."

Lucia: "Well, that's fine then."

Jacob: "But if there's something, you've been the talk for my cuz Monnie these days."

Lucia: "Sonny the schwein broke that ice."

Jacob: "And if she ain't lying, she saw you attractive."

Lucia: "I know what she's.. umm.. that thing."

Jacob: "If there's a good trait she has, maybe you can nab a bit of toughness from her, y'know. She's raised in the Bronx. That's one side of the US only people with muscles on their muscles can stand a chance for a life."

Lucia: "Toughness."

Jacob: "You've gone a long way on that, Luce. From back as a teenager lost in London."

Quick impulse of those words has Lucia raise her hand.

Lucia: "DON'T.. don't go there!"

Jacob: "Whoa there!"

Lucia: "Sorry about that.. still a bitter thought. You're understanding of that, ja?"

Jacob: "Yeah, but for me: bitter thoughts ride with me to the end, not skulk away."

Lucia: "But I'm tough now! Don't you believe me?"

Jacob: "At first, I still thought it was a joke, but now, you got the power. People change, Luce. You, being a crybaby one time, then became the prodigy just about everyone talks about? That's one hell of a change."

Lucia: "I'm a crybaby.. no! I'm tough now! You'll see!"

Jacob: "I would love that.. but I think we better hurry on back, Luce. My baby brother would hate me if he had to wait just to get his favorite mint ice-cream."

All day, Lucia has been growing emotions of the sensitive side.

A man like Jacob would probably fix it the wrong way, but in Lucia's steed it was right.

She remained still.

Jacob: "You coming, Luce?"

But even if Jacob would have a dark image, his actions and inner personality says otherwise.

She sees him in the sunny light he tries to catch, but remain away from.

Lucia: "Jacob.."

Getting on her feet, Lucia caught up.

Leaving the spot, Lucia and Jacob, holding hands akin to when they first met, moved away.

Not far away, The Guts, eavesdropping away, took a peek and ensure their absence.

Under the helm, he hides a silent, true smile.


Author's Note

Here's something I don't think I've done before: a rally chapter. And to top it off: this part has been undergoing revision after revision, as well as the largest gallery of one car with one guy with the same name. It's 10 MB, don't cry to your internet provider.

Though, so far, loading The Mythic Chronicles will shave you 50 MB, so.. I'm probably going to get Phase 2 out to the second page of this thread by force. Sorry moderators.

For all of phase 1 I give the only choice of music that's from this century. That song is earworm worthy stuff, and well, I've been binge hearing it since the initial planning phase back in November last year. It's appropriate due to its theme, like the name, and how Guts is somewhat being extra terrestrial.

So, some people, especially past readers wouldn't be surprised when they find out Lucia became a main character. Her many talents from a young age is the major hint. Although, I'm sure you're seeing a pattern right now. It's funny.. I've been thinking.. why have I been vague most of the time in even the part that's not supposed to be so?

Plus, more Monica! Her concept appeals to me, so prepare to get disturbed.. sorry, Rin. There aren't plans for more characters of a similar physical belief or bizarre state, so I'll be keeping in mind of them. Maybe a paraplegic could come in..

And we have 2 totally new characters, most important of them being The Guts. I've made countless enigmas like Nirvana, so here's a parody of that, combined with the Stig of Top Gear fame. I finally have a Stig, but the presentation will be a parody of him as well. Expect.. what not to expect at all!

Sophia is at least more honest. Based off the typical overachiever, Sophia earns herself a spot high up for my new bunch. There will be more female characters coming in, and Sophia can be the leader for that. While planning, I've been considering her European origin, and my trip to Italy back in December made that decision. Yes, they do say mamma mia there, Mario took notes, not the other way round

Rex and Keith make their returns. Rex is a fun little dude who serves as my acrofatic character, akin to Rufus and Bob from Street Fighter and Tekken respectively. I've added some less desirable traits, but he's special enough. His main role is sleeper, and when will we see him using a GT-R to slaughter?

Keith has been mentioned quite a lot. He serves as quite the hub character for a lot of the veterans. Main character's only sibling, to literally being related to people like Sonny, Lucia, and many more. There are more of those characters that end up being mentions, which will work their way into a reveal soon enough.

So, who's next? Another main character. Okay, I'm sorry, I'm branching out too much and probably going to screw this up. We will be seeing the guy that connects the dots: Nash Kirkham: someone more important than Lucia, The Guts or Keith will ever be. By the way, Jacob Ross is still the main of the main, and will be making an appearance in the last part of phase 1: something the other main characters will be missing out on.

The next entry will conclude phase 1, which I will take a, maybe 3 months, break before going along with phase 2. Phase 2 is more exciting, although based on what I've planned is just more introductions.. well, *BLEEP*

Next up:



A few weeks later

Nurburg, Germany
3 PM





Lucia: "Willkommen, Herr Guts.. You've asked for a second round, and here we are.. Let's get started."

Wish Upon A Blackstar


Lucia: "I can't wait to see.. what is under that car.."

Last edited:
Dev diary number 5!

Whoo, I didn't know I'd delay 1-5 this far back. But good news? Spoiler tags help with loading.

Much as things haven't been going smoothly, I'm going to try getting 1-6 out by around a 2 day frame of the expected release. As 1-5 is different in method, 1-6 is different in.. other things. You will not recognize anything, and the only thing I've promised is some guy named Nash Kirkham. And since I've already offed that bit of information, here's what you're expecting.

Theme Song: Coldplay - White Shadows
Gender: Male
Nationality: British
Age: 39
Current occupation: Retired
Distinct features: Short grey hair. Unusually youthful look thanks to plastic surgery. Designer jacket and slacks.
Car of choice: McLaren F1

Formerly a champion of the great racing days in the 90s, Nash staged his death to work in the shadows as the mysterious NZ. Now back in the spotlight, Nash seeks to find proteges to be part of his biggest project: Team Mythic. A patient strategist, but insistent on not being old at all.

And feel free to connect any dots to see who might appear. Thing is, I haven't given you any. I'm meant to be giving this sort of vagueness to help get you thinking what, who, etc.

Another thing is the teaser car, being a Honda Sports VGT. I'm sure you recognize it if you've been to the GT Sport Livery thread. Now you really know why I'm not sharing it. Just like The Guts, Isamu "Raiko" Adachi is another character I've been dying to get out for years now. I'm afraid you're only getting a name for now, wait for 1-6 to finally see him rear his ugly face.

This will also end Phase 1 of The Mythic Chronicles. Phase 2 will be shown in a new thread, and unlike this, you are kind of required to read Phase 1 to get sense of phase 2. Moreover, in between phases, I will be opening newer things. One of them will be crossovers: something to get the audience to be part of my little fun world. There will be rules, so hang in there if you're interested.

The other new thing would be song suggestions. This one's still under consideration, however.
No, there will be no memes or nursery rhymes.

Tokyo, Japan.
7.00 AM

Regardless of how cloudy it can get, Tokyo's morning sight remains a spectacle.

While obstructed, the view remains visible on some of Tokyo's many tall buildings. On the top of one is a luxurious restaurant, part of a similarly ranked hotel underneath it.

Overlooking the sight is a man, holding a tiny glass filled with Sake.

He takes a small sip, letting his tongue do the work for him.

Waiter: "How are you enjoying our finest Sake, Sir?"

???: "Ooohh.. ahhh.. mon Dieu.. It's.. unique.. a flavor very foreign to me.. ahh.. I would like some time to myself, if you would?"

Waiter: "Ahh.. alright then."

???: "Merci."

Theme Song: Yes - It Can Happen (Cinema version)
Gender: Male
Nationality: French
Age: 28
Current occupation: Race car driver
Distinct features: Clean combed back black hair, with a large white stripe. Nearly closed eyes. Always wearing formal clothing.
Car of choice: KTM X-BOW R

Young superstar of the ETCC for the last decade. Boniface's ability to tame lightweight racing frames got him into a few more prestigious racing leagues, as quoted "nearly of F1 stature". His racing ability matches his gentleman's honor and pride, and is also a versed connoisseur of wines and spirits.

SomePlayaDude presents...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNf_nnlRr60&t=120s

A feature fictional writeup using Gran Turismo Sport...


Entry 6: Devils and Angels

Not long after, Boniface exits the premises, with the hotel staff giving him patronage.

Walking slowly and poised, he gave remark to the busy city commute.

Boniface: "Ahh.. the foreign lands gives way another day.. what will be in store for me today?"

He walks on, not realizing what part of the sidewalk he remains on.

All his focus on his expensive wrist watch, he takes note as he quickly peeks to his other pocket watch.

Taped on the watch is a reminder of his plans in neat handwriting.

Boniface: "*sigh* a journey or a nuisance, I wonder.."

As he dreams away, he notices he stands in a line for taxi service.

Boniface, still deep in his mental illusion, was to come next.

Not wanting to wait long, a quick horn from his car startled the tourist.


Boniface: "Ahh! M-my apologies!!"

Lucky for him that while his possessions get some airtime, all end up getting caught before hitting the floor.

He enters the Mazda and the driver looks back.

Driver: "Soo, ahh.. where will you be headed for this morning, sir?"

Boniface: "Headed.. I'm meeting at this place.."

From his pocket watch, he took out a small picture of a gate. The driver replied after a small look.

Driver: "That is.. Yanaka cemetary."

Boniface: "*chuckles* A what?!"

Driver: "Cemetary. Place of.."

Boniface: "Beg your pardon, but I most definitely know what is a cemetary."

Driver: "Oh.. apologies. Shall we get going?"

Boniface: "We shall."

As the driver makes his way out to the road, Boniface makes another self note.


Boniface: "C-cemetary.. this man.. why a cemetary.."


Yanaka Cemetary
Tokyo, Japan
7.45 AM

Just arriving, Boniface enters through the front.

With no accompaniment, and the wind making the sounds around, Boniface shakes a little.

While there are people with their own businesses here, he's wise enough to not intrude them.

Not too fond of the place as is, he starts to turn back.

His retreat halts upon overhearing someone loudly conversing on phone.

???: "Sorry, Alan, maybe one Earl Gray too much, and I'll probably trod myself to the nearest airfield.."

Boniface: "Fluent British.. just my luck, that means only one thing.."

Theme Song: Coldplay - White Shadows
Gender: Male
Nationality: British
Age: 39
Current occupation: Retired
Distinct features: Short graying hair. Unusually youthful look thanks to plastic surgery. Designer jacket and slacks.
Car of choice: McLaren F1

Formerly a champion of the great racing days in the 90s, Nash staged his death to work in the shadows as the mysterious NZ. Now back in the spotlight, Nash seeks to find proteges to be part of his biggest project: Team Mythic. A patient strategist, but insistent on not being old at all.

Nash: "We'll talk tomorrow, alright? Kid's here."

The man, similarly fine dressed, puts his phone aside and takes aim at Boniface, who was on his walk path.

Nash: "And here you are. I never thought I'd see you like this, Boniface. Welcome to.. this uneasy place."

Boniface: "Uneasy.. not a word I enjoy reference towards."

Nash: "Let me get this straight: you're all the right in my book, but just one clearer sight and it reminds me of your sister. A woman triggering all sorts of mishaps to ruin me and my reputation. And look how it all has turned.."

Boniface: "Monsieur, I wouldn't stop apologizing for all she's done.."

Nash: "We've already gone done our sympathies. Relax a bit, there, Bon."

Boniface: "Bon?"

Nash: "Paul likes to call you that. We were talking about it one time, actually.."

Boniface: "It's.. from our feuding days. And.. between you and me, my family used to call me the little bon-bon."

Nash: "*chuckles* is that so?"

Boniface: "You see it as a cute thing, but, if I demand, monsieur.. I really want that to come between us. Us gentlemen wants image to stay a strong suit."

Nash: "It's for the best.. Don't want anyone to know THAT little tidbit.. That's something Rin would never shut up about. Fret not, Bon: the secret's safe."

Boniface: "Merci."

Nash: "But it's alright if I call you Bon as is?"

Boniface: "And not Bon-bon."

Nash: "Not that. Alright?"

Boniface: "Oui."

Nash: "Right.."

As Nash starts to wander ahead, Boniface had to follow.

Boniface: "So, why are we in a graveyard, sir?"

Nash: "Just call me Nash, Bon."

Boniface: "Forgive me, then.. I tend to run formalities with people of your stature. You know of manners, non?"

Nash: "Bon, please. Get casual sometime with me. You're looking at a descendant of a formerly ruling lordship, but I haven't been recognized as such yet. Emphasis on the yet, goodness me."

Boniface: "As much as I like to know more about yourself, monsieur Nash, the environment is not suited for chit chat."

Nash: "Most correct, I say. Likewise, meeting in a graveyard isn't in my dictionary."

Boniface: "But you must have a reason? Right? Could it be.."

Boniface witnesses Nash breathing in deeply.

