Destiny: Become Legend (Now with More Iron!)

  • Thread starter Crispy
On PS4, Destiny requires a PSN+ subscription (nothing required on PS3). Maybe you can't play it because of that...

It can't be that, I have PS+. I wonder if it's because my brother's account hasn't launched it yet, I've just tried but I see there's a big update to do first so I'll let it download that and try logging in as me again.
I thought that was true for any multiplayer game on PS4? If people are then getting upset about having to pay it multiplayer it pretty much says so on the front in big bold letter "INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED" I assume some people will still be upset with that even though it's been know for quite a while.
Sorry, that is not enough to convince me that it is good. Sony are treating it like a first party game because it's the only billion-dollar AAA titles on its system. Just because something is expensive doesn't mean it's good.

What is different about it compared to Borderlands gameplay? Because unless I'm missing something, it's the same gameplay mechanic.
It feels very different than borderlands. I didn't care for borderlands much at all and I played both of them. I really liked the beta and alpha of destiny though. There was about 7 of my friends played in the beta and we all had a good time. If it was single player it would suck but the coop makes it fun. Just running around with a group of friends in the big maps and exploring and shooting at stuff is a good time. Its got light aspects of RPG and mmo and pretty decent shooting controls so it's easy for people to jump in and play. The RPG aspect is really easy to understand and doesn't take a veteran RPG player to figure out the system.

It sounds Like for some reason destiny has made you mad. It really doesn't matter if you like it or not. If it looks stupid to you than don't play it. Its a simple pick up and play open world shooter with light RPG and mmo elements and a scripted coop story that looks and plays kind of Like halo and one you level cap and complete the story there are really hard raids you take part in or you can join the PvP side and shoot at real people.
That's destiny in a nut shell. There's no reason for you to seen so upset about people liking it.
I thought that was true for any multiplayer game on PS4? If people are then getting upset about having to pay it multiplayer it pretty much says so on the front in big bold letter "INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED" I assume some people will still be upset with that even though it's been know for quite a while.

Not all. Some free to play multiplayer games don't require a PS+ subscription, I believe all retail multiplayer games do though.
PS+?!!! It better not. If so, returning it. Payed good money to be able to crucible.
On-line playing requires PSN+ on Playstation 4. This is not breaking news.

Apart from Warthunder (I'll have to check this however), all games require a PSN+ subscription if you want to play on-line on PS4.

The PS3 is the only console which still does not require PSN+ for on-line.

And remember that you'll need a Gold subscription if you decide to go on Microsoft machines...
It sounds Like for some reason destiny has made you mad. It really doesn't matter if you like it or not. If it looks stupid to you than don't play it. Its a simple pick up and play open world shooter with light RPG and mmo elements and a scripted coop story that looks and plays kind of Like halo and one you level cap and complete the story there are really hard raids you take part in or you can join the PvP side and shoot at real people.
That's destiny in a nut shell.
This is all fair and well, sounds like a fun as hell game. But, where did the bloody half a billion dollars in budget go? Censoring and paying for marketing? :confused:
It sounds Like for some reason destiny has made you mad. It really doesn't matter if you like it or not. If it looks stupid to you than don't play it. Its a simple pick up and play open world shooter with light RPG and mmo elements and a scripted coop story that looks and plays kind of Like halo and one you level cap and complete the story there are really hard raids you take part in or you can join the PvP side and shoot at real people.
That's destiny in a nut shell. There's no reason for you to seen so upset about people liking it.

It hasn't made me mad, lol. Not at all! I'm just trying to figure out its gameplay. What's different about it that we haven't seen from Mass Effect MP or Borderlands 2? Is it all just pre-placed enemies in linear stages that you run through? Or is it linear stages with dynamically generated hordes? Open World? It doesn't look open world to me.

I'm trying to figure out what the heck it is that they've hyped up so much. I'm not mad at the game, I'm just a little puzzled at the hype. I don't like false hype.

But, if I do have to be mad at something, it's that you have to pay every month to play something online. That's not Destiny's fault though if it's a global PS4 thing.

Hype is not going to sell me a PS4 and a 60 dollar game. I'm trying to figure out what the content is under all the hype.

So far the launch of this is reminding me of Fable. It was SO HYPED but actually just turned out to be a meh game that nobody ever talks about anymore.
My copy of Destiny arrived!!!

But I'm stuck at work.

Today is going to go by so slooooooooooooooooow!

In the BETA I found it to be similar to Borderlands2, but other players would be running around in the same environment as you. Sometimes they would help out, other times not.

