Ace Combat 7PS4 

  • Thread starter Akira AC
I just uninstalled the game. I'm fed up with many things:
Me doing everything while my other wingmen apparently just fly around and chat.
A bug that crashes my Xbox One X whenever there is a big jolt to my controller (!)
The score XXX in XXX time or the mission fails trope.
Chasing drones.
The blah story.

My best AC experiences are 4 and 6. I'm glad it was on Gamepass because a purchase would have been a major dissapointment.
So for those that care about the deeper lore of the series, Project ACES recently released an in-universe news article that goes over the de-classified documents concerning the Circum-Pacific War (the conflict you take part in in Ace Combat 5). Some details of the documents also pertain to the events of Ace Combat 7, although a lot of information in the article is stuff that's already known (or at least inferred) within AC7s storyline.

A rough translation of the article confirms...

  • That Grunder Industries (still under the control of The Grey Men from AC5) supplied drones to the Eruseans, including the containers they were launched from. They also supplied Osea with weapons during the events of AC7.
  • Even though it was a sanctioned Erusean attack, it's implied that The Grey Men directed the initial drone attacks of the war, and were responsible for the initial bombing of the Osean Naval base at St. Hewlett.
  • This also means that The Grey Men (by proxy) are responsible for the incarceration of Avril and Trigger.
  • North Osea Grunder IG has been officially shut down and is being investigated, which is a major blow to Osea's ability to acquire weapons (which probably means Osea won't be a major faction in the next AC game).
  • 60,000 employees of Grunder IG are under investigation, however those who are proven to be innocent will be given the option to migrate to other major countries and work in these nations respective Engineering/Defense sectors.
  • The Grey Men aren't fixated on one particular location, but have a network of cells in other major countries. Combined with the fact that Grunder IGs' other facilities effectively acted independently from one another, means that Grunder basically became a corporate conglomerate, and that they and The Grey Men could still be a threat (and probably a major faction in future games).
  • Osea and other countries will be forming a new multi-national counter-terrorism unit (something along the lines of Team Rainbow or TF141 from Modern Warfare). This unit is implied to be acting more-or-less independently from the UN or the home nations of its members, while still having the ability to work alongside local units in other countries around Strangereal.
  • We already know this, but it also confirms to the in-universe public the existence of the Razgriz Squadron. It's been described as a Special Forces unit under the direct command of Harling, and used the Kestrel I carrier as its official HQ. No mention was given to the Wardog squadron, likely since the unit officially ceased to exist after being shot down.
  • Measures are being taken to separate The Grey Men from Belka itself, in an effort to reduce the discrimination faced by Belkan citizens around the world.

After reading the article, it seems to me that there are potentially quite a few seeds being planted for the story and setting of AC8. I'm thinking this will be the ground work for the (re-) introduction of the UPEO from AC3, among other things. I think this may also be an opportunity to bring back old squadrons and characters from AC:0, AC6, and maybe a few other nods to AC:04. Also seems like a good chance to explore the lesser-known areas of Strangereal.
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Just wondering about this, can you turn off all the head up display on the screen?, any kind of photo mode?, can you rotate the camera on external view.?`s cheap at the minute on psn store £10.49...Quite tempted.
Just wondering about this, can you turn off all the head up display on the screen?, any kind of photo mode?, can you rotate the camera on external view.?`s cheap at the minute on psn store £10.49...Quite tempted.

You can turn off all HUD, but sadly this also removes the semi-realistic HUD when in Cockpit mode. There's no photo-mode beyond simply using the share button and saving a screenshot, and you can indeed rotate the camera around the axis of the plane on 3rd person view as well as during replays, the latter of which serving at least as a mode where you can focus on capturing shots even if you cannot pause nor rewind.

I want my F117A Nighthawk!!!
There seems to be very little between serious DCS world and silly like Ace Combat when it comes to flight games between PC and console. More in the middle ground would be nice.
Hey there, yeah too bad, would be nice for sure, old fighter planes too, fighter helos, subs etc.
Had tried nice games on pc back long ago, longbow, on 360 there's a nice enough helo game, sub 3 something too was nice on pc, and an old fighter plane game on 360 based on il2 sturmovik etc.
Hey there, yeah too bad, would be nice for sure, old fighter planes too, fighter helos, subs etc.
Had tried nice games on pc back long ago, longbow, on 360 there's a nice enough helo game, sub 3 something too was nice on pc, and an old fighter plane game on 360 based on il2 sturmovik etc.

