A month later, your opinion on GTSport?

  • Thread starter queleuleu
Lol packaging is the excuse now ? what about digital customers ?

Again I have no problem with anyone wanting a different experience but it does get old when people continue to complain about content that was never claimed to be included but yet it is a bad game or incomplete game as a result. No it is purchasers that bought a product that was not what they wanted from from the start and like many in society today want to blame someone else rather than be responsible for their own actions which in this case is buying a game based off off what was made in prior editions and ASSUMING the game was unchanged despite the packaging delivering 100% of what was stated!

"This is in effect GT7"

I blame the lies the director fed the fanbase. A time honored tradition of his.

"Thinking about it now, yeah, we could have called it Gran Turismo 7. But it's got so many features, we wanted it to be different."

I'm not sure the Sony/Polyphony Digital focus on the "FIA" championships in online racing is paying off. Consider this, as of 11/28/17, 3:30 AM New York time, there were only 1495 drivers entered in the Nations Cup worldwide. Top driver, OTMS _Snow at 3802 points, lowest driver with points, tjparizzo with 10 points in position 1495.

So let's say GT Sport has sold 2 million copies worldwide. That means 0.075% of the people that purchased the game are racing in the Nations Cup.

That may be a reason Update 1.07 is bringing back single player game mode with Sunday Cup, Clubman Cup, etc. If there is no more offline/single player content like GT5, or GT6 for those of us who don't have the time or skills to participate in the "FIA" series, this game is in danger of losing its popularity.
If those participation numbers are accurate, they are absolutely atrocious.
I'm not sure the Sony/Polyphony Digital focus on the "FIA" championships in online racing is paying off. Consider this, as of 11/28/17, 3:30 AM New York time, there were only 1495 drivers entered in the Nations Cup worldwide. Top driver, OTMS _Snow at 3802 points, lowest driver with points, tjparizzo with 10 points in position 1495.

So let's say GT Sport has sold 2 million copies worldwide. That means 0.075% of the people that purchased the game are racing in the Nations Cup.

That may be a reason Update 1.07 is bringing back single player game mode with Sunday Cup, Clubman Cup, etc. If there is no more offline/single player content like GT5, or GT6 for those of us who don't have the time or skills to participate in the "FIA" series, this game is in danger of losing its popularity.
You can talk about the numbers only for your region, as they are not combined yet (still test seasons) with other two regions and i really do not believe there is such small amount of participants, simply by your statement of the last guy having 10p. There is plenty of guys having 0 points in here...
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

I'm wondering how big a chunk of the old gt fan base is waiting for driverless cars in the game, maybe they want a ps3 version of top trumps for their car collecting or trophy collecting fetish. Some people don't like change, that's for certain. Some people want cake till they got cake, then they want different cake.

I am loving GT Sport more so since this update brought the Shelby Cobra, in PSVR it is such an enjoyable experience that I don't care about other cars in VR anymore, I'm too busy pushing with opposite lock with this beautiful piece of art to even notice what the AI is doing.

If the participation is that low, then hell I might give it a go later, might stand a chance of winning lol.
You can talk about the numbers only for your region, as they are not combined yet (still test seasons) with other two regions and i really do not believe there is such small amount of participants, simply by your statement of the last guy having 10p. There is plenty of guys having 0 points in here...
The numbers were taken from the Worldwide rankings on my screen not my region.
If those participation numbers are accurate, they are absolutely atrocious.
They are as of 3:30 AM New York time 11/28/17. As I said these were taken from the Worldwide rankings, not my region ranking. I welcome anyone else to check on their systems to be sure.

Also I tried to estimate the number of DRA and DRB drivers on that list. Without counting them individually, I did a quick page down (next 25, etc.) and I estimate the number of DRA and DRB drivers is probably around 500. So with the points being paid at a much lower rate for the C, D and E drivers, it would appear that only 500 drivers would have even a mathematical chance of winning a championship. (I do not want to get into another argument about lower ranked drivers getting fewer points that A or B)

The fact that potentially only 500 people out of the assumed millions of people who have purchased this game have even a mathematical chance at winning the championship means this game in its present configuration is not geared for the regular gamers but only a few hundred. Not a great way to keep the franchise going and likely the incentive for the Version 1.07 Sunday Cup, etc. single racer content being rushed into production.
The numbers were taken from the Worldwide rankings on my screen not my region.
okay, the numbers are from worldwide rankings of your region. Do you see anyone from Europe, or Asia in that list?
I figured there wasn't any point entering as it was previously 6pm earliest in my zone and I'm normally eating dinner then. I noticed they changed the earliest start to 5pm so I really should give it a go, just to make up the numbers if they are lacking.
They are as of 3:30 AM New York time 11/28/17. As I said these were taken from the Worldwide rankings, not my region ranking. I welcome anyone else to check on their systems to be sure.

