Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Stat bar's a lie, the Gold Falcon can oneshot MiGs on LVL 10 A2A stat C+, the Mickey Simon on LVL8 A2A stat B.
The Y13 was not able to oneshot MiGs until A or something on A2A, same as the Pixy...
Yes the stat bars are full of crap, even ones as simple as speed. Some parts (Flight Dynamics Module namely) increase the speed bar but have no bearing on the jet's actual speed.
It was a good finding anyway. So now we can really say that is more important to have a lv10 plane of any tier than an high tier but at low level. This is why ppl can do good with Su-24 or F-5 like I saw sometimes.
So, hero planes and emblems being on seperate tournaments has become a thing...
Yes and no, butterfly master?
The actual butterfly master craft has pretty much the same colour of the Estovakian CFA44 but without the roundel and the butterfly emblem (the nose is white instead of blue)

Not sure if namco is planning to release the Ofnir but if I remember correctly it's the full emblem, not the "snake only" displayed on the plane.
No way the will release captain bartlett's F-5/F-4 or F-14 since there will be already a wardog insignia...making the old wardog pointless...
Now, I noticed that the new razgriz emblem is not the original used on the plane but there were two variants since the beginning, the black and the white winged one.
On AC5 ALL the planes in RZ colour have the black one.
On ACZ the F-14D has the Razgriz colour with the black emblem variant.
Same on all the AC6 planes and AC:AH
EVEN on this model kit...

And...there's a picture of the white winged emblem variant, with a slightly colour variation as well grey-ish istead of green-ish.

Found somewhere inside my laptop...


Wardog Mark and Razgriz Mark, what we actually have on the Namco was wrong ALL THE ****G TIME! :scared:
Except now on Infinity... :lol:
And I do prefer the white one, grey is better and the wing stands out more
Holding on to the top 3000 with supplied fuel by the skin of my teeth, sitting just inside the top 2000 right now. On average after/before I sortie I've dropped 1000 spots. When you get a room full of top tier jets on high levels, there really aren't enough targets to share around unless it's just a 4 player room. Had a 6 player lobby at Dubai before and I scored a paltry 28k points :yuck:, nobody in the room scored over 40k.
@Vitocorp You know what I meant :lol:. Having two seperate tournaments for a canon plane and emblem now means you'd probably need ~350 fuel at the very least to get both. More money for P.A. I suppose. Hopefully they put the profits they make to good use for the series' fans.
I just hope that ppl stay away from my F-117 -Stars and Stripes-. Got 128 stocked fuel atm and will use every single of them in that tournament.
@Vitocorp You know what I meant :lol:. Having two seperate tournaments for a canon plane and emblem now means you'd probably need ~350 fuel at the very least to get both. More money for P.A. I suppose. Hopefully they put the profits they make to good use for the series' fans.
I would go for another top 200 but I'm really afraid of the possibility of a near Mobius tournament...I don't want to spend more money!
There's a nice CMC model I want to buy...Ferrari 312P 1:18...or maybe a PS4
I just hope that ppl stay away from my F-117 -Stars and Stripes-. Got 128 stocked fuel atm and will use every single of them in that tournament.

I have almost 160 stocked fuels and won't be using any, so you're all clear on my end.:) But if a special F-35 ever comes out (assuming it's not a cruddy star sign version), LOOK OUT!:mad: :lol:

Edit: I GOT A STONEHENGE IV! Hahahahahaaaa.:D Unfortunately it was only a 4 player room, the guys weren't terrible and I think we did alright considering. We had a Tekken Su-35 (2100 MR), F-117 (1800 MR, this guy got MVP), Saab Gripen (1800 MR) and myself in my F-35. We were able to get past Butterfly master very fast (she made it easy for me to shoot her down) which I think helped immensely, and we finished with a B rank. I got $209k for my trouble on forced sortie x3, even though I actually came 3rd in the room. So glad that popped up before Stonehenge ended.
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Possibly a multirole? Would be cool if it was, considering Japanese aircraft in the game seem to have an A2S specialty.

I hope they release more than one new plane model for the next update though!

I wouldn't necessarily say the Japanese craft are totally A2S based, the F-15J is Japanese as is the ASF-X which has a multitude of weapons across the regular and special versions (though admittedly one is LASM). I would actually be more interested in it being a Fighter. The ATD-0 in the trailer looks to be equipped with 4AAM. Certainly an interesting addition though, but I agree in that I hope it's not the only one! (Fingers crossed F-111 :ouch:).
Also worth noting the ATD-0 is listed as a stealth jet, I wonder if the ASF-X is stealth.
Edit 2: According to the wiki entry supplied by @Flaren89, the ATD-X (which is the prototype's codename, obviously they gave the game version the ATD-0 codename to indicate a production model) was developed after the USA rejected applications by Japan to buy F-22s. Since it's development began as such, it's most likely a top tier 750 cost Fighter.

