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  • Thread starter Magic069
Hey Jordan I didn't know if you wanted me to PM you or not, but this is what I get when I try to access the site, even with the admin address you gave me.

Edit: I will email the picture... Based on some good advice. ;)
You might want to censor that address when posting it publicly on GTPlanet, Magic...

Through some good searching skills (i.e. pure bordem at school) I have found a website ( that allows me to surf the net through itself, leaving the filter thinking I am just on their site. Great news, right!?

Well, yeah, BUT (hate those) I can't seem to log into anything that I am a member of. Example, besides GTP, is my Yahoo account. I receive an error message that states:

While trying to fetch the URL:

The system received the following error message:

"Megaproxy error: Usage of POST is temporarily disabled."​

Any ideas? Am I stuck just being a guest?
Wow, a great site you've found there! But, I'm afraid you are stuck as being a guest as they've disabled "post", which is a method in which data from a form is sent from your computer to the server. :(