Also I tried to estimate the number of DRA and DRB drivers on that list. Without counting them individually, I did a quick page down (next 25, etc.) and I estimate the number of DRA and DRB drivers is probably around 500. So with the points being paid at a much lower rate for the C, D and E drivers, it would appear that only 500 drivers would have even a mathematical chance of winning a championship. (I do not want to get into another argument about lower ranked drivers getting fewer points that A or B)

The fact that potentially only 500 people out of the assumed millions of people who have purchased this game have even a mathematical chance at winning the championship means this game in its present configuration is not geared for the regular gamers but only a few hundred. Not a great way to keep the franchise going and likely the incentive for the Version 1.07 Sunday Cup, etc. single racer content being rushed into production.
Interesting. Even if they were only regional it would still be extremely low. I thought TT's in GT5 with 100,000 entries was shockingly low.
If those participation numbers are accurate, they are absolutely atrocious.
Yeah, that is dismal at best. I don't see how making anything "offline" helping, since "online" is still required to save the game. It's still the same game in the end.
I still believe the vast majority of GT buyers are just looking for a cool looking interface with top-notch graphics and a game that is plug and play. I’m personally turned off by the FIA championships knowing I don’t have a chance in hell to compete. Unless future FIA updates show the championships can be incentivized to participate then I don’t see the point. I can get credits and XP elsewhere in the game.
The fact that potentially only 500 people out of the assumed millions of people who have purchased this game have even a mathematical chance at winning the championship means this game in its present configuration is not geared for the regular gamers but only a few hundred. Not a great way to keep the franchise going and likely the incentive for the Version 1.07 Sunday Cup, etc. single racer content being rushed into production.
I don't understand this at all. Anyone can win but they need to get into the top ranks first. That's pretty much how every sport/game everywhere works.
Nevemind, my bad.
No worries, but do a check if you can to validate. Thanks

The other interesting thing
You can talk about the numbers only for your region, as they are not combined yet (still test seasons) with other two regions and i really do not believe there is such small amount of participants, simply by your statement of the last guy having 10p. There is plenty of guys having 0 points in here...

You are right!! The screen says World Rankings, but when I examined the list page by page, all the participants were from the Western Hemisphere, USA, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, etc. So "World Rankings" in GT Sport does not mean "WORLD" Rankings. Go figure.

Anyway, here are the statistics from the pages for Test Season 4. Participants by driver level are only for those with points are included. There were 218 additional entrants listed but they had zero points in the first two rounds of Test Season 4.

DRS DRA DRB DRC DRD DRE Total Entrants w/Points Total Entrants
4 81 515 327 545 24 1496 1714

So 600 drivers (40% of total) have a rating of DRB or higher and theoretically half a chance. The remaining DRC, D, E drivers (896 with points, 218 with zero points including a few A's and B's) are slogging it out with little hope of winning. While that may reflect the real world in terms of who could possibly qualify for an international racing license, too much emphasis on this and the Manufacturer's series limits the game's enjoyment to those who can't compete at that level.

Another interesting statistic is the participation in Test Seasons 1 through 4:
Test Season 1 - 11,800 drivers entered, 10,179 drivers (86%) earned points - hope springs eternal
Test Season 2 - 6,768 drivers entered (57% of TS1), 5,819 drivers (86%) earned points - the immortal glassy eyed drop out
Test Season 3 - 6,140 drivers entered (52% of TS1), 5,056 drivers (82%) earned points - one more try
Test Season 4 - 1,714 drivers entered (15% of TS1), 1,496 drivers (87%) earned points - reality kicks in

While only two rounds of Test Season 4 have been run, only 15% of the number of drivers in Test Season 1 are entered to date in Test Season 4. that's a pretty dramatic drop (in four weeks) in drivers trying their skills in the "FIA" Nations Cup event.