Edit: Almost forgot! I raced home this afternoon and got on Ace Combat with less than 10mins to spare in the tournament. I was at rank 29xx and was able to do one last sortie and got to rank 27xx. Aside from a couple forced sorties in special raids I finished inside the top 3000 with only supplied fuels, very happy with that as I got a useless jet, two skins for two jets I never use but a nice cash prize and the nickname "Payback Time!" which I may/may not use.
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For the plane, I have to say that's some sort of clone of F-22, just like F-2A is of F-16. If it will be Multirole, it will "fill" the hole in roles of the F-22: F-22 Fighter, ATD-X Multirole and FB-22 Attacker.

For tournaments:

"Make them Pay" tournament: Finished around 2.860th place. Now I'll change Su-34 -AX- (so bad looking) to the Su-34 -CN-, so it will have also LAGM at lv4 (sp.w. I want to use on it) instead of lv7.

"US Returns" tournament: Interested to finish top200, will burn everything I got (132 stocked atm) to get the F-117.

"Unsung War" tournament: Not interested, maybe just for the YF-23 skin, but won't miss if I lose it.

Now I got all researches stopped, so nothing old will "absorb" new incoming researches after-patch. Got 1.4 milions to spend or keep (this second is in case I want to buy the B-2A after the burn of the tournament).
For the plane, I have to say that's some sort of clone of F-22, just like F-2A is of F-16. If it will be Multirole, it will "fill" the hole in roles of the F-22: F-22 Fighter, ATD-X Multirole and FB-22 Attacker.

For tournaments:

"Make them Pay" tournament: Finished around 2.860th place. Now I'll change Su-34 -AX- (so bad looking) to the Su-34 -CN-, so it will have also LAGM at lv4 (sp.w. I want to use on it) instead of lv7.

"US Returns" tournament: Interested to finish top200, will burn everything I got (132 stocked atm) to get the F-117.

"Unsung War" tournament: Not interested, maybe just for the YF-23 skin, but won't miss if I lose it.

Now I got all researches stopped, so nothing old will "absorb" new incoming researches after-patch. Got 1.4 milions to spend or keep (this second is in case I want to buy the B-2A after the burn of the tournament).

Wait a minute, what YF-23 skin?! Is there a picture of it somewhere? Do you know what rank is required for it?

Edit: Found it on seesaawiki, it's the black skin I wanted from the start! So going for it with some stocked fuel, hopefully it's only the top 3000 or something.
For the US tournament, planning to use both contracts while burning to get even more credits, along with all researches stopped, Mercenary will double the base mission payout, while Research will give me 3.4k (each fuel spent) additional credits because of additional refund.
Planning to get:
- 8k up to 12k credits (lose / win);
- This have to be doubled because of Mercenary, so 16k up to 24k;
- Now we have to put on refunds, which will be from 13.5k up to 17k (3.4k each, 4 if lose and 5 if win because of 2/3 from regular researches + 1 from stocked use + 1 from Research contract);
- It's from 29.5k up to 41k (lose / win);
- Now have to put the x3.5 for forced sortie (x3 fuel used), so 103.5k up to 143.5k (lose / win) each mission, an average of 123.5k;
- Without counting supplied fuel, newly dropped stocked (which will extend even more the burn) I can do 44 missions this way;
- 123.5k * 44 = 5.434.000 credits get from burn.
5.4m without counting drops, from new stocked fuel (as said above), credits (600, 1.2k, 5k, ecc), credits from medals already owned, etc. Raid missions also not counted (mainly 2 and 3, 1 gives almost same payout of regular missions).

I saw ppl is more interested on the Unsung War tournament one, so I should be fine. for top 200. Will join if the F-117 is at least 675Cst at lv1 and got GPB.
@Louie_Schumii , any plan for Razgriz tournament? I got a bit more than 140 fuel, with a 60 pack I should be able to get a top 200 position this time but I'm afrad of a possible upcoming Mobius tournament and I would not have enough fuel for the occasion...
@Louie_Schumii , any plan for Razgriz tournament? I got a bit more than 140 fuel, with a 60 pack I should be able to get a top 200 position this time but I'm afrad of a possible upcoming Mobius tournament and I would not have enough fuel for the occasion...

Yeah I'm on the same boat. Will probably wait for the Mobius tournament since a lot of people have been talking about that after the previous campaign mission.

By the way what was the story with the two Razgriz emblems they had up for grabs? Is the one in this tournament the one on the actual plane?
Yeah I'm on the same boat. Will probably wait for the Mobius tournament since a lot of people have been talking about that after the previous campaign mission.