Nash: "*sigh* My son."

Boniface: "Pardon? Your son?"

Nash: "Yes.. Come, let's see if my memory works fine.."

Boniface: "O.. okay.."

With Nash, Boniface felt this comforting warm, similar of that a father to his son.

But he couldn't help but feel disturbed when he pondered on his quick conclusion on Nash's son.

It didn't take long for them to arrive.

Nash: "And this is where he should be."

Boniface: "Is-is it?"

From calm and composed, Boniface turned to nervous breathing and emotional stress.

Nash: "Bon, you've made quite the pause there."

Boniface: "Oui, it's just.. this is where your son is, right?"

Nash: "Well, where I think he should be."

Boniface: "Quoi?"

Nash: "You misunderstand. My son.. well.. I think it's better if you look for yourself."

They both stare at the tombstone, but there's a problem.

Boniface: "Monsieur Nash, these initials.. I'll have you know.. this is why I miss Ginoa."

Nash: "Verily. You're nothing like her. She's... special."

Boniface: "I mean of her linguistic skills."

Nash: "Oh.. that's something. So you can't read the Japanese?"

Boniface: "Not that I've made time for.."

Nash: "Well, as far as knowledge goes, this one on the upper spells 'Chiba'"

Boniface: "And the lower spells?"

Nash: "Yoko."

Boniface: "So, a Chiba Yoko person?"

Nash: "Well, no. Their name's quite like Chinese where the name's all topsy-turvy."

Boniface: "Intriguing. And your Japanese language skills is shaping up nicely."

Nash: "Actually, it's more of a recollection. Like yourself, I don't take my time studying languages. I myself focus on my fortes in marketing and economics."

Boniface: "AND economics? With such accreditation, I'm surprised my sister hasn't formed a partnership earlier."

Nash: "Quite.. But now you mention it, I think I'll use that to co-operate with your sister."

Boniface: "So, about this Yoko person and your son.."

Nash: "Yes. My son. I suppose he may be watching us right now. From what angle, that I've yet to get a clue on."

The two made an effort to scour the surrounding area.

Nash: "Still no?"

Boniface: "Nowhere to be found."

Nash: "Well, as I suspect, he's being his usual self. Sneaky devil."

Boniface: "Tell me, monsieur, how old are you?"

Nash: "I'm nearly 40, why do you ask?"

Boniface: "Well, I'm not sure a child would wander on a graveyard alone."

Nash: "Well, Bon, I think you misunderstand yet again."

Boniface: "Pardon?"

Coming from above, a shadowed figure lands nearby, and immediately pounces at Boniface.

The moment he makes himself visible, he breaks out a katana, and immediately takes aim at the Frenchman's neck.

???: "Ohh.. you, gaijin dog, you have the guts, do you?!"

Boniface: "Eeep!"

Nash: "Oh bother.."

Even in dire state, Boniface noticed his assailant's purple highlights.

Highlights like those help with his analysis.

Boniface: "Hey.. wait.. you're that Matsumoto guy!"

Theme Song: Crystal Method - Play For Real (feat. The Heavy)
Gender: Male
Nationality: Half Japanese, half Brazilian
Age: 29
Current occupation: Race car driver
Distinct features: Medium black hair with purple highlights a ponytail. Paler than usual skin. Clothes are of dark colors and always covering his skin. Carries a hand made katana and its sheath behind.
Car of choice: Honda NSX

The fan favorite racer of the Super Formula series, Hayato's often seen with ninja tendencies and a katana with him at all times. While amazingly full of himself and a jerk in every right, Hayato is talent embodied, providing results on the track, and has bravado for anything, thanking his past as a hardened Yakuza enforcer.

Hayato: "One more word off your slimy tongue, and pray tell what might happen to your lifeless body."

Boniface: "Oh.. heh.. help me."

Nash: "Help? There's no helping Moto-san's vengeful fury, I say."

Boniface: "Ohh.. what's going on?!"

Hayato, mainly a guy of action, hasn't seen the entire picture, bringing a question.

Hayato: "Otou-san.. you.. you're okay with.. WITH HIM?!"

Nash: "Well, what does it look like?"

Hayato: "I'm going to let him live.. not! This obviously is your trick of the century. Prepare to be today's sashimi special.."

Nash: "Oh, bother.. well, it's nice knowing you, Bon."

Boniface: "Oh mon Dieu, I'm not ready for this!"

As Hayato readied the killing blow, he felt an instinct inside him.

Hayato: "Wait.. Chotto mat-teh kudasai.."

Hard to tell exactly, it gave calm to Hayato, and he placed his katana in its sheath.

He briefly turned away, contemplating.

Nash: "Moto-san, what's wrong?"

Hayato: "This. This seems too easy. I mean.. by now, your sister in green would get in between us.. then comes claws or a whip.."

Boniface: "Okay, you seem to know her quite well so far. And this means what, exactly?"

Ready to strike at a blink of an eye, Hayato retracts.

Hayato: "How pleasant *clapping slowly* very pleasant indeed.. So you really are one of us good guys? First thing: it's 'Moto-san', chump."

Nash: "Alright, mates. Settle down. It's sort of my fault we haven't got you up to speed with Boniface here, Moto-san."

Turning his back and putting his beloved blade away, Hayato responds as he always would.

Hayato: "Nyeeeehhh... you're forgiven, as always.."

Nash: "And Boniface, I guess I haven't told you about my son, the Super Formula hotshot."

Nash and his son briefly enjoy the sight of one Boniface's shock.

Boniface: "C'est n'importe quoi!!"

Hayato: "The face of disbelief from the gaijin. We still have the adoption papers, right?"

Nash: "Believe me, I wish I knew where mine went."

Boniface: "Well, I still quite need the reason why we're here. I'm terrified of such places."

Hayato: "What, a little yokai would do you some good, if I say so myself."

Nash: "Pardon me, but what's this 'yokai' you mean?"

Hayato: "Ghost. Boo. Haunting."

Nash: "Ahh.."

Boniface: "Excuse me, there. My heart can't handle such freaks, but ghosts are nothing! If one would appear, then.."

Hayato: "NYEAH!"

Boniface: "YAAAH!"

He runs to the nearest shrine and hides behind one of the pillars.

Hayato: "Hahahah! He still needs some work, otou-san."

Nash: "That he does. That, he really does.."

It didn't take long for Boniface to move back to place, shaken.

Boniface: "How.. barbaric.."

Hayato: "Alright, then, Frenchie. No more tricks. We get out of spooky graveyard. Let's head to my place."

Nash: "Right."


Matsumoto residence
Tokyo Bay, Tokyo
8.30 AM

With the help of a taxi, Boniface arrives at a small, yet comfortable home.

Nash and Hayato arrive just shortly after. The driver leads his NSX through a tight doorway into a garage.

The first sight Boniface took is the car just aside the NSX's parking spot. He approached closely, followed by the unusual father son duo out of the car.


Boniface: "Ahh! That's an X-BOW? I see you're a man of culture.."

Hayato: "Hmm.. oh, that? Otou-san remembers, right?"

Nash: "*Oh, yes, that's the car that got Hayato out of the baby go-kart leagues and into the track."

Boniface: "Funny, you give him this to start off with. As for myself, I had a Lotus for that."

Nash: "Oh, Moto-san, he's just interested because.."

Hayato: "Yes, I know, you own the same car. That's just dandy."

Nash: "Maybe it's time you both get along with these similarities."

Hayato: "You still reek of distrust, Bon-chan."

Nash: "Of course.."

Boniface: "Monsieur, we're not destined to be allies from square one. That I accept."

Nash: "And what says you, my son? Would you prefer Boniface becomes tonight's special, or is it worth a shot we can get something working out in the long term, Boniface being an integral piece of this effort?"

Hayato: "Nyeeehhh.. it's worth a shot.."

Nash: "Well, I'm not okay if Moto-san finds you in one of his old Yakuza hit lists. So thank you, gentlemen."

Boniface: "By the way, Moto-san.. If it doesn't bother you, it's that.. why were we in that graveyard?"

Hayato: "You're not allowed to know!"

Nash: "C'mon, Moto-san, we even got the name from that one tombstone you keep revisiting."

Boniface: "Oui, yes, that Yoko person? Is she like your mother, monsieur?"

Hayato: "Sensitive topic.. Bon-chan."

Nash: "C'mon, Moto-san.."

Boniface: "Come to think, it probably explained your devious deeds to me back there."

Hayato: "Nyeehhh.."

If Nash has something a lot of besides fame, respect and money, it's bargaining chips as well.

He decides it's time for one.

Nash: "You know, Moto-san.. I know you've been dying to have a hand at my you-know-what.. Let's say you get Bon some answers, and.. I might just let you have a go at it."

Courtesy of the two gentlemen, Hayato got his pause.

Hayato: "Well, alright! But.. we keep it brief before I go boo hoo, alright?"

Nash: "Alright. So, what's the deal with this Yoko person? Tell your father what's wrong?"

A heavy intake of air gave Hayato the courage to bring out his past.

Hayato: "She's the.. inspiration. I'm the freak you see before you, because of her. I'm not destined to be normal, and gladly, she stood by me for eight long years. And then.."

The Japanese hotshot sees it in his head, like it happened just moments ago.

Hayato: "One rainy day, she stood there, pointed a fancy gun at me, and tried getting me out of this world. All it took was my family's sword, and me charging in for my life. I gutted her where she stood. But before she went, she rekindled her feelings for me. But hey.. what happens happens."

While the Europeans don't fully agree emotionally, Nash took it in and remembered.

Nash: "Thank you, Moto-san."

Hayato: "Hey.. this does mean you owe me big time, otou-san!"

Boniface: "Moto-san, that was superb. Simply put you've shown us life pulls no punches. And you've dealt the knockout punch on that round."

Hayato: "Well of course, Bon-cha.. oh.."

Nash: "Something the matter?"

Hayato: "Nothing. I mean.. something! One time, he's sushi, and now he's already hypnotizing me."

Nash: "Us gentlemen know a trick or two to allure, Moto-san, but his allegiances shift to ours. We can thank Paul for that."

The image Paul provides Hayato is still the one he saw before he left the UK.

Hayato: "Hahahahaha! You're joking, right? That poor drunk."

Nash: "That poor drunk that nearly won a prestigious supercar tournament with something that remained an unknown on the track.. yes."

Hayato: "That would be.. the Euro Supercar Festival. If I heard right, Bon-chan here took gold in it, am I right?"

Boniface: "Oui, I was the victor. But the attention shifted to Paul's sudden renewal."

Nash: "Sudden indeed. Any ideas on that, Bon?"

Boniface: "Even if I may have my role in it, the big change took me by surprise as well."

Nash: "Drat.. knew I should've kept my eyes on.."

Boniface: "Maybe when we get back to the UK, monsieur."

Nash: "Ahh, yes. Absolutely. So.. Moto-san?"

Nash took a look to find his son not where he was left.

However, his son stands waiting on the front.

Hayato opens the door, left unlocked since his earlier departure.

Hayato: "Last one's a rotten egg!"

Nash: "Maybe we should get comfortable before we discuss future outlooks."

Boniface: "I apologize, Moto-san. It's an urge I find myself unable to cope, finding a kindred X-BOW driver such as yourself.."

Hayato: "Yeah, sure, shut up. If you want to stand by my cars, be my guest."


Hayato: "Make yourself comfortable, you two.."

While Hayato leaves them to his living quarters, Nash and Boniface sit on the carpeted floor.

Nash: "You know, I had thoughts."

Boniface: "Of what sort?"

Nash: "Of having my son, being alone, would have signs of that, things like clothes all around and dust everywhere, but.."

Boniface: "It's very clean.. and peaceful. It's like he's his own butler. There are artifacts and scrolls here and there.. not to mention he has a nice little tree right here. Surely he wouldn't mind if were to do a quick inspection.."

Hayato: "*shouting* HANDS OFF THE TREE!"

Even from a fair distance, Hayato's shriek come off from Boniface as shouting just by his ears.

Boniface: "Hmm.. Moto-san, is this another of your Yoko keepsakes?"

Hayato: "*shouting* The tree.. No! This isn't for Yoko-chan."

Nash: "Ahh, this.. must be from my old friend.."

Boniface: "And that would be, if I may?"

Hayato: "*shouting* Let him talk, he's dead too, and I'm not in the mood!"

Nash: "Yes.. you know it made me wonder, Moto-san. This art of bonsai you've been getting into must be.. pretty recent."

Boniface: "Now I observe it in more depth, Nash.. it's a very badly made tree."

Nash: "*chuckles* yes. Thank you for ruining that, Bon."

Boniface: "My pleasure.."

Hayato: "*shouting* It's a work in progress!"

Nash: "Moto-san, you've got ways to go, I believe."

Boniface: "If it doesn't bother you, Moto-san, but what are you doing?"