War Thunder. Has its flaws but can be fun.
Hey there, yeah too bad, would be nice for sure, old fighter planes too, fighter helos, subs etc.
Had tried nice games on pc back long ago, longbow, on 360 there's a nice enough helo game, sub 3 something too was nice on pc, and an old fighter plane game on 360 based on il2 sturmovik etc.

I hold out hope that games like “Wings Over Vietnam” and “Wings Over Europe” find their way back, wide variety of aircraft and weapons while not overly complex. Single player campaigns and online multiplayer. My problem with War Thunder is I didn’t purchase VKB and Virpil flight gear for a KB and Mouse shooter, I also don’t enjoy match play with flight sims. Aces High 3 is a WW2 combat sim that has managed to have an open world combat sandbox. You pick what ever your mission is and fly it as you want, with as many friends as you can bring with you.
Something singleplayer that plays a lot like Ace Combat, but with more believable/satisfying physics, different aircraft/eras, some sim-lite features like takeoffs and landings for every mission, and not such a silly plot would be great. I'm not really looking for a multiplayer war game. I enjoy being a one-man air force like it's a shmup game in full 3D.
Hey there, yeah too bad, would be nice for sure, old fighter planes too, fighter helos, subs etc.
Had tried nice games on pc back long ago, longbow, on 360 there's a nice enough helo game, sub 3 something too was nice on pc, and an old fighter plane game on 360 based on il2 sturmovik etc.

Birds of Steel? Still have my 360 for that one. Just resurrected an old PC for CFS3, too.

AC7, one of those games I really want to love but have become very meh about.
Birds of Steel? Still have my 360 for that one. Just resurrected an old PC for CFS3, too.

AC7, one of those games I really want to love but have become very meh about.
Yeah that's it hehe. Only had the demo i think.
Edit: the helo 360 game was apache air assault i think, there was a couple of different helos to fly, was decent physics/feel.
The pc sub game was silent hunter 3, really nice game, you could be inside the sub, with cool sounds, manage crew, damage, calculate torpedo trajectory..
Also exterior nice view under water and on surface with subhunter boats after you.
Still have it somewhere in its box, i wonder if it still works on my old pc with new windows.
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The 25th Anniversary celebrations continue with a special update to mark the two-year anniversary of the release of Ace Combat 7 tomorrow. New aircraft skins include:

Phoenix's Su-37 from Ace Combat 2
Phoenix's F-22A from Air Combat
Mobius One's F-4E from Ace Combat 04
PJ's F-16C from Ace Combat Zero
Gryphus One's F-22A from Ace Combat X
Talisman's F-15E from Ace Combat 6
The Ridgebacks ASF-X from Ace Combat Infinity
Rena Hirose's Su-37 from Ace Combat 3
Fiona Fitzgerald's Typhoon from Ace Combat 3
A glow-in-the-dark X-02

That trailer is pure nostalgia.

Damn, i'm so happy to see AC7 doing well.

I always laugh when i remember the days before AC7. AC Infinity died, no one knew if we would ever get another AC and even when AC7 got announced there was a certain "disbelief". Kono made some sad posts on twitter about how the game kinda met development hell, but the team managed to get it back up. Then he made another one, talking how he was overworking so he could finally release the game.

In the end, i think it's safe to say that both Kono and the Project Aces team is really happy about this project. The game sold well, brought back the fans and it's still kicking.

I've said this once and i'm gonna said it again: if you think about the whole process, it's a miracle that AC7 got released and it's a good game.

One can argue that maybe it's not up there with the Holy Trilogy, but you can't deny it's a nice and fun Ace Combat game.

2 years with 3 (4?) updates and with the community united and active.
Signs of life on Planet Aces! News just broke in the past hour of a new “Experimental Aircraft” DLC pack for Ace Combat 7, which will feature the F-15S/MTD, F-16XL and FB-22 Strike Raptor. I’ve included the trailer here:

This pack will also feature a number of skins from previous Ace Combat entries. Check them out in the spoiler tag below...