So the GT Sport's online Nations Cup has lost 85% of the gamers it sought to attract with the contest. it would sure be nice to see sales numbers for North and South America to see just how many people who bought the game actually tried to participate in the FIA events.

It would be nice if someone in the other regions could do a quick look to see how many entrants are still competing in the Nations Cup in that region.

Regardless, the numbers look pretty grim which is probably why Update 1.07 is being rushed into production. The absence of single race and off line content similar to GT5 and GT6 really limits the game's appeal.
It would be nice if someone in the other regions could do a quick look to see how many entrants are still competing in the Nations Cup in that region.
I looked last night, coincidentally, and Europe had 7,730 participants.
Since we are on this topic I need to ask a noob question. Every time I tried to play one of the Championships, literally every time the earliest is like 2am for me. So does that mean that there is one universal timing and depending on your time zone, you either get something really late or mid day?
As a lower level C/D driver in North America the drop in numbers definitely mirrors my experience. First test season I was very eager to try it out and entered almost all of the races for both competitions. Obviously I had no chance of coming anywhere near the top of the leaderboards but it was fun to try out the new format and I had enough people on my friends list competing to make it interesting. Second test season I did fewer races and focused on the Nations Cup and by the third and fourth test seasons I had stopped competing and I can see from my friends' list that almost everyone else on that list has also stopped entering the competitions.

So, what changed ? Well for one, while it was fun to try as has been mentioned above for lower level drivers there is not much incentive to compete when you know you have no chance of winning. Yes, you can try and improve and racing against higher level drivers does make it interesting, but that can only last so long and if you are going to do this properly you really need to spend quite a lot of time preparing for each race and most people don't have time to do that (even if you do after a point it begins to feel more like work than a game). The fact that these are 'test' seasons and that there isn't really much incentive to finish them also doesn't help so it wouldn't hurt to hand out credits/xp to provide people with a little more incentive. I also wonder if there is a way that it could be made more interesting for lower level drivers, perhaps by grouping them into their own category and creating some sort of 'mini-championship' for them to compete in.

Still really enjoying the game overall and the online racing is by far the best I have ever experienced on a console racer so kudos to Polyphony for getting that right (why nobody figured this out before is beyond me as people have been complaining forever about online multiplayer racers being crash fests).
No worries, but do a check if you can to validate. Thanks

The other interesting thing

You are right!! The screen says World Rankings, but when I examined the list page by page, all the participants were from the Western Hemisphere, USA, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, etc. So "World Rankings" in GT Sport does not mean "WORLD" Rankings. Go figure.

Anyway, here are the statistics from the pages for Test Season 4. Participants by driver level are only for those with points are included. There were 218 additional entrants listed but they had zero points in the first two rounds of Test Season 4.

DRS DRA DRB DRC DRD DRE Total Entrants w/Points Total Entrants
4 81 515 327 545 24 1496 1714

So 600 drivers (40% of total) have a rating of DRB or higher and theoretically half a chance. The remaining DRC, D, E drivers (896 with points, 218 with zero points including a few A's and B's) are slogging it out with little hope of winning. While that may reflect the real world in terms of who could possibly qualify for an international racing license, too much emphasis on this and the Manufacturer's series limits the game's enjoyment to those who can't compete at that level.

Another interesting statistic is the participation in Test Seasons 1 through 4:
Test Season 1 - 11,800 drivers entered, 10,179 drivers (86%) earned points - hope springs eternal
Test Season 2 - 6,768 drivers entered (57% of TS1), 5,819 drivers (86%) earned points - the immortal glassy eyed drop out
Test Season 3 - 6,140 drivers entered (52% of TS1), 5,056 drivers (82%) earned points - one more try
Test Season 4 - 1,714 drivers entered (15% of TS1), 1,496 drivers (87%) earned points - reality kicks in

While only two rounds of Test Season 4 have been run, only 15% of the number of drivers in Test Season 1 are entered to date in Test Season 4. that's a pretty dramatic drop (in four weeks) in drivers trying their skills in the "FIA" Nations Cup event.

