Your thoughts on Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo?

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The PlayStation store has it on sale right now for £11.99 and all the liveries + cars give me that nostalgia of the WRC back in 2000-2005. Is the game any worth it? Is the driving, handling etc. Good? Is there lots to do? What's the online community like? It's made by Milestone which don't have a very good reputation with the WRC franchise so that's why I'm coming here first before I drop the cash...

Thanks :)
For that kind of price it's worth getting if you are a rally fan. Enough unique content to keep you going for plenty of hours. The Loeb Experience elements alone are fun and not available anywhere else.

You can read our many discussions on SLRE versus DiRT Rally and WRC 5/6 to see what the community here thinks of the game.

I suspect the sale is in readiness for DiRT 4 coming next week (release date 9th), which promises to be a whole new level of interesting rally experience with the stage generator tech giving it the ability to keep the driving fresh. Time will tell if it's really as good as the previews imply. But that's a full price game, whereas SLRE is available for much much less.
At that price, I would consider it good value if you are really into rallying, with the odd rallycross event following FIA rules. The physics are decent, there is a lot of content to keep you occupied and the tracks strike a good balance between being fun and challenging.

One thing to consider is the presentation of the game. How much this impacts enjoyment of the game will vary from person to person, but the graphics and audio lag far behind what I would expect from a racing game on 8th-gen consoles. But considering the fact you are getting the game at a heavily discounted price, I'd say that's a compromise you can live with.
The PlayStation store has it on sale right now for £11.99 and all the liveries + cars give me that nostalgia of the WRC back in 2000-2005. Is the game any worth it? Is the driving, handling etc. Good? Is there lots to do? What's the online community like? It's made by Milestone which don't have a very good reputation with the WRC franchise so that's why I'm coming here first before I drop the cash...

Thanks :)

I got it when it was on the same offer? the entire game and season pass for £15 and for that price, oh boy it was worth it :) it has what I think is the biggest and best selection of rally cars pretty much ever. There is so much to see and drive, not to mention you can paint them like forza motorsport (just dont expect DEEP customization)

The only real downers are the graphics which.... They look really dated almost like a ps3 game "remastered" and I personally hate the chase camera as it makes the car has a very minimal presence like GT5-6 camera.

But overall id give it a 7 and for the price an 8. Its a good rally game its not as arcade as Dirt2-3 but its not as hard as hell as Dirt Rally.
A sadly misunderstood and unappreciated gem of a game.
Overshadowed by DiRT rally and the WRC series, this offering from Milestone is actually a solid performer. Certainly not perfect - and no game is - yet it has many features and factors that are better than even the benchmark DiRT rally. I have both games on PS4 and yet always come back to SLRE.
The car list is bigger, although there are some strange additions and also, some glaring omissions (NO Ford Escorts??? WTF?) but overall the list is solid and offers a lot. Stages are excellent; long and gruelling at times, with good variety and excellent change of surface feel. It has more rallies (8 Vs 6) and better stage design than DiRT Rally, although DiRT Rally has the slight edge in graphics. Physics are excellent in both games, I find SLRE has a bit more weight and predictability. Sounds are, ok to good. Pace notes are good to horrid - they sometimes lack details like "caution: gate" or "Don't cut : Post" enough times.
There is lots to do in the game and many ways to do it; the career mode is open, you can opt to do any path through the events, provided you can buy the cars required. I simply love it, and find as I start to get good at it, that I can turn off the features to make it more challenging again. I'm currently running with all assists off, no rewinds, hard AI and NO pace note markers on screen (boy, does THAT make you pay attention to the audio!) and having great fun, struggling to get good stage times.
One thing though - when I first got it (having not heard of it before I saw it at EB Games) I tried it... then set it aside. I couldn't drive it, and blamed the game of course. It was simply a matter of viewpoint.
Quite literally.
You see I was used to more forgiving rally games like the Colin McRae series, V-Rally and the early WRC series on PS2. I never had a rally game on PS3. I'd been trying to drive SLRE from third person view, the chase cam, as I've always done with rally games. There is something about how they did the shift in camera angle, and the car angle, in SLRE that is just way wrong. I overcorrect, the car feels too sensitive, it's horrid. Yet switch to bonnet cam (cockpit is very detailed but I find the windscreen is too quick to become dirty/damaged) and it's fine. Bonnet is my default view now, yet I still play all other rally games (DIRT Rally, WRC7, my PS2 games) from chase view. It's just one of the games quirks.
So all in all, a very good rally game. Its shortcomings can be overlooked, given the many strong plusses it has.
It's not "better" or "inferior" to DiRT Rally - it's simply a different way of bringing the sport of rallying to the PS4. I have both, like both, and alternate between the two.
If you're interested in rally games - seek it out, learn the game, appreciate it for what it is, and have fun.
Happy Stages
Got SLRE last week.. After reading this thread. 20 euros for this.. Absolute steal!!

I'm probably a little bit over 10 hours in. What a game. WRC7 still takes the cake when it comes to handling/feel for the car. Other than that, the best rally game on PS4. This is the only game from the bunch (Dirt, WRC..) where I enjoy racing with the older cars too. The events and how you progress your career are great. A full rally with an EVO car, then rally cross with a 70's car. @BD Ford is right about the pace notes as they lack detail. Could definitely have some more cautions in San Remo. My rep points are around 350k but I feel like I can go for the plat award without dull grinding. 9/10 👍