Fast out the kitchen, Hayato makes a few skips and hops, placing a tray by the criticized tree.

Hayato: "Tea!"

Nash: "Oh, goody! I'm a sucker for green tea."

Hayato places the tray just by the small tree pot.

Boniface: "Matcha aside, I'm sure you have some spirits I can try?"

Hayato: "Spirits? You mean wine, not yokai, right? If I were to guess, you already had Sake?."

Boniface: "Yes, actually. Earlier today.. but I demand for wine as wine. Better if it's expensive."

Hayato: "Hmm.."

The host hops away back to his kitchen.

Nash: "The poor guy. Bon, you should've asked earlier."

Boniface: "I would've, but it just slipped when the cups came in, I apologize."

And he swiftly makes a return, with a bottle at hand this time.

Nash: "Jesus, that was fast."

Hayato: "Otousan, you think I'm Super Formula challenger for giggles? Think again!"

Nash: "Careful there, my son.. I've defined myself many times more."

Boniface: "So, what is it you've got.."

Hayato: "1992 Hokkaido. Let's be honest, I'm not sure why I had this lying around, but.. it's all yours."

Nash: "No wine for me, Moto-san.. remember where we're headed later."

Hayato: "*mimicking* where we're headed later. Right. No way in hell I'd forget."

Already releasing the top, Boniface puts his nose close to the bottle neck.

Boniface: "Oohh.. this is unusual, but familiar.."

Hayato: "I know nada about wine, but you're free to entertain us.. if I don't already lose consciousness."

Boniface: "Wine.. wine is.. what enthuses me, empowers me, and the drug that gives me life. I would explain the intricacies and denominations of what makes them.."

Hayato: "With this, when the wine aliens invade our planet, he's the one to talk for us.."

Nash: "*clears throat* well, I think that takes care of that. Moto-san, you do know what we're up to today, do you?"

Hayato: "How could I forget?"

Nash: "Nothing like a small private test run for Honda to keep us in the game. Bon, you still recall?"

Boniface: "Ahh yes.. pardon me. I hear the distance between Tokyo and Kyoto stretch wide across the nation."

Hayato: "For your sake I hope you're ready to try out a Nippon speed machine special!"


The group makes a journey using one of Japan's famous bullet trains.

While Hayato on snooze, and Nash comfortably laid, Boniface, sitting across, alone, has other thoughts.

Boniface: "Monsieur Nash?"

Nash: "Need something, Bon?"

Boniface: "Is there any reason Moto-san sits idly with that suspicious getup?"

Nash: "Well, if it's any consideration, it's that he attracts attention. A lot of attention."

Boniface: "Monsieur, I've been going at it big these days.. surely there's no need for a mask."

Nash: "I'd agree, but Moto-san has the personality of a mysterious ninja. Must be in the blood. Remember when we asked him about his girlfriend?"

It wasn't long ago, but Boniface now associates the late Yoko with Hayato nearly ending his life.

Boniface: "Yes, that.. surely there's more to it than what he's said."

Nash: "And judging by who's asleep, I'd say Moto-san must be nocturnal."

Boniface: "It seems you know a lot about your.. emm.. 'son'."

Nash: "Are you not entertained?"

Boniface: "Not that I want to be. But are you not at the least bit jetlagged?"

Nash: "Nah. With loads of flyer miles, travel around the world isn't a problem for myself."

Boniface: "Ohh? How long ago was your first trip here?"

Nash: "Back in the early 2000s. Must be quite the time. A lot's changed in Japan from then, but I'm not going to bore you with the details."

Boniface: "It's not like I'd eagerly listen as well."

Nash: "Verily. Hope you don't mind a wait, Bon.. *whispers loudly* my son needs his rest."

With the quiet, Boniface takes out a book and starts reading from his phone.

Losing his perception around him, he dives deep into the world of fiction.

The story today revolves about a post apocalyptic realm, with mankind left to survive amidst the chaos.

Entertained, he presses on, eyeing out for cliches and details needing address for review.


Time marches on, and Boniface, still sucked into his book, suddenly felt uneasy.

Even though he prides on his unshakable focus, Boniface can't help but find out what causes it.

Boniface: "Mon dieu, what's going on?"

Without anything to cover his ears, Boniface sought out what's disturbing.

Moving his senses back to reality, clearly Nash stands as the culprit.

Nash: "Nothing urgent.. just want to catch up. I've heard the rumors from my brother. Back in the game so soon?"

Boniface: "Monsieur, if I may ask.."

From Boniface's view, Nash sights on his smartphone.

Nash: "Oh. Bon! I must apologize, but put me in conversation and I just can't control the volume. But I'm sure you both don't mind meeting again?"

Nash angles his phone's screen toward Boniface.

However, the man on the other end of the call brought chills to his spine.

Jacob: "So ain't this special? This is the same Frenchman that took Paul out of his shell?"

Nash: "Yes, that's the one. Long story short, he's the one Paul invited."

Boniface: "Indeed.. Paul ch-chose wisely. And I plan to back him up with the best of my ability."

Jacob: "Damned straight. You should've seen him in America. Swear the guy must've changed gear or something."

Boniface: "The man is like a sophisticated robot, in a way you have to push the right buttons to get the functions out. If it pleases you, I have been pressuring him extra hard in recent days. To think it worked out so suddenly as well."

Jacob: "Nash, you need to fill me in on how those French *BLEEP*s are suddenly on our side."

Nash: "That's a conversation for another time."

Jacob: "Don't take it the wrong way, buddy, even though your sister tried to have us killed in more ways I can count."

Boniface: "All unforgivable, I know. I'm making it a mission to have that mended the best way possible."

Jacob: "I don't forgive so easy.. but am doing my part on diverting aggression."

Nash: "So, back on me, Jake.. I take it that you're doing your thing again?"

Jacob: "Yeah.. Didn't think Clark would catch on so quickly."

Nash: "He has eyes and ears on that scene, you know. Don't know who it is in America, but I'm about to meet with the Japanese spy."

Jacob: "He probably has one of mine in check.. but about the Japanese?"

Nash: "I only have what my brother told me: typical street racer. Only that.. he's rumored to be dead one time."

Jacob: "Hmm.. playing dead.. you're no stranger to that, I hear."

Nash: "Hmm.. you're just as curious as my brother, I wager."

Jacob: "Although I'm more of such with your new friend here."

Nash: "Yes.. quite surprised Paul gave no mention at all."

Jacob: "He's all 'no more booze' and all action now. Still nowhere a man of stature, however.."

Boniface: "His past matters little."

Nash: "If I may add, Bon babysitting Paul works out quite well."

Jacob: "You've seemed to make half your legacy just butting heads with him."

Boniface: "That makes me the perfect candidate."

Jacob: "If there's something, you know him as well as yourself."

Boniface: "Ever had a read of the Art of War, monsieur Ross?"

Jacob: "Hmm.. Maybe a mention or two, but not the whole text."

Boniface: "Akin to wine, I pride myself as an enthusiast in good literature. Do ask for suggestions, hmm?"

Nash: "So, Jake, where's Rin?"

Jacob: "Working. I'm sure you know she's been promoted."

Nash: "Promoted?"

Jacob: "Hmm.. must be recent enough, I think."

Nash: "I try not to pry into police business."

Jacob: "Something to know: she's side by side to my old friend.. the guy that married Luce."

Boniface: "Pardon me, but who is this Luce?"

Nash: "That would be Alan's second protege. German girl in control of a purple BMW."

Boniface: "Oh, Madame Weiss. I see, I see.."

Nash: "Either way, Jacob, I think I'm done talking for now. It's nice hearing from you. Good luck in your endeavors."

Jacob: "Appreciate it, Nash. Signing off.."

With the call ending, Boniface takes his attention to Nash with his flow interrupted.

Nash: "Jacob.. I figured he'd change, but I assure you, he keeps bringing himself back to ruin."

Boniface: "Come on, monsieur Nash. That man assures you he knows what he's got himself into."

Nash: "I guess.. he's kind of my brother in a way. It helps I can relate."

Boniface: "In what way do you relate, if I can ask?"

Nash: "He's the Paul to Alan for me. My only secret student. It explains why I care so much. Akin to a father and his son.."

Boniface: "By the way, your son, Moto-san, seems.. unusually still."

Nash: "Hmmm?"

A close inspection to the napping Hayato gave the duo insight.

Nash: "Moto-san?"

Opening the hood reveals a wooden dummy.

Nash: "Oh? Well, it seems he somehow managed to fool us all."

Boniface: "Fool, yes, but in what sense?"

Nash: "You've heard on how ninjas somehow can turn to wood, right?"

Boniface: "Probably not.. Japanese culture is probably a new weakness for me."

Nash: "Yes.. umm.. Moto-san can't be far away."

As soon as he finishes, footsteps are heard, with Hayato behind it all.

Nash: "And there you are. You've fooled us, I admit."

Hayato: "You peeked?"

Boniface: "It can't be helped."

Nash: "How long were you gone?"

Hayato: "Longer than you think.. I had some.. uhh.. how you say it.. unfinished business."

Nash: "Moto-san, I can't believe you'd go there!"

Hayato: "Forgive me, but it's not a matter of choice."

Nash: "Here I thought you're done with Yakuza business. I've been fooled it seems."

Hayato: "Like you failed to hear, I had no choice. But don't worry about it."

Boniface: "Moto-san is with Yakuza? Very interesting.."

Nash: "Don't misunderstand, Bon."

Hayato: "Despite this, my racing is legit. You will see for yourself, Bon-chan."


Kyoto Driving Park
2 PM

Recently out of a taxi, the gentlemen and their ninja wannabe lackey arrive at a mostly fresh locale for racing.

Boniface: "If I may ask, what is this place?"

Nash: "I'm foggy in that as well; Moto-san, you can fill us in?"

Hayato: "Nyeeh, gaijin like yourselves really should do your research."

Nash: "Moto-san, a mention in e-mail pales compared to your experience."

Hayato: "Honestly, Otou-san, this is my second visit here. Thus, my knowledge is vast, but unreliable."

Boniface: "If I were a race car driver, you have to properly open yourself to experience. I've only been to Monza once, and, mon Dieu, I hope to come back and learn more."

Hayato: "*mimicking* and learn more, oh shut up."

Boniface: "Hmph."

Nash: "Okay, cut the crap. Moto-san, what's your take on this track?"

Hayato: "Hmm.. nyeehh.. it's new. Barely months old. But it's proving to be super popular. Like me in my first year."

Boniface: "The bragging makes his face much more prone to attack."

Nash: "Get used to it, Bon."

Hayato: "Thing of note, like Suzuka, we have different layouts: Miyabi and Yamagiwa. Little Miyabi suits for the simple and smooth driver, and large wavy Yamagiwa is for rough house."

As brief as it was, Nash showed slight praise.

Nash: "For a lack of interest, I say, Moto-san, you know your *BLEEP* for sure."

Hayato: "Suck on that, Bon-chan."

Nash: "And I guess we're not friendly yet.. c'mon Nash, this takes time.."

Hayato: "If it wasn't for Nash-san here, I wouldn't give a proper burial!"

Nash: "Alright, mates. Moto-san, you're free to taunt, but keep him out of death's door."

Hayato: "Nyeehhh.. okay.."

Boniface: "We'll let our abilities do the, how you say, smack talk."

Nash: "Smack talk indeed. Moto-san, you should go and find your Honda friends and tell them we're waiting for the go."

Hayato: "Gotcha."

Not a moment's notice and Hayato is nowhere to be found.

Boniface: "I have to say.. your son is quite the character."

Nash: "Verily."

Boniface: "It begs the question on why you officially have him as your son?"

Nash: "Hmm.. that's quite the question, actually. I'll tell you what I've told my brother."

Boniface: "Go on.."

Nash: "Let's get something out of the way first: I have 2 phobias.. First being getting old, the second.. getting married."

Boniface: "Getting old, I understand. But marriage? Not a clue how that's a fear."

Nash: "You haven't gotten a clue, I say, because you haven't a slight into marriage, isn't that right?"

Boniface: "Oof, touche."

Nash: "Not that my phobias are the main reason, it's mainly a favor for an old friend. You recall the small bonsai in his house?"

Boniface: "You speak of his memento for an old friend."

Nash: "Correct."

Boniface: "I'm not following."

Nash: "Well, you see.. Bon, Moto-san's family left him while he was young. So, while he'd end up fending on his own, that all changed when this man, Shinzo, took him in as his apprentice. That man serves as a kind of inspiration for myself. So, I took in an apprentice: Jacob Ross, and even after we parted ways, I sort of feel I wanted to show more of myself in others."

Boniface: "Hmm.."

Nash: "Also, maybe there's something in Moto-san that brings me back to before Shinzo's passing. I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but it has an attraction that, maybe, I would end up running into without realize."

Boniface: "Honestly, I feel there's some advice I want to provide, but it probably would end up being gibberish."