So the GT Sport's online Nations Cup has lost 85% of the gamers it sought to attract with the contest. it would sure be nice to see sales numbers for North and South America to see just how many people who bought the game actually tried to participate in the FIA events.

It would be nice if someone in the other regions could do a quick look to see how many entrants are still competing in the Nations Cup in that region.

Regardless, the numbers look pretty grim which is probably why Update 1.07 is being rushed into production. The absence of single race and off line content similar to GT5 and GT6 really limits the game's appeal.

My personal reason for dropping out of season 1 race 3 is because my 2nd and 3rd races had major bugs. I dropped from mid A and well into S to nearly the lowest level.

Sad thing is that I won my first race in my GT3 McLaren at A S level so thought BRING IT ON! But I didn't mean bring on a major bug. All cars stuck on the starting line apart from me, then having to try and avoid a full grid every lap. The race was still going on normally in the background but on my screen all cars were stuck.

So since my first thoughts roughly 3 ish weeks ago I’d like to share some more considered thoughts

The only thing I play with the game are the daily races but the GT league sounds interesting
Penalties in the online game need to be looked at again - still think they should be added at the end but that’s not fair to all I know. Too many times penalties are handed out for no apparent reason - why does a 5 second time penalty take up to 8 seconds to countdown before the time slips to start the countdown

The v1.06 update - didn’t see any real benefit or improvements
Why do I always get the ***** who don’t know how to brake
Help with setting cars up would be appreciated as well

What there is of the game is fine but I just think there’s not enough to justify the hype - 3 cars in the last update with 18 more due... is that good enough. The tracks are fine.

I think from a code point of view the servers that host the game need more bandwidth - I don’t get slowdown but the game sometimes struggles I think especially with lots of cars on screen

Out of 10 I would give the game 7
As a lower level C/D driver in North America the drop in numbers definitely mirrors my experience. First test season I was very eager to try it out and entered almost all of the races for both competitions. Obviously I had no chance of coming anywhere near the top of the leaderboards but it was fun to try out the new format and I had enough people on my friends list competing to make it interesting. Second test season I did fewer races and focused on the Nations Cup and by the third and fourth test seasons I had stopped competing and I can see from my friends' list that almost everyone else on that list has also stopped entering the competitions.

So, what changed ? Well for one, while it was fun to try as has been mentioned above for lower level drivers there is not much incentive to compete when you know you have no chance of winning. Yes, you can try and improve and racing against higher level drivers does make it interesting, but that can only last so long and if you are going to do this properly you really need to spend quite a lot of time preparing for each race and most people don't have time to do that (even if you do after a point it begins to feel more like work than a game). The fact that these are 'test' seasons and that there isn't really much incentive to finish them also doesn't help so it wouldn't hurt to hand out credits/xp to provide people with a little more incentive. I also wonder if there is a way that it could be made more interesting for lower level drivers, perhaps by grouping them into their own category and creating some sort of 'mini-championship' for them to compete in.

Still really enjoying the game overall and the online racing is by far the best I have ever experienced on a console racer so kudos to Polyphony for getting that right (why nobody figured this out before is beyond me as people have been complaining forever about online multiplayer racers being crash fests).
I too lost interest in FIA nations after the second season, I think it's the car rotations that put me off. I still do the FIA manufacturers but I stopped this week due to the Viper being at a big fat disadvantage compared to a lot of cars now after the patch.
Speaking of Nations Cup participation, the latest championships have had the earliest race start times moved from 8PM to 10PM. Not exactly conducive to high participation from Australia's eastern seaboard.
I haven't touched the game in a couple of weeks. I am still waiting for a decent SR system fix, as I frankly do not have the time or patience to get punished for the mistakes of other people.

All in all, I currently consider GTS a substantial disappointment.
I think the Oprah style gift car give away really hurt this game in an irredeemable way. You learn pretty quick that's there's no point in buying cars, because you'll just be gifted with it eventually, which you can grind challenge mode out for, and if at the end of that you're still missing a car you want, you've got more than enough to buy it.