At least in the exploration portion of the game thats how it felt to me.
This is all fair and well, sounds like a fun as hell game. But, where did the bloody half a billion dollars in budget go? Censoring and paying for marketing? :confused:

- "Activision Blizzard will spend $500 million to launch the upcoming Destiny, the next sci-fi epic from the studio behind Halo. According to Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick, who revealed the sum at the Milken conference in Los Angeles last week, the number includes both development and marketing costs." (

It is pretty crazy when you think about how much money that is.. but for 4 systems, lots of servers, plenty more content on the way.. .. no wait .. damn that is still a lot.. but consider this.. COD MW2 which was built on an existing game cost 50mil to make and 200mill in marketing. Destiny was built from the ground up and has way more cost on the back end than a typical shooter.
- "Activision Blizzard will spend $500 million to launch the upcoming Destiny, the next sci-fi epic from the studio behind Halo. According to Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick, who revealed the sum at the Milken conference in Los Angeles last week, the number includes both development and marketing costs." (

It is pretty crazy when you think about how much money that is.. but for 4 systems, lots of servers, plenty more content on the way.. .. no wait .. damn that is still a lot.. but consider this.. COD MW2 which was built on an existing game cost 50mil to make and 200mill in marketing. Destiny was built from the ground up and has way more cost on the back end than a typical shooter.
So, they did spend a ton on manufactured hype then?
Welp, Metacritic reviews are pounding the game, also a bit concerning that it's got a review embargo.

My interest with the game dried up when I played the alpha (or beta maybe), and it seems that it wasn't far off, I guess people who liked Halo or Borderlands will like it. I got bored of Halo and Borderlands never caught my eye, but having something like that being repeated again makes me think that it wont do as well as many people expected.

Hype might save it, a lot of people fell for the Watch Dogs thing (me included) and most of them will not fall for it again, it might even become a commercial flop if the general audience has some awareness (considering the investment that went into it).
I couldn't care less what reviews say. I played and enjoyed both the Alpha and Beta and I am already having a ton of fun with the full release. Do I think it is the best game ever? Nope, and I never hyped it up to be either, I didn't fall for any hype actually, I already knew I enjoyed what I had already played. I'm not going to let someone else opinion change mine.

Plus, the Metacritic user reviews are full of trolls, every really popular game has tons of people rating it a zero just for the hell of it.
It hasn't made me mad, lol. Not at all! I'm just trying to figure out its gameplay. What's different about it that we haven't seen from Mass Effect MP or Borderlands 2? Is it all just pre-placed enemies in linear stages that you run through? Or is it linear stages with dynamically generated hordes? Open World? It doesn't look open world to me.

I'm trying to figure out what the heck it is that they've hyped up so much. I'm not mad at the game, I'm just a little puzzled at the hype. I don't like false hype.

But, if I do have to be mad at something, it's that you have to pay every month to play something online. That's not Destiny's fault though if it's a global PS4 thing.

Hype is not going to sell me a PS4 and a 60 dollar game. I'm trying to figure out what the content is under all the hype.

So far the launch of this is reminding me of Fable. It was SO HYPED but actually just turned out to be a meh game that nobody ever talks about anymore.
its preplaced enemies and linear stories. Its also random bigger events popping up with mini bosses or larger groups of enemies. Its huge maps with hidden loot to explore and find. It's much simpler leveling system then mass effect or boarderlands but with gunplay of a more traditional shooter. The weapons matter but it doesn't feel like you have to have a certain level weapon to beat a boss like in the other two games.

It is like I said earlier. A halo type shooter with light RPG,mmo elements and a huge emphasis on coop. You can't even play the raids unless you have 6 friends to play with.
its preplaced enemies and linear stories. Its also random bigger events popping up with mini bosses or larger groups of enemies. Its huge maps with hidden loot to explore and find. It's much simpler leveling system then mass effect or boarderlands but with gunplay of a more traditional shooter. The weapons matter but it doesn't feel like you have to have a certain level weapon to beat a boss like in the other two games.

It is like I said earlier. A halo type shooter with light RPG,mmo elements and a huge emphasis on coop. You can't even play the raids unless you have 6 friends to play with.

Ah, I understand now. So, basically, it's a shooter version of Guild Wars 2.

I could play a GWFPS, but not for a sub. GW was free.
Ah, I understand now. So, basically, it's a shooter version of Guild Wars 2.

I could play a GWFPS, but not for a sub. GW was free.

I am curious - you own a ps3 and ps4 but don't want to pay $40-$50 a year for ps+? honestly the free games alone make it worth it IMO.

After my friend pointed out to me that a couple games I picked up used for $10 I would have already had with ps+ I started thinking

Then when my ps3 died and I had to use a blow dryer to get the thing to turn on so I could get my Gran Turismo 6 save file off of it.. he told me.. if you had PS+ that save file would be auto backed up for you and ready for your new ps3.. - I paid the $50 right then..

Sorry, reading this it seems like I am trying to sell you ps+ .. just a really strong recommendation.

Edit - also back on the point of Destiny - I enjoyed and played the beta enough to get all three classes to level 8. If I even spend an additional 20 hours on the game the $60 price tag will have been worth it to me in total. - I am not expecting the greatest game ever.. just more of what I enjoyed in the beta.
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I don't own a PS4.

A ps3? because on ps3 you don't need ps+ to play Destiny.. you just buy the game and play..