By the way what was the story with the two Razgriz emblems they had up for grabs? Is the one in this tournament the one on the actual plane?
All the story explained in my previous post inside this page!
If I'm right the current emblem+plane combo is the official combo...
There's a nice EXOTO on auction (eBay), I really really want it and I want Mobius I guess I'll save fuel for now and catch the Razgriz later sometime...
@Vitocorp: Just read through it again haha. So the correct aircraft 'mark' for a canon plane has historically been in the same tournament as the canon plane itself, which is good.

Been looking at some ACI tournament history as well to plan ahead for how much fuel to use in the upcoming tourneys:

If we take the date for the first Ace Combat 05 themed tournament:

Pride of Wardog
Start: June 26 2014
End: July 1 2014

Then look at the first Ace Combat 04 themed tournament, it's fair to say there were two months inbetween them:

Yellow 13
Start: September 24 2014
End: September 29 2014

Now the next Ace Combat 05 themed tournament begins next week (if we ignore the New Year tournament for Razgriz and Wardog emblems):

The Unsung War

Start: January 27 2015
End: February 2 2015

Going by P.A.'s previous tournament spacing we could guesstimate that the next Ace Combat 04 themed tournament would be somewhere around:

Untitled Mobius Tournament
Start: Late March 2015
End: Early April 2015

This is just speculation of course so don't take these guesstimates as confirmation for when the Mobius tournament might be!
I'm planning to burn my fuels for the next AC5 tournamnent. Can I get the YF-23 skin if I burn all of my 33 fuels or do I need more fuel?
Mmh, depends on how much ppl will try it. In low-medium interest tournament, around 15-20 would be enough, but in this one where a lot of ppl will try to get top20/200/1.000 I think will need more.

Anyway, it seems that patch is already up and be 959 MB size.
Wardog: June 26-July 1
Strigon:September 4-September 8
Galm:September 10-September 15
Yellow:September 24-September 29
Garuda: October 29-November 4
Upeo: December 17-December 24
Razgriz:January 27-February 2

Classic aces, quite unpredictable, we had Chiper and Y13 on the same month...but I agree with you, we will have the Mobius somewhere March and April.
Upgrade F-22? We'll see.

@ibnumgt1 I would wait the end and see, top 3000K is usually very easy to reach and this one offers just a skin.
Where did you guys get the ranking rewards for the Razgriz tournament? So the YF-23 skin is indeed top 3000? Because I want it as well.
@Paulie Always from the same site:

EDIT: From another forum, I copy/paste what is written there, so may not be true:

"This is what we know so far from the newest update, directly from PA's Twitter. This post will be updated as more is confirmed.
1. It will be possible to buy up to 40 aircraft set slots, as opposed to the current max of 20.
2. Low level players will get a boost in research, and buying parts/planes will be cheaper. This effect will likely be active until the Second Lietuenant rank is reached
3. Tokyo Martial Law (HARD) will be fixed. The nature of the fix is unknown.
4. The player's matching rate will now be displayed in the Hangar screen.
5. "Rental sets", available in the campaign, will somehow be available in Online Co-op Missions and TDM.
6. Players that have purchased the "Elite Pack" will be able to hide or show the Aces emblem next to their name.
7. The Special Aircraft Tree will be divided into four sections: One for one-star aircraft, one for two-star aircraft, one for three-star aircraft and one for four-star aircraft.
8. The bug with radio messages purchased from the "Special Supply Ticket" catalogue (having to re-equip the message(s) after missions) will be fixed.
* Please understand that there might be translation errors, and that some of the info may be slightly incorrect. *"
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@Flaren89, I'm really going to have to look harder when I go to that website, I was on it yesterday and couldn't find the ranking tournaments.:dunce:

So it looks like we have a new special raid mission! The SOLG orbital gun. Should be interesting!
Still no word on whether the update contains more than the ATD-0 I take it?
Along with a base version of the ADFX-01 (the special is now called -Pixy-) which is better than the special one, and the X-02 WYVERN.
FALKEN will brake the game, it is a Fighter with 825 base Cst.

Parts added: a new kind which have high slotsrequirements but gives 2 improves at once (like Power S and Reload S together in a single part), Range S for HVAA, Quick S for QAAM (did it really need that?), Fin L fo special weapons (lv5 QAAM with this and its Quick S? Good luck on trying avoid in TDM) and TLS Fuel S to increase duration of the weapon.

For tournaments, F-15c -Patriot- will ve 675Cst while the (mine) F-117 -Stars and Stripes- will have 700Cst, which is really good, both use same special weapons of the base planes. F-14A -Razgriz- will have 700Cst and will be the strongest F-14 and will use HCAA, SAAM and 6AAM.