Fellow motion simulator guys. Check this out

  • Thread starter Mayaman



Pretty cool all in one solution. Like the SimXeperience but compact without all that extra hardware and chassis. Even seems to have the loss of traction built in as you'll see the entire thing slide out as well as move in a different axis. Very interesting.
Yeah definitely. I've been looking at that from every angle to see if I could mount it to my VR3 with the Dbox. D-box for tactile and quick movements and then this for sustained Gs. Hmmmmmm. Been looking at the GS4 sim seat as well.

I know the GS4 definitely fits on my VR3 and definitely works with the Dbox. Interesting options in our hobby keep coming more and more. :D
It does look interesting, but not a fan of that seat design... I mean they could've used a more supportive and automotive looking design.
Yeah for sure. I've emailed them about the possibility of incorporating this onto an existing rig. I'll let you know what they say. Its definitely WAY more compact than SimXperience while seeming to do as much. You could build this into a static rig pretty easily and the price isn't "crazy" for those that have spent thousands on motion like myself. I like it.
It looks cool, but I don't think it will feel right if the wheel/TV isn't connected to it.
It looks cool, but I don't think it will feel right if the wheel/TV isn't connected to it.

Perhaps the steering wheel although there are compelling evidences that not connecting the wheel to the motion rig can be just as effective if not more especially if the motion is minimal.

But having your TV bolted and moving especially when the games/sims already depicting movement on the screen makes for a real noxious experience. The whole reason behind installing a motion simulator is to basically duplicate the movement that's already on the screen.
But for $2200 I'll just buy a car instead of something that feels like a car, thank you.

Ummm huh? I have real sports cars, and have a motion simulator because

A. Track days, fuel, tires, etc are extremely expensive. Just spent 1300 on tires.
B. you can race way more aggressively than you ever could in real life.
C. What track prepped car can you buy for 2200 dollars? LOL just my suspension basically cost that.
D. This is a "sim" racing forum, basically make believe racing.
E. it's fun
Ummm huh? I have real sports cars, and have a motion simulator because

A. Track days, fuel, tires, etc are extremely expensive. Just spent 1300 on tires.
B. you can race way more aggressively than you ever could in real life.
C. What track prepped car can you buy for 2200 dollars? LOL just my suspension basically cost that.
D. This is a "sim" racing forum, basically make believe racing.
E. it's fun

Where's the Like button on this forum..?
Yeah the looks aren't racy at all. I know inside that shell though there is a little wonder of design that probably wouldn't fit in a standard racing type seat. I've emailed them about that. This year coming up I'm either getting the Pat Dodson GS4 seat to couple with my D-box. I'd like to see where this little device continues its development as I like it a lot more than the SimXperience hardware based solely on the tiny footprint.
Yeah for sure. I've emailed them about the possibility of incorporating this onto an existing rig. I'll let you know what they say. Its definitely WAY more compact than SimXperience while seeming to do as much. You could build this into a static rig pretty easily and the price isn't "crazy" for those that have spent thousands on motion like myself. I like it.

imagine installing this it on the seat slider, just replace the feet with seat slider and mount on cockpit . also . that seat looks weird. but I guess the motor etc are built in. liking it. the movement seems nice

Ummmm, this is a fully contained unit that from the looks of that demo seems to be smoother and more realistic. At least from comparable videos. Also a much smaller footprint, much smaller. Only thing that I can see that is a detriment is the chair format. If he can get this mounted to a somewhat race inspired seat, he's got a winner for sure.

I've asked them to upload more videos.

Also, more competition the better. Better innovation and hopefully prices go down so more people can play.

Yeah HWANGM, the movement is what caught my eye. I watched several videos of both the SimXperience and this and they're really close but this seems to be much smoother and subtle.
Yeah the looks aren't racy at all. I know inside that shell though there is a little wonder of design that probably wouldn't fit in a standard racing type seat. I've emailed them about that. This year coming up I'm either getting the Pat Dodson GS4 seat to couple with my D-box. I'd like to see where this little device continues its development as I like it a lot more than the SimXperience hardware based solely on the tiny footprint.

The Pat Dodson GS4 seat really looks interesting. I'm looking to move up to motion and had my eyes on the SimXperience rig (D-box is out of my budget right now) until I saw GS4 and the GS-105. Too bad the GS-105 isn't more race inspired, it is a pretty ugly seat.

Has anyone used either of these seats? I love the small footprint that both provide and would love to see a review/comparison of each. The Pat Dodson GS4 really has my attention, is there someplace (other than his website) to obtain more info?
^^^I spoke to Pat for about 40 minutes a few weeks ago. He said the GS4 can be used by itself but that it really shines when used with a D-Box or other tactile setup. He said there are several users who use a D-box with the seat. D-box for immediate force and tactile and GS4 for sustained. Its the reason why I'm so curious to get it.