Edit - Sorry I missed the part on your previous post where you were stating that hype wont sell you a "PS4 and $60 Game"

If you have a ps3 and play on that.. then later get a ps4.. your characters transfer which is nice, and if you get the digital ps3 copy there is a free digital upgrade to ps4 that expires in Jan 2015. I am not sure the exact details on that though.
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@phillkillv2 I have those, and for stereo headphones, they are actually really nice.

I wish they were surround. The headphones are nice,but I already have a factory worth of headphones at my house so I just use those. I tried plugging them up and without the XB1 adapter theyre useless because I can't turn chat or volume up. I can use them on PC but if can't cant use the mic which is really the nicest part then what's the point :/ To Amazon they go.
A ps3? because on ps3 you don't need ps+ to play Destiny.. you just buy the game and play..

Edit - Sorry I missed the part on your previous post where you were stating that hype wont sell you a "PS4 and $60 Game"

If you have a ps3 and play on that.. then later get a ps4.. your characters transfer which is nice, and if you get the digital ps3 copy there is a free digital upgrade to ps4 that expires in Jan 2015. I am not sure the exact details on that though.

That's pretty cool. Thanks for the info.
What a game!!! WHAT-A-GAME!!!

With the difficulty ramped up to maximum, Destiny is sublime. I love this game, and everything about it, and Destiny must surely be the first true 'next-gen' title that has lived up to the hype, and then some!

For the authentic Destiny feel, you HAVE to play this game on the hardest settings. I know some people might baulk at that prospect, but you would be doing yourself, and the game a disservice, if you were not to even try. Do not get me wrong, a few of the missions were difficult, particularly the last Earth mission by the array, or the very start of the first moon mission, but the difficulty is not insurmountable.

You have to pick your fights and call your shots. Precision, confidence and determination will vanquish any foe, and there is no greater satisfaction that breaking down a stubborn Captain, Wizard or Knight. From the brief encounters thus far, my anticipation has been piqued, and I relish the prospect of epic strike missions, and glorious raids, the likes of which, will no doubt pass on into legend.

My only gripe, and it is not one really, is that my equipment is often found wanting. My eagerness to rank, to surpass the levels in the Alpha and Beta, have left a sour taste in my mouth. When will I get a decent drop? Will I ever find that one perfect weapon again? In some ways I feel cheated. I had the gravy back then, now, when it all kicks off, I have nothing.
So will I need PS+ on ps4 even if I don't ever want to do the crucible, or is it PS+ to even play the game?
I think that for the "solo" missions you won't need PS+. Well, at least this is what the guy in my retailer shop said...
However, it will be required for all multiplayer modes (PvE, raids, strikes) and for the PvP modes.

@LJP64 It works now, I just had to log in on my brother's account before it would work on mine.
Cool, glad it works.

I have got my PS4+Destiny bundle. I have configured the PS4 and updated the firmware.
I'm downloading the Destiny day-one patch at the moment, but my connection is sooooooo slooooooooooow tonight.
Then I'm going to create my Warlock and redeem my codes and the pre-order DLC and jump into the battlefield for a few missions...
My copy of Destiny just came with a 30-day PS+ trial, awesome. So now i need to make $50 in 30 days to keep it :lol:
What a game!!! WHAT-A-GAME!!!

With the difficulty ramped up to maximum, Destiny is sublime. I love this game, and everything about it, and Destiny must surely be the first true 'next-gen' title that has lived up to the hype, and then some!

For the authentic Destiny feel, you HAVE to play this game on the hardest settings. I know some people might baulk at that prospect, but you would be doing yourself, and the game a disservice, if you were not to even try. Do not get me wrong, a few of the missions were difficult, particularly the last Earth mission by the array, or the very start of the first moon mission, but the difficulty is not insurmountable.

You have to pick your fights and call your shots. Precision, confidence and determination will vanquish any foe, and there is no greater satisfaction that breaking down a stubborn Captain, Wizard or Knight. From the brief encounters thus far, my anticipation has been piqued, and I relish the prospect of epic strike missions, and glorious raids, the likes of which, will no doubt pass on into legend.

My only gripe, and it is not one really, is that my equipment is often found wanting. My eagerness to rank, to surpass the levels in the Alpha and Beta, have left a sour taste in my mouth. When will I get a decent drop? Will I ever find that one perfect weapon again? In some ways I feel cheated. I had the gravy back then, now, when it all kicks off, I have nothing.

How do the enemies change once you get to higher levels or turn up the difficulty? Are they smarter, or are they just more of a pain in the ass (tedious) to kill?
On the Angry Joe preview vid they went to Venus and beat some Nexus boss thing at the end. I thought the enemies and the general shooting looked rather simplistic, like old school fps, stop and shoot in a slowish fashion on some fumbling small hordes. During the boss battle you had the enemy fodder respawning at regular intervals, hit the boss, respawn.

The graphics and design looked nice though. the map had nice cross section.

One thing that irked me was how close the main game camera feels, zoomed in or odd FOV.