Su-47 Berkut “Grabacr” and Su-37 Terminator “Ofnir” from Ace Combat 5

F-15S/MTD “Sorcerer”, F-16XL “Wizard” and MiG-21bis Fishbed “Huckebein” from Ace Combat Zero

YF-23A Black Widow II “Z.O.E.” from Ace Combat 2

A-10C Thunderbolt II “Varcolac” from Ace Combat Joint Assault

MiG-29A Fishbed “Red Moon”, Su-35S Flanker-E “Markov” and Su-57 “Markov” from Ace Combat Assault Horizon

FB-22 Strike Raptor “Flash” based on the F-22A Raptor “Flash” from Ace Combat Infinity

CFA-44A Nosferatu “Butterfly Master” from Ace Combat Infinity

Su-33 Flanker-D “Strigon” from Ace Combat 6
Well that's a shock. Am I right in saying the F/B-22 only appeared in AC5? Either way, great news sll around!
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Oh my, I'm so excited for these! Nice to see three of my favourite planes back. Too bad the S/MTD still has the gunpod instead of an internal gun. I know the real plane didn't have one either, but PA used to take quite a few liberties with experimental aircraft like these.

I thought PA was done with 7 after the 2nd anniversary skins. I guess I'll go back to hoping for a certain mind-controlled biplane to come back.

Well that's a shock. Am I right in saying the F/B-22 only appeared in AC5? Either way, great news sll around!

It also appeared in the PSP games, as well as Infinity. Still a very rare plane in the series, and one I thought would never come back to be honest.
Finally got a console again and have had to start the game from scratch.

I love the F-16XL long time. The F-15 Active is great too, but that delta wing on the F-16 is just gorgeous.
Even the new experimental fighters aren't too bad. Firing two EML's is a riot.
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Just got ac7 on ps4 now , took a bit of a chance, but im liking it quite a lot. Nicely made game all around it seems.
The sounds are pretty cool, with whizzing by missiles, planes, explosions.

I like the indication of missile incoming direction, then swivels the camera around to see it coming near, and avoid it.

The 1st mission even on hard is just a tutorial, but the 2nd mission starts at least to give a little challenge, im sure it ramps up fast.

Only wish planes had a lil more weight maybe, inertia, to feel it even more, especially for take off and landings. I know it's not a sim but still, it gives a somewhat real immersion in general, of course with simple controls.

I read you can only change to a higher ace difficulty after beating the whole game,good to know.
Anyhow, nice game.
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I completed the campaign ages ago and put it on my list of games to come back to, which I finally did last week. I had intended to use it to break up the so far dry nature of Alan Wake so that I might stick with it and not get bored, but that's kind of backfired because I've played about an hour of Alan Wake and I must be getting on for 6 or 7 hours of AC7 since picking it back up.

I had planned to just get an S-rank on all missions, but having hunted a few named planes and done some missions MG only, I'm thinking I might try and do as much "stuff" as I can - I don't think I'll be able to S the entire game on hard, let alone ace, because I struggle enough on normal, but I'm going to try to do the no damage and MG only campaign runs (on easy, probably!)

Can someone tell me, though, if I do all the missions with guns only and not as a new campaign run, do I still get that medal?

Also, I'm really disappointed in the part that steers your MG towards targets, it makes dogfighting almost impossible unless they just fly in a straight line away from you.
I got most of the medals myself, but the Platinum was good enough for me. Took me 6th months to get it.
Can someone tell me, though, if I do all the missions with guns only and not as a new campaign run, do I still get that medal?
You need to do a new campaign run. Also you can do it on any difficulty, I don't know about Casual Easy but from Easy and above it'll definitely give you the medal.
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War Thunder. Has its flaws but can be fun.
Been toying with trying this for months (actually, probably years!) now. It is just the absence of single player content that puts me off. Really wish we got another IL2 or Birds of Prey for the current gen...

Edit: the helo 360 game was apache air assault i think, there was a couple of different helos to fly, was decent physics/feel.
...along with a sequel to Apache Air Assault: love that game! Not perfect, but had a great feel. There is a Hind game on the PS4, but the reviews for it are very mixed, so I have avoided it. Might risk it if I see it cheap one day.