Ace Combat 7PS4 

  • Thread starter Akira AC
I find that large UAV carrying super plane unusually sexy. Though, I will keep my hype levels low until I learn more about the game.

And for anyone wondering why AC7 is PS4 only... Well, remember Namco-Bandai is a Japanese company so naturally they would prefer a Japanese console. AC6 being on 360 was more so MS throwing money at Namco-Bandai to get an exclusive game. ACAH was just a weird fluke, with NB trying to cater to the CoD crowd.
I don't think AC6 was a result of Microsoft throwing money at Namco. Rather it was the fact that the 360 was out a year earlier, and that the PS3 was significantly harder to developers for, especially early on.

In any case, AC7 is sounding increasingly promising.
Taken from that link to the Famitsu interview...

They want to pursuing the fun of “playacting a plane,” including using special weapons and performing special maneuvers. Those maneuvers aren’t just finishers you can do by pressing a button, but rather feats of skill that will require you to make full use of the controls in a realistic way

They also want to improve the strategic elements of fighting against the enemies.

Should be interesting to see what this exactly translates in to gameplay.
I'd love to be able to use a HOTAS/pedal set for this game when it comes out.

When AC06 was originally announced for the 360, I was excited because of the flight stick that was coming with it. It turned out it wasn't very good and I quickly went back to using the controller.

I read somewhere that the PS4 will have an official mouse and keyboard so I am somewhat hopeful of modern HOTAS system support to compliment the VR.

It could be a game I never put down!
When AC06 was originally announced for the 360, I was excited because of the flight stick that was coming with it. It turned out it wasn't very good and I quickly went back to using the controller.

I read somewhere that the PS4 will have an official mouse and keyboard so I am somewhat hopeful of modern HOTAS system support to compliment the VR.

It could be a game I never put down!

Until you get into real flying that is ;)
One idea they should try is making the gameplay somewhat RPG like, bit more so than the Infinity, at least equipment wise. I know, there's already a plethora of upgrades for planes, but since it takes place in the future, they could take some artistic freedoms.. For example, giving F5F pilot a chance to add thrust vectoring after upgrading the motors to more potent ones etc.. Essentially, make it Gran Turismo for the skies.
One idea they should try is making the gameplay somewhat RPG like, bit more so than the Infinity, at least equipment wise. I know, there's already a plethora of upgrades for planes, but since it takes place in the future, they could take some artistic freedoms.. For example, giving F5F pilot a chance to add thrust vectoring after upgrading the motors to more potent ones etc.. Essentially, make it Gran Turismo for the skies.

That does sound interesting, and I would like there to be in-depth customization, but it would put me off if it's over-complicated and take very long to upgrade parts or level up.
I'd like to have a bunch of online co-op objective based missions, not just mindlesly destroying as many enemies as possible before the other guys do. I'm also hoping for a huge plane roster (Infinity plus some extras, still waiting for an Ace Combat game to have an F-111), decent plane customisation like @Leonidae@MFT has suggested, and take-offs and landings back in. I always liked landing on an aircraft carrier.:sly:
I'd like to have a bunch of online co-op objective based missions, not just mindlesly destroying as many enemies as possible before the other guys do. I'm also hoping for a huge plane roster (Infinity plus some extras, still waiting for an Ace Combat game to have an F-111), decent plane customisation like @Leonidae@MFT has suggested, and take-offs and landings back in. I always liked landing on an aircraft carrier.:sly:
F-111? Just use the Fencer ^_-
NEVAAAAA!!!! :lol: The Fencer is all boxy and ugly looking, the F-111 looks smooth and mean. Plus I think the F-111 has better performance?
When F-111 will arrive to AC, then we'll know who has the best performance. Remember that planes in this game don't handle like real ones, so even A-10 can fly faster than supersonic planes. On the Wiki, the F-111 looks better on the stats list.
Or, since they've introduced prop planes.. Strangereal WWII, anyone? Flying P-51 down the barrel of huge Belkan nuclear cannon, unleashing a barrage of .50 cal and rockets, then Flying out from ventilation shaft as the Belkan wunderwaffe turns yet again into a smoldering hole in the ground.. :lol:
Or, since they've introduced prop planes.. Strangereal WWII, anyone? Flying P-51 down the barrel of huge Belkan nuclear cannon, unleashing a barrage of .50 cal and rockets, then Flying out from ventilation shaft as the Belkan wunderwaffe turns yet again into a smoldering hole in the ground.. :lol:
I hope all planes from Inviniti will be available in beautiful HD in AC7. The graphics in Infinity looked a bit fluffy.
Outside of realistic payload customization and perhaps making liveries, I don't want to see any "tuning". It's stupid in my opinion, and you can't just put thrust vectoring on a random fighter and expect it to work. As for the planes list, I hope it'll resemble the PS2 era. For whatever reason, AC6 had an abysmal plane list.

