Your top 10 PS4 game wishlist!PS4 

  • Thread starter 0zzy
Whats up guys,

Post your top 10 most-wanted games on PS4, if you have/plan on getting an Xbox you can post them too or both! Rules:

- The game must be coming out in either 2014 or 15, if not then it must at least be confirmed/announced.

- Must be in order :P 1st is most wanted!

Here's mine:

1: F1: 2014 - The next gen F1 game, huge F1 fan I'm gonna go crazy over this.

2: Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain - IMO the best storyline in a game ever. When I was a kid, Solid Snake was my idol and I loved the story like. I prefer Solid Snake to Naked Snake, but I still love the franchise.

3: Watch Dogs - I liked GTA5 a lot, but tbh... I kinda got bored after a while. Watch Dogs represents to me, a better looking and creative version of GTA where you have more choices and variety.

4) Destiny - Awesome visuals, looks to have a nice deep storyline too.

5: GT6 Definitive Version / GT7 Prologue -Its been leaked that a GT6/7 will release on PS4 by 2015, I'm not bothered which, either would be great.

6: Project Cars - Big racer, cant wait looks great. Anyone know if this is a sim, semi sim or arcade? Where does it stand in regards to GT?

7: Uncharted 4 - I should put this up the list tbh... An amazing franchise, one of the best lead characters up there with Solid Snake, great fun and awesome storyline. It'd be difficult, but getting him in a game with Lara Croft would be incredible.

8: The Order: 1886 - (is that the right year?) Awesome new IP, looks great and I'm sure its an IP that's gonna yield quite a few games that I'm gonna be enjoying over the years.

9: DriveClub - As far as visuals go, it looks one of the best. Problem is a shortage of cars, like Forza 5, and I don't know if its arcadey or not. I don't like arcadey games like NFS. If the racing is on the streets with cars everywhere I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it, unless it was a simulation of driving on normal streets with cars everywhere xD

10) Infamous: Second Son - I liked the first one, the story didn't do much for me but love a random game where you have powers and can blow crap up. I like the idea of being evil too, and it effecting your powers.

Honorable mentions:
- The Crew. Similar to DriveClub, only I think this is an intended arcade, where as Driveclub is a mix. Even though I dont like arcade games, the social functionality, cool car mods and the size of the map ( a recreated United States that takes 3 hours to drive from one side to the other, at full speed) makes it a must have.

- Next Gen DMC: Not been announced, but it should come. I loved the first 3 DMC's when I was young, the ultimate sword smashing gun burning killer. Was so fun and fluid, I never played the 4th one... the whole black hair and emo/junky character mixed with a weird plotline put me off.

- Last of Us 2: The sequal may not star Joeal and ellie but will still rock

Sorry its so long, tell me what you think & post your own! :)
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In no particular order;

1 - Gran Turismo 7
2 - Driver 6
3 - Uncharted 4
4 - The Last Of Us 2
5 - Grand Theft Auto 6
6 - Crash Bandicoot (combined with a HD remake of the PS1 games)
7 - Vigilante 8 3rd Offense
8 - F1 2014
9 - All new Sonic game
10 - Project Cars
What happened to #4 and #7 on your list OP?

I'm not going to put a GT game on their until it's announced.

1: Oddworld: New 'N Tasty
2: Rime
3: Destiny
4: Infamous: Second Son
5: DriveClub
6: Uncharted
7: Witness
8: No Man's Sky
9: The Order: 1886
10: Octodad
What happened to #4 and #7 on your list OP?

I'm not going to put a GT game on their until it's announced.

1: Oddworld: New 'N Tasty
2: Rime
3: Destiny
4: Infamous: Second Son
5: DriveClub
6: Uncharted
7: Witness
8: No Man's Sky
9: The Order: 1886
10: Octodad

I didn't even realse. Cheers.
My list does not have numbers.