This also deincentivizes sport mode in a big way, because you're not really racing for anything, there's no meaningful reward. It'd be nice if everyone was actually hungry for the purse. It would further give cause for clean solid racing. This is really an area that they f'd up royally... Sport mode races should have required hefty credit entrance fees, which went into the payout purse. Everyone would have an invested reason to want to race cleanly and succeed... as to win credits... to buy and upgrade vehicles.

Speaking of which, the mileage points are fine, but should have only been a cosmetic credit. Actual credits should've been used for performance upgrades... which should've been detailed individual components sold at a classic in game shop, as they were in every other GT.... but it still wouldn't matter much in sport mode, because tuning is constantly locked.

Sadly, I think it's all but too late to address any of those issues now, because everythings already been handed out like candy. So people are getting bored with game and not caring how they perform, because it doesn't really matter. There's no meaningful rewards or perks for an SS rank over a DE, there's really no use for credits after a certain point, so there's no point in engaging the main focus of the game which is 'Sport' mode.

Mechanically, it's still a great game, it's still Gran Turismo, but the whole presentation and format of progression just seems like a real bad experiment gone wrong. Which is why people are just reverting back to standard lobbies, uncompleted challenges and arcade mode to try and get something out of the game.
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This also deincentivizes sport mode in a big way, because you're not really racing for anything, there's no meaningful reward. It'd be nice if everyone was actually hungry for the purse. It would further give cause for clean solid racing. This is really an area that they f'd up royally... Sport mode races should have required hefty credit entrance fees, which went into the payout purse. Everyone would have an invested reason to want to race cleanly and succeed... as to win credits... to buy and upgrade vehicles.

Actually it would do just the opposite, if the "purse" was what everyone was hungry and racing for then racing clean goes out the window and gain positions any way possible becomes the priority.
Speaking of Nations Cup participation, the latest championships have had the earliest race start times moved from 8PM to 10PM. Not exactly conducive to high participation from Australia's eastern seaboard.
The time changes may have contrinbuted to the lower participation indeed, I was able to make the 6-7pm races a couple weeks ago but now that doesn't happen since the races goes from 2pm to 5pm now. PD should just rotate times all day to 2 hours apart or something between say 10am to 8pm for eg so more people has access to races.

How do I send PD a message suggesting this?
Actually it would do just the opposite, if the "purse" was what everyone was hungry and racing for then racing clean goes out the window and gain positions any way possible becomes the priority.

Not with the SR system in place, you'd be penalized out of the winnings you're after and it'd become apparent pretty quick, especially after you've lost a couple hundred grand on entrance fees, because you drove like a maniac or rage quit one to many times. A balanced economy based around this would quickly weed out those types, further granting confidence and contrast to higher DR/SR ratings. Sending a clear message that you're not going to get close to the credits you're after buy not racing clean.

But again, none of this matters now, it's too late, the economy is already ruined by the gift cars.
Not with the SR system in place, you'd be penalized out of the winnings you're after and it'd become apparent pretty quick, especially after you've lost a couple hundred grand on entrance fees, because you drove like a maniac or rage quit one to many times. A balanced economy based around this would quickly weed out those types, further granting confidence and contrast to higher DR/SR ratings. Sending a clear message that you're not going to get close to the credits you're after buy not racing clean.

But again, none of this matters now, it's too late, the economy is already ruined by the gift cars.
This pretty much. Unfortunately the problem for PD and every other dev is, the cleaner the racing the fewer the participants for a number of reasons IMO. Mainly, there's a big block of players that either don't have the skill/consistency to race clean and another big block of players that have no desire to race clean. It is possible to better incentivize clean racing and/or penalize more heavily the more reckless drivers but at what cost to the player base? Some may come back to the game if fairplay is the priority but will it balance out with the players lost?
This pretty much. Unfortunately the problem for PD and every other dev is, the cleaner the racing the fewer the participants for a number of reasons IMO. Mainly, there's a big block of players that either don't have the skill/consistency to race clean and another big block of players that have no desire to race clean. It is possible to better incentivize clean racing and/or penalize more heavily the more reckless drivers but at what cost to the player base? Some may come back to the game if fairplay is the priority but will it balance out with the players lost?
I think the only way to weed out all the rammers and destruction derby drivers is a subscription based league where repeated failure to follow rules ends in exile and loss of entrance/subscription fees.

Until something like this happens there will always be people with NFS racing style trying to ram their way to front.