Any Online Races Tonight (Nov 5)?

United States
Edit: Does anyone have an online race going on tonight? If so, please PM me here and/or send me a friend request to my PS3 screen name chrisdittmer (same as here). Thank you!!!

Hello fellow racers. Since I've completed most of the computer races for GT5, I am hoping to get into some races with humans. So, please send me friend requests on PS3 and let me know if you'd like to race. I'm online a lot because I'm disabled so my G25 wheel and GT5 disc are my best time killers.

My screen name is chrisdittmer so I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!
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Hi Chris,

You are invited to check out ReadyOrNotRacing. We have a great group of people that race with us on a regular basis.

We have a forum here on GTPlanet. Just scroll through the forums where you posted this.

You can check us out at for details and links to our facebook and GTPlanet pages.

We will most likely be on tonight so if you want to race a few with us you are more than welcome to join us.

Send me a friend request to ReadyOrNotRacing on the PS3. I will check it later tonight and accept it if your interested.

See Ya

Hey Chris!

I will send you a friend request as well,

Feel free to check out our Turtle Racing League Thread just by clicking enduro series down below in my signature. We run spec racing (tuning prohibited) 2 45 minute races. Lots of fun, very respectful drivers! Hope to see you over there! 👍
Hey man my name is ed, sorry to hear your disabled. Ready or not racing is a good group of guys, unfortunately im not able to attend all the races, but what i have attended has been exceptional. I personally don't have time to hold any club races unless its wednesdays or i hold Spot will see my Thread called "Close Ratio Transmission" on the thread you will see 9 cars listed so far that use the same 165 top speed close ratio racing transmissions. I try to use smaller courses since the cars will top out on long courses, meaning you should use the close ratio transmission on all these cars. But that is only if you want to become part of my roster on facebook. Otherwise just find some vehicles that you like driving at 305hp and 1400kg and join my high race quality lobby. Only 8 drivers are permitted with no mics so you obtain the highest race quality out their. Add me if you are interested PSN, TEAMworkPLEASE you will see my lobby from time to time with the name "High race quality" or "305hp 1400kg Real". Have a nice day, hope to see on the track.
hi chris, im from scotland, psn is jamsy, feel free to add if ur playing time difference is 6 hrs i think.
Hey chris if u look at alex zanardi,being disabled ain't nothin to be conquered.I too hold lobbies.usually street cars on custom tracks.I usually have them on sundays.I would strongly advise u not to use a tracks range from easy to oh dear god crazy
Have a look at our thread below. We've been running over 2 years starting on GTP. We now have our own forum but still plan some races through GTPlanet. We're always taking on new members (in fact I see a couple of our members have already responded). It's a friendly bunch. There's a good relaxed friendly ethos and clean respectful driving. We have all levels of drivers from beginners to GTAcademy qualifiers. Events range from low pp road cars up to F1 and pretty much everything in between. Just reply on the thread below ti register your interest.

Thanks to everyone who responded. Very kind of you. I've gotten friend requests and league invitations from many of you and will send requests to those who gave me their screen names. Very cool community you have here. I'm impressed:-)
hi chris, im from scotland, psn is jamsy, feel free to add if ur playing time difference is 6 hrs i think.
Hey there. I will add you for sure. If you're in Scotland, I'd actually be racing earlier with you (early for me, later for you) which is perfect cause I'm online during the day for the most part. Lets race sometime buddy!
lol. excellent stuff, wont be long befofre evry time you turn on there will be someone to hook up with, see you soon pal