Adventure of Life
Horror Story
Kresse Strette
Sauriu & Klitti
Race Hard
Hit Strong
Rain Underwater
Machine Broken
Graphically Amazing
My list does not have numbers.

Adventure of Life
Horror Story
Kresse Strette
Sauriu & Klitti
Race Hard
Hit Strong
Rain Underwater
Machine Broken
Graphically Amazing

Honestly haven't heard of any of those games. Are they all PS4 exclusives? I presume they're indies. Where did you hear about them?
1. The division
2. Elder scrolls online
3. Destiny
4. Planetside 2
5. Uncharted

That's it I guess. I can't think of anymore that really interest me.
Where is ****ing Driveclub, it's been 4 months and no signs of it yet, what is with this people and delayed stuff, Planetside was supposed to be by January 2014, Driveclub was to be by November, then push to Q1 2014 and War thunder is useless on US accounts.

So much for next gen, Ground Zeroes appears to be a bit of a rip off for next gen and Thief is already sucking by the reviews of it.

Is rather sad by this point, only decent thing on PS4 is KZ and Octodad, so much BS from Sony since last year's E3 (with Watch Dogs being in Q1 and now being pushed) and Driveclub, top 10 wishlist is that they get to release a god damn decent thing.
Where is ****ing Driveclub, it's been 4 months and no signs of it yet, what is with this people and delayed stuff, Planetside was supposed to be by January 2014, Driveclub was to be by November, then push to Q1 2014 and War thunder is useless on US accounts.

So much for next gen, Ground Zeroes appears to be a bit of a rip off for next gen and Thief is already sucking by the reviews of it.

Is rather sad by this point, only decent thing on PS4 is KZ and Octodad, so much BS from Sony since last year's E3 (with Watch Dogs being in Q1 and now being pushed) and Driveclub, top 10 wishlist is that they get to release a god damn decent thing.

I get what you're saying totally. You can add Crew to that list too.

However, direct your anger at the game studios and developers. For almost all those titles, Sony has nothing to do with the development. If anything Sony are the one's putting mass amounts of pressure on those studio's to release.

Having said that, yeah... these delays are getting irritating. Wouldn't be great if every single one of them released tomorrow or something - millions on millions would instantly buy a PS4.
I only bought a PS3 for a few games, so the PS4 will be more or less the same. I expect to pick a PS4 up in the beginning of 2015.

Gran Turismo 7
MLB 15 The Show (I can tell their inaugural PS4 launch will be below par)
Grand Theft Auto VI
The Crew
Maybe pCARS (I'm more interested in street cars than race cars, and so far there isn't many)
#1 Media Molecule Scultping Game

#2 Project Cars
#3 Gran Turismo 7
#4 Drive Club
#5 Next Quantic Dream Game
#6 Alien Isolation
#7 Final Fantasy XV
#8 Final Fantasy VII HD
#9 Infamous Second Son
#10 Little Big Planet 3
In no specific order.

Gran Turismo anything
Project C.A.R.S.
LittleBigPlanet 3
Kingdom Hearts 3
some other crap
drive club
the crew
project c.a.r.s

and a few wishes

dirt 4 made like 1&2
underground 3 or a real mostwanted 05 remake
List of games that I will get:
Fifa 15
Gran Turismo (eventually)
Project C.A.R.S (even though I have it for PC)
inFamous Second Son
Watch Dogs

List of games I might:
The Crew
Lego Games (might borrow them from a friend)

Need for Speed Underground 3/Most Wanted sequel, similar to what ron24 said.
1: Starbound
2: Hell Divers
3: Diablo 3
4: Drive Club
5: The Crew
6: Witcher 3
7: The Order
8: Destiny

All I got without looking up anything.
I'm not really interested in 10 new games as such, but below are the ones I am looking forward to.

1- Watchdogs
2- Driveclub
3- FIFA 15 (more interested in any new features, rather than the game itself)
4- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 201#
5- Next gen GT
6- The Crew
7- The next gen GTA