Nash: "Everyone sees me as some wise, constantly in thought sort of man."

Boniface: "The trait of one's old age."

Nash: "Umm.. right.. old age."

Boniface: "Oops.. sorry."

Nash: "That can't be helped."

From young men raring a run around the track to seasoned veterans observing, activity varies in each corner of the building.

Boniface can't help but feel stand out thanks to their European descent.

Boniface: "I ask, how long are we expecting Moto-san to return?"

Nash: "That I don't know. Keep your eyes out for him, and also the spy."

Boniface: "It helps if we have a clue on what this spy is."

Nash: "Not a man in a suit, I hope. But maybe I wouldn't mind a quick survey.."

Boniface: "After you."

They move around the building, with hints of its recent completion.

Going up and down stairs, peeking in rooms..

While they've gotten a few ideas where anything can be, their progress remains fruitless.

They meet up at the same hub when they began.

Boniface: "No luck, monsieur."

Nash: "That's alright. We've no reason to rush."

Boniface: "Got any options?"

Nash: "I've been disturbing my brother for details, who knows what answer I'm getting now.."

While Nash takes his phone out, Boniface notices something.

Boniface: "Qu'estce que cest? Nash, have a look!"

A young, small Shiba Inu stands in the open, visible to the two men it stares toward.

Nash: "That's.. a dog? And it's one of those yellow internet dogs.. *whistles* come on! Hey! Umm.. good boy!"

Boniface: "Seems like it's just staring away at us.. no response, nothing.."

Nash: "What sort of domesticated pooch fails to reply 'good boy'?"

Boniface: "My opinion, monsieur, is one that doesn't understand Inglais."

Nash: "You have a point, Bon.. though.. I quite like the way you say English."

Boniface: "Why? It comes with the accent."

Nash: "And according to said opinion, you're saying I have to speak Japanese?"

Boniface: "This isn't your first time here, no?"

Nash: "No.. The presence of things like US Marines makes most Japanese quite formidable English speakers. Verily, I'm not prepared.."

Boniface: "Enough reminiscing, monsieur. Someone approaches."

The dog gets called out, and makes its way towards an approaching man, dressed in white and wearing sunglasses.

???: "Shin-chan, oi-de!"

Pointing his dog elsewhere, he gets himself the attention of the gentlemen.

???: "Looks like he's gotten ahead of me.. you are the one he calls Nash, right?"

Nash: "Who's asking?"

???: "Your brother, the Street Racing Messiah."

Boniface: "Messiah? Monsieur, this man must be our spy."

Nash: "No *BLEEP*, Sherlock Richelieu. So, Mister Spy.."

???: "Spy? I'm no spy! But if a name is what you want, Raiko is what you'll get."

Nash: "Raiko, you say.."

???: "That's what I go with in the times."

Nash: "Well, Raiko.. I'm not sure how you get in contact with my brother, of all people. Or should I say.. Adachi?"

Theme Song: Linkin Park - Lost In The Echo
Gender: Male
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 28
Current occupation: Street racer
Distinct features: Black spiky hair. Expensive sunglasses. Clear hachimaki. Always with a shirt, white jacket and matching white slacks.
Car of choice: Honda Sports VGT

Formerly a leader of a street racing clan, Isamu gained notoriety enough to have him ruthlessly put off the map. Despite the damages, Isamu is back, and has his sights sets on new goals. Seen as always confident and a bit of a slacker, Isamu's one love aside from his life choices comes in the form of a Shiba Inu named Shin.

Isamu: "That's how you want it, eh? Fine. And your friend here?"

Boniface: "Boniface Richelieu. ETCC superstar."

Isamu: "So that's what they call themselves. 'Superstar'. Impressive. I've been craving for some good competition.. not that you look like it."

Feeling disturbed, Boniface makes a quick remark.

Boniface: "Pardon me, but are all Japanese men like this? Not to mention.. Adachi.. you smell.. odd.."

Isamu: "Never met someone who vapes?"

Boniface: "Non.. I'm more towards an old fashioned pipe myself."

Isamu: "You should try some. Maybe there's a good flavour for you, beats any pipe any day."

Boniface: "Oh, you.."

Nash: "Relax, Bon. Your luck meeting the quintessential Japanese are.. sort of a good low."

Isamu: "I'm not kind and warm fuzzies sort. You're soft, Bon-san. Maybe we can help each other out?"

Boniface: "Heavens, I can't even begin to describe why!"

Isamu: "It's not a job. Dude, you're just so honest. Break a rule or two eventually, you'll feel the shackles go away."

Boniface: "Right. My apologies, Monsieur."

Isamu: "Not a problem, fancy pants. But what I demand from you comes from my partner's request.. he's interested."

Nash: "Look at that, Bon. Got yourself a fan!"

Boniface: "Is that supposed to be flattering?"

Nash: "Maybe so, but a fan from far east is something."

Isamu: "I'd hate to disappoint, but he's like you: European."

Boniface: "European? Of what nation is he, Adachi?"

Isamu: "A guy like him don't do details."

Boniface: "Let's get straight to it. What is it that your partner desires from myself?"

Taking off the sunglasses, Isamu reveals a young, aggressive look, moreso with his headband.

Isamu: "He just.. wants to make your acquaintance, simple enough."

Boniface: "Quoi?"

Isamu: "Bon-san.. he's, what you say.. antisocial."

Nash: "Bon, you really do have a fan."

Boniface: "Monsieur, we can't be truly sure."

Nash: "So, what are you doing here, Adachi-san?"

Isamu: "Me? Heard Honda's paying good money to test out some rides for the upcoming Manufacturer's cup."

Boniface: "Adachi, it sounds like we're in the same boat."

Nash: "That it seems. So it's us 3 and Moto-san."

The hint of Hayato's nickname raised Adachi's general interest.

Isamu: "Matsumoto is here! Good.. good.."

Boniface: "You seem.. agitated."

Isamu: "Maybe Nash has already told you about me being a street racer.. the best in Gunma, no doubt. Reason is, I've been dying to butt heads with the great Hayato-san himself."

Nash: "The best in Gunma, eh? Street racing kid like yourself should aspire to run against my brother."

Isamu: "With your brother, a man paying me, is another story for the future.. I hear he's reached a peak so high for any street racer, and there's no way I can trump that."

Boniface: "Ahh, well.. a man with a Ferrari can do wonders to your street racing career."

Nash: "Bon, I was thinking you misunderstand, but.. these days, he's brought more than any old Ferrari. Think LaFerrari."


Boniface: "No joke, monsieur? Ferrari probably knows who your brother truly is, and he still manages to get ahold of their top of the line?"

Nash: "I wish it was merely conjecture, but I've seen it first hand.."

Isamu: "That's the case, should he come over, my only way to win is to cheat."

Nash: "Verily, I also can't say my brother is any way a man of honor, meaning.. we get this out of the way: he's no cheater, per se.. just goes his way to outcheat the cheater.."

Isamu: "Your precious Robin Hood is still a man in tights."

Nash: "Tell that to Nottinghamshire."

Isamu: "By the way, Frenchman, I think we'll be postponing that need for an introduction for later."

Boniface: "Oh? Why's that?"

Coming closer, Hayato makes his return.

Hayato: "Oh, look it's Adachi-chan! What, street racing not going too well for you?"

And immediately assaults the man in white.

Isamu: "Look who's talking: the boy band baby of the track!"

Nash: "Boy band... baby?"

Boniface: "These brutish manners.. only these two, right?"

Nash: "Dearie me. Moto-san, got an update for us or are you here to play trash talk with Raiko?"

Hayato: "Erhh right! Right.. update. Honda has prepared five cars for us to test and go."

Boniface: "Test and go, you say? And forgive me again, but five?"

Nash: "Do the math, and there's surely four of us. You dog driving the fifth, Isamu?"

Isamu: "Very funny. Shin-chan's just a pup. And instead of a pup, my partner will suffice for that. See there?"

Pointed to a certain direction is a hooded man, keeping hold of an asleep dog.

Nash: "And there's your partner? I wonder what sort of lad are we seeing.."

Boniface: "A devil of the cruelest kind?"

Isamu: "My partner.. he's no devil, but an angel."

Nash: "He's not an angel of the kindest sort, I wager."

Hayato: "Angel or devil.. argh! He demands a smiting!!"

Before Hayato goes for the neck, Nash already has his hand on his shoulders, with Boniface on the scabbard.

Nash: "Moto-san, stay.."

Hayato: "Nyeehh.. fine.."

Isamu: "Hasty, aren't you? Maybe you want to really slice him on the track?"

Nash: "Maybe I would, but I wouldn't take it too hard on some unknown racer."

Isamu: "Hehehe.."

With the pace in the right, Isamu lets out a sharp whistle.

Shin, the dog, barks with excitement, while the hooded man raises his slumped face.

Said hooded man afar unleashes, bringing his famed face to light.

Nash: "Good God, Bon. Eyes deceive me.. but.."

Boniface: "That's.. Angelos?! If I recall the news.. didn't he get into some accident?"

Theme Song: Black Sabbath - I
Gender: Male
Nationality: Greek
Age: 30
Current occupation: Race car driver
Distinct features: White bob. Slender face with angry eyes. Wears different clothes, but always under a blue longcoat.
Car of choice: BMW M3 E30 Sport Evolution

The only champion of the annual Circuit de la Sierra road car timed rally, and its champion for four years straight. While distant, ignorant, rude, and selfish, Angelos is capable as a lone wolf, but with the co-operation of a new friend in Isamu, what more can we see about him?

Hayato: "You know, so far this fake death cliche seems to go a little too far."

Isamu: "We were never dead, Moto-san, you idiot!"

Hayato: "*mimicking* never dead.. Ooohh, you're some cool sunglasses wearing yokai.. hahaha *clappings slowly*"

Nash: "So, we have a street outlaw, a touring car superstar, a young F1 racer, a street rally king.. verily, if I didn't know better, this would've been a race for the ages.."

Boniface: "And yourself?"

Nash: "I've saved the best for last, Bon. I was the has been desperate to show he's still got it."

Boniface: "Ahh.. how it just came to me, Adachi.."

Isamu: "Yeah?"

Boniface: "That your partner: this barbarian of a racer is somewhat found an appeal of me.."

Isamu: "Word has come to him about what you did to this one person who stole your spotlight. He's.. inspired than bewitched."

Boniface: "Ahh. A most logical statement."

Just as they were to continue, the building PA takes the stage.

Isamu: "Oh, what luck."

Hayato: "Bon-chan, I hope you know that means us?"

Isamu: "They know nothing of Nihongo?"

Hayato: "Not a single letter, oh boo hoo.. hahahah!"

Even though they don't go along, Hayato went for a quick high five with Isamu.

Nash: "If all that jeering and general bad manners mean something, I'm thinking we better get ready to rumble."

Boniface: "After you."

As the men make their way, the hooded figure stands.


Running On Empty
Jackson Browne
Running On Empty

Nash: "Come in, other red car. Bon, how are you holding up?"


Boniface: "It's fascinating.. nothing out of the ordinary, monsieur."

Nash: "I think this two way radio for us is the best idea in days.. Give me a shout should you need it."

Boniface: "Affirmative."


Nash: "Got the track all familiar? I have."

Boniface: "Not a problem. Maybe there are complaints for the car, but now I believe is when Honda wants us to.. well, race?"

Nash: "We have to push these babies to the limit, Bon. You're behind Moto-san, I presume?"

Boniface: "Oui, I've managed to get ahead of Adachi and Angelos."

Nash: "Let them keep pace. When the line is crossed, it's all out.












Boniface: "One lap in.."

Nash: "And it seems Moto-san wants to show his daddy what he's got.. challenge accepted."





Nash: "Oh bother.. my son's no pushover, but it's not over yet.."







Boniface: "*sigh* how is it you two pace ahead so.."

Nash: "You need to get out of your lightweight machines one day. Make this exercise the first step."



Boniface: "How is your Moto-san issue going along?"

Nash: "He's got a good line.. but nothing some pressure can't fix."




Boniface: "Angelos.. what were you thinking, you uncivilized brute.. an unprepared attack cost you that position.."

Nash: "Remember: he's a time trial specialist, meaning his race manners may not be as well suited."

Boniface: "Ahh.. good point.."



Boniface: "Monsieur, a word.. if I may."

Nash: "Speak to your heart's content, Bon."


Boniface: "You're okay with conversation in this?"

Nash: "The talking while driving.. it's sort of second nature for me. Although, I can't say the same for you."






Nash: "In the bag! Told you I'm not old.."


Boniface: "Ahh.. Kyoto is a beautiful place.. I demand a second visit sometime.."

Nash: "Tell that to your sister, maybe she'll oblige."


Boniface: "Looks like I've lost sight of Angelos and Adachi.."

Nash: "One's a street racer who relies on the chaos of not being on regulated roads.. the other only does time trials. But they keep up pretty good for newbies."