Mainly I just want them to make air combat a bit more involving. Simulate actual radars and the difference in new types, such as the AESA, compared to older types. make it possible to switch radars on/off. Basically, simulate many of the technological aspects of modern fighter jets, while preserving the arcade flying style that makes it easy enough to get into.
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Outside of realistic payload customization and perhaps making liveries, I don't want to see any "tuning". It's stupid in my opinion, and you can't just put thrust vectoring on a random fighter and expect it to work. As for the planes list, I hope it'll resemble the PS2 era. For whatever reason, AC6 had an abysmal plane list.

Mainly I just want them to make air combat a bit more involving. Simulate actual radars and the difference in new types, such as the AESA, compared to older types. make it possible to switch radars on/off. Basically, simulate many of the technological aspects of modern fighter jets, while preserving the arcade flying style that makes it easy enough to get into.

I could go for payload customization, but it would have to be done correctly. I say this because if I could add 4AGM's to a F-22, I would be set. Project Aces has balanced ACI pretty good all things considered, even though certain weapons are better than others.

The problem is, thrust vectoring nozzles can be applied to a ton of airplanes. Not only has the US shown this the F-15, F-16, and others, Russia has done the same it's Su-27x series of planes.

You *might* be playing the wrong game. Ace Combat is a flight shooter, not a simulator. As advanced as Gen 5 airplanes are compared to Gen 2-4, I feel it would destroy the balance of the game.
The problem is, thrust vectoring nozzles can be applied to a ton of airplanes. Not only has the US shown this the F-15, F-16, and others, Russia has done the same it's Su-27x series of planes.

I believe there was even a Mig-29 (or was it the Mig-33?) that had some thrust vectoring as well.
Hopefully, Fighters are balanced in this game. In ACI, I could never get any ground kills because my Attacker jets were too slow, allowing Fighters to swoop in and destroy everything. When all ground targets are gone, and there's only enemy aircraft, I can't do anything because my weapons aren't suited for air-to-air combat.
Hopefully, Fighters are balanced in this game. In ACI, I could never get any ground kills because my Attacker jets were too slow, allowing Fighters to swoop in and destroy everything. When all ground targets are gone, and there's only enemy aircraft, I can't do anything because my weapons aren't suited for air-to-air combat.

What airplane do you fly?
I use the FB-22 (Level 10 with Level 5 SOD) as my attacker as well. I wasn't sure what level your craft was so I assumed it was 1 so I built it as such.

Body (22 Parts)
Enhanced Engine Nozzle Large
Enhanced Engine Compressor LL

Arms (25 parts)
Advanced Hard Points SPW Large
New SOD Release Mechanism Medium
Advanced Mobile Fin MSL Medium

Misc. (16 Parts)
Shock Resistant Suit
Link Communication High Output Antenna

Data Link
Quick Recharge
Outside of realistic payload customization and perhaps making liveries, I don't want to see any "tuning". It's stupid in my opinion