The Geko seat really looks great and I can understand why it looks the way it does. I mean its not ugly to me, just not race. But Markus brought up a good point about removing that office chair base and adding seat rails.
^^^I spoke to Pat for about 40 minutes a few weeks ago. He said the GS4 can be used by itself but that it really shines when used with a D-Box or other tactile setup. He said there are several users who use a D-box with the seat. D-box for immediate force and tactile and GS4 for sustained. Its the reason why I'm so curious to get it.

The Geko seat really looks great and I can understand why it looks the way it does. I mean its not ugly to me, just not race. But Markus brought up a good point about removing that office chair base and adding seat rails.

I can understand why the Geko seat looks the way it does also but it does look a bit unusual from a race sim point of view. I guess ugly wasn't the right word.

Mayaman, I've been following your build with your rig and would value your opinion. If you were just starting out and wanted to get into a motion setup which route do you think you would take to get the most 'bang for the buck' out of a $5,000 to $7,000 budget (not really sure how much D-Box setup cost, seems like from what I've seen it's the most expensive and would be out of my price range right now):

GS4 with a SimXperience Stage 1 or II setup,

GS4 only followed up eventually with a D-box setup,

GS105 (maybe follow that up with a SimXperience Stage 1 or a D-box setup - problem may be adding seat to a SimXperience rig, should be able to do it with D-Box

or just a SimXperience Stage IV setup,

or perhaps another system I'm not aware of.

I have no experience with motion rigs at all but from the video's I've watched the GS4 and GS105 appear to have the most realistic motion.
I'm still at work but I'll answer in full detail in a bit. I think you'll be surprised what I have to say. Its not what you're thinking. :)
I'm still at work but I'll answer in full detail in a bit. I think you'll be surprised what I have to say. Its not what you're thinking. :)

Looking forward to your reply.

I just reviewed more of the video's of the GS-105 and just noticed it appears that only the seat back moves. Seems to me a more realistic type of movement would be a combination of the 'paddles' in the seat of the GS4 with the 'back motion' of the GS-105.
It's interesting what people attempt to derive from the videos. At best we can get 30 Frames Per Second of video on YouTube but the Stage Series Sims can all do 250 updates per second per actuator.

What makes our sim look perhaps more jittery is the fact that it is able to represent roll, pitch, roll accelerations and pitch accelerations. It's these pieces of data that makeup your ability to sense the road detail, bumps and curbs. Simulators that lack this will surely look "smooth", but the fact is, a race car suspension is anything but smooth and if you want to learn a track, you'll need a simulator that can represent road surface. If you want an arcade game, then anything goes.

I hope you'll take the fact that we represent the entire road surface plus G-Forces + rear traction loss into account and that in a YouTube video you are literally not able to see 80% of the motion on a high speed motion system.
Some of us know this, some of us don't, thanks for the info. :)

I'll try to give my .02 if anyone cares tomorrow. Just got home and I'm beat. I think all the motion systems have pros and cons.
It's interesting what people attempt to derive from the videos. At best we can get 30 Frames Per Second of video on YouTube but the Stage Series Sims can all do 250 updates per second per actuator.

What makes our sim look perhaps more jittery is the fact that it is able to represent roll, pitch, roll accelerations and pitch accelerations. It's these pieces of data that makeup your ability to sense the road detail, bumps and curbs. Simulators that lack this will surely look "smooth", but the fact is, a race car suspension is anything but smooth and if you want to learn a track, you'll need a simulator that can represent road surface. If you want an arcade game, then anything goes.

I hope you'll take the fact that we represent the entire road surface plus G-Forces + rear traction loss into account and that in a YouTube video you are literally not able to see 80% of the motion on a high speed motion system.

Some of us know this, some of us don't, thanks for the info. :)

I'll try to give my .02 if anyone cares tomorrow. Just got home and I'm beat. I think all the motion systems have pros and cons.

Thanks for the info bvillersjr, I am one of the ones that did not know to consider the FPS on YouTube into the equation.

Mayaman, looking forward to your .02.
Some of us know this, some of us don't, thanks for the info. :)

I'll try to give my .02 if anyone cares tomorrow. Just got home and I'm beat. I think all the motion systems have pros and cons.

Do tell, do tell... I'm interested in your two pennies as well. :P

Pretty cool all in one solution. Like the SimXeperience but compact without all that extra hardware and chassis. Even seems to have the loss of traction built in as you'll see the entire thing slide out as well as move in a different axis. Very interesting.
Very interesting product, thanks ! But... it seems that only the backrest is moving, not the entire seat ?
Interesting but it really does look like just the backrest moves.

2k is a pointed wish I could see myself getting into motion hardware.

Other the sim experience stage 1 are there any options in that price range that you guys like?

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