Boniface: "This is our last lap, oui?"

Nash: "Oui indeed, Bon."


Nash: "In-inconcievable!!"


Boniface: "Pardon me, but did.."

Nash: "Bon, I'd appreciate it if you say nothing and let me try to take it back in peace."



Boniface: "Excellent maneuver there."


Nash: "Why thank you, Bon.. when did you get so close?"

Boniface: "You told me to adapt, and so I did."

Nash: "Oh.. Paul you done did good.. Very well."



Boniface: "Ahh.. Angelos and Adachi aren't poor racers, contrary to how I assume.."



Boniface: "And that's our 5 laps."

Nash: "Moto-san.. I'm so so sorry to disappoint you. I've been racing for over 20 years; what did you expect?"


4 PM

Being a test run, no celebrations were placed.

After doing some paperwork and feedback, Boniface hurried and changed back to his comfortable clothing.

As everything gets in place and all his valuables remain in the right spots, he leaves the changing rooms and looks around for Nash and Hayato at the main hub.

However, he's approached by a shadowy figure. Lucky for Boniface, he recognizes him.

Boniface: "Ahh.. bonjour.. You must be Angelos. Your friend Adachi told me you needed an enquiry from me.."

He didn't expect a word, but out came entire sentences from Angelos.

Angelos: "Kay, let me be clear one thing, Boniface.. I don't like you one bit. The gentleman act is insufferable."

Boniface: "Ahh.. Such pleasant advice from the barbarian. My apologies the race didn't go so well, but I suppose you don't want me crying on the wrong shoulders."

Angelos: "Filthy.. we weren't really racing just now. As much as I'm quite proficient in road rally, my abilities in GT4 cars show little promise."

Boniface: "Little promise, or you're just outmatched. I assure you it's the latter, monsieur. Don't be dropping your shoulders."

Angelos: "With the help of Adachi, I know what I'm doing next, at least."

Boniface: "What, you both in Kyoto for some time?"

Angelos: "Yes.. in fact, Adachi insists we both head for higher places with the Manufacturer's cup, which is how we ended up here in pitifully short notice."

Boniface: "Must be hard for you both."

Angelos: "You have no clue who my partner is, do you.. kay, kay.."

Boniface: "Educate me. I'm an eager learner, you know."

Angelos: "Hmph. I would, but even it's only pretty recent our partnership began."

Boniface: "Ahh. No problem. But.. why fake your death?"

Angelos: "Fake it? Hah. You peasants have no idea. That's what everyone says, but it's not that I want to, but I had to."

Boniface: "Hmm.. four years mastering a very long road approved by European racing foundations.. what evil even hunts a man with little impact outside it?"

Angelos: "The questions keep on coming, French bread."

Boniface: "At any rate, what is Adachi for you?"

Angelos: "He saved my bacon. Don't get any thoughts; It doesn't mean we're the best of friends, however."

Boniface: "Quite."

Angelos: "And that's the beginning of it. Now, involved in my escape is the Reaper himself."

Boniface: "Reaper.. you must mean.. ahh, that man knows no end of bloodshed. One I wish he would.."

Angelos: "And as a result of my exile, he's placed Adachi on his list.. you do know what that is, right?"

Boniface: "I know enough to pray not getting on it."

Angelos: "We wish it was better, but.. Adachi.. he's told me how he's related."

Boniface: "Related?"

Angelos: "That word by itself, kay? No more from me."

Boniface: "Ahh. Mysterious indeed. Well.. I would like to know.. why me? You even came up to me and showed a bit of hate, it perplexes the mind."

Angelos: "Well, then.. I do hate you, but you have been in glory's shining light for quite some time.. consider me a sort of an admirer."

Boniface: "A fan?"

Angelos: "More like I'm going to run you over in the future."

Boniface: "Hmm.. a bold, yet confusing statement."

Angelos: "But you would want some kindness, I daresay? A proposition?"

Boniface: "I'd accept anything? So, what proposition you have in mind?"

Angelos: "Let me be your partner."

Boniface: "Quoi? What about Adachi?"

Angelos: "Reasons of the Reaper has forced him to stay in Japan.. I'm still free to go as I please. And when he needs none of me, I want someone to follow."

Boniface: "Or run over eventually."

Angelos: "You know what I mean."

Boniface: "That I do. But where can you fit in?"

Angelos: "That's easy, kay. I'm sure Nash Kirkham isn't your partner in the Manufacturer's Cup."

Boniface: "He wouldn't be. But it seems you hear I don't have someone else on my team."

Angelos: "A lucky guess, but I know a guy like you hasn't been in a team yet."

Boniface: "Such deductive skills.. well then. Are you eager to be part of my undertaking, Angelos?"

Angelos: "No, but if it gives me the skills and conviction, then absolutely!"

With that, Boniface lends out his right hand.

It received Angelos' grip shortly.

Boniface: "You may not like me, but I plan to change that."

Angelos: "Kay.."

Upon letting go, Boniface didn't expect a pleasant side of Angelos to surface.

Boniface: "I hear you don't get along with others well.. but thank you for opening up.."

Angelos: "It's that feeling.. one I should've found out of sooner."

As they were to continue, a white car arrives.

Opening the window, Adachi, complete with his distinct look, puts a signal, with Shin barking as loud as he could.

Boniface: "And.. that's?"

Angelos: "Adachi.. and Shin.. the little runt."

Boniface: "Well then.. let's meet again someday. You know how to find me?"

Angelos: "Run as far as you want, Boniface. I'll find you, don't worry."

Angelos heads over the white Honda. They then leave the area.

Boniface: "Partnership.. never thought of.. doing it with such a brute.."

As Boniface admires the unusual looking Honda, Nash makes his way closer.

Boniface: "Monsieur Nash?"

Nash: "Bon. Sorry to keep you waiting."

Boniface: "Where's Moto-san?"

Nash: "He requests a few moments alone to help getting us out of here. If he's done this right, we're going to be back in Tokyo by nightfall. Might I add how you should really look at his face.."

Boniface: "Ahh.. but I wouldn't mind if we had a few nights here in Kyoto."

Nash: "Verily, I agree. But I'm expected to be back at Manchester in a couple of days.."

Boniface: "Shame it had to be."

Nash: "Sorry to pry, but sounds to me you haven't teamed up your entire racing career."

Boniface: "Oui, that is fact, especially when my sisters overprotect me so."

Nash: "That's the reason? Maybe I can talk to Mirielle about that."

Boniface: "God forbid you mention Paul to her."

Nash: "I've plans to convince her he's the one, but, forgive me again, you've had that Angelos guy interested in you."

Boniface: "It's like you say: turns out he's a fan, while admitting none of it."

Nash: "Mmmhmm.."

Boniface: "By the way, you seem to know a lot about the cars we drove."

Nash: "Being up par with Moto-san means much for me."

Boniface: "I say it's too heavy for my tastes."

Nash: "Bon, a bit of weight won't kill you.. but in your case it might."

Boniface: "Monsieur, that fact I cannot deny."

Nash: "Verily. But I'm sure it's for the better in Honda's endeavors in the Manufacturer's Cup. You've heard Paul being in it, so I'm sure you've chased him down yet again."

Boniface: "Oui, undeniably true."

Nash: "But for whom?"

Boniface: "Renault Sport."

Nash: "Nothing like helping your local team prosper."

Boniface: "An accurate assumption, monsieur."

Nash: "I've no need to be involved in the cup, but I'm happy to help out as always."

Boniface: "What, you need a partner?"

Nash: "No, that I can probably convince my brother to get involved.. although he has to get out of his way of thinking first."

Boniface: "Hmm.."

Nash: "But if there is something you do have which isn't a partner, it's that you have a team. Well, blame me for dragging this back how far now, but you're Mythic now. You working alone with your family's now history."

Boniface: "But monsieur.. to be honest.."

Despite Boniface's state on self image, he couldn't help feel withdrawn.

Nash: "Say your mind, Bon."

Boniface: "I feel that.. I'm not fit to be in your little scuffle. From my own methods to my sisters.."

Nash: "Oh, Boniface, I promise good things. We've got a good monetary flow, some opportunities to play with, amongst the many good perks.."

Boniface: "There are good, I agree, but I assure you it's not convincing enough."

Nash: "If it won't convince you, maybe be like our mutual friend Paul, and come with an open mind. It's helping him so far."

Boniface: "An open mind?"

Initially disapproving of Paul's major choice, the advice that he's been following has been in most part thanks to Boniface himself.

His gentleman's creed demands he be no hypocrite.

Nash: "So, Boniface.. I'd say you'd make an excellent addition. I'm the only word you need; don't let my brother or Jake intimidate you otherwise."

Boniface: "Intimidate? I suppose.."

Always by himself, Boniface thinks it's time to change.

He has this fire in him, one he eventually thought needs stoking, with the help of Team Mythic.

Boniface: "they've no right to assume that!"

Nash: "Good man. So, if there's something else to know other than we're still a secret group, there's also code names."

Boniface: "Monsieur, I don't think we have to fool ourselves with that."

Nash: "It's not for the heck of it, Bon. It reflects us in some sense.."

Boniface: "Hmm... do tell."

Nash: "Well, let's see how well you know us. Know who else is part of the group?"

Boniface: "Hmm.. as a Richelieu, this I should know akin to how I know the wines in the mansion cellar! Let's see.. Paul!"


Nash: "Paul. He's been in the game since he's been trying to woo Alan's only kid. Got him in when he somehow got into karting in a high level and hasn't stopped since."

Boniface: "That's history I know very well in."

Nash: "You'd score a perfect 10 if it were in curriculum."

Boniface: "Absolutely. But one I surely know not is that.. he's got a code name?"

Nash: "That he does, being 'The Highland Wyrm'. Believe it or not, he got that name drinking one night, and it hasn't escaped since."

Boniface: "Ahh.. so a dragon? Tell me.. we have to have mythical creatures as part of the name?"

Nash: "If you don't approve, too bad, we all agreed this is how it plays."

Boniface: "Guess I have no choice."

Nash: "Who else? Come on, our conversation earlier was the big takeaway.."

Boniface: "Hmm.. that Jacob Ross?"


Nash: "Jacob Ross was my only protege. So I have high expectations from him. He's a serious character, but after all the years mentoring, I'm very sure it's just a facade."

Boniface: "He I probably won't approach with a 10 foot pole."

Nash: "He won't bite, but he's a frequent flyer in the fear business. How he got it, I've no clue."

Boniface: "To use such fear must mean his long term inclusion in the racing world."

Nash: "He's not that long into the racing business as you or Paul, but he's shown results. Beating my brother in a high octane street race here in Japan is one thing."

Boniface: "Your brother.. in Japan.. so, that means.."

Nash: "The secret stays a secret in our secret group. He's The Outlaw. Funny how the world really hasn't gotten that figured out."

Boniface: "Is that his code name?"

Nash: "No, his is 'The Horseman of the Apocalypse'. It fits his general attraction to dark forces, and how he brings himself in it. Not to mention his Southern US origins."

Boniface: "Hmm.. so, is his wife is also Mythic?"


Nash: "Rin kind of got involved because I owed her father more than a few favors. She's a crazy little girl, but she shows so much, it'd be a shame to leave her be."

Boniface: "I guessed right?"

Nash: "You said this is a topic you'd get full marks on."

Boniface: "Oh, that I did.. pardon me.. I overextend my own confidence that time."

Nash: "But maybe you want to know she's the best of the bunch?"

Boniface: "That is a bold statement."

Nash: "It is! While I was skulking around dead, she took my place one time and did not disappoint. And took place in what? Red Bull X racing, that's what."

Boniface: "Monsieur, that's... too good, I'd say."

Nash: "Her father's death inspired her after.. I'm afraid what else she may be capable of eventually."

Boniface: "I assure you, I think that I will find out the hard way. So, her code name?"

Nash: "If I recall right, it's the "Infernal Phoenix". But I don't remember why. Something with her going through hell and back, better than ever, I guess."

Boniface: "Erhh..."

Nash: "Bon, is something the matter?"

Boniface: "So much for full marks. I'm conceding."

Nash: "Don't worry, I'm not awarding you for anything. But the next one should be a familiar one. Known by many as Sonny."


Boniface: "It explains why he's with you a lot."

Nash: "His fame exaggerates his every move, and it definitely includes his racing ability and sense. He's done much. From getting Jacob into the racing world, to getting him wed, and eventually being the face of racing in California."

Boniface: "To be honest, monsieur Nash, he's not too appealing."

Nash: "I never could understand how America works in that sector, so I agree."

Boniface: "You already know what I'm about to ask."

Nash: "Hmm, that I do. Consider me one step ahead like he always is. His code's the 'Soul Chimera'. He's truly a jack of all trades, but a master of none. But so far, whatever he touches he's bound to devour. Such is the nature of a multi headed beast!"