There is actually a lot of room for it in modern fighters. Add on conformal tanks, customized avionics and EW, tweaked control laws, engine thrust vs life expentency. Modernized previous generation fighters like the F-4, F-5, and MiG-21 have lots of local variation and many proposed upgrades that could be factored into a customization system. Then you also have the continual updates of front line fighters like the F-15C which has a choice between 3-4 radars, FAST packs, IRST (F-15J really), and packages like Silent Eagle.
The problem is, thrust vectoring nozzles can be applied to a ton of airplanes. Not only has the US shown this the F-15, F-16, and others, Russia has done the same it's Su-27x series of planes.
The F/A-18 also was tested with a thrust vectoring system. In reality, a TVC system could be added to pretty much any 4th generation fighter. Would take some work to rig it up to the flight control systems of some planes, but with full FBW aircraft, it wouldn't be as bad since it would mostly just be adding new code to the control laws.
The Multi-Axis Thrust Vectoring (MATV) exhaust nozzle from the F-16 Vista for example, had two versions... One for GE F110 engines and one for P&W F100 engines. The nozzles could be retrofitted to any F110 or F100 engine, as long as the FBW system of the aircraft could be modified to accept the changes. Although, there is a minor weight penalty with a MATV nozzle, the increased agility is absurd. Cost and fancier missiles, along with stealth, sorta kept the nozzle from appearing on production F-16 and F-15 aircraft.

Anyway I imagine if AC7 has any sort of modification system, it probably would be similar to ACI. Because really, I see ACI as more or less a testbed for ideas to be featured in AC7. Would be nice if it has a somewhat in-depth customization system as others have said. It would be neat to have nearly GT or Forza levels of modding for the aircraft :P
The F/A-18 also was tested with a thrust vectoring system. In reality, a TVC system could be added to pretty much any 4th generation fighter. Would take some work to rig it up to the flight control systems of some planes, but with full FBW aircraft, it wouldn't be as bad since it would mostly just be adding new code to the control laws.
The Multi-Axis Thrust Vectoring (MATV) exhaust nozzle from the F-16 Vista for example, had two versions... One for GE F110 engines and one for P&W F100 engines. The nozzles could be retrofitted to any F110 or F100 engine, as long as the FBW system of the aircraft could be modified to accept the changes. Although, there is a minor weight penalty with a MATV nozzle, the increased agility is absurd. Cost and fancier missiles, along with stealth, sorta kept the nozzle from appearing on production F-16 and F-15 aircraft.

Anyway I imagine if AC7 has any sort of modification system, it probably would be similar to ACI. Because really, I see ACI as more or less a testbed for ideas to be featured in AC7. Would be nice if it has a somewhat in-depth customization system as others have said. It would be neat to have nearly GT or Forza levels of modding for the aircraft :P

My head hurts a little.:lol:
The F/A-18 also was tested with a thrust vectoring system. In reality, a TVC system could be added to pretty much any 4th generation fighter. Would take some work to rig it up to the flight control systems of some planes, but with full FBW aircraft, it wouldn't be as bad since it would mostly just be adding new code to the control laws.
The Multi-Axis Thrust Vectoring (MATV) exhaust nozzle from the F-16 Vista for example, had two versions... One for GE F110 engines and one for P&W F100 engines. The nozzles could be retrofitted to any F110 or F100 engine, as long as the FBW system of the aircraft could be modified to accept the changes. Although, there is a minor weight penalty with a MATV nozzle, the increased agility is absurd. Cost and fancier missiles, along with stealth, sorta kept the nozzle from appearing on production F-16 and F-15 aircraft.

Anyway I imagine if AC7 has any sort of modification system, it probably would be similar to ACI. Because really, I see ACI as more or less a testbed for ideas to be featured in AC7. Would be nice if it has a somewhat in-depth customization system as others have said. It would be neat to have nearly GT or Forza levels of modding for the aircraft :P

I have to agree with what you detailed out. I would also like to add that recent DACT between the US and other nations has shown that while TVC has it's obvious advantages, it causes the airplane to lose airspeed and decrease in altitude. There is a great video floating around the net with a USAF officer describing the details if you are interested.

With missiles like the Aim-9x and their HMDS, thrust vectoring loses it's functionality in some cases and as you said, is far more inexpensive than a airplane.

I feel you are absolutely correct with your thoughts towards AC07's modification system, and yes, it would be neat to have Gran Turismo style tuning on Ace Combat
TVC doesn't really cause a loss of speed per-say. It's high AoA that does. You would use extreme low speed TVC for a snap shot to make a certain kill. It doesn't actually make the plane turn any better in a low speed dogfight, except maybe quickening the initial pitch response.

TVC has advantages in high speed flight, which is why it's used on the F-22. The F-22 can trim the surfaces for minimum drag and let the thrust keep the plane level. This increases speed and supersonic agility while slightly harming low speed performance.