Boniface: "This name I'm quite fond of. A chimera is a beast I see myself expecting trouble often in reading fiction."

Nash: "Considered your mythical aspect yet, Bon? But you have yet the last one to get? You know how Lucia's been involved directly.."

Boniface: "Madame Weiss is another member?"


Nash: "Well, even though we decided to let our apprentices do the electing, we've made a choice in Lucia. Particularly on how Alan fine tuned her to be the perfect mix of a tuner and a racer. That's not a combo to find easily."

Boniface: "She's good competition, from the Euro Supercar Festival she's the one to look out for. Shame I had my way."

Nash: "Well, who knows what she'll bring in future installments of her racing career? She's already signed up for BMW on the cup, and I hear it wasn't even a decision that requires deliberation!"

Boniface: "Combined on how females are not looked as highly as us men.. Nash, why do we have women of such levels on board?"

Nash: "I-I've no clue!"

Boniface: "In any case, monsieur, it shows they deserve the spot."

Nash: "That they do. And before you ask, her code name's the 'Valkyrie Weiss'."

Boniface: "Knowing her tendencies to go in head first, it fits."

Nash: "Verily. But now I want you to tell me what you want to be called."

Boniface: "Ah.. well.. uhh.."

Nash: "Something the matter?"

Boniface: "A decision so sudden, it's hard to say what I do want in those circumstances."

Nash: "Well, let me help you. What's you style? I know you're graceful and gentle, so let's not go with anything that's aggressive."

Boniface: "Narrowing the options? Monsieur, I think I follow.."

Nash: "Good. So, what else.."

Boniface: "Well, I'm a man for nice suits and even nicer wine."

Nash: "Hmm.. you know, I've been thinking you'd be quite similar to Bram Stoker's Dracula."

Boniface: "A vampire? Non, that's too evil."

Nash: "Ahh, but Boniface, you misunderstand. We never were in the pursuit of what is good or evil. What's to say a vampire would mean if affinity isn't important?"

Boniface: "Good point."

Nash: "Then we settle it. Consider this meeting of ours an official entry into Team Mythic! I'll have things sorted out with your sister, and above all: I'm sure good things are coming with you aboard."

Boniface: "Merci! It is an honor."

Even though he's been with him all day, Boniface now sees a newer, friendlier light with the man that brought him to Japan.

Nash: "So, about vampires.. how's 'Count Boniface'? I find it rather fetching."

Boniface: "Uhh... this will take some time, believe me."


Author's Note

You're probably tired of all those California episodes, so how about a twist? That twist being we end up in Japan, introducing yet another bunch of dudes. Yeah, it's an all dude party today.

Also, the last of the main characters: Boniface is another character waiting for a return. I really liked what he offers to the plate, being the gentleman antagonist that's not exactly a villain. Here's hoping KTM would add to the racing leagues of the game, but I suppose the plans with him in Renault Sport remains a good idea so far.

Also, he's part of Mythic now? That was the plan in Dawn of The Mythic Chapter 1! This is probably the most important detail for former readers. He's a good guy now. Although you're only seeing the mask and not what's under; expect those sort of details when Boniface or Paul end up as the lead character.

And why not introduce a very important side character in Nash. Nash is known as the guy who made project Mythic: kind of a secret group of bred racing pioneers. Each of the main characters so far is part of this. Nash is also quite powerful in terms of how the story revolves around him, and he's by far quite the force. I've yet to prove it until now. With me unintentionally bringing Phase 3 to light, he's also a main character.

That said, also revealed is the original plot of my GT6 story: each of the 4 members have to find another worthy ally slash rival slash you get the picture. And judging by the amount of times Paul's name has been mentioned, he's chosen longtime rival Boniface. And we have Jacob, Sonny and Rin left to add on to that. Although, they probably won't be as main as Boniface should they come out.

On to the side characters today: Moto-san is a personal favorite. My tribute to Ayrton Senna, Hayato has starred in his own side story with the Honda NSX when it was still a concept. I like what I did, but it's not perfect. Moto-san serves as quite a wacky character, maybe more parody than tribute. Maybe he and Sonny could have an egotistical stareoff or something. And you've heard he's Rin's foster brother.. it explains a few similarities.

Then we have new characters. The first is Isamu Adachi. Adachi is my take on your typical Japanese cool guy, but contrasting Moto-san. He also has some interesting quirks, like being one of the two people that own a pet (the other being someone already revealed in this phase). One trait he has I hadn't gotten to is his habit of using vapes, but it's not too important. He was to appear in "Brothers In Arms: Your Latest Trick" as well,

Quick note: both Moto-san and Adachi are intended to be these types of characters. I'm not implying young Japanese men as as*BLEEP*s.

Angelos is one I've been dying to get out for years. Firstly, his initial inspiration would be a what if. That what if being if Jacob Ross didn't get out of his dark phase. And that he's Greek. No, I don't know Greeks that well, but if Angelos gives me access to that culture, I'll be happy to reflect what I've learned. His relation with the Circuito de la Sierra? That's how he was initially shown off in Dawn of The Mythic, actually. Guess we'll let that slide.

Both Isamu and Angelos are references to a certain rival duo in a certain fighting game. Which one? Feel free to guess.

With this release, I don't think anyone will ever be worried about locale stagnancy. I won't be afraid to bring the cast to certain parts of the world. I have plans to even hold something in Bathurst as well. Music wise, we have Jackson Browne! More classic road driving music for you guys!

This part in particular is sort of a preview on how I will tackle races. There's more to work on, like position, best lap, other knick knacks. I will want to try getting some help for future encounters, particularly in between Team Mythic members.

And with this done, I'm going to take a break over the next months. Phase 3 is now slowly taking shape as I draft Phase 2. See you here soon!


Thanks for reading!

Next up:



2 days later..

Linkin Park
A Thousand Suns






*barking sounds*

Angelos: "I'd say a good morning to you, but.. alas, the mutt won't shut up."

Isamu: "Shin-chan likes it when I get active. Where's your car?"


Angelos: "Brought it to the mountain yesterday, and I needed it checked, and it's still at Kyoto. I got here by taxi. Not like I needed it, I'll just pay for your fuel."

Isamu: "Ahh.. shame.. I really wanted a go against you on this track. That time with the NSX Group 4s.."

Angelos: "Never thought of how much more fun if we had it together."

Isamu: "I'll get my R33 out here by the next hour. Then we'll have a nice duel."

Angelos: "Sounds like a reason to get my ass kicked, however."


Isamu: "Don't be such a baby. The Godzilla earned its name, and maybe you'll convince yourself why. The way it's been tuned, it's faster than this HSC, maybe it can match the S2000?"

Angelos: "Whatever.. but.. you're wearing sunglasses at this time of day?"

Isamu: "Ohh, Anjuro.. there's more to it with this expensive pair.. not like you'd want to know.."
And it's small update time!

With Phase 1 completed, I'm going ahead and put this little survey. Now, I'm not expecting anyone to answer at all, but it's these questions that will determine what's to come, in the small scale, surely. But I like to see some input.

1) The most obvious one: opinion on the lead characters (and maybe tell me your favorite one)?
Jacob Ross: THE main character, former remorseless street racer using his dark horse status as leverage to reach the top
Sonny Meng Xian Zhen: Author Avatar, well known as a celebrity with money and fame thanks to his skills, talent and his 'one step ahead' mantra
Paul Henderson: ETCC rival of Boniface, a former drunk who has his sights on coming back better than before
Rin Nishimura: Wife of main character, erred mental wise, but a top tier talent in just about all she surveys
Lucia Weiss: young prodigy with a temper, now headed to the track as both masters of the track and the garage
Boniface Richelieu: ETCC rival of Paul, a wine savvy gentleman raised from a young age already racing, now looking to work as a team
Nash Kirkham: mastermind behind Team Mythic, humble, patient man of high class, wealth and fame in the late 90s, insisting he still has it

2) Input on any of the brand new side characters?
Emile Orson: highly feared, saxophone playing assassin whose American dream has been stolen away and is out for blood
Miranda Summers: gentle, self taught Canadian stunt actress with an unrivaled affiliation of yellow and luxury
Graham Wilde: half Brit, half American, all active and a calculated beast, getting grips on the racing world
Monica June Ross: main character's cousin from New York, a bisexual and a prideful, tough cookie to bite
Lance Robinson: hardworking Interpol agent thinking of his own gain, and work before anything else
Sophia D'Antonio: bright, optimistic genius of finding talent and bringing the best of it, usually at the cost of her own fatigue
The Guts: Tamed racing animal whose ability in racing is beyond legend, despite general awkward actions
Isamu Adachi: self proclaimed king of Gunma whose misfortune fails to hamper his ambition
Angelos Marius: foul mouthed, angst filled lone wolf, known by many as 'King of the Zahara'

3) And the old side characters?

Legacy Era - Gran Turismo 5

Murphy "Murph" Barrister: sixth sense for ins-slightly insane, a street racing icon with a penchant for chaos and risk
Alan Robinson: the Bristol Harbinger, a retired old man who's been in racing for very long before, but on the lookout for successors
Jackie Meng Wei Ng: Sonny's father, a retired bodyguard now concerned on his son's familial future
Bernardo Bellini: playful Italian prankster widely regarded a joke, but not fully thanks to his major Interpol role over the years
Keith Ross: younger brother of Jacob, a young racer looking to succeed his family name, focusing mainly for the thrills and general fun factor
Izumi Yamazaki: laugh prone, once known Interpol double agent, now under probation to renew her family name

Dawn Era - Gran Turismo 6

Carrie Henderson:
wife of Paul, a mostly passive soul who serves well as Paul's harbor from danger
Kirk Ackepoke: Sonny's right hand man, a shy introvert, but talented mechanic indebted to Sonny
Nirvana Kellen: third person talking, mysterious lady with a penchant for high value information, Lamborghinis and hating Sonny
Rex Ericcson: rotund, overweight race car driver, speaks leetspeak and talks smart things great, better at anything Nissan GT-R related
Hayato Matsumoto: ninja enthusiast, Super Formula contender with an affinity to himself, but as dedicated to his craft like a certain inspiration

4) Music in general so far?

Grand Funk - Take Me
Boston - Don't Look Back
Rush - One Little Victory (Remastered)
The Bangles - If She Knew What She Wants
Celldweller - Unshakeable (original mix and VIP)
Jackson Browne - Running On Empty

Also: would it be better if I lifted the "one artist only" rule?

5) Any considerations for new characters, such as filling a certain trope, certain nationality, certain role etc (the current plan for brand new characters are all American.. I know, sad right)?

6) Am I leaking too much information for future plans and content (like revealing theme songs for opening Phase 2 and 3)?

7) Should I find a way to visualize these characters? If yes, provide a suggestion (maybe not a typical avatar maker online). I have access to Garry's Mod, GTA V and The Sims 3.

And just in case you don't want to be left out from here on, feel free to watch the thread. How? By making a post, or I think there's a button somewhere..
Dev diary number 6: it's been a long while, but time for me to update once again!

6 is a number I associate pretty heavily with the main character Jacob Ross. You're bound to find out why, but it's more thematic than plot relevant. But enough from me.

So, in recent days, I've had a hand in Ubisoft's open USA racer The Crew 2, and besides not letting go of that game for now, I've been thinking..

Aside from the use of The List there as well as in my own (coincidence, I *BLEEP* you not), I want to use that place for general in America scenes and photos. I mentioned this in the disclaimer that I may end up using content from other games. I have intentions to use The Sims 4 for character creation, but that's still on the fence.

I may also end up using some picture editing to get some of my cars to that backdrop. Speaking of cars, you've heard a certain Italian agent slash funnyman Bernardo owns a Murcielago SV from 1-5? Here's how it appears:


I was going to use a picture from older GT games, but oh well. I hope that car comes in GT Sport eventually!

And in comes a chance for using cars from that game. But believe me, the game's ugly when compared to the likes of GT Sport. Yes, it's so obvious I want a certain someone to own the 2017 Ford GT, but I'll have to write that in when that car somehow gets in GT Sport first!

Progress wise in Phase 2.. not so good. I enjoy to write, yes, but the spark to keep going suddenly dimmed. I'm really busy this summer with things like... umm, let's not go that far. Anywho, one thing I do have in plans is the increased use of the newer characters. So, expect.. hmm.. *eeney meeney miney moe!* Graham to appear in 2-1 in some way. He is somewhat important to me (as a tribute to Lemmy Kilmister, no doubt).

But if there's something to look forward to, it's a myriad of returning characters.

And more importantly: Jacob's first direct appearance as his inner dark side: The Outlaw, and maybe a few things you won't expect in that regard too.

Dev Diary number 7 is upon the thread, and I'm about to talk a little bit about The Guts now that he's gotten a proper visual style thanks to the 1.23 update.

Now if older readers would remember, mystery is no mystery to the many characters I have in past fiction undertakings. From main character Jacob Ross to veteran racer Nash Kirkham and his brother, there's no end of the stereotype.

And then I would decide these type of characters (sans Jacob since he's coming back in the game) would stop altogether, mainly because we, as readers, know that's them, and it would snuff out the mystery and just generally bore us when they come on scene. Jacob and The Outlaw's case will now be that only instance, and I plan to keep their actions as independent as their identities are, while aiming to ensure they're still one person.

Following that, this all would eventually lead to me creating Nirvana Kellen: a straight up mystery, who's already butting heads with her nemesis Sonny in various ways, including golf.

But I'm tired of taking a few things too seriously. So, why not I take the enigma stereotype and just play with it. Then I distinctively recall the prominent use of The Stig character in past GT games. Let's combine that with a parody of the enigma, and with me on the helm..

And here we are with The Guts, with his leitmotif I thank Asphalt Xtreme for. By the way, I sort of have this plan for just about every new character. If there would be a next one, perfectionist and limit breaker Sophia D'antonio is the one to consider.

In terms of game, the cars in 1.23 didn't impress, though I'm looking at using the S660, since I've been a passenger of it one time. But Circuit de Sainte Croix will serve a great backdrop for scenes I plan to get down in Europe. While I can cover America by using The Crew 2, I'm still planning to get an outside source for specific scenes within Japan and Europe in general.

I think I said enough, so here's a pair of songs I plan to use in Phase 2: Extreme's underrated hit Hole Hearted and Blind Channel giving a Wreckfest derby ambience in Alone Against All, the former used alongside The Guts on the spotlight. Both definitely driving songs better than.. ehh you know.

You were promised an entry, but it's not that but another diary entry, number 8!

Now that I'm finally free for a while, time to start working on The Mythic Chronicles Phase 2. Let's start with some bad news: I will be delaying 2-1 to early September. I suddenly got sick with emm.. a nasty case of food poisoning when I needed this to be written. Still sick now, so I'm giving myself an extra week to get things sorted out.

So, right now, I'm in what they say flooded with games to play. I'm replaying Monster Hunter World on PC, slowing down on The Crew 2, rekindled in Everybody's Golf (now featuring Lucia Weiss in her youthful and tall frame), and a few others. Heck, The Sims 4 is one of these games, and well, it's the first time I've placed this world in that setting. The game's overall mood is too cheery, though, but.. who wants to see Jake Ross in that form? I'm not exactly pleased to find out how that will turn out.

But if there's something I forget to mention, it's what has the May update got to do with this tale, that introduced a few cars I forget to mention about. There's the Miura I've been wondering of, but I'm not sure I want to bring that car in. One car important however is the XJR-9 seen above, driven by old mentor Alan Robinson when he was still in the league. This is established quite ways back, the livery has been made, and that car has been adjusted to my liking. It's not quite an original livery, but if I made a 90s Group C livery, I sure as hell did. Small thing to confirm: Alan will be making a more substantial role later on.

BUT (again)! But.. there are no plans for me to use these old Group C cars for taking on Group 1. In fact, that's probably the only class I haven't got a plan for yet. Alan's old racer could be the first step. Maybe I'll jot that down for further reference.

Going into plot details, Phase 2 will mainly be the high school reunion, you can say. Old friends, or enemies make their return. I'm not going to say the exact ratio, but most of them have new leitmotifs, maybe some will have a few new quirks. Wait till I get better, then you're going to find out for sure.
Hey everyone!

What's this? Dormancy?! A promise to release on September of last year not fulfilled? Geez, call yourself one heck of a guy, SPD. But I'm going to get back into this little doing by kicking off Phase 2! So, there's a couple things this little update post will cover. Hang on!

Phase 2 plans and timetable


While planned for a while, Phase 2 I feel will launch by, the latest, around my birthday (2nd weekend of March). This all depends on how busy I am. What's done? So far, it's me revising 2-1 and 2-2 over and over again. I'm going to have a look at how they're taken, and it will determine how far will I go at phase 2.

Cars: wheels of the new and old

Okay, here's where things get some changes. This is from the August 2018 update till January 2019.


Highlighting the August update is the Amuse S2000 GT1 making a return. This is Isamu Adachi's car from GT6, and I'm not ready for it returning. Now, I am, and he's going to have it used if not for his Honda VGT. Other highlights in this update is the Delta, being Bernardo's daily driver which isn't his Murcielago. Other additions include the Abarth 500 and the Mini-Cooper: staple cars for the European hub under Nash.


The September update after that brought in a car for Angelos in the form of the M3 GT2. You might be thinking: there sure are a lot of cars for this dynamic duo of a fiery Japanese youngster and his gloomy emo Greek partner. Thing is: Angelos and Isamu aren't exactly good guys, so this might bring some interesting plot details. Else, I'm still thinking of using the old 911s, and the first gen NSX of course. Those road cars' use aren't final yet.


Skipping October, the next content update is November, and a few cars stand out there. I've plans for the 22B and the E-Type, but the spotlight shines in Nemesis, or rather: Sonny's Ferrari 288 GTO. Sonny has a lot of cars, and half of it's not in the game yet.. still waiting on the Camaro SS / Stielow Red Devil. That, and the Maserati GranTurismo, being owned by a certain character coming in this upcoming Phase.


Moving on to December, the cars with plans to be used here will be the Trans Am, and the Model S. Not much I have to say for these two, but more cars from 'Dawn of The Mythic' is okay with me.


And we come to the most recent January update. This update introduces Route X, which I've used before. I'm making use of it for highway moments. In the works for the cars is the Shelby GT350, to be used by a character that's going to be announced in Phase 3.

Character overview: Sophia D'Antonio


Oh look: The Sims 4! Sophia did appear in Everybody's Golf, but this image of her I think looks better.

Now, like what I did with The Guts, here's the next overview. And I did say that Sophia will get the next one. So let's not get hypocritical..

Theme Song: Velvet Revolver - Sucker Train Blues
Gender: Female
Nationality: Italian
Age: 30
Current occupation: Racing team manager
Distinct features: Expensive glasses. Bunned dark brown hair. Distinctively colored blouse with skirt and sandals
Car of choice: Alfa Romeo 4C Gr. 3 Road Car

Sophia grew up to be a financier, but all that changed when her family placed a stake in racing teams, including her driving. Sharp minded and a bit of an overachiever, Sophia recognizes talent, and enjoys placing it with opportunity for success. Currently is the ambassador, and translator for one Tamed Racing Animal.

Due to the complex personality of not having a normal personality, The Guts requires someone to back him up in times of need. There are a lot of concepts behind this. Three of them stood out: a Top Gear styled middle aged man, a secretary, and a scientist similar to who Nic is towards Gerald (more unannounced characters).

The winner ended up being the boring secretary. But that's not who Sophia is, not yet. That may be her role, but I'm throwing in a few extra things that adds to her character. With some research, I feel Sophia would be appropriate as a sort of fledgling mastermind who can do the thinking, but can't seem have the grasp to control herself. With that word in mind, her development came in eventually.

Then, what I needed was a place for where she hails from, and that I thank mainly for a trip to Italy in the winter of 2017. I can't forget the days learning basic Italian and what. Never got a chance to do something car related there like visit Monza, but I got a taste of Italy in general, including things like, emm.. mamma mia!

Thus, we have Sophia. Plus, she's already related to my Italian veteran Bernardo, as seen in 1-5. But if the NSFW leitmotif or The Guts not trusting her didn't give it away, she's promised quite a role for this tale.

Nash's first role as main character: the return of Sim Gear!


Still thinking of a theme song..

If there's something, Nash mainly plays a more pivot role as a main character. What better moment to cement that by giving him a direct main character role, and also as a parody of the wise old man (he insists he isn't old). This isn't planned initially, and I'm looking forward to see how this works out.

And I've plans for his first undertaking: reviving a small, GT6 car review thread known as Sim Gear! You're reading it correctly: it's a parody of Top Gear. Feel free to find it in the GT6 race reports

Before you accuse me of stealing, I'm not claiming full ownership of it, just using the name of it, and if things go awry with people claiming what, I'll just change it, no fuss.

Prepare for the one part that will be just Nash, Alan and Clark (the latter to be announced) just driving cars around tracks with the help of a certain tamed racing animal. Story wise, these men have been with each other for a decade now, maybe it's time I practice writing banter all over their talking.

Jacob Ross' rides into track racing with The Outlaw's Horror


The car formerly known as Headless Horse.

Now, remember what I said about number 6 being a sort of a special number to Jacob Ross?

Insert exhibit A: #6 The Outlaw's Horror. While it's mainly inspired by his street racing machine, there's things I plan to establish to ensure Jacob is still denying to the world who he really is.

If you remember back in November 2017, I made this sort of concept for this car in the form of Headless Horse, and man, I was really worn out making it back then, because Decal Uploader was just a dream at the time. Now, Jacob will most likely get into track racing thanks to this beauty.

I did say 'most likely', right? This may expand to the Ford GT LM Spec Car, or here's hoping #66 Chip Ganassi Racing Ford GT.

Import/Export: Crossovers


Now, this has been coming for a while now.

But I won't go into detail here. This will be covered in the original post, where I'll edit a little spoiler just under the disclaimer.

The Mythic policy on Liveries


Liveries, ehh? One thing you've noticed is the use of custom liveries on most of the cars affiliated with certain characters, with the traffic cars not given a damn. The only exception for these are for police cars and certain race cars, to which if you see your own police car livery, thanks so much! I will try my best to only use replicas of real cars rather than someone else's original work. Feel free to tell me where credit's due.


Then you have my liveries. You're welcome to ask for whatever you see that you might like, just check it with me to see if it's mine or not. They won't be on share unless I had it there, and for the most recent versions, that's not likely. Sort of the main reason I quit making liveries is because I'm so fussy with what may end up being final and what.

A brief SPD sneak on this new character with Hocus Pocus as a leitmotif.


Ãi erêrãi rãrãrôi rôrôrôi rôrôrôi rôrôrôi ohrorô poPÔ!
Yôi orôrôi rôrôrôi rôrôrôi rôrôrôi rôrôrôi ohrorôm pomPÔ
(okay, I copied it from somewhere, but it's a lot better than me listening it and trying to transcribe it)

If there's something I said, it's that Phase 2 is mainly a high school reunion of older characters from both Legacy (GT5) and Dawn (GT6) eras. From a Mazda affiliated genki girl hailing from Kyoto, to the rich Arab soughting adventure over wealth.

But if there's something else, there are going to be new characters. Within Phase 2, the initial plan was only one, now it's turned to three thanks to my hiatus.

For this one, what's already final is personality, role, whatever is on the brief biography. One thing you're expecting is that: if Murph is some crazy nutso with a fetish for doing dangerous, this one's straight up eccentric and full on whack psycho.

Oh, the picture here's mostly filler, so this umm ax crazy person won't be in an Integra, sadly.

Lastly: the general content in the game, and a bit on music

First thing: who wants to know how I work here? There's a baby spoiler underneath; it's how I handle most driving scenes.

Sorry about that. I'm just making sure I'm still up to speed with doing these. Though, if you want to introduce The Mythic Chronicles to someone, this is my best way to impress, I think. There's very little in terms of context with these scenes, so don't worry if you don't get it.

Maybe you don't know it, but since when I wrote in the GT5 days, I was the first guy to majorly use music, be it in character themes or it being used in general. The new comic book style here works wonders for me playing around with this. Yes, I sort of think of myself as some sort of faux Edgar Wright, but I'm not sure what my inspiration for this is.

But if there's something I want to adjust, it's my use of music. You readers do have this idea of me using a song just only once per band. That rule I think will go. But I will still try to limit the use of music in general.

Though, I've been wondering.. what's the Grim Reaper doing making strides in France?


Hey everyone.

The recently live March update has provided me with some content that has some relevance to the upcoming tale. How about a brief overview on it.
What are they?


What are they? Well, it's 4 of the 5 cars. The car that's not involved is the NA Miata. I've already made it look like my car, so it's already out.

Hey, if there's one theme I play with, it's luxury. First of all, we have the Huayra. Ohh, boy, I gave it to a certain character, and I was adamant. Adamant that the car would come in the game soon, and even kept that car on his brief biography since last October. So what other cars was I hopefully planting a flag on for The Mythic Chronicles to claim?

Hmm.. I have faith for a certain classic comrade from Chevrolet, and a certain Lexus that's both turning heads and making losses..

The next car comes in the form of that yellow A90 Supra. That car is for a Canadian b-list actress Miranda Summers. I'm not sure what is the car for her (her brief biography shows the SF-R), but I probably have no clue why don't I use some of these new cars for the story. If I could get a car for her, it would be a Bentley.. let's see if that brand comes in GT Sport at all.

Another car, and the one not seen on the picture here is the SLR McLaren. Veteran readers will know it as Murph's other, older car. I should elaborate his car collecting nature sometime in the story. For those who don't know, Murph is a car collector, and he possesses a few weird cars like the LCC Rocket.

As for the track.. I better plan ahead for a hub in Japan. The upcoming Super Formula cars are definitely material for Hayato, as it's part of his backstory. My hope is that they can have custom liveries.

A small peek on #671 McLaren F1 GTR - Team Mythic


If there's something I planned to do when GT6 came about, it's make use of new cars for older main characters.

Jacob auctioned away his earnings for a GT40, Sonny buys and marks himself on the world of tuning with a certain Viper, Paul gets super lucky and nabs a One-77, and Rin gets forgiven in most part from a new LFA. That's the first 4. Other than them, a few other minor players then got different cars.

In Nash's case, it's his old race car. There really is no plan for Nash to get himself into the Group 3 aspect of the upcoming Manufacturer's Cup.

Now, there is.

You might also notice that Top Gear like logo.. It is happening, and I already have the theme song already locked in. I won't say what song, but it is a 90s song from an English band from the 70s.
Mama Taught Me Better
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Beat The Devil's Tattoo


SomePlayaDude presents...

A feature fictional writeup using Gran Turismo Sport...​





??? 1: "Hello? Hello, hello! Testing.. ah! Group 1 calling in. This is, you know me, it's your old buddy man Lee! Uhh.. yeah, Fred's behind, and I'm pretty sure the dude's just smashed a few patrols, hee hee hee.. how was that, Fred? Fun time?"

??? 2: "Ayup, no arguing there, pal. Nothing like a bit of fun, gehah.. gehahahaah!"

Theme Song: Ozzy Osbourne - I Don't Wanna Stop
Gender: Male
Nationality: Malaysian
Age: 51
Current occupation: Taxi driver
Distinct features: Naturally bald head. Mildly dark skin. Slightly protruded teeth. Cheap sunglasses. Always wears a floral buttoned shirt.
Car of choice: Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am

Former member of street racing group "The List", codenamed "Uncle". A casual, positive thinking man who believes that the daily taxi life is bringing him down, and speed serves as his ecstasy to stay in the game. Frequents the Tokyo expressways, and has been seen in blinding speeds, particularly with sedans.

Theme Song: Eagles of Death Metal - I'm Your Torpedo
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 38
Current occupation: Race car driver
Distinct features: Balding orange hair with medium beard. Very overweight, tall body. Denim overalls and shirt. Gold "McStevenson" chain necklace
Car of choice: Ford F-150 Raptor

Former member of street racing group "The List", codenamed "Gator". Virginian man of rustic farm origins, known as the Gator by his family for eating habits. Corporate greed robbed his family, and went far to get the justice they deserve. It was then that Fred realized his true forte in being a mean dirty racer, while still a heartful, friendly giant within.













???: "Da, this is group 2. Lena speaking, and.. hmm.."


Lena: "*chuckle* Of all things needing change, balagur.. I see you hardly have.."

Theme Song: Garbage - Special
Gender: Female
Nationality: Russian
Age: 28
Current occupation: Nurburgring Meister
Distinct features: Aqua emo bob, with similarly colored make up. Always wear high class clothing and jewelry. Special high heels that converts to sporty sandals.
Car of choice: Mercedes SLS AMG

Former member of street racing group "The List", codenamed "Queen". Born overachieving, her Communist family turned on her success and prompted her escape to Germany. Fortune and opportunity got her street racing to the top leagues in the US. A cold, selfish alpha who earns her big win, evident by her luxurious habits.















Jacob: "This is.. Jacob Ross, wrangling Group 3. Nice to hear from you all again.. let's.. emm.."



Jacob: "God darned.. Son, you DARE make these entrances.."

Sonny: "Hey, Jake! Let's see if you've got the balls to rock me and Hamz here!"

Hamza: "Rock me?! To me, these very sands I stride so easily!"

Theme Song: The Qemists - Your Revolution
Gender: Male
Nationality: Arabic
Age: 38
Current occupation: Race Team President
Distinct features: Turban engraved with his name. Handsome middle eastern face with a few scars. Always wears flexible, loose clothing.
Car of choice: Lamborghini Reventon
The president of Igneus Racing: a small, well funded off-roading firm based in Dubai, working their way on reviving Group B. A kind, wise and humble man of wealth, Hamza stands out as his real desire in life are the thrills and adventure, inspired by the prophets of his past.












??? 1: "Hallo, you hear me, everyone? This is Group 4. Everyone, me and Ed, we're nearly at the destination, so says my GPS, that is.."


??? 2: "Come on, Will, amigo! Let's make this interesting. The new car has been whispering to me.. tempting me to bring the boxer spirit!"

Williem: "Nothing stops your desire for contest, Ed? Achtung! I'll cater for you.. after you've had a lesson involving the original R8's monster shouts!"

Theme Song: R.E.M. - Talk About The Passion
Gender: Male
Nationality: German
Age: 33
Current occupation: Nurburgring Meister
Distinct features: Scruffy blonde hair. Narrow eyes. Handsome face with shiny teeth. Always wearing a casual motorsports getup.
Car of choice: Audi R8
Lucia's older brother. A calm, cool and sexy German racing staple around Eifel, Williem's adaptable skill and personality are formidable strengths in his career. Aspiring to get into bigger things, he still lives as the superstar of the middle class racers, especially around Europe.

Theme Song: INXS - Disappear
Gender: Male
Nationality: Spanish
Age: 38
Current occupation: Free agent
Distinct features: Slick black hair. Red eye contacts. Always wears a v-neck under a denim hoodie, with cargo shorts.
Car of choice: Porsche 911 (991) GT3 RS
Popularly known as the Ibiza Blazer, Eduard's mostly known as Spain's most watched out rookie in the road racing league. Eduard has forte in just about any sports car, driving the hardiest of them since a kid. Known mainly being under Williem's shadow, Eduard has a fiery personality that works well with how he desires attention.









Entry 7: Blacklisted

Deep within the Colorado Forests
11 AM

Disturbing the nature's peace, cars from all over make their sounds heard from various roads.

Moving at a speed the roads don't cater for, the people show a healthy dose of experience and confidence.

While initially split, they move to one location, provided to them by the leader.

The first car to arrive is an already familiar dude in his already familiar machine: Sonny's SRT Viper GTS.


He exits his car, alone, in a satisfying refill of his ego. His next move takes him to a quick peek to the solitary building in the woods.

Inspecting the walls and the size from a fair distance, Sonny makes a remark while scratching his facial hair.

Sonny: "*whistles* this requires some asking.."

Still to his thoughts, that changed as a Dubai registered Ferrari ensured his attentions move to an arriving Italian car.


Sonny may have his fair share of exotic cars, but an Enzo gave Sonny interest as if it was his first sighting.

The man inside, wearing a suit and an expensive turban, heads out, greeting the Asian.

Hamza: "Salamalaykum. Sonny.. aahhh, it's been too long, my friend."

Hamza lets out a stiff, exposed arm expecting a handshake.

A man like Sonny wouldn't go for these, but for Hamza he takes it and adds a good set of pats to his back.

Sonny: "Hahaha.. And THERE you are, Hamz. Starting to worry you can't keep up. Least this means I told you so when nothing can trump when Sonny is with his beast."

Sonny's playful movements all over contrast Hamza's professional attitude. But one thing remains similar: their friendly nature to each other.

Hamza: "That car is maybe a brother to you: inseparable."

Sonny: "There's a lot they say about me and THE BEAST. But to me: a car's a car, but a brother.. Jake's more like that for me."

Hamza: "Ahh, I see. Good wisdom."

Sonny: "Not just good, but this is wisdom straight of bad ass.."

Hamza: "Those are strange words to combine, my friend. But I won't pursue this any more than I should.. let's see.. we're waiting the one man.."

Sonny: "Considering his car's been kitted to take anything street legal to the gutters, he must be holding back."

Hamza: "Shame it had to be that way."

Sonny: "The guy's infamy hasn't reached near where he's flown.. he's got no reason to let us get here quicker, truth be told."

Not long into conversation, The Outlaw's car makes its way into the hidden roadway.


Hamza: "Well, if you want an opinion validated, he's here. You have the words for it, I'm sure?"

Sonny: "Guy like me definitely knows the words for it, but I'm gonna just let you take it, Hamz. I see Jake a lot more often than yourself."

His real identity is the person opening the door expecting The Outlaw.

Jacob only sees two important members of his former street racing crew: the men bringing in the money.

Jacob: "Hamz."

Hamza: "Jacob.."

He let out the arm again, and gets about the same reaction from Jacob, but with a firmer hold.

Jacob: "Been a year. Glad to see you're healthy and wise. Really though, I ain't proud when all I got you off your desk for a quick trip to the States."

Expecting pity, Hamza shows a positive vibe instead.

Hamza: "It's what drives me to see people like you. Trust me.. I live not for the desk."

Sonny: "Hey, Jake, I'd show some respect. This Arab right here, the desk for him's gotta be the world! Wealth and success just at your convenience."

Jacob: "And I'm standing here with both The List's source of wealth and success.."

Hamza: "But this secret base of yours.. is not our work, is it?"

Sonny: "N-O no."

Jacob: "Well, it'll be all explained shortly. But enough details, let's see what's inside. I have the key.."

Hamza: "Hold up. Before your associates turn up?"

Jacob: "With or without them, I'd prefer we talk inside."

Sonny: "Time we get a move on! TO THE MYSTERY HOUSE!!"

*Batman transition*


The front door shows itself as intimidating to strangers, but Jacob simply opens it, removing that perception of the place.

Now inside the building, all facial hints lead to wonder, excepting the cowboy's.

A moderately deep atrium, complete with facilities similar to a nice home reveals itself. Various doors on the side only pique inner curiosities.

They stop by a lounging area, full with sofas and certain amenities.

Hamza: "So.. Mister Ross, the building gives off this vibe to me.. I guess money isn't a problem for you, my friend?"

Jacob: "Even though there are certain things, I assure you money ain't what's wrong with this place."

Sonny: "A tactician as always. But should things go awry, you're free to loan from the First National of Sonny Meng."

The lofty furnishings and general surroundings scream luxury.

However, for Sonny and Hamza, it was just Tuesday. Still, they remain a little impressed, with Sonny playfully testing the chairs.

Sonny: "Like seriously.. this isn't my Bugatti leather chairs, but it's damn nice too."

Jacob: "Nice chairs or not, I ain't one to hold back. What, you onto on me for something, I reckon?"

Sonny: "What? Naw. This swank reminds me on how you all know nothing of my Ghosts. We get into wars, and I spend the load on guns and some real heavy tools of protection. Keeps the dead or alive factor in check."

Hamza: "And I was beginning to believe they were just bodyguards, hired guns, security.. no offense."

Sonny: "My celebrity face is just a front for them as my entourage. They really get into these things without my consent.. which reminds me.."

Bouncing around the new furniture, Sonny launches and gets out his expensive phone, ready to talk.

Sonny: "Excuse me, gentlemen. Sonny's got a few 'queries' to handle."

Taking his leave, Sonny starts tapping, noisy enough to get the two men to look at him for a bit.

While that happens further away, Hamza and Jacob get comfortable.

Hamza: "And I've heard from Nash about your financial endeavors. 4 million dollars lost on a piece of motoring art.. if it weren't your passions for it, I'd say you're stupid."

Jacob: "Believe me, but present and future me ain't stupid enough to blow all of it, especially then that was nearly all of my untraceable List money."

Hamza: "But I guess worrying won't help. I was thinking of your dad, my partner across the sands of racing greatness.."

Jacob: "Pa's alright. Busy now with the Manufacturer's Cup by the horizon."

Hamza: "What's he looking at within?"

Jacob: "Something about Keith getting his grand entrance as the successor to my family name. Big s*BLEEP*."

Hamza: "Is that so? I hope for acceptance, but I want to see for myself. He drives good, but nowhere of our level.. no offense."

Jacob: "No kidding. Heard from a buddy of mine about something. The time that you showed him your Reventon. Must've been a shock since.. he ain't comfortable mentioning."

The memory shared gave Hamza enough reason to smirk.

Hamza: "A Lamborghini is still a Lamborghini, my friend. I so happen to have the tools for that trade, and the proficiency to make these tools work."

Jacob: "So, where is it?"

Hamza: "Family matters force it to remain back in Dubai. For now, enjoy the company of another of my powerful, luxurious machines."


Jacob: "Another machine being the Enzo? I have to say I can't be surprised with rich Arabs.. but you ain't the collecting type.. guess it's more than just a straight up buy, ain't it so?"

Hamza: "Mmmhmmm. An impressive use of observation, Jacob. The short story is: a cousin inherited it, but he.. that man's entire family won't be seeing him anytime soon. And so it came to me, as part of Igneus Racing instead of a dump or Dubai International."

Jacob: <